Trump Will Be Impeached

Whats better than impeachment? Pretending to impeach..for months until the election. Get on with it already!
Beats me.

Both you and I will find out, when the multiple House Committees conducting the Inquiry release their findings.

Patience... it's coming... :21:
Barr has his grand Jury which means indictments
That's fine, too... don't really care... if wrong-doing was done on that end, as well, then have at it.

For now, let's focus on your boy, and his own misbehavior and his own un-fitness to hold high office.

Afterwards, you can burn-down as many culpable Dimwits as you like.
Whats better than impeachment? Pretending to impeach..for months until the election. Get on with it already!
If the Inquiry finds enough to warrant Impeachment, it will unfold quickly enough, once the investigative work is done. Patience. It's coming. :21:
Whats better than impeachment? Pretending to impeach..for months until the election. Get on with it already!
If the Inquiry finds enough to warrant Impeachment, it will unfold quickly enough, once the investigative work is done. Patience. It's coming. :21:

Thats right. They dont want this to overturn the election at all. Just impartial statesmen who got stuck with this for the good of the country and diligently looking for the truth.

How stupid are you?
Beats me.

Both you and I will find out, when the multiple House Committees conducting the Inquiry release their findings.

Patience... it's coming... :21:
Barr has his grand Jury which means indictments
That's fine, too... don't really care... if wrong-doing was done on that end, as well, then have at it.

For now, let's focus on your boy, and his own misbehavior and his own un-fitness to hold high office.

Afterwards, you can burn-down as many culpable Dimwits as you like.
The indictments that are coming aren't for Trump but those in the obama administration.
Beats me.

Both you and I will find out, when the multiple House Committees conducting the Inquiry release their findings.

Patience... it's coming... :21:
Barr has his grand Jury which means indictments
That's fine, too... don't really care... if wrong-doing was done on that end, as well, then have at it.

For now, let's focus on your boy, and his own misbehavior and his own un-fitness to hold high office.

Afterwards, you can burn-down as many culpable Dimwits as you like.
The indictments that are coming aren't for Trump but those in the obama administration.
That's fine.

Have at 'em.

Just remember that the Republic will be engaging in multi-tasking, with the Trump Impeachment Inquiry still going full blast.

And, of course, if-and-when Articles of Impeachment are presented, the House will indict (vote), then the Senate will try the charges.
... Thats right. They dont want this to overturn the election at all. Just impartial statesmen who got stuck with this for the good of the country and diligently looking for the truth. How stupid are you?
Oh, I can be dumb as box-o-rox often enough, no question; however, that is immaterial to the removal of someone unfit for office.
Oh, I can be dumb as box-o-rox often enough, no question; however, that is immaterial to the removal of someone unfit for office.

It isn't "immaterial" in this case. It is *necessary*. training Air Base Ground Defense.
Sounds like you went through an abbreviated version of standard-issue US Army 11-Boo ground-pounder training.
It was at the beginning of the training the Air Force had to get the army to assist with training.
Recon and patrol training, how to evade capture were just a couple things I can recall training Air Base Ground Defense.
Sounds like you went through an abbreviated version of standard-issue US Army 11-Boo ground-pounder training.
I remember one time back at Bullis I had thought someone had stolen my boom box and I heard music playing in one of the huts I ripped the door off the hinges because it was locked. scared the shit out of the guy sitting in the hut. Sadly it was my buddies playing a prank on me and the guy never had my boom box. lol
Trump Will Be Impeached

And When The DOJ Criminal Investigations Are Released
Trump Will Win Re-Election With The Popular And Electoral Vote
Republicans Will Be Added To The Senate
And Democrats Will Lose The House
Then The Investigative Shoe Will Be On The Other Foot

And Trump Will Still Be Appointing Judges To The Bench
"How Ya Doin', Ruthie ??"
Your brainwashed hate and misinformation are noted.
Says the dupe who doesn't know any Republicans are on these committees...
Not allowed any witnesses
Trump Will Be Impeached

And When The DOJ Criminal Investigations Are Released
Trump Will Win Re-Election With The Popular And Electoral Vote
Republicans Will Be Added To The Senate
And Democrats Will Lose The House
Then The Investigative Shoe Will Be On The Other Foot

And Trump Will Still Be Appointing Judges To The Bench
"How Ya Doin', Ruthie ??"
Your brainwashed hate and misinformation are noted.
Says the dupe who doesn't know any Republicans are on these committees...
Not allowed any witnesses
They will in the next portion the televised hearings. They don't want to call any witnesses they want it to just go away LOL.... Sorry about the Constitution this is the deposition investigation portion of our program. Like a grand jury.
If the Ukraine transcript is enough then stop playing Gilbert Grape never (seen the movie) and hold the vote and let’s get this trial under way

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.

The real and honest news in America has reported the truth about republicans being on that committee. I've watched the news and have seen it reported.

