Trump was the best President EVA!!

Why dont you start a trial on a message board for them. Isnst that what your kind does on here every day? Meanwhile, Trump is facing four different trials in the real world. Have a great day, MAGA filth.
Throwing the book at a former President has never been done.

But judging how corrupt it has become, I think it maybe a good president to start.

These people at the Federal level, like Biden, need to be treated as they are, criminals. Hopefully, pardoning the Nixon's of the world will now be a thing of the past.
Throwing the book at a former President has never been done.

But judging how corrupt it has become, I think it maybe a good president to start.

These people at the Federal level, like Biden, need to be treated as they are, criminals. Hopefully, pardoning the Nixon's of the world will now be a thing of the past.
You dont even believe in the US justice system unless it rules in your favor. So why would you want a trial for Biden?
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Says Ramaswamy at the GOP debate.

Does this mean he is essentially just running for VP?
Well, Trump did not wreck the Obama recovery until he did with the worst pandemic response anywhere, calling into question the vaccines and keeping it going for years instead of weeks.$8 trillion in debt and absolutely horrifying our allies and giving support to dictators and racist BS that led to a spike in violence against Jews Blacks Asian Trans Etcetera Etcetera and dividing the country like never before with help from the scumbag Murdoch of course.....
Throwing the book at a former President has never been done.

But judging how corrupt it has become, I think it maybe a good president to start.

These people at the Federal level, like Biden, need to be treated as they are, criminals. Hopefully, pardoning the Nixon's of the world will now be a thing of the past.
If if your lying scumbag heroes had any evidence that would stand up in court, they would have taken it to court. Your conspiracies are total baloney total, Super Duper. Change the channel someday, try a news outlet.
The bar has been set so low he may be right, even though Trump did not secure the border, did not really nix spending, and let Fauci and company walk all over him. And instead of draining the Swamp and going after Hillary like he promised, the Swamp ate him up for lunch and are still gnawing up is leg like Jaws on acid.

But again, the bar is set so low he probably is the best President in a very long time.
It was a mistake to try to seek peace by letting Hillary off the hook. Had Trump pursued prosecution, he would not be going through these political trials right now.
Well, Trump did not wreck the Obama recovery until he did with the worst pandemic response anywhere, calling into question the vaccines and keeping it going for years instead of weeks.$8 trillion in debt and absolutely horrifying our allies and giving support to dictators and racist BS that led to a spike in violence against Jews Blacks Asian Trans Etcetera Etcetera and dividing the country like never before with help from the scumbag Murdoch of course.....

more Crazy talk.
Russian Collusion from a document the Hillary group purchased. A meeting in the office of the muslim JAN05, 2017 to set it up and get it going. Not Prosecuted.

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