Trump Was Never Considered A Racist Till He Ran For Office Against A Democrat

Just want to point out- Trump loved Hillary Clinton- until Trump decided to run for President.
I wonder how Arsenio Hall won celebrity Apprentice and how he faced Geraldo Rivera in that final.

Wonder why Donald did not fire the blacks.

I would have.
Obama and the democratic party are the Kings of racism.
Your kind are always funi in your ignorance. You have this weird idea that there is this leadership in the Democratic party of guys hiding in back rooms wearing trench coats who "run" the Democratic Party pulling strings from the shadows.

The truth is the Democratic Party is a coalition party. The black leadership is an important and vital part of the party. No one is pulling their strings except them. Just like with gays and Hispanics and other minorities.

The GOP is famous for "marching orders" and "toeing the line". That just isn't part of the Democratic Party. It's difficult for you to understand because lemmings aren't the most intelligent creatures in the world.
I wonder how Arsenio Hall won celebrity Apprentice and how he faced Geraldo Rivera in that final.

Wonder why Donald did not fire the blacks.

I would have.
We know.

Trump was trying to keep his ratings up.
Why didnt Hillary call Donald a racist bigot right after he entered the race?

We did. As soon as he stared shrieking about Mexicans being rapists.

Are you trying to pretend that he and his fellow disgusting being bannon aren't bigots?

Former president bill Clinton is a rapist, too. Bring that up.
He was convicted of rape?
Juanita Broaddrick. She was silenced - Clinton style. No conviction.
Trump is the last person anyone who knows him would call a racist. We can't say the same thing about the Clintons.


Dinesh D’Souza: Clintons Have A Long History Of Racial Insensitivity, Not Trump

Do you want to know the truth? Donald Trump had a history of friendship with dozens of black sports figures, employees, business owners and had never accused of being racist until running for office!

Whatever history Trump has it is in the private sector and doesn’t affect this country as a whole. But Clinton’s mistakes or bad judgement has done significant damage to us.

Hillary is not just a disgrace to Democrats; she is a disgrace to the human race. She can’t win legitimately, so she cheats. Apparently over her entire life. She will continue her lying, deceptive, corrupt practices, as always. How can people be so brain dead not to understand this?

Filmmaker, Author Dinesh D’Souza joined Fox and Friends on Saturday to discuss the truth about both presidential candidates in regards to their history with racism or lack thereof. Hillary has been trying to rewrite history to put Trump into the crosshairs of bigotry and hatred.

From Fox News:

“Hillary and Bill themselves have a much greater history of racial insensitivity than Trump,” D’Souza said, pointing out that Hillary once called young black males “super predators,” while Bill said of Barack Obama in 2008, “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

He added that both Clintons publicly praised Sen. Robert Byrd, who was active in the Ku Klux Klan.

“Donald Trump has no history, nothing, that even compares to any of this,” D’Souza said, noting that doesn’t even take into account the Democratic Party’s history with the KKK.

“I think the Democrats are used to going to this playbook and pointing to the Republicans as the party of bigotry, but the actual history reveals something quite different,” D’Souza said.

“This is a party that has never acknowledged its own history. It has never apologized for its crimes. It blames the South, it blames white people, it blames America. It blames everybody except themselves.”

He said racist things back in 2012.

There were a couple SNL bits depicting him as such.
Trump is the last person anyone who knows him would call a racist. We can't say the same thing about the Clintons.


Dinesh D’Souza: Clintons Have A Long History Of Racial Insensitivity, Not Trump

Do you want to know the truth? Donald Trump had a history of friendship with dozens of black sports figures, employees, business owners and had never accused of being racist until running for office!

Whatever history Trump has it is in the private sector and doesn’t affect this country as a whole. But Clinton’s mistakes or bad judgement has done significant damage to us.

Hillary is not just a disgrace to Democrats; she is a disgrace to the human race. She can’t win legitimately, so she cheats. Apparently over her entire life. She will continue her lying, deceptive, corrupt practices, as always. How can people be so brain dead not to understand this?

Filmmaker, Author Dinesh D’Souza joined Fox and Friends on Saturday to discuss the truth about both presidential candidates in regards to their history with racism or lack thereof. Hillary has been trying to rewrite history to put Trump into the crosshairs of bigotry and hatred.

From Fox News:

“Hillary and Bill themselves have a much greater history of racial insensitivity than Trump,” D’Souza said, pointing out that Hillary once called young black males “super predators,” while Bill said of Barack Obama in 2008, “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

He added that both Clintons publicly praised Sen. Robert Byrd, who was active in the Ku Klux Klan.

