Trump Warns Biden Will ‘Listen To Scientists’ — Like That’s A Bad Thing

Now it's a bad thing to listen to experts and scientists about the virus.

I will never understand trump or his supporters. Why is it a bad thing to listen to experts who know what they are talking about?

If those "experts" declare that we need to shut down our economy again...then it's not just a "bad thing"'s an idiotic thing and something that would do incredible harm to us as a nation! When the "cure" for an illness is far worse than the illness itself then at some point you need to tell the "experts" to shut the hell up!
What would Jesus do?
Wear a mask and socially distance.

Thats not what Jesus did. Jesus healed the sick. He didn't run from them and cower in fear.

Delusions of biden? Lol.
Now it's a bad thing to listen to experts and scientists about the virus.

I will never understand trump or his supporters. Why is it a bad thing to listen to experts who know what they are talking about?

He's talking about listening to Fauci and the WHO experts which has been a BAD THING repeatedly.
You do realize scientists can be wrong Trump listened to them about shutting down the economy as did many other leaders around the world the results have not been an overall rousing success. Listening to scientists and the other so called experts is fine following them blindly without question is not in fact that is just dumb.
Now it's a bad thing to listen to experts and scientists about the virus.

I will never understand trump or his supporters. Why is it a bad thing to listen to experts who know what they are talking about?

This is evidence he is speaking directly to his base/supporters. He's not trying to win anyone new over. Just turn out the vote.

This should convince independents to vote for Biden. The fact that Trump says he won't listen to the scientists should get independents or undecideds to decide that Trump should not be leading this nation.
Now it's a bad thing to listen to experts and scientists about the virus.

I will never understand trump or his supporters. Why is it a bad thing to listen to experts who know what they are talking about?

He's talking about listening to Fauci and the WHO experts which has been a BAD THING repeatedly.
Why? If Trump would have supported wearing masks, instead he made it political and made fun of people who wear masks, but if Trump would have supported masks we may have this under control already.

Instead we can't travel outside the USA because our country has some of the worst numbers. That's on Trump.

2013 Trump tweet:

Donald J. Trump


Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.
You do realize scientists can be wrong Trump listened to them about shutting down the economy as did many other leaders around the world the results have not been an overall rousing success. Listening to scientists and the other so called experts is fine following them blindly without question is not in fact that is just dumb.
It's true. Heard Immunity was the way to go. We missed out on that. #MAGA
Scientist: Don't wear a mask!!
Scientist: Wear a damn mask!!
Scientist: Don't shake hands!!
Scientist: Tinder hookups with strangers are fine!
Scientist: Cruises are fine!!
Scientist: Shut down the Cruises!!
Scientist: Covid is not a major threat!
Scientist: Covid will kill millions!!

Which scientist do you listen to?

NOTE- this scientist who said all of those statements was the same person
You do realize scientists can be wrong Trump listened to them about shutting down the economy as did many other leaders around the world the results have not been an overall rousing success. Listening to scientists and the other so called experts is fine following them blindly without question is not in fact that is just dumb.
It's true. Heard Immunity was the way to go. We missed out on that. #MAGA
So Trump shouldn’t have listened to the experts?
Now it's a bad thing to listen to experts and scientists about the virus.

I will never understand trump or his supporters. Why is it a bad thing to listen to experts who know what they are talking about?

My theory is that scientists and science in general represent authority to Trumpublicans and they HATE authority. Something about the Deep State, One World Government, the Illuminati, Lizard People and Baby-Eating Pedophile Democrats.

What's interesting (and very weird) is - They're perfectly fine with whatever NON-science a reality Tee-Vee host and wannabe dictator pulls out of his ignorant fat ass.

That could be it. I don't know.

What I do know is that their hate and behavior is causing the virus to spread with more death and suffering.

Doing things like putting on a mask and social distancing really aren't that outrageous and unreasonable.

That's my bottom line.
Now it's a bad thing to listen to experts and scientists about the virus.
I will never understand trump or his supporters. Why is it a bad thing to listen to experts who know what they are talking about?
The only "Truth" in their lives is that which they are provided.

