Trump Was Never Considered A Racist Till He Ran For Office Against A Democrat

Trump is the last person anyone who knows him would call a racist. We can't say the same thing about the Clintons.


Dinesh D’Souza: Clintons Have A Long History Of Racial Insensitivity, Not Trump

Do you want to know the truth? Donald Trump had a history of friendship with dozens of black sports figures, employees, business owners and had never accused of being racist until running for office!

Whatever history Trump has it is in the private sector and doesn’t affect this country as a whole. But Clinton’s mistakes or bad judgement has done significant damage to us.

Hillary is not just a disgrace to Democrats; she is a disgrace to the human race. She can’t win legitimately, so she cheats. Apparently over her entire life. She will continue her lying, deceptive, corrupt practices, as always. How can people be so brain dead not to understand this?

Filmmaker, Author Dinesh D’Souza joined Fox and Friends on Saturday to discuss the truth about both presidential candidates in regards to their history with racism or lack thereof. Hillary has been trying to rewrite history to put Trump into the crosshairs of bigotry and hatred.

From Fox News:

“Hillary and Bill themselves have a much greater history of racial insensitivity than Trump,” D’Souza said, pointing out that Hillary once called young black males “super predators,” while Bill said of Barack Obama in 2008, “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

He added that both Clintons publicly praised Sen. Robert Byrd, who was active in the Ku Klux Klan.

“Donald Trump has no history, nothing, that even compares to any of this,” D’Souza said, noting that doesn’t even take into account the Democratic Party’s history with the KKK.

“I think the Democrats are used to going to this playbook and pointing to the Republicans as the party of bigotry, but the actual history reveals something quite different,” D’Souza said.

“This is a party that has never acknowledged its own history. It has never apologized for its crimes. It blames the South, it blames white people, it blames America. It blames everybody except themselves.”

Trump was never considered a racist until he started coming out with racist crap..... what a surprise. But oh, wait, Trump was never considered a racist until [insert anything he's done in the last year and pretend it's not because of what he's been saying in the last year].

You know, most people don't buy this silly crap.

Racist crap? Oh yeah, how dare this country operate like mexico and only allow people to come to this country legally. Making people obey the law? Such racism.

Oh, right, that's all Trump's said in the last year is it?

He's running for office. Anyone who dares to speak up about the way Democrats are encouraging foreigners to come here is labeled a racist. If you think all lives matter you're a racist. If you support the police you're a racist. If you stand up for the national anthem you're a racist. If you don't yell that this is a racist country you're a racist.

If you say the right things and stay on the plantation and bad-mouth this country you will be rewarded and accepted. If you act like a patriot, you're a racist.
Trump is the last person anyone who knows him would call a racist. We can't say the same thing about the Clintons.


Dinesh D’Souza: Clintons Have A Long History Of Racial Insensitivity, Not Trump

Do you want to know the truth? Donald Trump had a history of friendship with dozens of black sports figures, employees, business owners and had never accused of being racist until running for office!

Whatever history Trump has it is in the private sector and doesn’t affect this country as a whole. But Clinton’s mistakes or bad judgement has done significant damage to us.

Hillary is not just a disgrace to Democrats; she is a disgrace to the human race. She can’t win legitimately, so she cheats. Apparently over her entire life. She will continue her lying, deceptive, corrupt practices, as always. How can people be so brain dead not to understand this?

Filmmaker, Author Dinesh D’Souza joined Fox and Friends on Saturday to discuss the truth about both presidential candidates in regards to their history with racism or lack thereof. Hillary has been trying to rewrite history to put Trump into the crosshairs of bigotry and hatred.

From Fox News:

“Hillary and Bill themselves have a much greater history of racial insensitivity than Trump,” D’Souza said, pointing out that Hillary once called young black males “super predators,” while Bill said of Barack Obama in 2008, “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

He added that both Clintons publicly praised Sen. Robert Byrd, who was active in the Ku Klux Klan.

“Donald Trump has no history, nothing, that even compares to any of this,” D’Souza said, noting that doesn’t even take into account the Democratic Party’s history with the KKK.

“I think the Democrats are used to going to this playbook and pointing to the Republicans as the party of bigotry, but the actual history reveals something quite different,” D’Souza said.

