Trump's done. Advocating for Ethnic Cleansing is a huge no-no.

Trump's done. Advocating for Ethnic Cleansing is a huge no-no
Ummm.. "Ethnic cleansing is a huge no-no" you sound like you believe that coming out for ethnic cleansing is like wearing whites after labor day...while back here on Earth it's a pretty heinous offense (as in "What the fuck did you just say, somebody hose this a-hole down with an Uzi before I do")... let me know when your spaceship lands I'll bring you a welcome gift and we'll talk Earth style reality over a beer or five. :D


:alcoholic:Ethnic cleansing?:anj_stfu:
Democracy bitch. If Mississippi republicans who want the government out of there Medicare get to vote..

What the fuck is that incoherent pile supposed to mean?
"The bad citizens who do vote are bigger problems.." That's democracy, and citizens get to vote regardless.

Yep, which is the reason democracy is one of the shittiest forms of government.
Yes, yes, go drool over your dictatorship.

We paid much less taxes and had much more freedom under the monarchy.

who is *we*? you didn't live under a monarchy. and serfs like you wouldn't have done well tax-wise.
"The bad citizens who do vote are bigger problems.." That's democracy, and citizens get to vote regardless.

Yep, which is the reason democracy is one of the shittiest forms of government.
Yes, yes, go drool over your dictatorship.

We paid much less taxes and had much more freedom under the monarchy.

You think facts are loco?

facts, no. you, yes. totally.
lol, every day Trump is done and I'll be damned if there is again

you people need to worry over those old Democrats you have running. they haven't roused anyone like Trump has. or you can stump on Trump for the whole time.

If you want the truth of what any Republican says or means, I wouldn't listen to any of the desperate left/democrats on here. they've been know to make up stuff or just flat out lie
Wrong. No one is bringing in crowds like Bernie is. 29000 in Portland is his record so far.
Love Bernie Sanders.
Hell, I disagree with the premise. Who in their right mind honestly thinks that Muslims are America's biggest problem?

You're right. Mexican illegals are a bigger problem.
Right wing xenophobia and hatred based on nothing substantial is Expected.

"Nothing substantial?" 20 million illegal aliens isn't "substantial?"

Unlike you, I'm not someone who despises American culture and wants to see it swamped by foreign invaders.
I would take 20 million Mexicans over 1 million Muslims.

Maybe one day you'll like to retire and move to Mexico to retire. We should be free to travel from mexico to Canada. If only American employers would stop hiring illegals.

Mexican and Canadian companies don't hire americans why do American corporations hire Mexicans?
i know a kid who is working right now in Toronto for a Canadian company....
If you missed the point omg.
What the fuck is that incoherent pile supposed to mean?
"The bad citizens who do vote are bigger problems.." That's democracy, and citizens get to vote regardless.

Yep, which is the reason democracy is one of the shittiest forms of government.
Yes, yes, go drool over your dictatorship.

We paid much less taxes and had much more freedom under the monarchy.

who is *we*? you didn't live under a monarchy. and serfs like you wouldn't have done well tax-wise.
"WE" means Americans, and they paid about 3% of their income in taxes to the crown. Everyone did better in those days.
Yep, which is the reason democracy is one of the shittiest forms of government.
Yes, yes, go drool over your dictatorship.

We paid much less taxes and had much more freedom under the monarchy.

You think facts are loco?

facts, no. you, yes. totally.

No one cares about your opinion, dingbat.
I guess I missed the part where he advocated for ethnic cleansing.

Is anything here meant to be taken seriously, or are we all just goofing and nobody told me?
I guess I missed the part where he advocated for ethnic cleansing.

Is anything here meant to be taken seriously, or are we all just goofing and nobody told me?

Are you kidding? he's managed to ethnically cleanse all common sense from this election cycle.... welcome to Earth Mac. :cool:
Yes, yes, go drool over your dictatorship.

We paid much less taxes and had much more freedom under the monarchy.

You think facts are loco?

facts, no. you, yes. totally.

No one cares about your opinion, dingbat.

people with 6th grade educations and double digit IQ's shouldn't be calling anyone else names.

now run along back to your basement, idiota.
That the citizens still allows these politicians to PLAY these kinds of games on them and still swallows it. Says a lot about them and the people who SET THIS UP
Liberal Media, GOP Elites Upset Donald Trump Won’t Defend Obama From Hillary Clinton Muslim Rumor

Jim Hoft Sep 18th, 2015 7:14 pm

FOX News, Hillary Clinton, Karl Rove and the liberal media bashed Donald Trump today for not defending Barack Obama last night at his town hall event in New Hampshire.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Trump held a town hall meeting in Rochester, New Hampshire Thursday evening to a packed house.

The first questioner spouted off about Obama being a Muslim and terrorist camps. Trump didn’t talk down to the man, he rather talked past the question.

The liberal media, Hillary Clinton and FOX News were horrified today that Trump did not apologize for his audience member.
(Democrats never have to do this.)

Hillary Clinton tweeted tweeted this out after the Trump event.

She forgot that it was her campaign that started the Obama is Muslim rumor.
Hat Tip Dana Loesch

Legal Insurrection reported:

“The Internet” was quick to remind Hillary that she started it:

all of it here;
Liberal Media, GOP Elites Upset Donald Trump Won't Defend Obama From Hillary Clinton Muslim Rumor - The Gateway Pundit
That the citizens still allows these politicians to PLAY these kinds of games on them and still swallows it. Says a lot about them and the people who SET THIS UP
No one set Trump up to lack courage and character other than the people who raised him.

"I guess I missed the part where he advocated for ethnic cleansing."

Good guess:

'"We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims," an unidentified man who spoke at a question-and-answer town hall event in Rochester, New Hampshire asked the mogul at a rally Thursday night. "You know our current president is one. You know he's not even an American.”

"Anyway, we have training camps growing where they want to kill us," the man, wearing a "Trump" T-shirt, continued. "That's my question: When can we get rid of them?"

"We're going to be looking at a lot of different things," Trump replied. "You know, a lot of people are saying that and a lot of people are saying that bad things are happening. We're going to be looking at that and many other things."'

Donald Trump doesn't challenge anti-Muslim questioner -

Given the fact there are no 'Muslim training camps,' the idiot bigot is clearly referring to 'getting rid' of Muslims, since America has a 'Muslim problem' – and Trump is going to 'look into that,' as if there was actually something to 'look at.'

The irony of this, of course, is that considering Trump's arrogant, dismissive, belligerent personality, he could have eviscerated this moron and remained just as popular with his followers, if not more so.

But Trump is likewise a moron, who continues to attempt to propagate the lie that the president wasn't born in the United States.

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