Trump wanted 90 days to sort out his immigration policy...

they are asking that oral arguments start a week from Monday

It's happening folks, did not expect to see them move this quick


Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart
POP! That was your bubble. Certiorari has NOT BEEN GRANTED, and you should change your shorts after that premature ejaculation! SCOTUS is merely taking this extraordinary step to hear a review of the LEGAL merits of the case only, and may or may not grant the Writ.

"The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a petition for review at the Supreme Court on Thursday. Under the Court’s rules, a response from the plaintiffs would be due July 3. By that time the Court would be on recess for the summer, meaning that the justices would vote at the Court’s annual pre-Term conference, which will take place on September 25, on whether to take the case. That would typically mean hearing arguments in December or January, with a final decision coming down in early or mid-2018."
~~ Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart ~~

IF SCOTUS agrees to HEAR the case after the review, the actual case won't even come before the Court for arguments until the end of the year at the earliest! That would make the 120 day active time for the ban moot as an over easy egg in a volcano caldera given the "extreme vetting process" would have been "perfected", n'est–ce pas?
they are asking that oral arguments start a week from Monday

It's happening folks, did not expect to see them move this quick


Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart
POP! That was your bubble. Certiorari has NOT BEEN GRANTED, and you should change your shorts after that premature ejaculation! SCOTUS is merely taking this extraordinary step to hear a review LEGAL merits of the case only, and may or may not grant the Writ.

"The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a petition for review at the Supreme Court on Thursday. Under the Court’s rules, a response from the plaintiffs would be due July 3. By that time the Court would be on recess for the summer, meaning that the justices would vote at the Court’s annual pre-Term conference, which will take place on September 25, on whether to take the case. That would typically mean hearing arguments in December or January, with a final decision coming down in early or mid-2018."
~~ Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart ~~

IF SCOTUS agrees to HEAR the case after the review, the actual case won't even come before the Court for arguments until the fall and the decision published until the end of the year at the earliest! That would make the 120 day active time for the ban moot as an over easy egg in a volcano given the "extreme vetting process" would have been "perfected", n'est–ce pas?
If you're correct and it is not fast tracked, so what?

Still glad to see this heading to SCOTUS
they are asking that oral arguments start a week from Monday

It's happening folks, did not expect to see them move this quick


Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart
POP! That was your bubble. Certiorari has NOT BEEN GRANTED, and you should change your shorts after that premature ejaculation! SCOTUS is merely taking this extraordinary step to hear a review of the LEGAL merits of the case only, and may or may not grant the Writ.

"The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a petition for review at the Supreme Court on Thursday. Under the Court’s rules, a response from the plaintiffs would be due July 3. By that time the Court would be on recess for the summer, meaning that the justices would vote at the Court’s annual pre-Term conference, which will take place on September 25, on whether to take the case. That would typically mean hearing arguments in December or January, with a final decision coming down in early or mid-2018."
~~ Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart ~~

IF SCOTUS agrees to HEAR the case after the review, the actual case won't even come before the Court for arguments until the end of the year at the earliest! That would make the 120 day active time for the ban moot as an over easy egg in a volcano given the "extreme vetting process" would have been "perfected", n'est–ce pas?
SCOTUS will find those state judges in violation of federal law. Those judges might get spanked.
Loving all these anonymous republican nobodies who claim to know better than the multiple courts that have struck down Trump's Muslim ban :laugh:
The calendar is irrelevant at this time, it's all about the precedent. The supremes can't have the courts second guessing presidential security decisions. They will overturn the lower courts.

Only if they want to open a religious test can of worms, 1st amendment be damned. Maybe with Gorsuch, Trump will make America a puritanical monster again.

You damn fool, foreigners who have never set foot on US soil have no first amendment rights. No judge has the authority to confer them.

Hey what's that part of the 1st amendment that says there shall be no law respecting the establishment of.... hmmm.... could you tell me what that part says? Could you?
I've got a request for you, please connect the dots and explain how thus has anything to do with establishing a religion
It was an order meant as a direct, hostile action towards Islam. That's the whole point of everything. You need help "connecting the dots" on the entire foundation of this entire conversation?

No it wasn't..

they are asking that oral arguments start a week from Monday

It's happening folks, did not expect to see them move this quick


Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart
POP! That was your bubble. Certiorari has NOT BEEN GRANTED, and you should change your shorts after that premature ejaculation! SCOTUS is merely taking this extraordinary step to hear a review of the LEGAL merits of the case only, and may or may not grant the Writ.