“Donald Trump has no history, nothing, that even compares to any of this,” D’Souza said, noting that doesn’t even take into account the Democratic Party’s history with the KKK.

“I think the Democrats are used to going to this playbook and pointing to the Republicans as the party of bigotry, but the actual history reveals something quite different,” D’Souza said.

“This is a party that has never acknowledged its own history. It has never apologized for its crimes. It blames the South, it blames white people, it blames America. It blames everybody except themselves.”

Untrue. Trump was sued in the seventies for refusing to rent to African Americans.
Trump Was Never Considered A Racist Till He Ran For Office Against A Democrat”

Trump was never considered a racist until he started saying racial bullshit.
Trump Was Never Considered A Racist Till He Ran For Office Against A Democrat”

Trump was never considered a racist until he started saying racial bullshit.
If he keeps it up, he could approach obamas level of racism and division.

Aspects of the case were reported at the time, and other details, such as the racial coding allegations, gained notice in a 1979 Village Voice investigation and more recently in a Daily Beast story.

Trump declined to be interviewed. His attorney, Alan Garten, said via email that there was “absolutely no merit to the allegations.”

“This suit was brought as part of a nationwide inquiry against a number of companies, and the matter was ultimately settled without any finding of liability and without any admission of wrongdoing whatsoever,” Garten said.

In another housing case shortly before then, a New York developer had quickly settled with the government. But Trump wanted to fight.

“The idea of settling drove me crazy,” he wrote in “The Art of the Deal.”

“What we didn’t do was rent to welfare cases, white or black,” Trump wrote in his 1987 autobiography. “I’d rather fight than fold, because as soon as you fold once, you get the reputation of being a folder.”

Inside the government’s racial bias case against Donald Trump’s company, and how he fought it

So it seems to me that these agents (of color) posed as welfare people trying to lure a discrimination claim because they were aware of Trump's polices to not rent to welfare people.
Trump is the last person anyone who knows him would call a racist. We can't say the same thing about the Clintons.


Dinesh D’Souza: Clintons Have A Long History Of Racial Insensitivity, Not Trump

Do you want to know the truth? Donald Trump had a history of friendship with dozens of black sports figures, employees, business owners and had never accused of being racist until running for office!

Whatever history Trump has it is in the private sector and doesn’t affect this country as a whole. But Clinton’s mistakes or bad judgement has done significant damage to us.

Hillary is not just a disgrace to Democrats; she is a disgrace to the human race. She can’t win legitimately, so she cheats. Apparently over her entire life. She will continue her lying, deceptive, corrupt practices, as always. How can people be so brain dead not to understand this?

Filmmaker, Author Dinesh D’Souza joined Fox and Friends on Saturday to discuss the truth about both presidential candidates in regards to their history with racism or lack thereof. Hillary has been trying to rewrite history to put Trump into the crosshairs of bigotry and hatred.

From Fox News:

“Hillary and Bill themselves have a much greater history of racial insensitivity than Trump,” D’Souza said, pointing out that Hillary once called young black males “super predators,” while Bill said of Barack Obama in 2008, “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

He added that both Clintons publicly praised Sen. Robert Byrd, who was active in the Ku Klux Klan.

“Donald Trump has no history, nothing, that even compares to any of this,” D’Souza said, noting that doesn’t even take into account the Democratic Party’s history with the KKK.

“I think the Democrats are used to going to this playbook and pointing to the Republicans as the party of bigotry, but the actual history reveals something quite different,” D’Souza said.

“This is a party that has never acknowledged its own history. It has never apologized for its crimes. It blames the South, it blames white people, it blames America. It blames everybody except themselves.”

Trump was never considered a racist until he started coming out with racist crap..... what a surprise. But oh, wait, Trump was never considered a racist until [insert anything he's done in the last year and pretend it's not because of what he's been saying in the last year].

You know, most people don't buy this silly crap.

Apparently the meaning of racism has changed. Before it used to be any person that feels their race possesses traits that make them superior to other races.

Now it means wanting secure borders and wanting to prevent terrorists from coming here and killing us.

This is the least racist country I've ever been in yet Democrats lie that it is the most racist.

Well the US isn't the least racist country I've been in. It's also no where near the most racist.

But yes, the meaning has changed, or at least people don't think about what it means and this is dangerous. Misuse of words actually means that the wrong things are getting looked at, or the right things in the wrong way.
Trump is the last person anyone who knows him would call a racist. We can't say the same thing about the Clintons.