You're dealing with people who don't use real and honest news. They watch fox so called news and online they read such reputable sources as gateway pundit, newsmax or britbart.

The last thing anyone is going to get from those sources is the truth.

Don't blame the real and honest news in America. Don't think that the far right radical extremists on this site are typical of Americans and actually want honest and true news.

These people have been spoon-fed the truth by people like you and others on this site but will never accept that truth. Just as they will never accept most truths. They still claim Obama is from Kenya and Michelle is a man for heaven's sake.

Do you honestly think people like that are going to accept any truths about anything?
Believe me I know. This area 73% Trump and they are totally misinformed by Fox Rush etcetera. But seriously CNN MSNBC should not have pundits arguing all day maybe the second half hour each hour but the first half hour should be news from around the world. Our News programs have basically no foreign offices or foreign reporters. Pathetic in comparison to what it used to be. Whatever they should have at least a 10 minute news every hour from around the world.all this non-stop arguing is very divisive. It also gives a forum to the lying right wing scumbags. Poor America.

I live in the opposite America you live. I'm sorry you have to live in that.

People here don't like trump.

I personally don't watch cable tabloid garbage that calls itself news. The last time I purposely watched CNN was 2004. I see some MSNBC on line but that's about it.

Yes while those two cable channels aren't mouthpieces for trump, they just parrot dog whistles just like fox. All we heard from most media in 2016 was Hillary's emails. While the whole thing was nothing but another right wing lie. And our media bought into it, ratings.

More people should turn their TVs off and join the real world.

I get my news from a variety of sources. No I don't waste my time with conservative media.

I get my news from Canada and Europe mostly. It's illegal to lie in the news in Canada and the Guardian has been one of the best news sources for decades. The BBC is also very good. You get the truth.

If the election is honest and fair, trump won't win. But then, the 2016 was influenced by russia, they've never left and they're ramping up to throw the election next year. trump is trying to blackmail other nations for dirt on his opponent who I personally don't want to vote for but if he gets the nomination will have to because the gop has been taken over people who have no respect for our constitution or our laws.

I believe that if they could, they would put people who don't agree with their views in prison or kill them. From the posts I see on this site and others it's very clear to me they want to kill anyone who doesn't agree with their views. Their motivation in most cases seems to be whatever will tick off people who don't have their views. It must be horrible to go through life with such hate that they would even care what other people thought or how they lived their lives but the republicans have taken their masks off completely and have sent me and a lot of other Independents running from the gop in horror.

So even though I am an Independent, I have no choice but to vote for democrats.

They haven't gone bat crap crazy. They actually believe and try to follow our constitution and laws.

We certainly do live in interesting times.
Try some news media instead of your stupid propaganda machine dingbat. Google it I'm not your mother. Jesus what an idiot.

TRANSLATION: "I GOT NUTTIN.'" Kinda figured. Another democratic 'puff of smoke.'
Jesus what an ignoramus.... Googled it for you Jesus..... And you are an interested GOP voter! Poor America.what is this impeachment about? - Google Search

You wasted your time. The person you replied to doesn't want that information and will never click that link to read it.
Tell me something I don't know LOL
I just enjoy yelling at them, the brainwashed functional morons... I did get one to switch sides, the only one I've ever seen in 12 years.

Have at it. I keep my interaction with those people down to it's barest minimum.

I'm encouraged you were able to get someone to start thinking. The glass is half full so keep filling it up. Baby steps can and sometimes do work.

Thanks for the good news.
TRANSLATION: "I GOT NUTTIN.'" Kinda figured. Another democratic 'puff of smoke.'
Jesus what an ignoramus.... Googled it for you Jesus..... And you are an interested GOP voter! Poor America.what is this impeachment about? - Google Search

You wasted your time. The person you replied to doesn't want that information and will never click that link to read it.
Tell me something I don't know LOL
I just enjoy yelling at them, the brainwashed functional morons... I did get one to switch sides, the only one I've ever seen in 12 years.

Have at it. I keep my interaction with those people down to it's barest minimum.

I'm encouraged you were able to get someone to start thinking. The glass is half full so keep filling it up. Baby steps can and sometimes do work.

Thanks for the good news.

LOL, you're a legend in your own mind.
If the Ukraine transcript is enough then stop playing Gilbert Grape never (seen the movie) and hold the vote and let’s get this trial under way

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.

The real and honest news in America has reported the truth about republicans being on that committee. I've watched the news and have seen it reported.

You're dealing with people who don't use real and honest news. They watch fox so called news and online they read such reputable sources as gateway pundit, newsmax or britbart.

The last thing anyone is going to get from those sources is the truth.

Don't blame the real and honest news in America. Don't think that the far right radical extremists on this site are typical of Americans and actually want honest and true news.

These people have been spoon-fed the truth by people like you and others on this site but will never accept that truth. Just as they will never accept most truths. They still claim Obama is from Kenya and Michelle is a man for heaven's sake.

