Trump unfit to be Commander in Chief


Platinum Member
Aug 3, 2021
New Mexico
Convicted felon and ex president Donald Trump is even more unfit for office now in 2024 than he was in 2016 or 2020.
He is now a convicted felon and will be (most likely) for the rest of his life.
Even if he does appeal these latest convictions he only has a slim chance of success and the process is likely to take years to resolve.
In the meantime he is still a convicted felon.
A common criminal.
In more sane times the GOP would have already dropped a person like convicted felon Trump from the ballot. There USED to be certain standards, or lines that a politician could not cross and still be considered POTUS and CIC material. The most basic of these would be a felony conviction.
And now we have that.
It is time to disqualify convicted felon Trump from running for office.
"On what basis?" You ask.
How about "you are a national embarassment and a joke and we have higher standards for our party's nominee than an unqualified, incompetent clown who has already been convicted of 34 felonies IN ADDITION to still having more unresolved felony cases pending INCLUDING charges related to espionage and staging a coup d' etat against the very country you want to swear allegiance to.....AGAIN!"
How about just telling Trump he didn't honor his oath of office the first time now he doesn't get a second chance?
Imagine THAT!
A GOP with an actual SPINE!

Here is a thoughtful opinion piece from U.S.A. Today explaining the issues with such a morally compromised, ethically challenged POTUS trying to lead our armed forces. Worth the read.

Trump's lack of ethical standards and integrity goes against everything the U.S. military stands for. He has proved that under pressure, he will crack. If he were to become commander in chief again, he might well compromise our country by giving in to coercion or revealing secrets that could get Americans killed.

A felon serving as both leader of the free world and commander in chief would disrupt the military's culture and institutional structure as we know it.

National security keeps our military members alive. Heck, it keeps us all alive. Allowing someone who flagrantly disregards the law and authority of any manner to lead our armed services would not keep our nation secure.

Cybersecurity and international espionage are a dangerous game, and for someone like Trump to have the cheat codes would be like showing your child how to use one tap to make in-app purchases, then telling them not to buy any games. America’s adversaries are watching and taking notes. They would welcome the former president's tarnished moral compass because it could be used to weaken America's national security.

Former military leaders, such as retired Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly, who served during the Trump administration have called him dangerous and unfit. Trump has injured relationships between the United States and its allies, and his actions on the international stage were seen as weak and unstable, directly harming diplomatic relations.

And with Trump back in the White House, our nation's global reputation and credibility would be hurt at a time when threats from China, Iran and Russia appear to be growing.

As both a felon and the commander in chief, Trump's lack of character would undercut morale in our armed services, leading to greater problems with retention. In Bob Woodard's book "Rage," Trump told a former adviser, “My f---ing generals are a bunch of p---ies.” It wasn’t the first or the last time he berated our military’s most revered leaders.

Convicted felon and ex president Donald Trump is even more unfit for office now in 2024 than he was in 2016 or 2020.
He is now a convicted felon and will be (most likely) for the rest of his life.
Even if he does appeal these latest convictions he only has a slim chance of success and the process is likely to take years to resolve.
In the meantime he is still a convicted felon.
A common criminal.
In more sane times the GOP would have already dropped a person like convicted felon Trump from the ballot. There USED to be certain standards, or lines that a politician could not cross and still be considered POTUS and CIC material. The most basic of these would be a felony conviction.
And now we have that.
It is time to disqualify convicted felon Trump from running for office.
"On what basis?" You ask.
How about "you are a national embarassment and a joke and we have higher standards for our party's nominee than an unqualified, incompetent clown who has already been convicted of 34 felonies IN ADDITION to still having more unresolved felony cases pending INCLUDING charges related to espionage and staging a coup d' etat against the very country you want to swear allegiance to.....AGAIN!"
How about just telling Trump he didn't honor his oath of office the first time now he doesn't get a second chance?
Imagine THAT!
A GOP with an actual SPINE!

Here is a thoughtful opinion piece from U.S.A. Today explaining the issues with such a morally compromised, ethically challenged POTUS trying to lead our armed forces. Worth the read.

Trump's lack of ethical standards and integrity goes against everything the U.S. military stands for. He has proved that under pressure, he will crack. If he were to become commander in chief again, he might well compromise our country by giving in to coercion or revealing secrets that could get Americans killed.

A felon serving as both leader of the free world and commander in chief would disrupt the military's culture and institutional structure as we know it.

National security keeps our military members alive. Heck, it keeps us all alive. Allowing someone who flagrantly disregards the law and authority of any manner to lead our armed services would not keep our nation secure.

