Trump Wins Again

Elect a winner, get tired of winning. I believe he took the job, started winning, and never stopped.

This one was quite predictable though. Stopping abusive trade deals is an automatic win.

The article notes that the actions are hurting both countries. I can't see how that is a win.
we've been fked/screwed/etc by other countries for a LONG time
FINALLY, we have a POTUS that is fighting for America--that's a win no matter what

He's blowing a lot of wind. That's about it. China is not the problem. The businesses that move there are. We are not addressing that.

And why do you think they move there?

Cheap labor.

Maybe dems should stop taxing the shit out of them?
You can see the results right here in the US as people and companies continue to bail on California and N.Y.
Elect a winner, get tired of winning. I believe he took the job, started winning, and never stopped.

This one was quite predictable though. Stopping abusive trade deals is an automatic win.

The article notes that the actions are hurting both countries. I can't see how that is a win.
we've been fked/screwed/etc by other countries for a LONG time
FINALLY, we have a POTUS that is fighting for America--that's a win no matter what

He's blowing a lot of wind. That's about it. China is not the problem. The businesses that move there are. We are not addressing that.

And why do you think they move there?
Check the label on your MAGA hat.

Dont have one....
The article notes that the actions are hurting both countries. I can't see how that is a win.
we've been fked/screwed/etc by other countries for a LONG time
FINALLY, we have a POTUS that is fighting for America--that's a win no matter what

He's blowing a lot of wind. That's about it. China is not the problem. The businesses that move there are. We are not addressing that.

And why do you think they move there?
Check the label on your MAGA hat.

Dont have one....
Lol, riiiiiight!
we've been fked/screwed/etc by other countries for a LONG time
FINALLY, we have a POTUS that is fighting for America--that's a win no matter what

He's blowing a lot of wind. That's about it. China is not the problem. The businesses that move there are. We are not addressing that.

And why do you think they move there?
Check the label on your MAGA hat.

Dont have one....
Lol, riiiiiight!
2. NOT racist
He's blowing a lot of wind. That's about it. China is not the problem. The businesses that move there are. We are not addressing that.

And why do you think they move there?
Check the label on your MAGA hat.

Dont have one....
Lol, riiiiiight!
2. NOT racist
The US does not currently have a legitimate president.

He's definitely a racist, has proven it repeatedly.

Silly me. I though the purpose of the trade war was to help America, not hurt America less than China.

Why is it you commies always want to settle for bad deals?


you mean the deals that drove the US to 121 straight months of economic expansion, the longest in the history of the country?

you mean the deals that drove the US to the longest period of positive job growth in the history of the country?

you mean the deals that brought the UE rate under 4 and gave us sustained low unemployment?

you mean the deals that has caused more open job positions than people to fill them?

Those "bad" deals?
121 Months? Let’s see... 2 1/2 years times 12 months is 30. Hmm. Help me out with the other 91???
So, what is Trump's record now.... 53 - 0?

Every time somebody says he's gonna lose, he wins. Every time somebody says he's doing it wrong, turns out he's doing it right.

Interesting article.

Of course, dims won't have a clue since Comedy Central never covers economics; but for you people that care....

Trump's trade war hurting China more than US, IMF says

Since the U.S.-China trade warOpens a New Window. began more than a year ago, President TrumpOpens a New Window. has maintained that billions of dollars in tariffs are hurting Beijing more than Washington – and on Tuesday, the president’s argument received some support from the International Monetary Fund.

In its update to the biannual World Economic Outlook, the Washington-based IMF upgraded its forecast of U.S. growth to 2.6 percent from 2.3 percent, while lowering its outlook for Chinese growth. It also noted that growth was "better than expected" in the U.S.

But in the country-by-country evaluation, the IMF said it expects the effect of tit-for-tat tariffs and weakening external demand to add pressure to China’s already-cooling economy.


Meanwhile, our Markets are setting records. Our Job Growth is off the scale, wages are up for the Working man and woman for the first time in decades........

And China is slowing down dramatically. They still have growth but it's not enough. Not for them. They're so far behind that they need double-digit growth to even begin to catch up.

Who was it in here that kept telling us how badly Trump, and us, were going to lose the Trade War?

hmmmmm...... Bet it was some dimocraps that are hiding in the weeds.