"The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a petition for review at the Supreme Court on Thursday. Under the Court’s rules, a response from the plaintiffs would be due July 3. By that time the Court would be on recess for the summer, meaning that the justices would vote at the Court’s annual pre-Term conference, which will take place on September 25, on whether to take the case. That would typically mean hearing arguments in December or January, with a final decision coming down in early or mid-2018."
~~ Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart ~~

IF SCOTUS agrees to HEAR the case after the review, the actual case won't even come before the Court for arguments until the end of the year at the earliest! That would make the 120 day active time for the ban moot as an over easy egg in a volcano caldera given the "extreme vetting process" would have been "perfected", n'est–ce pas?

That's not the point now is it?

they are asking that oral arguments start a week from Monday

It's happening folks, did not expect to see them move this quick


Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart
POP! That was your bubble. Certiorari has NOT BEEN GRANTED, and you should change your shorts after that premature ejaculation! SCOTUS is merely taking this extraordinary step to hear a review of the LEGAL merits of the case only, and may or may not grant the Writ.

"The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a petition for review at the Supreme Court on Thursday. Under the Court’s rules, a response from the plaintiffs would be due July 3. By that time the Court would be on recess for the summer, meaning that the justices would vote at the Court’s annual pre-Term conference, which will take place on September 25, on whether to take the case. That would typically mean hearing arguments in December or January, with a final decision coming down in early or mid-2018."
~~ Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart ~~

IF SCOTUS agrees to HEAR the case after the review, the actual case won't even come before the Court for arguments until the end of the year at the earliest! That would make the 120 day active time for the ban moot as an over easy egg in a volcano given the "extreme vetting process" would have been "perfected", n'est–ce pas?
SCOTUS will find those state judges in violation of federal law. Those judges might get spanked.
Let me're not a lawyer are you! You believe the District Court Judge and the ten(10) 4th Circuit Appeals Judges that voted in the 10-3 en banc decision violated Federal statute(s) doing their sworn duty adjudicating the Orange One's Muslim ban? If so cite the Title and Section(s) of the US Code and make the case. Otherwise you'd be better of pounding sand than selling that POS!
they are asking that oral arguments start a week from Monday

It's happening folks, did not expect to see them move this quick


Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart
POP! That was your bubble. Certiorari has NOT BEEN GRANTED, and you should change your shorts after that premature ejaculation! SCOTUS is merely taking this extraordinary step to hear a review of the LEGAL merits of the case only, and may or may not grant the Writ.

"The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a petition for review at the Supreme Court on Thursday. Under the Court’s rules, a response from the plaintiffs would be due July 3. By that time the Court would be on recess for the summer, meaning that the justices would vote at the Court’s annual pre-Term conference, which will take place on September 25, on whether to take the case. That would typically mean hearing arguments in December or January, with a final decision coming down in early or mid-2018."
~~ Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart ~~

IF SCOTUS agrees to HEAR the case after the review, the actual case won't even come before the Court for arguments until the end of the year at the earliest! That would make the 120 day active time for the ban moot as an over easy egg in a volcano caldera given the "extreme vetting process" would have been "perfected", n'est–ce pas?
He has the power to extend the ban for YEARS and may well do so after SCOTUS backs him!
they are asking that oral arguments start a week from Monday

It's happening folks, did not expect to see them move this quick


Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart
POP! That was your bubble. Certiorari has NOT BEEN GRANTED, and you should change your shorts after that premature ejaculation! SCOTUS is merely taking this extraordinary step to hear a review of the LEGAL merits of the case only, and may or may not grant the Writ.

"The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a petition for review at the Supreme Court on Thursday. Under the Court’s rules, a response from the plaintiffs would be due July 3. By that time the Court would be on recess for the summer, meaning that the justices would vote at the Court’s annual pre-Term conference, which will take place on September 25, on whether to take the case. That would typically mean hearing arguments in December or January, with a final decision coming down in early or mid-2018."
~~ Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart ~~