Cybersecurity and international espionage are a dangerous game, and for someone like Trump to have the cheat codes would be like showing your child how to use one tap to make in-app purchases, then telling them not to buy any games. America’s adversaries are watching and taking notes. They would welcome the former president's tarnished moral compass because it could be used to weaken America's national security.

Former military leaders, such as retired Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly, who served during the Trump administration have called him dangerous and unfit. Trump has injured relationships between the United States and its allies, and his actions on the international stage were seen as weak and unstable, directly harming diplomatic relations.

And with Trump back in the White House, our nation's global reputation and credibility would be hurt at a time when threats from China, Iran and Russia appear to be growing.

As both a felon and the commander in chief, Trump's lack of character would undercut morale in our armed services, leading to greater problems with retention. In Bob Woodard's book "Rage," Trump told a former adviser, “My f---ing generals are a bunch of p---ies.” It wasn’t the first or the last time he berated our military’s most revered leaders.

Convicted felon?!! This hasnt even gone to the appeals court yet, or the Supreme Court. Trump isnt a felon. This case never survives. :cuckoo:
Convicted felon and ex president Donald Trump is even more unfit for office now in 2024 than he was in 2016 or 2020.
He is now a convicted felon and will be (most likely) for the rest of his life.
Even if he does appeal these latest convictions he only has a slim chance of success and the process is likely to take years to resolve.
In the meantime he is still a convicted felon.
A common criminal.
In more sane times the GOP would have already dropped a person like convicted felon Trump from the ballot. There USED to be certain standards, or lines that a politician could not cross and still be considered POTUS and CIC material. The most basic of these would be a felony conviction.
And now we have that.
It is time to disqualify convicted felon Trump from running for office.
"On what basis?" You ask.
How about "you are a national embarassment and a joke and we have higher standards for our party's nominee than an unqualified, incompetent clown who has already been convicted of 34 felonies IN ADDITION to still having more unresolved felony cases pending INCLUDING charges related to espionage and staging a coup d' etat against the very country you want to swear allegiance to.....AGAIN!"
How about just telling Trump he didn't honor his oath of office the first time now he doesn't get a second chance?
Imagine THAT!
A GOP with an actual SPINE!

Here is a thoughtful opinion piece from U.S.A. Today explaining the issues with such a morally compromised, ethically challenged POTUS trying to lead our armed forces. Worth the read.

Trump's lack of ethical standards and integrity goes against everything the U.S. military stands for. He has proved that under pressure, he will crack. If he were to become commander in chief again, he might well compromise our country by giving in to coercion or revealing secrets that could get Americans killed.

A felon serving as both leader of the free world and commander in chief would disrupt the military's culture and institutional structure as we know it.

National security keeps our military members alive. Heck, it keeps us all alive. Allowing someone who flagrantly disregards the law and authority of any manner to lead our armed services would not keep our nation secure.

Cybersecurity and international espionage are a dangerous game, and for someone like Trump to have the cheat codes would be like showing your child how to use one tap to make in-app purchases, then telling them not to buy any games. America’s adversaries are watching and taking notes. They would welcome the former president's tarnished moral compass because it could be used to weaken America's national security.

Former military leaders, such as retired Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly, who served during the Trump administration have called him dangerous and unfit. Trump has injured relationships between the United States and its allies, and his actions on the international stage were seen as weak and unstable, directly harming diplomatic relations.

And with Trump back in the White House, our nation's global reputation and credibility would be hurt at a time when threats from China, Iran and Russia appear to be growing.

As both a felon and the commander in chief, Trump's lack of character would undercut morale in our armed services, leading to greater problems with retention. In Bob Woodard's book "Rage," Trump told a former adviser, “My f---ing generals are a bunch of p---ies.” It wasn’t the first or the last time he berated our military’s most revered leaders.

Convicted felon and ex president Donald Trump is even more unfit for office now in 2024 than he was in 2016 or 2020.
He is now a convicted felon and will be (most likely) for the rest of his life.
Even if he does appeal these latest convictions he only has a slim chance of success and the process is likely to take years to resolve.
In the meantime he is still a convicted felon.
A common criminal.
In more sane times the GOP would have already dropped a person like convicted felon Trump from the ballot. There USED to be certain standards, or lines that a politician could not cross and still be considered POTUS and CIC material. The most basic of these would be a felony conviction.
And now we have that.
It is time to disqualify convicted felon Trump from running for office.
"On what basis?" You ask.
How about "you are a national embarassment and a joke and we have higher standards for our party's nominee than an unqualified, incompetent clown who has already been convicted of 34 felonies IN ADDITION to still having more unresolved felony cases pending INCLUDING charges related to espionage and staging a coup d' etat against the very country you want to swear allegiance to.....AGAIN!"
How about just telling Trump he didn't honor his oath of office the first time now he doesn't get a second chance?
Imagine THAT!
A GOP with an actual SPINE!

