Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more

Hold on a minute there Slick!.........

Fuck off shithead.

The OP stands as Factual and Un-Refuted:

Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more

Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more
08/04/19 07:00 AM EDT

You have probably heard the saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
That saying could be applied to our economy right now. In this regard, it seems that President Trump can do almost no wrong, with the Dow and S&P 500 hitting all-time highs in July, job growth continuing to exceed expectations, and unemployment at a 50-year low.
The catalyst for this booming economy can be found in the president’s regulation slashing early in his presidency and his signing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which put more money back in the hands of American companies and families

ME: Just a reminder of why we voted for Trump. Promises Made, Promises Kept!
A booming economy. And the wall is starting to go up. Unemployment is at a 50 year low. God Bless Donald J Trump!
The OP stands as Factual and Un-Refuted:
Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more

Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more

And there is more:

Why No One Wants to Talk About the Booming Economy

Here are some facts about the American economy:
  • Jobs have grown for 106 consecutive months, the longest streak on record.
  • At 121 months, this is the longest bull market in American history.
  • The unemployment rate has been at 4 percent or less for 16 consecutive months, the longest such streak in 50 years.
  • Inequality remains a crucial problem, but wages are now growing the fastest among the lowest-wage industries, thanks to state-by-state increases in the minimum wage and the effects of low unemployment.
  • The University of Michigan’s consumer-sentiment index, which peaked at 112 in 1999, has hovered above 90 for more than four years, something that hasn’t happened since the 1990s.
  • Latino unemployment has fallen to its lowest rate on record.
  • Black unemployment, too, has fallen to its lowest rate on record, and, as the investor and Bloomberg columnist Conor Sen points out, the unemployment rate for black teenagers, which peaked at 48.9 percent in 2010, has plunged to yet another record low in 2019.
The OP stands as Factual and Un-Refuted:
Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more

Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more

And there is more:

Why No One Wants to Talk About the Booming Economy

Here are some facts about the American economy:
  • Jobs have grown for 106 consecutive months, the longest streak on record.
  • At 121 months, this is the longest bull market in American history.
  • The unemployment rate has been at 4 percent or less for 16 consecutive months, the longest such streak in 50 years.
  • Inequality remains a crucial problem, but wages are now growing the fastest among the lowest-wage industries, thanks to state-by-state increases in the minimum wage and the effects of low unemployment.
  • The University of Michigan’s consumer-sentiment index, which peaked at 112 in 1999, has hovered above 90 for more than four years, something that hasn’t happened since the 1990s.
  • Latino unemployment has fallen to its lowest rate on record.
  • Black unemployment, too, has fallen to its lowest rate on record, and, as the investor and Bloomberg columnist Conor Sen points out, the unemployment rate for black teenagers, which peaked at 48.9 percent in 2010, has plunged to yet another record low in 2019.

Only 27% of those 106 months happened under Trump.

Only 24% of those 121 months happened under Trump.

The CSI has gone up steadily since 2011.

Latino UE rate fell 74% under the previous Admin
It has fallen 29% under this Admin and is trending higher the last 4 months.

Black UE rate fell 65% under the previous Admin. It has fallen 28% under this Admin.
Only 27% of those 106 months happened under Trump..........

Your little propaganda rant has already been disproven. Repeating it does not make it true.

Sorry Obama, But It's Trump's Economic Boom, Not Yours
It's Trump's Booming Economy, Not Obama's | Investor's Business Daily

........The rate of GDP growth was decelerating in Obama's last year. It went from 2.3% in Q2, to 1.9% in Q3 to 1.8% in Q4 of 2016. Under Trump, GDP growth has averaged 2.9%. It was 4.2% last quarter and might be higher in the current one. The stock market also was stuck in neutral the year before the November 2016 elections. The Dow is up by some 45% since then. Real median family income didn't budge from August 2015 to November 2016, according to Sentier Research. It's up more than 4% since Trump came into office........

