Trump's biggest failure so far?

Trump's biggest failure so far?

  • He tweets

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • He golfs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • His diet is poor

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • He exaggerates

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • He hasn't completely exterminated Obamacare

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • He hasn't completely exterminated PC snowflake behavior

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 54.5%

  • Total voters
Trump's biggest failure so far?

He has not drained the swamp - purged the federal government of Obama corruption, criminals, filth, seditious loyalists, etc...

He would have done well to walk into the WH and on Day 1 declared anyone hired / appointed by Obama to GTFO in 30 days. Anyone that stays is subject to extensive background investigation. :p
Trump's biggest failure so far?

He has not drained the swamp - purged the federal government of Obama corruption, criminals, filth, seditious loyalists, etc...

He would have done well to walk into the WH and on Day 1 declared anyone hired / appointed by Obama to GTFO in 30 days. Anyone that stays is subject to extensive background investigation. :p

Trump still has not filled key cabinet/executive branch positions

Part of the reason he struggles so much
Trump's biggest failure so far?

He has not drained the swamp - purged the federal government of Obama corruption, criminals, filth, seditious loyalists, etc...

He would have done well to walk into the WH and on Day 1 declared anyone hired / appointed by Obama to GTFO in 30 days. Anyone that stays is subject to extensive background investigation. :p
Trump has hired incompetent people like himself. Want the list? The only credible experienced knowledgeable people in that administration is Obama’s holdovers.
"He exaggerates"

If by "exaggerates" you mean he lies through his fucking teeth almost once a week, then I would pick that.
CNN is still on the air, but president Trump is working on that problem. :muahaha:
If it wasn't for airport terminals and fitness centers no one would watch CNN.
You lie so easily from habit.
Replacing scientists at the EPA with fossil fuel CEO’s

And the leftard says I am a liar! :cuckoo::lmao::lol::uhoh3::badgrin::laugh2:

Liberals are unhinged and flailing in all directions.
Yet all indications is that it will be a “
Blood bath” for republicans in Nov 18’.
The GOP has one solitary accomplishment to their name. One. And that one is disapproved by the country by a 2-1 margin.
Trump/ GOP are unhinged and flailing in all directions.

Republicans warn Trump of 2018 bloodbath
CNN is still on the air, but president Trump is working on that problem. :muahaha:
If it wasn't for airport terminals and fitness centers no one would watch CNN.
You lie so easily from habit.
Replacing scientists at the EPA with fossil fuel CEO’s

And the leftard says I am a liar! :cuckoo::lmao::lol::uhoh3::badgrin::laugh2:

Liberals are unhinged and flailing in all directions.
Yet all indications is that it will be a “
Blood bath” for republicans in Nov 18’.
The GOP has one solitary accomplishment to their name. One. And that one is disapproved by the country by a 2-1 margin.
Trump/ GOP are unhinged and flailing in all directions.

Republicans warn Trump of 2018 bloodbath

Stop sniffing glue before posting lib, you Dem's will get your ass beat in 2018 just like the last several elections because you are stuck on stupid. You are also a liar in terms of GOP accomplishments and the tax reform bill. I know its rough for liberals, you suffered multiple epic ass beatings, lost the House, the Senate, then the White House. :itsok:
Trump's biggest failure so far?

He has not drained the swamp - purged the federal government of Obama corruption, criminals, filth, seditious loyalists, etc...

He would have done well to walk into the WH and on Day 1 declared anyone hired / appointed by Obama to GTFO in 30 days. Anyone that stays is subject to extensive background investigation. :p

Trump still has not filled key cabinet/executive branch positions

Part of the reason he struggles so much
The state dept is hollowed out where foreign diplomats can’t even get anyone on the phone.
There are literally hundreds of positions unfilled all over the government.
Just part of making America great again.

He’s the laziest president in history.
Not overturning Obamacare. But he's probably taken care of that too.
How’s Trumpcare working out for you?
Not at all where I live, or anywhere for that matter considering it doesn't exist...yet.
Not only has Trump tried to sabatoge OCare by reducing the sign in period by 90% he has failed miserably in getting any kind of healthcare bill implemented. The fact he doesn’t understand any of the details or even want to learn is a giant hindrance.