“This is a party that has never acknowledged its own history. It has never apologized for its crimes. It blames the South, it blames white people, it blames America. It blames everybody except themselves.”

Trump was never considered a racist until he started coming out with racist crap..... what a surprise. But oh, wait, Trump was never considered a racist until [insert anything he's done in the last year and pretend it's not because of what he's been saying in the last year].

You know, most people don't buy this silly crap.

Racist crap? Oh yeah, how dare this country operate like mexico and only allow people to come to this country legally. Making people obey the law? Such racism.

Oh, right, that's all Trump's said in the last year is it?

He's running for office. Anyone who dares to speak up about the way Democrats are encouraging foreigners to come here is labeled a racist. If you think all lives matter you're a racist. If you support the police you're a racist. If you stand up for the national anthem you're a racist. If you don't yell that this is a racist country you're a racist.

If you say the right things and stay on the plantation and bad-mouth this country you will be rewarded and accepted. If you act like a patriot, you're a racist.

It's the way of politics and the way people have decided to use tactics instead of being honest about reality.

It's almost impossible to have a debate, even on forums like this, because people find it easier to just go around using such tactics, and there are loads, in order to "win".

It would appear people believe in "ignorance is bliss" and go around creating this alternative universe where they are always right and everyone else is a "fucking moron" "idiot" "dumbass" etc etc etc etc.

Trump is attacking Clinton, Clinton is attacking Trump, Trump's minions are attacking Hillary, Hillary's minions are attacking Trump, and who loses at the end of the day? The minion.
Trump is the last person anyone who knows him would call a racist. We can't say the same thing about the Clintons.


Dinesh D’Souza: Clintons Have A Long History Of Racial Insensitivity, Not Trump

Do you want to know the truth? Donald Trump had a history of friendship with dozens of black sports figures, employees, business owners and had never accused of being racist until running for office!

Whatever history Trump has it is in the private sector and doesn’t affect this country as a whole. But Clinton’s mistakes or bad judgement has done significant damage to us.

Hillary is not just a disgrace to Democrats; she is a disgrace to the human race. She can’t win legitimately, so she cheats. Apparently over her entire life. She will continue her lying, deceptive, corrupt practices, as always. How can people be so brain dead not to understand this?

Filmmaker, Author Dinesh D’Souza joined Fox and Friends on Saturday to discuss the truth about both presidential candidates in regards to their history with racism or lack thereof. Hillary has been trying to rewrite history to put Trump into the crosshairs of bigotry and hatred.

From Fox News:

“Hillary and Bill themselves have a much greater history of racial insensitivity than Trump,” D’Souza said, pointing out that Hillary once called young black males “super predators,” while Bill said of Barack Obama in 2008, “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

He added that both Clintons publicly praised Sen. Robert Byrd, who was active in the Ku Klux Klan.

“Donald Trump has no history, nothing, that even compares to any of this,” D’Souza said, noting that doesn’t even take into account the Democratic Party’s history with the KKK.

“I think the Democrats are used to going to this playbook and pointing to the Republicans as the party of bigotry, but the actual history reveals something quite different,” D’Souza said.

“This is a party that has never acknowledged its own history. It has never apologized for its crimes. It blames the South, it blames white people, it blames America. It blames everybody except themselves.”

Trump was never considered a racist until he started coming out with racist crap..... what a surprise. But oh, wait, Trump was never considered a racist until [insert anything he's done in the last year and pretend it's not because of what he's been saying in the last year].

You know, most people don't buy this silly crap.

Racist crap? Oh yeah, how dare this country operate like mexico and only allow people to come to this country legally. Making people obey the law? Such racism.

Oh, right, that's all Trump's said in the last year is it?

He's running for office. Anyone who dares to speak up about the way Democrats are encouraging foreigners to come here is labeled a racist. If you think all lives matter you're a racist. If you support the police you're a racist. If you stand up for the national anthem you're a racist. If you don't yell that this is a racist country you're a racist.

If you say the right things and stay on the plantation and bad-mouth this country you will be rewarded and accepted. If you act like a patriot, you're a racist.

It's the way of politics and the way people have decided to use tactics instead of being honest about reality.

It's almost impossible to have a debate, even on forums like this, because people find it easier to just go around using such tactics, and there are loads, in order to "win".