Do you honestly think people like that are going to accept any truths about anything?
Believe me I know. This area 73% Trump and they are totally misinformed by Fox Rush etcetera. But seriously CNN MSNBC should not have pundits arguing all day maybe the second half hour each hour but the first half hour should be news from around the world. Our News programs have basically no foreign offices or foreign reporters. Pathetic in comparison to what it used to be. Whatever they should have at least a 10 minute news every hour from around the world.all this non-stop arguing is very divisive. It also gives a forum to the lying right wing scumbags. Poor America.

I live in the opposite America you live. I'm sorry you have to live in that.

People here don't like trump.

I personally don't watch cable tabloid garbage that calls itself news. The last time I purposely watched CNN was 2004. I see some MSNBC on line but that's about it.

Yes while those two cable channels aren't mouthpieces for trump, they just parrot dog whistles just like fox. All we heard from most media in 2016 was Hillary's emails. While the whole thing was nothing but another right wing lie. And our media bought into it, ratings.

More people should turn their TVs off and join the real world.

I get my news from a variety of sources. No I don't waste my time with conservative media.

I get my news from Canada and Europe mostly. It's illegal to lie in the news in Canada and the Guardian has been one of the best news sources for decades. The BBC is also very good. You get the truth.

If the election is honest and fair, trump won't win. But then, the 2016 was influenced by russia, they've never left and they're ramping up to throw the election next year. trump is trying to blackmail other nations for dirt on his opponent who I personally don't want to vote for but if he gets the nomination will have to because the gop has been taken over people who have no respect for our constitution or our laws.

I believe that if they could, they would put people who don't agree with their views in prison or kill them. From the posts I see on this site and others it's very clear to me they want to kill anyone who doesn't agree with their views. Their motivation in most cases seems to be whatever will tick off people who don't have their views. It must be horrible to go through life with such hate that they would even care what other people thought or how they lived their lives but the republicans have taken their masks off completely and have sent me and a lot of other Independents running from the gop in horror.

So even though I am an Independent, I have no choice but to vote for democrats.

They haven't gone bat crap crazy. They actually believe and try to follow our constitution and laws.

We certainly do live in interesting times.
I watch all of the above. that's how I know they're not crazy they're just brainwashed. I blame the brainwashers. The Democratic need 60 votes to pass reform. I can't believe Massachusetts voted for Scott Brown and screwed that up. The GOP reconciliation and filibuster rules mean they can pass tax cuts for the rich and cuts in services for regular people with 51 votes. The whole party is a divisive lying scam. The Democrats will be just fine if they ever get any power. Actually I think they should go nuclear option and see if the Republicans want to repeal a living wage healthcare for all paid parental leave daycare cheap college and training and taxes on the rich. Screw it. The Republicans can already pass all they want tax cuts on the rich and screwing people as long as it cuts the deficit or whatever the hell reconciliation is.
Trump Will Be Impeached

And When The DOJ Criminal Investigations Are Released
Trump Will Win Re-Election With The Popular And Electoral Vote
Republicans Will Be Added To The Senate
And Democrats Will Lose The House
Then The Investigative Shoe Will Be On The Other Foot

And Trump Will Still Be Appointing Judges To The Bench
"How Ya Doin', Ruthie ??"
Your brainwashed hate and misinformation are noted.
Says the dupe who doesn't know any Republicans are on these committees...
Not allowed any witnesses
They will in the next portion the televised hearings. They don't want to call any witnesses they want it to just go away LOL.... Sorry about the Constitution this is the deposition investigation portion of our program. Like a grand jury.
Not the constitution or the due process set up by it. You’re just wrong as usual
Your brainwashed hate and misinformation are noted.
Says the dupe who doesn't know any Republicans are on these committees...
Not allowed any witnesses
They will in the next portion the televised hearings. They don't want to call any witnesses they want it to just go away LOL.... Sorry about the Constitution this is the deposition investigation portion of our program. Like a grand jury.
Not the constitution or the due process set up by it. You’re just wrong as usual
How old are you, twelve? since the White House cannot fight the charges they fight the Constitution in propaganda form anyway. Doesn't matter. Our justice system just grinds along. And yes the house has this duty. This is actually a high crime and misdemeanor. And there are many on his record already, the mobbed-up fraud con man. Only the propaganda machine makes this all possible I left him think he can get away with it oh, the poor Dupe. He can't plead ignorance this time after the Russian scandal.
...Not allowed any witnesses
Witnesses come at the Impeachment Trial in the US Senate, if it comes to that.

Meanwhile, The State (as personified by the US House of Representatives) builds its case in preparation for indictment.

In complete conformity with the US Constitution and House Rules, as re-verified by this past week's US Federal court ruling.

You can obstruct all you like, once the information has been let loose into the wild for the American Voting Public to see.

As it will be, in the run-up to the Impeachment Vote amongst the House at-large, and, of course, during the Trial in the Senate.

Presided over by the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, just to be sure everything is done on the up-and-up... :21:
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