IF SCOTUS agrees to HEAR the case after the review, the actual case won't even come before the Court for arguments until the end of the year at the earliest! That would make the 120 day active time for the ban moot as an over easy egg in a volcano given the "extreme vetting process" would have been "perfected", n'est–ce pas?
SCOTUS will find those state judges in violation of federal law. Those judges might get spanked.
Let me're not a lawyer are you! You believe the District Court Judge and the ten(10) 4th Circuit Appeals Judges that voted in the 10-3 en banc decision violated Federal statute(s) doing their sworn duty adjudicating the Orange One's Muslim ban? If so cite the Title and Section(s) of the US Code and make the case. Otherwise you'd be better of pounding sand than selling that POS!
You are the ONLY one calling it a muslim ban, why is that? Its a ban on countries known for terrorists. Call it what it IS listed as NOT your candy ass hopes okay?
they are asking that oral arguments start a week from Monday

It's happening folks, did not expect to see them move this quick


Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart
POP! That was your bubble. Certiorari has NOT BEEN GRANTED, and you should change your shorts after that premature ejaculation! SCOTUS is merely taking this extraordinary step to hear a review of the LEGAL merits of the case only, and may or may not grant the Writ.

"The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a petition for review at the Supreme Court on Thursday. Under the Court’s rules, a response from the plaintiffs would be due July 3. By that time the Court would be on recess for the summer, meaning that the justices would vote at the Court’s annual pre-Term conference, which will take place on September 25, on whether to take the case. That would typically mean hearing arguments in December or January, with a final decision coming down in early or mid-2018."
~~ Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart ~~

IF SCOTUS agrees to HEAR the case after the review, the actual case won't even come before the Court for arguments until the end of the year at the earliest! That would make the 120 day active time for the ban moot as an over easy egg in a volcano given the "extreme vetting process" would have been "perfected", n'est–ce pas?
SCOTUS will find those state judges in violation of federal law. Those judges might get spanked.
Let me're not a lawyer are you! You believe the District Court Judge and the ten(10) 4th Circuit Appeals Judges that voted in the 10-3 en banc decision violated Federal statute(s) doing their sworn duty adjudicating the Orange One's Muslim ban? If so cite the Title and Section(s) of the US Code and make the case. Otherwise you'd be better of pounding sand than selling that POS!

They won't consider campaign rhetoric.

Loving all these anonymous republican nobodies who claim to know better than the multiple courts that have struck down Trump's Muslim ban :laugh:

The 9th alawys gets their ass handed to them..


@OK Texas posted what the federal law was to get into this country.
I posted where state picks up AFTER they get into this country.
The lines are very clear and your argument that NON citizens living OUT of country have ANY rights under the Constitution OR the Bill of Rights is pure horse shit.
they are asking that oral arguments start a week from Monday

It's happening folks, did not expect to see them move this quick


Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart
POP! That was your bubble. Certiorari has NOT BEEN GRANTED, and you should change your shorts after that premature ejaculation! SCOTUS is merely taking this extraordinary step to hear a review of the LEGAL merits of the case only, and may or may not grant the Writ.

"The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a petition for review at the Supreme Court on Thursday. Under the Court’s rules, a response from the plaintiffs would be due July 3. By that time the Court would be on recess for the summer, meaning that the justices would vote at the Court’s annual pre-Term conference, which will take place on September 25, on whether to take the case. That would typically mean hearing arguments in December or January, with a final decision coming down in early or mid-2018."
~~ Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart ~~

IF SCOTUS agrees to HEAR the case after the review, the actual case won't even come before the Court for arguments until the end of the year at the earliest! That would make the 120 day active time for the ban moot as an over easy egg in a volcano caldera given the "extreme vetting process" would have been "perfected", n'est–ce pas?

That's not the point now is it?
Let me test that.....................................................................

Ok, I checked it out and the author of the OP "... did not expect to see them [SCOTUS, sic] move this quick", wrongfully believing that Certiorari had been granted and arguments were going to be heard in less than ten(10) days regarding REVIEW of certain legal aspects concerning the grant or denial of the Writ.

AND that I pointed out that his timeline was wrong and absurdly optimistic, I'd say that the timing was the point of my post responding to his erroneous timeline and that you either did not listen to the person reading it to you attentively and/or didn't understand because there was more than one moving part, Bubba!
they are asking that oral arguments start a week from Monday

It's happening folks, did not expect to see them move this quick


Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart
POP! That was your bubble. Certiorari has NOT BEEN GRANTED, and you should change your shorts after that premature ejaculation! SCOTUS is merely taking this extraordinary step to hear a review of the LEGAL merits of the case only, and may or may not grant the Writ.