....... a survey of 68 business, financial and academic economists by The Wall Street Journal at the start of this year found that most believed Trump's policies would boost the economy, while the same group had said Obama's policies were a drag on long-term growth. Ninety percent said Trump's tax cuts would accelerate growth. It is what the left would, in another context, call a "scientific consensus." Yet to listen to liberal activists and the ideological press and you'd think that Trump was crazy for claiming credit for today's growth. "The economic expansion we're enjoying today was set in motion under Obama," insists Slate's Jordan Weissmann. Doesn't this make people like Obama and Weissmann "economy deniers?"
Only 27% of those 106 months happened under Trump..........

Your little propaganda rant has already been disproven. Repeating it does not make it true.

Sorry Obama, But It's Trump's Economic Boom, Not Yours
It's Trump's Booming Economy, Not Obama's | Investor's Business Daily

........The rate of GDP growth was decelerating in Obama's last year. It went from 2.3% in Q2, to 1.9% in Q3 to 1.8% in Q4 of 2016. Under Trump, GDP growth has averaged 2.9%. It was 4.2% last quarter and might be higher in the current one. The stock market also was stuck in neutral the year before the November 2016 elections. The Dow is up by some 45% since then. Real median family income didn't budge from August 2015 to November 2016, according to Sentier Research. It's up more than 4% since Trump came into office........

....... a survey of 68 business, financial and academic economists by The Wall Street Journal at the start of this year found that most believed Trump's policies would boost the economy, while the same group had said Obama's policies were a drag on long-term growth. Ninety percent said Trump's tax cuts would accelerate growth. It is what the left would, in another context, call a "scientific consensus." Yet to listen to liberal activists and the ideological press and you'd think that Trump was crazy for claiming credit for today's growth. "The economic expansion we're enjoying today was set in motion under Obama," insists Slate's Jordan Weissmann. Doesn't this make people like Obama and Weissmann "economy deniers?"

I am sorry you are too stupid to do basic math, but what I posted is fact and not opinion.

Trump has been in office for 29 months. 29 months is 27% of 106 months.

Perhaps if you go back and get your GED you will learn to do basic math and will not be limited to just copying and pasting the words of others.
I am sorry.........

You sure are. You're also a liar and an idiot. I repeat: Your little propaganda rant has already been disproven. Repeating it does not make it true.

Sorry Obama, But It's Trump's Economic Boom, Not Yours
It's Trump's Booming Economy, Not Obama's | Investor's Business Daily

........The rate of GDP growth was decelerating in Obama's last year. It went from 2.3% in Q2, to 1.9% in Q3 to 1.8% in Q4 of 2016. Under Trump, GDP growth has averaged 2.9%. It was 4.2% last quarter and might be higher in the current one. The stock market also was stuck in neutral the year before the November 2016 elections. The Dow is up by some 45% since then. Real median family income didn't budge from August 2015 to November 2016, according to Sentier Research. It's up more than 4% since Trump came into office........

....... a survey of 68 business, financial and academic economists by The Wall Street Journal at the start of this year found that most believed Trump's policies would boost the economy, while the same group had said Obama's policies were a drag on long-term growth. Ninety percent said Trump's tax cuts would accelerate growth. It is what the left would, in another context, call a "scientific consensus." Yet to listen to liberal activists and the ideological press and you'd think that Trump was crazy for claiming credit for today's growth. "The economic expansion we're enjoying today was set in motion under Obama," insists Slate's Jordan Weissmann. Doesn't this make people like Obama and Weissmann "economy deniers?"
I am sorry.........

You sure are. You're also a liar and an idiot. I repeat: Your little propaganda rant has already been disproven. Repeating it does not make it true.

Sorry Obama, But It's Trump's Economic Boom, Not Yours
It's Trump's Booming Economy, Not Obama's | Investor's Business Daily

........The rate of GDP growth was decelerating in Obama's last year. It went from 2.3% in Q2, to 1.9% in Q3 to 1.8% in Q4 of 2016. Under Trump, GDP growth has averaged 2.9%. It was 4.2% last quarter and might be higher in the current one. The stock market also was stuck in neutral the year before the November 2016 elections. The Dow is up by some 45% since then. Real median family income didn't budge from August 2015 to November 2016, according to Sentier Research. It's up more than 4% since Trump came into office........

