Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more

When I rented I paid for Nada sans the rent

And the owner of the house paid the rest...thus money is still being spent

Not the same. You know that.

No I do not. I currently rent the home I live in. The landlord has since I moved in spent money on a new roof, a leaking water pipe coming off the main, fixing the AC and some plumbing work. Why is it different that he did it and not me?

Because he will do the bear min. You would likely spend more to make it nicer.

You are trying so hard and failing so badly. He has to be able to rent it again in a year when we move.

My dad is an owner of several homes. We don’t buy the top of the line stuff and do the bear min. In Boston there is always demand. But when we moved to our home we had to get all new furniture, appliances, bedding, got a dog, our spending went up exponentially. Then we finished the basement, added a bathrooms, etc. There is a difference.
Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more
Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more
08/04/19 07:00 AM EDT

You have probably heard the saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
That saying could be applied to our economy right now. In this regard, it seems that President Trump can do almost no wrong, with the Dow and S&P 500 hitting all-time highs in July, job growth continuing to exceed expectations, and unemployment at a 50-year low.
The catalyst for this booming economy can be found in the president’s regulation slashing early in his presidency and his signing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which put more money back in the hands of American companies and families

ME: Just a reminder of why we voted for Trump. Promises Made, Promises Kept!
A booming economy. And the wall is starting to go up. Unemployment is at a 50 year low. God Bless Donald J Trump!
Trump's policies have hit a snafu and the result today so far is the Dow is off by close to 600 points.

Trade war. Long term gain for short term pain or it costs him the Presidency. Quite the gamble.

Expect he has nothing on the line, the trade war fails he goes back to being the billionaire playboy that he was before 2017. The rest of us take the hit
And the owner of the house paid the rest...thus money is still being spent

Not the same. You know that.

No I do not. I currently rent the home I live in. The landlord has since I moved in spent money on a new roof, a leaking water pipe coming off the main, fixing the AC and some plumbing work. Why is it different that he did it and not me?

Because he will do the bear min. You would likely spend more to make it nicer.

You are trying so hard and failing so badly. He has to be able to rent it again in a year when we move.

My dad is an owner of several homes. We don’t buy the top of the line stuff and do the bear min. In Boston there is always demand. But when we moved to our home we had to get all new furniture, appliances, bedding, got a dog, our spending went up exponentially. Then we finished the basement, added a bathrooms, etc. There is a difference.

And you will live there for 20 or 30 years and never do most of that again.
Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more
Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more
08/04/19 07:00 AM EDT

You have probably heard the saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
That saying could be applied to our economy right now. In this regard, it seems that President Trump can do almost no wrong, with the Dow and S&P 500 hitting all-time highs in July, job growth continuing to exceed expectations, and unemployment at a 50-year low.
The catalyst for this booming economy can be found in the president’s regulation slashing early in his presidency and his signing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which put more money back in the hands of American companies and families

ME: Just a reminder of why we voted for Trump. Promises Made, Promises Kept!
A booming economy. And the wall is starting to go up. Unemployment is at a 50 year low. God Bless Donald J Trump!
Trump's policies have hit a snafu and the result today so far is the Dow is off by close to 600 points.

Trade war. Long term gain for short term pain or it costs him the Presidency. Quite the gamble.
Or potentially bring on a recession; for which you will likely blame Obama.
Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more
Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more
08/04/19 07:00 AM EDT

You have probably heard the saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
That saying could be applied to our economy right now. In this regard, it seems that President Trump can do almost no wrong, with the Dow and S&P 500 hitting all-time highs in July, job growth continuing to exceed expectations, and unemployment at a 50-year low.
The catalyst for this booming economy can be found in the president’s regulation slashing early in his presidency and his signing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which put more money back in the hands of American companies and families

ME: Just a reminder of why we voted for Trump. Promises Made, Promises Kept!
A booming economy. And the wall is starting to go up. Unemployment is at a 50 year low. God Bless Donald J Trump!
Trump's policies have hit a snafu and the result today so far is the Dow is off by close to 600 points.

Trade war. Long term gain for short term pain or it costs him the Presidency. Quite the gamble.