It would appear people believe in "ignorance is bliss" and go around creating this alternative universe where they are always right and everyone else is a "fucking moron" "idiot" "dumbass" etc etc etc etc.

Trump is attacking Clinton, Clinton is attacking Trump, Trump's minions are attacking Hillary, Hillary's minions are attacking Trump, and who loses at the end of the day? The minion.

Yep, but Trump cannot be blamed for the Democrats setting us minions at each other's throats. People are dying because Democrats can't be honest. They don't care if they cause a bunch of idiots to shoot someone. As a matter of fact, they knew in advance that it would happen.....and literally counted on it. Fast & Furious was only the first attempt to cause violence. Occupy Wall Street was another. Blacklivesmatter is the latest attempt.
Fast & Furious was only the first attempt to cause violence. Occupy Wall Street was another. Blacklivesmatter is the latest attempt.

What a load of crap. They are all reactions to others actions. No cops shooting unarmed blacks? No BLM. No Wall St arseholes taking the money and running and creating nothing but huge bank accounts for themselves and not being criminally prosecuted for the GFC? You get OWS. Try and stop the Mexican cartels from flooding the US with drugs and their propensity for violence? You get Fast and Furious.
Well the US isn't the least racist country I've been in. It's also no where near the most racist.

Your comment reminded me of a few years ago when I went to make a pickup for one of our customers. The owner of the business is Russian and he hires anybody from the former Soviet Union. The guy that loaded my truck all the time was a Russian Jew from the Ukraine.

So while talking about where he was from and his experiences, I asked if he ever missed home or ever wanted to go back? His reply stunned me, and I have to use his accent because of the humor:

"No, I don't miss. Here, you say you beat me up because I'm Jew. I call police, police say you can't beat me up because I'm Jew. In Ukraine, I tell police somebody beat me up because I'm Jew, and police beat me up because I'm Jew." :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

He wasn't kidding either. He said that actually happened when he lived there. In spite of the changes, there are some things overseas that never changed.

Borat was a documentary.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump is the last person anyone who knows him would call a racist. We can't say the same thing about the Clintons.


Dinesh D’Souza: Clintons Have A Long History Of Racial Insensitivity, Not Trump

Do you want to know the truth? Donald Trump had a history of friendship with dozens of black sports figures, employees, business owners and had never accused of being racist until running for office!

Whatever history Trump has it is in the private sector and doesn’t affect this country as a whole. But Clinton’s mistakes or bad judgement has done significant damage to us.

Hillary is not just a disgrace to Democrats; she is a disgrace to the human race. She can’t win legitimately, so she cheats. Apparently over her entire life. She will continue her lying, deceptive, corrupt practices, as always. How can people be so brain dead not to understand this?

Filmmaker, Author Dinesh D’Souza joined Fox and Friends on Saturday to discuss the truth about both presidential candidates in regards to their history with racism or lack thereof. Hillary has been trying to rewrite history to put Trump into the crosshairs of bigotry and hatred.

From Fox News:

“Hillary and Bill themselves have a much greater history of racial insensitivity than Trump,” D’Souza said, pointing out that Hillary once called young black males “super predators,” while Bill said of Barack Obama in 2008, “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

He added that both Clintons publicly praised Sen. Robert Byrd, who was active in the Ku Klux Klan.

“Donald Trump has no history, nothing, that even compares to any of this,” D’Souza said, noting that doesn’t even take into account the Democratic Party’s history with the KKK.

“I think the Democrats are used to going to this playbook and pointing to the Republicans as the party of bigotry, but the actual history reveals something quite different,” D’Souza said.

“This is a party that has never acknowledged its own history. It has never apologized for its crimes. It blames the South, it blames white people, it blames America. It blames everybody except themselves.”

Yup, just another All American Boy, huh?

Donald Trump's family business didn't want black residents
Trump is the last person anyone who knows him would call a racist. We can't say the same thing about the Clintons.


Dinesh D’Souza: Clintons Have A Long History Of Racial Insensitivity, Not Trump

Do you want to know the truth? Donald Trump had a history of friendship with dozens of black sports figures, employees, business owners and had never accused of being racist until running for office!

Whatever history Trump has it is in the private sector and doesn’t affect this country as a whole. But Clinton’s mistakes or bad judgement has done significant damage to us.