"The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a petition for review at the Supreme Court on Thursday. Under the Court’s rules, a response from the plaintiffs would be due July 3. By that time the Court would be on recess for the summer, meaning that the justices would vote at the Court’s annual pre-Term conference, which will take place on September 25, on whether to take the case. That would typically mean hearing arguments in December or January, with a final decision coming down in early or mid-2018."
~~ Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart ~~

IF SCOTUS agrees to HEAR the case after the review, the actual case won't even come before the Court for arguments until the end of the year at the earliest! That would make the 120 day active time for the ban moot as an over easy egg in a volcano caldera given the "extreme vetting process" would have been "perfected", n'est–ce pas?
He has the power to extend the ban for YEARS and may well do so after SCOTUS backs him!
---------------------------------------------------- from your lips to Gods ears DFury !!
they are asking that oral arguments start a week from Monday

It's happening folks, did not expect to see them move this quick


Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart
POP! That was your bubble. Certiorari has NOT BEEN GRANTED, and you should change your shorts after that premature ejaculation! SCOTUS is merely taking this extraordinary step to hear a review of the LEGAL merits of the case only, and may or may not grant the Writ.

"The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a petition for review at the Supreme Court on Thursday. Under the Court’s rules, a response from the plaintiffs would be due July 3. By that time the Court would be on recess for the summer, meaning that the justices would vote at the Court’s annual pre-Term conference, which will take place on September 25, on whether to take the case. That would typically mean hearing arguments in December or January, with a final decision coming down in early or mid-2018."
~~ Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart ~~

IF SCOTUS agrees to HEAR the case after the review, the actual case won't even come before the Court for arguments until the end of the year at the earliest! That would make the 120 day active time for the ban moot as an over easy egg in a volcano caldera given the "extreme vetting process" would have been "perfected", n'est–ce pas?

That's not the point now is it?
Let me test that.....................................................................

Ok, I checked it out and given the author of the OP "... did not expect to see them [SCOTUS, sic] move this quick", wrongfully believing that Certiorari had been granted and arguments were going to be heard in less than ten(10) days regarding REVIEW of certain legal aspects concerning the grant or denial of the Writ.

AND that I pointed out that his timeline was wrong and absurdly optimistic, I'd say that the timing was the point of my post responding to his erroneous timeline and that you either did not listen to the person reading it to you attentively and/or didn't understand because there was more than one moving part, Bubba!

It's a slam dunk that the Supreme's will overturn this ..

they are asking that oral arguments start a week from Monday

It's happening folks, did not expect to see them move this quick


Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart
POP! That was your bubble. Certiorari has NOT BEEN GRANTED, and you should change your shorts after that premature ejaculation! SCOTUS is merely taking this extraordinary step to hear a review of the LEGAL merits of the case only, and may or may not grant the Writ.

"The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a petition for review at the Supreme Court on Thursday. Under the Court’s rules, a response from the plaintiffs would be due July 3. By that time the Court would be on recess for the summer, meaning that the justices would vote at the Court’s annual pre-Term conference, which will take place on September 25, on whether to take the case. That would typically mean hearing arguments in December or January, with a final decision coming down in early or mid-2018."
~~ Supreme Court Expedites Trump’s Petition on Executive Order Case - Breitbart ~~

IF SCOTUS agrees to HEAR the case after the review, the actual case won't even come before the Court for arguments until the end of the year at the earliest! That would make the 120 day active time for the ban moot as an over easy egg in a volcano caldera given the "extreme vetting process" would have been "perfected", n'est–ce pas?

That's not the point now is it?
Let me test that.....................................................................

Ok, I checked it out and given the author of the OP "... did not expect to see them [SCOTUS, sic] move this quick", wrongfully believing that Certiorari had been granted and arguments were going to be heard in less than ten(10) days regarding REVIEW of certain legal aspects concerning the grant or denial of the Writ.

AND that I pointed out that his timeline was wrong and absurdly optimistic, I'd say that the timing was the point of my post responding to his erroneous timeline and that you either did not listen to the person reading it to you attentively and/or didn't understand because there was more than one moving part, Bubba!

It's a slan dunk that the Supreme's will overturn this ..
And what if they don't agree to hear the case at the end of the year? What are the odds then, Bubba?
@OK Texas posted what the federal law was to get into this country.
I posted where state picks up AFTER they get into this country.
The lines are very clear and your argument that NON citizens living OUT of country have ANY rights under the Constitution OR the Bill of Rights is pure horse shit.

These idiots insist the Constitution covers the world... Why do they keep embarrassing themselves is anyone's guess.


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