Expect he has nothing on the line, the trade war fails he goes back to being the billionaire playboy that he was before 2017. The rest of us take the hit

He has his legacy but otherwise you're correct. China has been stealing from us for years. How would rectify this? By stealing I mean intellectual property and such.
Not the same. You know that.

No I do not. I currently rent the home I live in. The landlord has since I moved in spent money on a new roof, a leaking water pipe coming off the main, fixing the AC and some plumbing work. Why is it different that he did it and not me?

Because he will do the bear min. You would likely spend more to make it nicer.

You are trying so hard and failing so badly. He has to be able to rent it again in a year when we move.

My dad is an owner of several homes. We don’t buy the top of the line stuff and do the bear min. In Boston there is always demand. But when we moved to our home we had to get all new furniture, appliances, bedding, got a dog, our spending went up exponentially. Then we finished the basement, added a bathrooms, etc. There is a difference.

And you will live there for 20 or 30 years and never do most of that again.

There is always something. We just had it painted, we replaced all the doors. We re-did the kids rooms and now our bedroom furniture is outdated I am told by the wife.
Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more
Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more
08/04/19 07:00 AM EDT

You have probably heard the saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
That saying could be applied to our economy right now. In this regard, it seems that President Trump can do almost no wrong, with the Dow and S&P 500 hitting all-time highs in July, job growth continuing to exceed expectations, and unemployment at a 50-year low.
The catalyst for this booming economy can be found in the president’s regulation slashing early in his presidency and his signing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which put more money back in the hands of American companies and families

ME: Just a reminder of why we voted for Trump. Promises Made, Promises Kept!
A booming economy. And the wall is starting to go up. Unemployment is at a 50 year low. God Bless Donald J Trump!
Trump's policies have hit a snafu and the result today so far is the Dow is off by close to 600 points.

Trade war. Long term gain for short term pain or it costs him the Presidency. Quite the gamble.
Or potentially bring on a recession; for which you will likely blame Obama.

No. That will be 100% on him! So Gator just said he could not name one policy that BHO implemented to help the economy in his seven years in office and he gets a mulligan for the 8th from me. What sayeth you? Fawn?
Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more
Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more
08/04/19 07:00 AM EDT

You have probably heard the saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
That saying could be applied to our economy right now. In this regard, it seems that President Trump can do almost no wrong, with the Dow and S&P 500 hitting all-time highs in July, job growth continuing to exceed expectations, and unemployment at a 50-year low.
The catalyst for this booming economy can be found in the president’s regulation slashing early in his presidency and his signing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which put more money back in the hands of American companies and families

ME: Just a reminder of why we voted for Trump. Promises Made, Promises Kept!
A booming economy. And the wall is starting to go up. Unemployment is at a 50 year low. God Bless Donald J Trump!
Trump's policies have hit a snafu and the result today so far is the Dow is off by close to 600 points.

Trade war. Long term gain for short term pain or it costs him the Presidency. Quite the gamble.
Or potentially bring on a recession; for which you will likely blame Obama.

No. That will be 100% on him! So Gator just said he could not name one policy that BHO implemented to help the economy in his seven years in office and he gets a mulligan for the 8th from me. What sayeth you? Fawn?
I say again you're free to re-read my answer.
Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more
Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more
08/04/19 07:00 AM EDT

You have probably heard the saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
That saying could be applied to our economy right now. In this regard, it seems that President Trump can do almost no wrong, with the Dow and S&P 500 hitting all-time highs in July, job growth continuing to exceed expectations, and unemployment at a 50-year low.
The catalyst for this booming economy can be found in the president’s regulation slashing early in his presidency and his signing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which put more money back in the hands of American companies and families

ME: Just a reminder of why we voted for Trump. Promises Made, Promises Kept!
A booming economy. And the wall is starting to go up. Unemployment is at a 50 year low. God Bless Donald J Trump!
Trump's policies have hit a snafu and the result today so far is the Dow is off by close to 600 points.

Trade war. Long term gain for short term pain or it costs him the Presidency. Quite the gamble.
Or potentially bring on a recession; for which you will likely blame Obama.

No. That will be 100% on him! So Gator just said he could not name one policy that BHO implemented to help the economy in his seven years in office and he gets a mulligan for the 8th from me. What sayeth you? Fawn?
I say again you're free to re-read my answer.

