Trump’s Cabinet Members Discuss Invoking 25th Amendment

Its fair

you demand the same rights as the rich guy but dont want to pay your fair share


Legislation would set a simple 30 percent minimum effective tax rate for the wealthiest Americans​

Washington, DC – Billionaire investor Warren Buffett has said he pays a lower percentage of his income in taxes than his secretary. As millions of Americans file their taxes today, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Chair of the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight, introduced his legislation to fix this problem. Whitehouse’s Paying a Fair Share Act would ensure multi-millionaire and billionaire taxpayers like Warren Buffett pay at least a 30 percent effective tax rate.

“Our tax code is riddled with loopholes to help the wealthy avoid paying a fair share in taxes,” said Senator Whitehouse. “We shouldn’t have a system where the ultra-rich get away with paying less than the people working for them. We need a straightforward baseline to ensure everyone pays a reasonable share of taxes.”

“There’s no reason why the richest people in the country should be paying less in taxes than the workers that they employ. Period,” said Senator Brown. “Corporate greed is fundamental to the Wall Street business model and until we change that, the richest people in the country are going to continue exploiting loopholes so they don’t have to pay their fair share.”


Sorry, but my children should be able to profit from my successes.

Ironically you are confused about which party truly protects the ultra-wealthy. There is a reason the Zuckerbergs and Gates of the world are Democrats. They won't pay these taxes, they have teams of accountants and lawyers that will see to it. There is a myriad of ways to avoid these taxes. This is a dog and pony show by the Democrats who want to continue to push the narrative about the rich not paying their fair share, which is absolutely laughable.

Wow, we agree. Stop voting for Democrats then because this is their thing. They don't care one bit about putting people to work, just creating more dependents thus more votes.

You are not rich.
Wait a second. You republicans are here protecting the ultra wealthy and you're saying it's us who are protecting them? You're confused. Cognitive dissonance must be bothering you on this.

Gates' accountants are going to take advantage of any tax break that is legal. I don't blame them. Then he gives half his money to charity. I'm fine with that.

But I don't think Gates is crying about how much he pays in taxes. Not like rich Republicans do.
By slight of hand

globalists lied by saying that free trade is good for everyone when its not

free trade with a communist dictatorship is a illusion
That's what we were saying in the 2000's. But you wouldn't listen. I was on USMB in the 2000's. You guys liked the cheap shit we were getting from China and Walmart. Glad you are finally coming around but now it's too late. Now you want to bring those jobs back?

You do know that almost 100% of Republicans signed NAFTA right? Yes Bill Clinton reluctantly signed it and so did a lot of Democrats but the only group that was against NAFTA when Clinton signed it was Democrats and Unions.

We told you so.
Our politicians both Dems and Repubs got together and decided this number was fair.
I really dont care who did it

its wrong

As I pointed out I want a simple and non progressive tax code that is transparent and understandable by ordinary citizens

one tax rate for everyone with no deductions for any reason
Don't forget I max out my 401K. So the $80K is what I show uncle same every year after I have maxed out my 401K. Do you not count that income?

So back before Corona when I almost made $100K, that wasn't counting my 401K either. So I was probably making $120,000.

In fact I may not have taken enough out. If I took more out I might have fallen into a lower tax bracket.

I just turned 50 last year in November so I found out I can put even more in my 401K. So I did. I'm not putting in 30% of my pay plus my company matches 4%. I'm rich pussy.

You still make less than I did in the 1990s, pussy
That's what we were saying in the 2000's. But you wouldn't listen. I was on USMB in the 2000's. You guys liked the cheap shit we were getting from China and Walmart. Glad you are finally coming around but now it's too late. Now you want to bring those jobs back?
Neither repubs or democrats understood what the globalists were doing to America

Yes in the abstract free trade looked like a good idea

but the republican base woke up pretty fast to the reality even if the swamp rats in congress didnt
Wait a second. You republicans are here protecting the ultra wealthy and you're saying it's us who are protecting them? You're confused. Cognitive dissonance must be bothering you on this.

Gates' accountants are going to take advantage of any tax break that is legal. I don't blame them. Then he gives half his money to charity. I'm fine with that.

But I don't think Gates is crying about how much he pays in taxes. Not like rich Republicans do.

I am saying that Democrats are the party of the elites. They want to keep the poor poor and they want those making 100k like you pick up the tab for everything. They play this game of acting as if they are for the working class, which is a complete farce. This tax will be avoided by most, but the Democrats will use this and lower it year by year so it starts hitting those that are "rich" but not so rich that they can hire a team of accountants and lawyers. It is a strategy that fools the ignorant masses.