Hillary is not just a disgrace to Democrats; she is a disgrace to the human race. She can’t win legitimately, so she cheats. Apparently over her entire life. She will continue her lying, deceptive, corrupt practices, as always. How can people be so brain dead not to understand this?

Filmmaker, Author Dinesh D’Souza joined Fox and Friends on Saturday to discuss the truth about both presidential candidates in regards to their history with racism or lack thereof. Hillary has been trying to rewrite history to put Trump into the crosshairs of bigotry and hatred.

From Fox News:

“Hillary and Bill themselves have a much greater history of racial insensitivity than Trump,” D’Souza said, pointing out that Hillary once called young black males “super predators,” while Bill said of Barack Obama in 2008, “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

He added that both Clintons publicly praised Sen. Robert Byrd, who was active in the Ku Klux Klan.

“Donald Trump has no history, nothing, that even compares to any of this,” D’Souza said, noting that doesn’t even take into account the Democratic Party’s history with the KKK.

“I think the Democrats are used to going to this playbook and pointing to the Republicans as the party of bigotry, but the actual history reveals something quite different,” D’Souza said.

“This is a party that has never acknowledged its own history. It has never apologized for its crimes. It blames the South, it blames white people, it blames America. It blames everybody except themselves.”

Trump was never considered a racist until he started coming out with racist crap..... what a surprise. But oh, wait, Trump was never considered a racist until [insert anything he's done in the last year and pretend it's not because of what he's been saying in the last year].

You know, most people don't buy this silly crap.

Racist crap? Oh yeah, how dare this country operate like mexico and only allow people to come to this country legally. Making people obey the law? Such racism.

Oh, right, that's all Trump's said in the last year is it?

He's running for office. Anyone who dares to speak up about the way Democrats are encouraging foreigners to come here is labeled a racist. If you think all lives matter you're a racist. If you support the police you're a racist. If you stand up for the national anthem you're a racist. If you don't yell that this is a racist country you're a racist.

If you say the right things and stay on the plantation and bad-mouth this country you will be rewarded and accepted. If you act like a patriot, you're a racist.

The only foreigners Trump is interested in entering the country are his mail order brides
Trump and his supporters are not doing themselves any favors concentrating on racial issues here. Focusing on Hillary rather than examining/addressing their own racial attitudes is nothing but misdirection.

Republicans responding to Democrats calling them racists is "misdirection," LOL, I couldn't make you dipshits up.

What you meant to say was, "Trump and his supporters are not doing Democrats any favors pointing out Democrat racism"
Trump Was Never Considered A Racist Till He Ran For Office Against A Democrat”

Trump was never considered a racist until he started saying racial bullshit.

Trump hasn't said anything racist. Hillary says racist crap all the time. But only if you care about facts and shit like that.

Can you imagine if Trump imitated blacks like she does? He'd be eviscerated. They operate according to different standards applied by the racist left
Fast & Furious was only the first attempt to cause violence. Occupy Wall Street was another. Blacklivesmatter is the latest attempt.

What a load of crap. They are all reactions to others actions. No cops shooting unarmed blacks? No BLM. No Wall St arseholes taking the money and running and creating nothing but huge bank accounts for themselves and not being criminally prosecuted for the GFC? You get OWS. Try and stop the Mexican cartels from flooding the US with drugs and their propensity for violence? You get Fast and Furious.

So if one Kiwi kills one American we can kill all the Kiwis we want in retaliation?
Trump Was Never Considered A Racist Till He Ran For Office Against A Democrat”

Trump was never considered a racist until he started saying racial bullshit.

Trump hasn't said anything racist. Hillary says racist crap all the time. But only if you care about facts

You haven’t heard your messiah say anything racist. Big difference.

Trump hasn't said anything racist. Hillary says racist crap all the time. But only if you care about facts and shit like that.

Can you imagine if Trump imitated blacks like she does? He'd be eviscerated. They operate according to different standards applied by the racist left

In an interview, Mr. Trump said U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel had “an absolute conflict” in presiding over the litigation given that he was “of Mexican heritage” and a member of a Latino lawyers’ association.

Trump Says Judge’s Mexican Heritage Presents ‘Absolute Conflict’

Nope, no racism there!!
Trump Was Never Considered A Racist Till He Ran For Office Against A Democrat”

Trump was never considered a racist until he started saying racial bullshit.