....... a survey of 68 business, financial and academic economists by The Wall Street Journal at the start of this year found that most believed Trump's policies would boost the economy, while the same group had said Obama's policies were a drag on long-term growth. Ninety percent said Trump's tax cuts would accelerate growth. It is what the left would, in another context, call a "scientific consensus." Yet to listen to liberal activists and the ideological press and you'd think that Trump was crazy for claiming credit for today's growth. "The economic expansion we're enjoying today was set in motion under Obama," insists Slate's Jordan Weissmann. Doesn't this make people like Obama and Weissmann "economy deniers?"

You can parrot the words of other people all day long, you have proven you have no capacity for individual or original thought.

None of that changes the accuracy of my post, which are 100% factual.
Andy Puzder: Trump economy is booming – Great news for America, bad news for desperate Dems
Andy Puzder: Trump economy is booming – Great news for America, bad news for desperate Dems

The Trump economy continues to boom, a new government report showed Friday, defying the consistently pessimistic and inaccurate predictions of liberal economists.
The good economic news is bad news for Democratic partisans, who are hoping and praying for a recession. They know the better our economy performs, the worse the odds are that a Democrat will defeat President Trump in the 2020 election and the worse Democrats will do in House and Senate races.
Andy Puzder: Trump economy is booming – Great news for America, bad news for desperate Dems
Andy Puzder: Trump economy is booming – Great news for America, bad news for desperate Dems

The Trump economy continues to boom, a new government report showed Friday, defying the consistently pessimistic and inaccurate predictions of liberal economists.
The good economic news is bad news for Democratic partisans, who are hoping and praying for a recession. They know the better our economy performs, the worse the odds are that a Democrat will defeat President Trump in the 2020 election and the worse Democrats will do in House and Senate races.
why insist on lowering the Fed rate?
why insist on lowering the Fed rate?

The Fed lowers interest rates in order to stimulate economic growth, as lower financing costs can encourage borrowing and investing.

If the economy was booming as much as you claim, then the Fed would not need to stimulate economic growth. The FED only needs to do that when the economy is bad.
If the economy was booming as much as you claim, then the Fed would not need to stimulate economic growth.........

For once you are right. They don't need to, and they DON'T need to. I don't know why they are doing it when they don't need to.
Why do we need to further stimulate the economy if this is the best economy we've ever had?

I don't think we do. I have no idea why they are doing that.

Now go fuck yourself loser.

The fed lowers the rate when the economy is not doing well. Looks like they know more about the condition of our economy than you do.
And the OP still stands as factual and un-refuted:

Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more

Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more
08/04/19 07:00 AM EDT

You have probably heard the saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
That saying could be applied to our economy right now. In this regard, it seems that President Trump can do almost no wrong, with the Dow and S&P 500 hitting all-time highs in July, job growth continuing to exceed expectations, and unemployment at a 50-year low.
The catalyst for this booming economy can be found in the president’s regulation slashing early in his presidency and his signing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which put more money back in the hands of American companies and families

ME: Just a reminder of why we voted for Trump. Promises Made, Promises Kept!
A booming economy. And the wall is starting to go up. Unemployment is at a 50 year low. God Bless Donald J Trump!
Anyone paying attention, and/or who understands economics, knows that the economy is not "booming".

That is nothing more than alternate reality, closed circuit, talk radio fantasy. Five actual facts:
  1. The Fed already had to drop rates 25bps
  2. Markets are screaming for another 50bps
  3. Treasury yields have CRASHED and are nearing all time lows
  4. The low unemployment rate has failed to push either inflation or interest rates
  5. GDP for 2019 will be under 2.5%, half of what Trump promised
The economy is pretty good, although Trump exploded the deficit to pay for the sugar high. Our best hope right now is that we get a GOOD trade deal with China, although it looks like they're waiting until after elections because, like everyone else, they don't want to deal with a buffoon.

Fantasy is fun in movies, video games and comic books. When it happens in real life, it's a psychosis.
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