Here is a thoughtful opinion piece from U.S.A. Today explaining the issues with such a morally compromised, ethically challenged POTUS trying to lead our armed forces. Worth the read.

Trump's lack of ethical standards and integrity goes against everything the U.S. military stands for. He has proved that under pressure, he will crack. If he were to become commander in chief again, he might well compromise our country by giving in to coercion or revealing secrets that could get Americans killed.

A felon serving as both leader of the free world and commander in chief would disrupt the military's culture and institutional structure as we know it.

National security keeps our military members alive. Heck, it keeps us all alive. Allowing someone who flagrantly disregards the law and authority of any manner to lead our armed services would not keep our nation secure.

Cybersecurity and international espionage are a dangerous game, and for someone like Trump to have the cheat codes would be like showing your child how to use one tap to make in-app purchases, then telling them not to buy any games. America’s adversaries are watching and taking notes. They would welcome the former president's tarnished moral compass because it could be used to weaken America's national security.

Former military leaders, such as retired Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly, who served during the Trump administration have called him dangerous and unfit. Trump has injured relationships between the United States and its allies, and his actions on the international stage were seen as weak and unstable, directly harming diplomatic relations.

And with Trump back in the White House, our nation's global reputation and credibility would be hurt at a time when threats from China, Iran and Russia appear to be growing.

As both a felon and the commander in chief, Trump's lack of character would undercut morale in our armed services, leading to greater problems with retention. In Bob Woodard's book "Rage," Trump told a former adviser, “My f---ing generals are a bunch of p---ies.” It wasn’t the first or the last time he berated our military’s most revered leaders.

You must have been about the fifth or sixth person to have posted a thread like this. I don't understand why you couldn't just have contributed to any of those other ones instead of starting your own adding absolutely no new or meaningful insight beyond what others have already said.
You just had your disgusting turd shit all over D-Day, on camera, in front of the entire world. It takes nerve to talk about Trump’s unfitness. The president of France has to thank the American servicemen. What the fuck is WRONG with you. Your fucking brainless president isn't even potty trained.
Convicted felon and ex president Donald Trump is even more unfit for office now in 2024 than he was in 2016 or 2020.
He is now a convicted felon and will be (most likely) for the rest of his life.
Even if he does appeal these latest convictions he only has a slim chance of success and the process is likely to take years to resolve.
In the meantime he is still a convicted felon.
A common criminal.
In more sane times the GOP would have already dropped a person like convicted felon Trump from the ballot. There USED to be certain standards, or lines that a politician could not cross and still be considered POTUS and CIC material. The most basic of these would be a felony conviction.
And now we have that.
It is time to disqualify convicted felon Trump from running for office.
"On what basis?" You ask.
How about "you are a national embarassment and a joke and we have higher standards for our party's nominee than an unqualified, incompetent clown who has already been convicted of 34 felonies IN ADDITION to still having more unresolved felony cases pending INCLUDING charges related to espionage and staging a coup d' etat against the very country you want to swear allegiance to.....AGAIN!"
How about just telling Trump he didn't honor his oath of office the first time now he doesn't get a second chance?
Imagine THAT!
A GOP with an actual SPINE!

Here is a thoughtful opinion piece from U.S.A. Today explaining the issues with such a morally compromised, ethically challenged POTUS trying to lead our armed forces. Worth the read.

Trump's lack of ethical standards and integrity goes against everything the U.S. military stands for. He has proved that under pressure, he will crack. If he were to become commander in chief again, he might well compromise our country by giving in to coercion or revealing secrets that could get Americans killed.

A felon serving as both leader of the free world and commander in chief would disrupt the military's culture and institutional structure as we know it.

National security keeps our military members alive. Heck, it keeps us all alive. Allowing someone who flagrantly disregards the law and authority of any manner to lead our armed services would not keep our nation secure.

Cybersecurity and international espionage are a dangerous game, and for someone like Trump to have the cheat codes would be like showing your child how to use one tap to make in-app purchases, then telling them not to buy any games. America’s adversaries are watching and taking notes. They would welcome the former president's tarnished moral compass because it could be used to weaken America's national security.

Former military leaders, such as retired Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly, who served during the Trump administration have called him dangerous and unfit. Trump has injured relationships between the United States and its allies, and his actions on the international stage were seen as weak and unstable, directly harming diplomatic relations.

And with Trump back in the White House, our nation's global reputation and credibility would be hurt at a time when threats from China, Iran and Russia appear to be growing.

As both a felon and the commander in chief, Trump's lack of character would undercut morale in our armed services, leading to greater problems with retention. In Bob Woodard's book "Rage," Trump told a former adviser, “My f---ing generals are a bunch of p---ies.” It wasn’t the first or the last time he berated our military’s most revered leaders.