“ who knew healthcare could be so difficult.”
View attachment 168366
Trump's biggest failure so far?

He has not drained the swamp - purged the federal government of Obama corruption, criminals, filth, seditious loyalists, etc...

He would have done well to walk into the WH and on Day 1 declared anyone hired / appointed by Obama to GTFO in 30 days. Anyone that stays is subject to extensive background investigation. :p

Trump still has not filled key cabinet/executive branch positions

Part of the reason he struggles so much
The state dept is hollowed out where foreign diplomats can’t even get anyone on the phone.
There are literally hundreds of positions unfilled all over the government.
Just part of making America great again.

He’s the laziest president in history.
There are hundreds of job openings in the Fed government that employs 14.9 MILLION people and that is a problem?

You are dumber than a brick, my apologies to bricks.
View attachment 168366
Trump's biggest failure so far?

He has not drained the swamp - purged the federal government of Obama corruption, criminals, filth, seditious loyalists, etc...

He would have done well to walk into the WH and on Day 1 declared anyone hired / appointed by Obama to GTFO in 30 days. Anyone that stays is subject to extensive background investigation. :p

Trump still has not filled key cabinet/executive branch positions

Part of the reason he struggles so much
The state dept is hollowed out where foreign diplomats can’t even get anyone on the phone.
There are literally hundreds of positions unfilled all over the government.
Just part of making America great again.

He’s the laziest president in history.
That's 0.0067% unfilled positions, dumbass.
Not only has Trump tried to sabatoge OCare by reducing the sign in period by 90% he has failed miserably in getting any kind of healthcare bill implemented. The fact he doesn’t understand any of the details or even want to learn is a giant hindrance.

“ who knew healthcare could be so difficult.”
Kiss my ---. Obama knew so much about healthcare he gave us Obamacare. At least Trump understands more than that.
Posts like that serve no purpose. It could be considered a threat. I suggest you rein in your hyperbole.
Can't you recognize a joke when you hear it? Like Trump asking Russia to find Hillary's missing emails? It was a joke.

Try to say to the TSA officer that he or she had better check closely to see if you have a bomb in your luggage and see how fast your ass is locked up!

You should never greet friends named Jack on an airline.

You can't yell "Fire!" in a crowded movie theater.

How many other examples do you need?

There are some things that you consider a joke that will get your ass in deep shit!
It was still a joke. You're being all Admiral-ly.

Like I said, to you it may be a joke. Do any of the things I suggested and see what happens. We do not threaten the life of POTUS. The Secret Service will introduce your head to the pavement very quickly.
Aye aye, Sir!
I have no wish for the man to die. Resign tomorrow, hell, yeah, but only if he takes that freak Pence with him.

Liar. That is not what you said.
failure to do anything about ObamaCare except get rid of the mandate, which was about 15th on the list of shit that is wrong with ObamaCare.

1000 pages of hospital killing rules and regulations still exist but hey watch the mandate (aka the shiny object)...

Trump counts on his followers being stupid and you come through for him every time!
------------------------------------ MANDATE was the only thing that mattered to me , glad its gone GGator .

And this is the core of the problem, all anyone cares about is the shiny object that is waved in front of them.

I hope you live in a large metropolitan area because if not ObamaCare may cost you the closest hospital.
ObamaCare seems to have ALREADY cost a lot of people a lot of their closest hospitals. Or maybe it's Medicaid expansion. I don't know. I just know it's happened here, to nursing homes, too.

And it is only going to get worse.

But hey, the mandate is gone so all is happy in right wing fantasy land.
Obamacare was an abortion from the beginning and it needs to be replaced with universal healthcare toot sweet.
Nothing short of that will fix this mess. The detractors are simply delaying the inevitable. They know it, too. So why not just embrace it?

Are you OK with moving your income tax bracket to about 40%?

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