Trump Was Never Considered A Racist Till He Ran For Office Against A Democrat

How can you say they were "guilty"?

In December 2002, an investigation by the Manhattan district attorney, Robert M. Morgenthau, found DNA and other evidence that the woman had been raped and beaten not by the five teenagers but by another man, Matias Reyes, a convicted rapist and murderer who had confessed to acting alone in the attack. Concluding that the new evidence could have changed the original verdict, Mr. Morgenthau’s office joined a defense motion asking that the convictions be vacated.

5 Exonerated in Central Park Jogger Case Agree to Settle Suit for $40 Million - The New York Times
I've already read up on the official record on this incident, and the NYTimes has nothing but a pack of lies to add to it.

Really? Even though another man confessed to the crime?

"Matias Reyes, a convicted rapist and murderer who had confessed to acting alone in the attack."
He confessed, but DNA test weren't conclusive.

Preliminary DNA tests have shown that the man's genetic material is consistent with some of the evidence at the scene of the April 19, 1989, attack, a person familiar with the investigation said. But the tests do not show a conclusive match, the person added.

You guys want to paint Trump with the worst brush possible, so you'll believe a convicted criminal and an UN-convicted criminal (Hillary) any day.

You have to go back 20, 30, 40 years to prove your point.....all the while you totally ignore everything Hillary is doing right now.

You provided the link, Fuck-nuts. I just clicked on it, read it, and pasted it into my response.

Really? Then why can't I find your quote in the New York Times article that I cited? Are you fibbing...again?

mudwhistle where are you?
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how come Donald became a racist right after he claimed a 10 point lead over Hillary? what was Donald when he was one point behind Hillary? a barking dog?

He was a racist years ago when he was being sued for racism.
Being sued isn't the same as being guilty of.

The thread title says he was never considered a racist. If someone sued him for discrimination they certainly considered him a racist.
You missed the point. Like all liberals always.

Most people didn't know about his racism until he became a candidate.
What racism?
Was Trump a racist when he suggested banning people from the country based on religion?
No. First of all he never said he wanted to ban a particular religion, but people from a specific region who posed a threat to our security.
Democrats don't care about national security, and they don't care about much of anything that doesn't effect them personally. When it starts effecting them personally, then they change their tune.
No actually he said...Muslims

He only converted to that region plan after someone read him the constitution
Was Trump a racist when he had to "think about" declining an endorsement from David Duke?
Obama has been calling anyone who disagrees with him or points out his failures a racist for nearly 8 years. Its called desperation, Democrats Hillary in particular can't run on their record. Hillary can't say look at what I have accomplished vote for me her record is an utter failure. Her only hope is labeling her opponent a racist women hating bigot homophobe and hope enough uninformed voters believe her BS.

You ever notice Democrats only ever talk about what they promise to do in the future if elected, they never talk about what they have actually accomplished? How many Dem's are running on passing Obamacare? Kiss of death right.
and Hillary is always "Tooo Tarrrred" to do a press conference. maybe its from eating all of that food from KFC.
Hillary ain't no ways tarrred.
can you imagine if Hillary drove, and often had to slow down when a group of black people needed to cross the st? u wanna guess what she probably would of yelled/cursed at them?

Why would she act like Donald Trump?
Was Trump a racist when he suggested a judge born in America was biased because he had a Mexican name?
Trump is the last person anyone who knows him would call a racist. We can't say the same thing about the Clintons.


Dinesh D’Souza: Clintons Have A Long History Of Racial Insensitivity, Not Trump

Do you want to know the truth? Donald Trump had a history of friendship with dozens of black sports figures, employees, business owners and had never accused of being racist until running for office!

Whatever history Trump has it is in the private sector and doesn’t affect this country as a whole. But Clinton’s mistakes or bad judgement has done significant damage to us.

Hillary is not just a disgrace to Democrats; she is a disgrace to the human race. She can’t win legitimately, so she cheats. Apparently over her entire life. She will continue her lying, deceptive, corrupt practices, as always. How can people be so brain dead not to understand this?

Filmmaker, Author Dinesh D’Souza joined Fox and Friends on Saturday to discuss the truth about both presidential candidates in regards to their history with racism or lack thereof. Hillary has been trying to rewrite history to put Trump into the crosshairs of bigotry and hatred.

From Fox News:

“Hillary and Bill themselves have a much greater history of racial insensitivity than Trump,” D’Souza said, pointing out that Hillary once called young black males “super predators,” while Bill said of Barack Obama in 2008, “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

He added that both Clintons publicly praised Sen. Robert Byrd, who was active in the Ku Klux Klan.

“Donald Trump has no history, nothing, that even compares to any of this,” D’Souza said, noting that doesn’t even take into account the Democratic Party’s history with the KKK.

“I think the Democrats are used to going to this playbook and pointing to the Republicans as the party of bigotry, but the actual history reveals something quite different,” D’Souza said.

“This is a party that has never acknowledged its own history. It has never apologized for its crimes. It blames the South, it blames white people, it blames America. It blames everybody except themselves.”

Sure he was. When he broke the law and labeled blacks with a "C" for colored as code to keep from renting to them ------> TWICE!

Then there is the birther thing.

It's OK, you've been mistaken before.

Just accusing Obama of producing a fake BC isn't racist. Anyone can see it's not real, and the fact that he had all of his records sealed tells one that he's hiding something..

Not all Birthers are Birthers because you are racists.

In your case- yeah thats the reason why you are a Birther.

Trump- another Birther idiot. Trump who intentionally appeals to racists and Birthers.
Was Trump a racist when he suggested a judge born in America was biased because he had a Mexican name?

No- not because he had a Mexican name- because the judge was 'a Mexican'.

You know- the kind born in Iowa.......
Was Trump a racist when he suggested banning people from the country based on religion?
No. First of all he never said he wanted to ban a particular religion, but people from a specific region who posed a threat to our security..

First of all you are lying
Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S. -
Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S.

Secondly- yes- Trump did say he wanted to ban people based upon religion and knew that would appeal to people like you.
Here's the public history of Trump's racism:

Is Donald Trump Racist? Here's what the record shows
The only thing Trump is guilty of is being honest. Democrats can't be.
When it comes to the Central Park 5, every one of the defendants was guilty. They beat and raped a woman so badly she was in a coma for two weeks. But Democrats always have this tendency of supporting criminals and thugs. No amount of lying and public support can change the fact that Democrat policies are the primary cause of crime and poverty in this country.

How can you say they were "guilty"?

In December 2002, an investigation by the Manhattan district attorney, Robert M. Morgenthau, found DNA and other evidence that the woman had been raped and beaten not by the five teenagers but by another man, Matias Reyes, a convicted rapist and murderer who had confessed to acting alone in the attack. Concluding that the new evidence could have changed the original verdict, Mr. Morgenthau’s office joined a defense motion asking that the convictions be vacated.

5 Exonerated in Central Park Jogger Case Agree to Settle Suit for $40 Million - The New York Times
I've already read up on the official record on this incident, and the NYTimes has nothing but a pack of lies to add to it.

You think that they are guilty because they are black.

You are a good Trump supporter.

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