Not only is Trump always right but

dimocraps are always wrong

About everything

Not so fast: The IMF is run by a Trump appointee, so I'm pretty sure one of the requirements of the job is to back up Trump's lies, to support the idea that he's "winning", but:

Data Shows U.S. Trade Gap With China Widened During Month Of June

Then there's this chart from the Trump Administration which shows that in 2018, exports to China went down, but imports FROM China went up, and the trade deficit got larger. While it is true, that the trade deficit for the first 5 months of 2019 is lower than the same period last year, the trade deficit with China is still larger than it was when President Obama was in office.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

Added to which exports to the EU have been cut in half since Obama left office, and in May, 2019, Canada now had it's first ever trade surplus with the US. Thank Donnie!!! We couldn't have done it without the new NAFTA 2.0 trade deal.

Canada posts rare trade surplus as exports to U.S. hit record high
And why do you think they move there?
Check the label on your MAGA hat.

Dont have one....
Lol, riiiiiight!
2. NOT racist
The US does not currently have a legitimate president.

He's definitely a racist, has proven it repeatedly.

not proven --not even close --plain and simple
there's no Racist Court with Judge Judy
I thought Trump was the "great negotiator"?

WTF do you think negotiating entails?

An agreement.

You left out the part where both sides benefit equally.

Both sides are losing. I'm trying to figure how that is a good thing.

Do you think this shit happens overnight?

So far with Trump nothing ever happens.
The article notes that the actions are hurting both countries. I can't see how that is a win.
we've been fked/screwed/etc by other countries for a LONG time
FINALLY, we have a POTUS that is fighting for America--that's a win no matter what

He's blowing a lot of wind. That's about it. China is not the problem. The businesses that move there are. We are not addressing that.

And why do you think they move there?

Cheap labor.

Maybe dems should stop taxing the shit out of them?
You can see the results right here in the US as people and companies continue to bail on California and N.Y.

It's not taxes. If it was taxes in California you move to South Carolina, not China.
WTF do you think negotiating entails?

An agreement.

You left out the part where both sides benefit equally.

Both sides are losing. I'm trying to figure how that is a good thing.

Do you think this shit happens overnight?

So far with Trump nothing ever happens.

You are incredibly ill informed.
we've been fked/screwed/etc by other countries for a LONG time
FINALLY, we have a POTUS that is fighting for America--that's a win no matter what

He's blowing a lot of wind. That's about it. China is not the problem. The businesses that move there are. We are not addressing that.

And why do you think they move there?

Cheap labor.

Maybe dems should stop taxing the shit out of them?
You can see the results right here in the US as people and companies continue to bail on California and N.Y.

It's not taxes. If it was taxes in California you move to South Carolina, not China.

Holy shit!!!
You're a dumbfuck!!!!
An agreement.

You left out the part where both sides benefit equally.

Both sides are losing. I'm trying to figure how that is a good thing.

Do you think this shit happens overnight?

So far with Trump nothing ever happens.

You are incredibly ill informed.

Still waiting for Mexico to pay for the wall. Still waiting for Trump's wonderful health care plan. Still waiting for Trump to deport thousands. Still waiting for Trump to end the wars.
He's blowing a lot of wind. That's about it. China is not the problem. The businesses that move there are. We are not addressing that.

And why do you think they move there?

Cheap labor.

Maybe dems should stop taxing the shit out of them?
You can see the results right here in the US as people and companies continue to bail on California and N.Y.

It's not taxes. If it was taxes in California you move to South Carolina, not China.

Holy shit!!!
You're a dumbfuck!!!!

I'm new here. Is this what passes off as a rebuttal here?

If so, maybe I picked the wrong place.
Do you think this shit happens overnight?
So far with Trump nothing ever happens.
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder you bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad to you. I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
And why do you think they move there?

Cheap labor.

Maybe dems should stop taxing the shit out of them?
You can see the results right here in the US as people and companies continue to bail on California and N.Y.

It's not taxes. If it was taxes in California you move to South Carolina, not China.

Holy shit!!!
You're a dumbfuck!!!!

I'm new here. Is this what passes off as a rebuttal here?

If so, maybe I picked the wrong place.

That you cant follow a simple're a dumbfuck.
Do you think this shit happens overnight?
So far with Trump nothing ever happens.
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
No wonder you bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad to you. I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

All of that was already headed in that direction. The fact is, despite what you say the Fed is still looking to cut rates.

There is something wrong with that picture.

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