Dinesh D’Souza: Clintons Have A Long History Of Racial Insensitivity, Not Trump

Do you want to know the truth? Donald Trump had a history of friendship with dozens of black sports figures, employees, business owners and had never accused of being racist until running for office!

Whatever history Trump has it is in the private sector and doesn’t affect this country as a whole. But Clinton’s mistakes or bad judgement has done significant damage to us.

Hillary is not just a disgrace to Democrats; she is a disgrace to the human race. She can’t win legitimately, so she cheats. Apparently over her entire life. She will continue her lying, deceptive, corrupt practices, as always. How can people be so brain dead not to understand this?

Filmmaker, Author Dinesh D’Souza joined Fox and Friends on Saturday to discuss the truth about both presidential candidates in regards to their history with racism or lack thereof. Hillary has been trying to rewrite history to put Trump into the crosshairs of bigotry and hatred.

From Fox News:

“Hillary and Bill themselves have a much greater history of racial insensitivity than Trump,” D’Souza said, pointing out that Hillary once called young black males “super predators,” while Bill said of Barack Obama in 2008, “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

He added that both Clintons publicly praised Sen. Robert Byrd, who was active in the Ku Klux Klan.

“Donald Trump has no history, nothing, that even compares to any of this,” D’Souza said, noting that doesn’t even take into account the Democratic Party’s history with the KKK.

“I think the Democrats are used to going to this playbook and pointing to the Republicans as the party of bigotry, but the actual history reveals something quite different,” D’Souza said.

“This is a party that has never acknowledged its own history. It has never apologized for its crimes. It blames the South, it blames white people, it blames America. It blames everybody except themselves.”

Trump was never considered a racist until he started coming out with racist crap..... what a surprise. But oh, wait, Trump was never considered a racist until [insert anything he's done in the last year and pretend it's not because of what he's been saying in the last year].

You know, most people don't buy this silly crap.

Racist crap? Oh yeah, how dare this country operate like mexico and only allow people to come to this country legally. Making people obey the law? Such racism.

Oh, right, that's all Trump's said in the last year is it?
Well the US isn't the least racist country I've been in. It's also no where near the most racist.

Your comment reminded me of a few years ago when I went to make a pickup for one of our customers. The owner of the business is Russian and he hires anybody from the former Soviet Union. The guy that loaded my truck all the time was a Russian Jew from the Ukraine.

So while talking about where he was from and his experiences, I asked if he ever missed home or ever wanted to go back? His reply stunned me, and I have to use his accent because of the humor:

"No, I don't miss. Here, you say you beat me up because I'm Jew. I call police, police say you can't beat me up because I'm Jew. In Ukraine, I tell police somebody beat me up because I'm Jew, and police beat me up because I'm Jew." :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

He wasn't kidding either. He said that actually happened when he lived there. In spite of the changes, there are some things overseas that never changed.
Well the US isn't the least racist country I've been in. It's also no where near the most racist.

Your comment reminded me of a few years ago when I went to make a pickup for one of our customers. The owner of the business is Russian and he hires anybody from the former Soviet Union. The guy that loaded my truck all the time was a Russian Jew from the Ukraine.

So while talking about where he was from and his experiences, I asked if he ever missed home or ever wanted to go back? His reply stunned me, and I have to use his accent because of the humor:

"No, I don't miss. Here, you say you beat me up because I'm Jew. I call police, police say you can't beat me up because I'm Jew. In Ukraine, I tell police somebody beat me up because I'm Jew, and police beat me up because I'm Jew." :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

He wasn't kidding either. He said that actually happened when he lived there. In spite of the changes, there are some things overseas that never changed.

Yeah, there are countries like that. Eastern Europe has its fair share of anti-Semitism going on. Poorer countries are more likely to do things they way they want to do them. If they're anti-Semitic, then they beat up Jewish people.

The US still has problems with racism, in the UK after the Steven Lawrence case they came out with the term "institutional racism", which kind of meant that you couldn't see the racism for pure racism, it was hidden, but it was there, and it was from higher up and made it harder for black people while not beating them up and all of that stuff.
Many places still have this institutional racism. Often it comes out in a form which targets poorer people, because blacks are more likely to be poor than whites.

There's much less of this in western Europe, though it still exists. Look at France, for example.

Though it's probably better to look on countries for their tolerance, or lack thereof, xenophobia and things like that, rather than just racism.

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