Rent Free.
You must have been about the fifth or sixth person to have posted a thread like this. I don't understand why you couldn't just have contributed to any of those other ones instead of starting your own adding absolutely no new or meaningful insight beyond what others have already said.
I reviewed the other thread titles after I got the little reminder to check that I wasn't duplicating an already existing thread.
I determined that I wasn't.
So fuck off snowflake.
Convicted felon?!! This hasnt even gone to the appeals court yet, or the Supreme Court. Trump isnt a felon. This case never survives. :cuckoo:
Oh he's a felon for sure!
He became a felon from the first "guilty" verdict.
The appeals process does not negate the jury verdict or put it on hold in any way.
He's a registered felon unless and until he receives a win on appeal...which he probably won't. At any rate that isn't even going to be on the table until most likely early 2026.
Better get used to Trump being a felon.
It's here to stay.
Convicted felon and ex president Donald Trump is even more unfit for office now in 2024 than he was in 2016 or 2020.
He is now a convicted felon and will be (most likely) for the rest of his life.
Even if he does appeal these latest convictions he only has a slim chance of success and the process is likely to take years to resolve.
In the meantime he is still a convicted felon.
A common criminal.
In more sane times the GOP would have already dropped a person like convicted felon Trump from the ballot. There USED to be certain standards, or lines that a politician could not cross and still be considered POTUS and CIC material. The most basic of these would be a felony conviction.
And now we have that.
It is time to disqualify convicted felon Trump from running for office.
"On what basis?" You ask.
How about "you are a national embarassment and a joke and we have higher standards for our party's nominee than an unqualified, incompetent clown who has already been convicted of 34 felonies IN ADDITION to still having more unresolved felony cases pending INCLUDING charges related to espionage and staging a coup d' etat against the very country you want to swear allegiance to.....AGAIN!"
How about just telling Trump he didn't honor his oath of office the first time now he doesn't get a second chance?
Imagine THAT!
A GOP with an actual SPINE!

Here is a thoughtful opinion piece from U.S.A. Today explaining the issues with such a morally compromised, ethically challenged POTUS trying to lead our armed forces. Worth the read.

Trump's lack of ethical standards and integrity goes against everything the U.S. military stands for. He has proved that under pressure, he will crack. If he were to become commander in chief again, he might well compromise our country by giving in to coercion or revealing secrets that could get Americans killed.

A felon serving as both leader of the free world and commander in chief would disrupt the military's culture and institutional structure as we know it.

National security keeps our military members alive. Heck, it keeps us all alive. Allowing someone who flagrantly disregards the law and authority of any manner to lead our armed services would not keep our nation secure.

Cybersecurity and international espionage are a dangerous game, and for someone like Trump to have the cheat codes would be like showing your child how to use one tap to make in-app purchases, then telling them not to buy any games. America’s adversaries are watching and taking notes. They would welcome the former president's tarnished moral compass because it could be used to weaken America's national security.

Former military leaders, such as retired Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly, who served during the Trump administration have called him dangerous and unfit. Trump has injured relationships between the United States and its allies, and his actions on the international stage were seen as weak and unstable, directly harming diplomatic relations.

And with Trump back in the White House, our nation's global reputation and credibility would be hurt at a time when threats from China, Iran and Russia appear to be growing.

As both a felon and the commander in chief, Trump's lack of character would undercut morale in our armed services, leading to greater problems with retention. In Bob Woodard's book "Rage," Trump told a former adviser, “My f---ing generals are a bunch of p---ies.” It wasn’t the first or the last time he berated our military’s most revered leaders.

Every Word True.
Watching Biden, god it's no different than watching someone in a nursing home trying to walk!

The really frightening thing for Dimocrats, is one MORE fall on a stage like this, and he's toast! Americans are seeing for themselves, that at 81, Biden is rapidly declining!
This thread is about convicted felon Trump.
Interesting that you can't talk about him.
You have to talk about Biden.
I'm wondering what these people, who get so wrapped up in politics, do when their worst nightmare comes to fruition.

With the poll numbers I'm seeing....
And the vast amount of support from usual Democrat strongholds....

At this point it's Trump's election to lose. If he doesn't say or do another thing between now and November he will still win easily.

But of course he is a politician so he won't stay quiet....a genetic impossibility for him to stay quiet. So he will run around, get support from various groups like Reagan did....

Also with as much scrutiny as the polls are getting this more cheating for democrats.

The interesting thing is going to be the red sweep in the house and senate....

Biden's progressive agenda has left a nasty taste in everyone's mouth for Democrats. Between open borders, ballooning homelessness, horrible inflation in the double digits....

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