Trump unveils more common sense policies

Making it a deduction just means no one earning less than 50-60 thousand a year will be able to take advantage of it. Find a way to get child care to a single mom below poverty level so she can work and then I might believe he has working class interests at heart.

So, in short, it's another GOP tax cut for upper income Americans.
Is there any other kind? They would sooner die than do anything to directly help the working class, It all has to be done through the trickle down method.

I swear, Tom Delay was interviewed by Chris Matthews earlier and his complaint about the Trump tax plan was that it didn't raise taxes on the poor.
Yes, it is the dearest dream of republicans to make the poor pay for their own public assistance.
Wasn't that Bill and Hillary that linked welfare to work?
Taking what should be common sense stands...
Do you mean like bleachers in a baseball stadium?

Yep, trump sure has the uneducated moron vote wrapped up. LOL.
Keep being a troll i'll just put you on ignore.

Can I get in on that action?

So far all Trump has done is drop slogans, same as his fuggin' opponent, SOS again. Rinse, repeat every four years. For over 6 decades. Regardless of "which" party slithers in, or which "new" outsider-gonna-stir-it-up candidate gets crowned. Plenty of us don't want Hilary, but this is what the system vomited up as an alternative? Nope. Both are unacceptable.
Making it a deduction just means no one earning less than 50-60 thousand a year will be able to take advantage of it. Find a way to get child care to a single mom below poverty level so she can work and then I might believe he has working class interests at heart.

So, in short, it's another GOP tax cut for upper income Americans.
Is there any other kind? They would sooner die than do anything to directly help the working class, It all has to be done through the trickle down method.

I swear, Tom Delay was interviewed by Chris Matthews earlier and his complaint about the Trump tax plan was that it didn't raise taxes on the poor.
Yes, it is the dearest dream of republicans to make the poor pay for their own public assistance.
Wasn't that Bill and Hillary that linked welfare to work?

Oh yeah, the last "progressive" administration in terms of real policy implemented was Nixon. And despite all the caterwauling, the Bush II - Obama administrations transition was pretty much bidness as per usual. I mean really. Bailouts. Endless war. Privatized prisons owning americans. More deported than under Bush. Still sucking off Israel. Societal wealth extraction and the cannibalization of the middle class and working poor to redistribute societal wealth toward the top. An avoidance of the new labor and jobs issues in a post industrial digital society where labor is no longer necessary for the aristocracy to amass even more wealth and resultant political power.

All very smooth. Same as it will be with "either" of these "candidates".
What Donald Trump’s Child Care Tax Plan Means For You

Love it. Common sense. Taking what should be common sense stands and putting them in his platform. Sure to piss off the ideologues but sure to bring in dissatisfied working class working class whites.

Trump's childcare tax plan is what conservatives would normally call unconstitutional.

What adding deductions to the tax code? I would do a flat tax and get rid of them all....why do we have 7 brackets, what retard thought that was a good idea?
Making it a deduction just means no one earning less than 50-60 thousand a year will be able to take advantage of it. Find a way to get child care to a single mom below poverty level so she can work and then I might believe he has working class interests at heart.

So, in short, it's another GOP tax cut for upper income Americans.
Is there any other kind? They would sooner die than do anything to directly help the working class, It all has to be done through the trickle down method.

I swear, Tom Delay was interviewed by Chris Matthews earlier and his complaint about the Trump tax plan was that it didn't raise taxes on the poor.
Yes, it is the dearest dream of republicans to make the poor pay for their own public assistance.
Wasn't that Bill and Hillary that linked welfare to work?
Yes, the Clinton welfare reform did not actually do much except make it OK for the federal government to meddle in the lives of recipients. These days we do not have nearly as much cash payouts as then, they have been replaced by various other programs with less arbitrary restrictions.
Taking what should be common sense stands...
Do you mean like bleachers in a baseball stadium?

Yep, trump sure has the uneducated moron vote wrapped up. LOL.
Keep being a troll i'll just put you on ignore.

Can I get in on that action?

So far all Trump has done is drop slogans, same as his fuggin' opponent, SOS again. Rinse, repeat every four years. For over 6 decades. Regardless of "which" party slithers in, or which "new" outsider-gonna-stir-it-up candidate gets crowned. Plenty of us don't want Hilary, but this is what the system vomited up as an alternative? Nope. Both are unacceptable.

I agree, we have a complete disaster this election. I went third party because I can't stand either.
Taking what should be common sense stands...
Do you mean like bleachers in a baseball stadium?

Yep, trump sure has the uneducated moron vote wrapped up. LOL.
Keep being a troll i'll just put you on ignore.

Can I get in on that action?

So far all Trump has done is drop slogans, same as his fuggin' opponent, SOS again. Rinse, repeat every four years. For over 6 decades. Regardless of "which" party slithers in, or which "new" outsider-gonna-stir-it-up candidate gets crowned. Plenty of us don't want Hilary, but this is what the system vomited up as an alternative? Nope. Both are unacceptable.

I agree, we have a complete disaster this election. I went third party because I can't stand either.

Wha looka there at us all agreeing and shit.

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