Trump hasn't said anything racist. Hillary says racist crap all the time. But only if you care about facts

You haven’t heard your messiah say anything racist. Big difference.

Have you heard Hidlabeast say anything racist? You have but you won't admit it, you're just another democrat shill and people laugh at you
Trump is the last person anyone who knows him would call a racist. We can't say the same thing about the Clintons.


Dinesh D’Souza: Clintons Have A Long History Of Racial Insensitivity, Not Trump

Do you want to know the truth? Donald Trump had a history of friendship with dozens of black sports figures, employees, business owners and had never accused of being racist until running for office!

Whatever history Trump has it is in the private sector and doesn’t affect this country as a whole. But Clinton’s mistakes or bad judgement has done significant damage to us.

Hillary is not just a disgrace to Democrats; she is a disgrace to the human race. She can’t win legitimately, so she cheats. Apparently over her entire life. She will continue her lying, deceptive, corrupt practices, as always. How can people be so brain dead not to understand this?

Filmmaker, Author Dinesh D’Souza joined Fox and Friends on Saturday to discuss the truth about both presidential candidates in regards to their history with racism or lack thereof. Hillary has been trying to rewrite history to put Trump into the crosshairs of bigotry and hatred.

From Fox News:

“Hillary and Bill themselves have a much greater history of racial insensitivity than Trump,” D’Souza said, pointing out that Hillary once called young black males “super predators,” while Bill said of Barack Obama in 2008, “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

He added that both Clintons publicly praised Sen. Robert Byrd, who was active in the Ku Klux Klan.

“Donald Trump has no history, nothing, that even compares to any of this,” D’Souza said, noting that doesn’t even take into account the Democratic Party’s history with the KKK.

“I think the Democrats are used to going to this playbook and pointing to the Republicans as the party of bigotry, but the actual history reveals something quite different,” D’Souza said.

“This is a party that has never acknowledged its own history. It has never apologized for its crimes. It blames the South, it blames white people, it blames America. It blames everybody except themselves.”

since you are an ignorant flyover hick rube you have no idea what we know in NY and people always have known, he was being called out for over 30 years on his racism

Is Donald Trump Racist? Here's what the record shows
Trump Was Never Considered A Racist Till He Ran For Office Against A Democrat”

Trump was never considered a racist until he started saying racial bullshit.

Trump hasn't said anything racist. Hillary says racist crap all the time. But only if you care about facts

You haven’t heard your messiah say anything racist. Big difference.

You hear what you want to hear, I hear what he said
Trump Was Never Considered A Racist Till He Ran For Office Against A Democrat”

Trump was never considered a racist until he started saying racial bullshit.

Trump hasn't said anything racist. Hillary says racist crap all the time. But only if you care about facts

You haven’t heard your messiah say anything racist. Big difference.

You hear what you want to hear, I hear what he said

She hears what her media masters instruct her to hear and then to say.

Trump hasn't said anything racist. Hillary says racist crap all the time. But only if you care about facts and shit like that.

Can you imagine if Trump imitated blacks like she does? He'd be eviscerated. They operate according to different standards applied by the racist left

In an interview, Mr. Trump said U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel had “an absolute conflict” in presiding over the litigation given that he was “of Mexican heritage” and a member of a Latino lawyers’ association.

Trump Says Judge’s Mexican Heritage Presents ‘Absolute Conflict’

Nope, no racism there!!

Agreed, no racism there. Trump was talking about his conflict of interest. Trump would have said the same thing if he was white or anything else about a judge who he thinks is going to advance illegal immigration. That's so butt obvious, but you partisan Democrats see racism behind every tree.

You partisan Democrats are pathetic. Would ... Trump ... have ... attacked ... a ... white ... liberal ... judge ... the ... same ... way? OBVIOUSLY yes. And yet you could "fill a book" about your knowledge of the US while you can only think of one example which you turned around and unsaid. Classic.

Recognizing people are different isn't racism, dumb ass
Trump Was Never Considered A Racist Till He Ran For Office Against A Democrat”

Trump was never considered a racist until he started saying racial bullshit.

Trump hasn't said anything racist. Hillary says racist crap all the time. But only if you care about facts

You haven’t heard your messiah say anything racist. Big difference.
Why don't you simply post the racist comments and the source? They should be on a billion sites by now

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