Gates would care quite a bit if his lifestyle was affected by the taxes he pays or the money he gave to charity. It doesn't. Unlike someone making 400k/yr who may not be able to purchase a luxury item that he/she earned due to higher taxes, Gates has all the luxury items he wants. When Gates gives away enough money that he can't afford the gas in his yacht, let me know. I will be impressed and give you props that his heart is in the right place, otherwise, it is nothing but a show.
Neither repubs or democrats understood what the globalists were doing to America

Yes in the abstract free trade looked like a good idea

but the republican base woke up pretty fast to the reality even if the swamp rats in congress didnt

Half of you have always understood. Still you voted for Republicans who pushed for it.

For example, your party has always been split on hiring illegals. The corporatists said they were just doing jobs Americans wouldn't do. But the racists in your party seemed to understand these illegals would lower wages for workers. Guess which side of your party lost the argument? That's right. The racists.

And today most of you still argue when we talk about going after illegal employers. You want to play wack a mole with illegals, build a great wall at the border, but you refuse to go after the people who lure them here with jobs.

And I'm sorry but after seeing all our fast food places closing, I'm starting to agree with the corporatists. Americans who work for fast food are staying home collecting unemployment rather than go back to work. They fucked this opportunity up. Now I feel like corporations have no choice but to hire undocumented workers. It's either that or go out of business because you can't find enough workers.

My brother said the other day, "imagine you open up a Tim Horton's. Great product, line up around the door, even during Covid people were still going through the drive thru. What a great business model.

But now they have to close at 2pm because of a shortage of workers. Blue collar Americans are the worse. Hillary was right. They are deplorable.
No idiot. If you were making more than $100K in the 90's, I wouldn't say, "no wonder you're successful". I would say, no wonder you're a Republican.

You're proof that the Republican party is the party for the rich. Thanks for sharing.

We just have different definitions of "rich". To most Democrats, it is anyone making more than them.
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Half of you have always understood. Still you voted for Republicans who pushed for it.

For example, your party has always been split on hiring illegals. The corporatists said they were just doing jobs Americans wouldn't do. But the racists in your party seemed to understand these illegals would lower wages for workers. Guess which side of your party lost the argument? That's right. The racists.

And today most of you still argue when we talk about going after illegal employers. You want to play wack a mole with illegals, build a great wall at the border, but you refuse to go after the people who lure them here with jobs.

And I'm sorry but after seeing all our fast food places closing, I'm starting to agree with the corporatists. Americans who work for fast food are staying home collecting unemployment rather than go back to work. They fucked this opportunity up. Now I feel like corporations have no choice but to hire undocumented workers. It's either that or go out of business because you can't find enough workers.

My brother said the other day, "imagine you open up a Tim Horton's. Great product, line up around the door, even during Covid people were still going through the drive thru. What a great business model.

But now they have to close at 2pm because of a shortage of workers. Blue collar Americans are the worse. Hillary was right. They are deplorable.

You don't know what globalism is
We just have different definitions of "rich". To most Democrats, it is anyone making more than them.
You know that's not true.

And the way I see it, Republicans who aren't rich think they are rich. They certainly defend policies that benefit the rich, and corporations. Take for instance Citizens United. Who thinks that's a good idea?

And how did they sell it to you? They said "if unions can do it why can't corporations?" and you swallowed it. So you allowed dark money to enter our politics. Why? Because you aren't in a union. If you were maybe you'd have been a lot smarter back then.
You know that's not true.

And the way I see it, Republicans who aren't rich think they are rich. They certainly defend policies that benefit the rich, and corporations. Take for instance Citizens United. Who thinks that's a good idea?

And how did they sell it to you? They said "if unions can do it why can't corporations?" and you swallowed it. So you allowed dark money to enter our politics. Why? Because you aren't in a union. If you were maybe you'd have been a lot smarter back then.

We know that IS true. That is precisely the definition that virtually every Democrat uses. They should pay zero taxes and anyone who earns more than you should have it confiscated
the 25th has to be on the table these days but personally I'd rather have a president with a deteriorating mental capacity than what's next in line and next in line after that.
Half of you have always understood. Still you voted for Republicans who pushed for it.
You are hanging on events that happened 25 years ago and at the same time absolving the democrats of all blame

I know that today libs are like frogs in a pot of water who are totally at peace with the rise of china

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