Trump's DOJ detains US citizen without charge and denies access to a lawyer

And, believe me, this is not a defense of the citizen, who was picked up in Iraq after allegedly working with ISIS -- it's a defense of the American way.

If the US government arrests you, it has to charge you with a crime and provide you with access to an attorney if you request one. End of story.

That is, unless you are okay with America becoming a fascist/totalitarian state, one that locks up people and throws away the key.

We cannot allow Trump and his henchmen to destroy our democracy and legal system because they are a bunch of sissies with wet panties when they get scared.

Here is the link on the story. It's not "fake news," either:

Judge blasts Trump admin in hearing over American accused of fighting for ISIS - CNNPolitics
not in a war zone they don't.
And, believe me, this is not a defense of the citizen, who was picked up in Iraq after allegedly working with ISIS -- it's a defense of the American way.

If the US government arrests you, it has to charge you with a crime and provide you with access to an attorney if you request one. End of story.

That is, unless you are okay with America becoming a fascist/totalitarian state, one that locks up people and throws away the key.

We cannot allow Trump and his henchmen to destroy our democracy and legal system because they are a bunch of sissies with wet panties when they get scared.

Here is the link on the story. It's not "fake news," either:

Judge blasts Trump admin in hearing over American accused of fighting for ISIS - CNNPolitics
not in a war zone they don't.
Weird comment, as Congress has not declared war in a long, long time.

The "American way" is that you don't don't aid an enemy in trying to destroy this country. If the shithead was fighting for ISIS, then he's an enemy combatant and need to be dealt with.

That’s not what you right wingers said when Obama used drones to kill Americans fighting for Al Qaeda. You said these people were American citizens who were deprived of their Constitutional right to a fair trial.

Amazing how when it’s Trump depriving US citizens of their Constitutional rights, it’s fine by you.

Did I ever say that? I actually cheered when Obama ran up a bigger drone-strike body count than GW. During his 8 years in office, he actually was good at killing shithead Muslim terrorists. But that's about all. He even received a Nobel Peace Prize for his body count.

Unfortunately, he also ended up killing more innocent women and children with his drone strikes, than did GW.

You do like women and children, don't you?

Progressive globalists revere Muslims terrorists above all others.

Why? Do they think Muslim terrorists wouldn't chop off their heads because "Kumbaya"?

Such stupidity.
The "American way" is that you don't don't aid an enemy in trying to destroy this country. If the shithead was fighting for ISIS, then he's an enemy combatant and need to be dealt with.

That’s not what you right wingers said when Obama used drones to kill Americans fighting for Al Qaeda. You said these people were American citizens who were deprived of their Constitutional right to a fair trial.

Amazing how when it’s Trump depriving US citizens of their Constitutional rights, it’s fine by you.

Did I ever say that? I actually cheered when Obama ran up a bigger drone-strike body count than GW. During his 8 years in office, he actually was good at killing shithead Muslim terrorists. But that's about all. He even received a Nobel Peace Prize for his body count.

Unfortunately, he also ended up killing more innocent women and children with his drone strikes, than did GW.

You do like women and children, don't you?

Progressive globalists revere Muslims terrorists above all others.

Why? Do they think Muslim terrorists wouldn't chop off their heads because "Kumbaya"?

Such stupidity.

The progressives hate whites, Christianity, and capitalism above all else. Every cause they support helps undermine one or all of those aspects of Western culture they hate so much. Supporting Islam helps them achieve that goal. It’s not stupidity, it’s their ideology.

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