Not only is anything outside of that "fake news", they also often look at it as an attack.

Such is the worldview of a cult.

They are just bat crap crazy.

The problem is that they will keep the virus alive and spreading throughout our nation causing more death and suffering.

I could care less if those stupid people follow science, that I care about is that their stupidity is keeping our nation in lockdowns with hundreds of thousands dying.
Yeah. This reaction to the virus was the moment that Trumpism went from bizarre to dangerous.

It went from dangerous to deadly.
There is no actual title of "scientist". In fact the guys who clean the test tubes could be called "scientists". Sometimes scientists might have a political agenda and sometimes opinions from different scientists conflict. Scientists don't necessarily know it all and a president who trusts them with the future of the Country is a fool.
A mask is for shit and you have to be engaged in the suspension of reality to support them
We exhaust things that are harmful to breathe back in. Your liberal magnificent masks that trap all that evil narcissistic Covid somehow let what we exhale escape??? Explain that one
Now it's a bad thing to listen to experts and scientists about the virus.
I will never understand trump or his supporters. Why is it a bad thing to listen to experts who know what they are talking about?

Leave it to Dunno to dig up yet another faux Yahoo news story spinning the truth. The Democrats are famous for putting up any old schlep they can pay to put a white lab coat on, then swear it is "science" and you "can't argue with science" be it some political hack on politics, sea rising, climate warming, coronavirus, whatever the democrat's favorite talking point that week.

Lest we not forget the 500 emails from several years ago accidentally leaked from all the "scientists" in England that they had all been fudging the data on climate change in order to push a political agenda.
Now it's a bad thing to listen to experts and scientists about the virus.

I will never understand trump or his supporters. Why is it a bad thing to listen to experts who know what they are talking about?

My theory is that scientists and science in general represent authority to Trumpublicans and they HATE authority. Something about the Deep State, One World Government, the Illuminati, Lizard People and Baby-Eating Pedophile Democrats.

What's interesting (and very weird) is - They're perfectly fine with whatever NON-science a reality Tee-Vee host and wannabe dictator pulls out of his ignorant fat ass.

That could be it. I don't know.

What I do know is that their hate and behavior is causing the virus to spread with more death and suffering.

Doing things like putting on a mask and social distancing really aren't that outrageous and unreasonable.

That's my bottom line.

But But BUTTTT ---> FREEDUMB!!! :rolleyes:
Now it's a bad thing to listen to experts and scientists about the virus.

I will never understand trump or his supporters. Why is it a bad thing to listen to experts who know what they are talking about?

My theory is that scientists and science in general represent authority to Trumpublicans and they HATE authority. Something about the Deep State, One World Government, the Illuminati, Lizard People and Baby-Eating Pedophile Democrats.

What's interesting (and very weird) is - They're perfectly fine with whatever NON-science a reality Tee-Vee host and wannabe dictator pulls out of his ignorant fat ass.

That could be it. I don't know.

What I do know is that their hate and behavior is causing the virus to spread with more death and suffering.

Doing things like putting on a mask and social distancing really aren't that outrageous and unreasonable.

That's my bottom line.

But But BUTTTT ---> FREEDUMB!!! :rolleyes:
Only asswipe government dependent losers denegrate freedom
That you for self identifying
Now it's a bad thing to listen to experts and scientists about the virus.

I will never understand trump or his supporters. Why is it a bad thing to listen to experts who know what they are talking about?

This is evidence he is speaking directly to his base/supporters. He's not trying to win anyone new over. Just turn out the vote.

This should convince independents to vote for Biden. The fact that Trump says he won't listen to the scientists should get independents or undecideds to decide that Trump should not be leading this nation.

One would hope that independents are smart enough to understand the difference between the responsibilities of scientists vs the President of the US. Scientists have the luxury of only taking one thing into consideration...the science. The president must balance the science, no matter how fluid it may be, with the economic and social impact to a nation. If Joe only listens to the scientists, our country will quickly be economically destroyed. Europe is already finding this out and fighting any further shut downs. The other issue at play here is that the science is very much still up in the air and can hardly be seen as concrete. Shutting the country down has a concrete economic affect.

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