I have no idea where you posted it.
Trump's policies have hit a snafu and the result today so far is the Dow is off by close to 600 points.

Trade war. Long term gain for short term pain or it costs him the Presidency. Quite the gamble.
Or potentially bring on a recession; for which you will likely blame Obama.

No. That will be 100% on him! So Gator just said he could not name one policy that BHO implemented to help the economy in his seven years in office and he gets a mulligan for the 8th from me. What sayeth you? Fawn?
I say again you're free to re-read my answer.

I have no idea where you posted it.
All you have to do is look at where you first started asking me. My answer came shortly after. Is that really too difficult for you?
Trade war. Long term gain for short term pain or it costs him the Presidency. Quite the gamble.
Or potentially bring on a recession; for which you will likely blame Obama.

No. That will be 100% on him! So Gator just said he could not name one policy that BHO implemented to help the economy in his seven years in office and he gets a mulligan for the 8th from me. What sayeth you? Fawn?
I say again you're free to re-read my answer.

I have no idea where you posted it.
All you have to do is look at where you first started asking me. My answer came shortly after. Is that really too difficult for you?

Yes, I cannot find it. So just retype it please.
Or potentially bring on a recession; for which you will likely blame Obama.

No. That will be 100% on him! So Gator just said he could not name one policy that BHO implemented to help the economy in his seven years in office and he gets a mulligan for the 8th from me. What sayeth you? Fawn?
I say again you're free to re-read my answer.

I have no idea where you posted it.
All you have to do is look at where you first started asking me. My answer came shortly after. Is that really too difficult for you?

Yes, I cannot find it. So just retype it please.
Try this
No. That will be 100% on him! So Gator just said he could not name one policy that BHO implemented to help the economy in his seven years in office and he gets a mulligan for the 8th from me. What sayeth you? Fawn?
I say again you're free to re-read my answer.

I have no idea where you posted it.
All you have to do is look at where you first started asking me. My answer came shortly after. Is that really too difficult for you?

Yes, I cannot find it. So just retype it please.
Try this

All I see is you said I have answered you. Cannot find it.
I say again you're free to re-read my answer.

I have no idea where you posted it.
All you have to do is look at where you first started asking me. My answer came shortly after. Is that really too difficult for you?

Yes, I cannot find it. So just retype it please.
Try this

All I see is you said I have answered you. Cannot find it.
Gee, that's too bad. I can't help you're not even bright enough to find your own post where you first started asking. Maybe had you not asked so many it would have been easier for you to find it?
Kinda like the people that think corporations pay corporate taxes...

The same people that pay tariffs pay corporate taxes. The consumers. If you didn't know that, your as dumb as a box of hammers.

The difference is that corporate taxes makes American companies less competitive and tariffs make foreign companies less competitive. So which you support depends on whether or not you hate America.
So that would make corporate taxes a de facto consumption tax, and so people who support the Fair Tax would be America haters.
Do you support the Fair Tax?

That's at least creative. Well... de facto creative...

A Fair Tax doesn't disproportionately target the lower income groups like a corporate tax.
But it would make companies less competitive since everything they sell will cost more, so as an obvious Fair Tax supporter, YOU are an America hater.
I have no idea where you posted it.
All you have to do is look at where you first started asking me. My answer came shortly after. Is that really too difficult for you?

Yes, I cannot find it. So just retype it please.
Try this

All I see is you said I have answered you. Cannot find it.
Gee, that's too bad. I can't help you're not even bright enough to find your own post where you first started asking. Maybe had you not asked so many it would have been easier for you to find it?

It was declining but it was lowest under his presidency in 50 YEARS! His sycophants want to give him all the credit but zero of the blame. Doesn't work that way. Bush was awful and BHO was actually worse. Amazing.


Obama was the food stamp king.
The economy added 164,000 jobs in July, a decline from June but well above the 100,000 that is required to keep pace with growth in the working population.
Hold on a minute there Slick!
Do you mean your messiah Russia Limbaugh was LYING when he said it was 500,000 when Obama was president.
Thank you.

June 5, 2015

RUSH: From the moment Obama did his Porkulus, we needed 500,000 jobs a month just to stay even, and a little more than 500,000 jobs a month in order to grow the economy. And we haven't come close to 500,000 jobs in a month being created.
Not even close!

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