Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more

Anyone paying attention, and/or who understands economics, knows that the economy is not "booming"

Actual economists say different you lying sack of shit. Are you an economist? No.

Actually economist do not say different. Find an actual economist that says the economy is still booming and is not raising some alarms
They do in TrumpWorld. Outside of that, not so much.

But what is provided them in TrumpWorld is all they know.

“The monthly employment figures compiled by the Labor Department were out on Friday, and they’re stunning by anyone’s measurement… The good news is reflected across every level of the population. Minority unemployment continues at record low levels; Hispanic unemployment, at 4.2 percent, is at the lowest ever, down from 13 percent in the Obama years. Unemployment has diminished to the vanishing point even for high-school drop-outs. Another good sign is that wage growth has been highest in the low-wage industries.”


“Friday’s labor report showed employers added 263,000 jobs in April as the unemployment rate dropped to 3.6%, the lowest in five decades. The best news is that the biggest beneficiaries of this tight labor market are the folks who struggled during the slow-growth Obama years… less educated Americans are experiencing faster wage and job growth. Many of the robust job gains came in businesses that hire those with less education… Believe it or not—and liberals won’t want to admit it—the evidence is that the faster economic growth of the last two years is reducing income inequality.”
WASHINGTON EXAMINER EDITORIAL BOARD: Trump-Era Economy: A Rising Tide Is Lifting All Boats

“And so here’s why this week’s economic numbers are so great: Clearly, at last, that the regular guy is gaining. Americans without bachelor’s degrees (a standard definition of the working class) have just recorded their lowest unemployment rate in almost two decades… Manufacturing wages were up 2.9% year over year, the greatest rise since 2003… Trump has gotten government out of the way, for the most part. In turn, American energy and enterprise has created a rising tide that is lifting all boats.”


“The most salient point of this recovery is that it is raising wages the most for the least-skilled American workers at the bottom of the economic ladder. That is actually reducing inequality, exactly the opposite of Mr. Obama’s rhetoric and policies. That is because booming economic growth is the root of prosperity for working people, the opposite of socialism, which produces only poverty, most for the least-skilled workers.”
PHILIP KLEIN IN WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Last Time Unemployment Rate Was This Low, Most Americans Weren’t Born Yet

“The U.S. unemployment rate has gotten so low, that most Americans were not alive the last time it was at this level. On Friday, the Department of Labor reported that the unemployment rate dipped to 3.6% in April, which was the lowest level since December 1969. That means anybody younger than 49 years and four months hasn’t been alive long enough to see the unemployment rate this low.”


“Thanks to Mr. Trump and the GOP’s pro-growth agenda, and despite the partial government shutdown, Americans from every demographic are finding success in today’s economy. With more than 2.6 million African-American-owned businesses in the United States today, the past two years have been a boon for African-American entrepreneurship like never before…At the same time, the past two years have been extremely good for women in the workforce and the economy. More than half of the jobs created since January 2018 have gone to women, and women’s unemployment is down to 3.8 percent. Pro-growth economic policies have benefited Americans of all stripes more than any government program ever could.”
TIANA LOWE IN WASHINGTON EXAMINER: April’s Jobs Report Parties Like It’s ’69

“April’s Bureau of Labor Statistics report couldn’t possibly spell better news for the American economy. Employers created 263,000 jobs last month, some 40% higher than what economists surveyed by the Wall Street Journal had anticipated. Our seasonally adjusted employment rate plummeted to 3.6%, a level not achieved since 1969. Most astounding is the nation’s wage growth. Average hourly earnings have increased by 3.2% over the year.”
Anyone paying attention, and/or who understands economics, knows that the economy is not "booming"

Actual economists say different you lying sack of shit. Are you an economist? No.

Actually economist do not say different. Find an actual economist that says the economy is still booming and is not raising some alarms
They do in TrumpWorld. Outside of that, not so much.

But what is provided them in TrumpWorld is all they know.

And the the Trumpester proves you correct by posting a bunch of articles written by non-economist for a right wing rag! Too funny
TIANA LOWE IN WASHINGTON EXAMINER: April’s Jobs Report Parties Like It’s ’69

“April’s Bureau of Labor Statistics report couldn’t possibly spell better news for the American economy. Employers created 263,000 jobs last month, some 40% higher than what economists surveyed by the Wall Street Journal had anticipated. Our seasonally adjusted employment rate plummeted to 3.6%, a level not achieved since 1969. Most astounding is the nation’s wage growth. Average hourly earnings have increased by 3.2% over the year.”

Have you found one from an actual economist yet?

“The monthly employment figures compiled by the Labor Department were out on Friday, and they’re stunning by anyone’s measurement… The good news is reflected across every level of the population. Minority unemployment continues at record low levels; Hispanic unemployment, at 4.2 percent, is at the lowest ever, down from 13 percent in the Obama years. Unemployment has diminished to the vanishing point even for high-school drop-outs. Another good sign is that wage growth has been highest in the low-wage industries.”


“Friday’s labor report showed employers added 263,000 jobs in April as the unemployment rate dropped to 3.6%, the lowest in five decades. The best news is that the biggest beneficiaries of this tight labor market are the folks who struggled during the slow-growth Obama years… less educated Americans are experiencing faster wage and job growth. Many of the robust job gains came in businesses that hire those with less education… Believe it or not—and liberals won’t want to admit it—the evidence is that the faster economic growth of the last two years is reducing income inequality.”
"Hispanic unemployment, at 4.2 percent, is at the lowest ever, down from 13 percent in the Obama years."

It was 5.8% and dropping when Obama left office and it's 4.5% now.
Current Economic Boom Is More Trump Than Obama
Current Economic Boom Is More Trump Than Obama

Members of former President Obama’s administration state that the current economic boom is a result of Obama’s policies. While that is partly true as every president is the recipient of the previous president’s policies, good or bad, the current economic boom is more from Trump’s policies. Trump removed 800 regulations that Obama imposed on everything and everyone. President Trump also lowered the corporate tax from 35% to 21% thus enabling companies to come back here from overseas to build and hire more here.
Consequently, the black and Hispanic unemployment rates are the lowest in history and women’s unemployment rates are the lowest in 63 years. Unemployment, in general, is at 3.9% which is considered total employment. It is not because people are working two and three jobs at long hours as Ocasio Cortez says. And, GDP is at 4%
An article appearing on Gateway Pundit showed that Barack Obama was the worst economic president since World War II and the first president in US history to never reach a single year of 3.0% annual economic growth. When we reached 2% under Obama he told us “that was the new norm
Current Economic Boom Is More Trump Than Obama
Current Economic Boom Is More Trump Than Obama

Members of former President Obama’s administration state that the current economic boom is a result of Obama’s policies. While that is partly true as every president is the recipient of the previous president’s policies, good or bad, the current economic boom is more from Trump’s policies. Trump removed 800 regulations that Obama imposed on everything and everyone. President Trump also lowered the corporate tax from 35% to 21% thus enabling companies to come back here from overseas to build and hire more here.
Consequently, the black and Hispanic unemployment rates are the lowest in history and women’s unemployment rates are the lowest in 63 years. Unemployment, in general, is at 3.9% which is considered total employment. It is not because people are working two and three jobs at long hours as Ocasio Cortez says. And, GDP is at 4%
An article appearing on Gateway Pundit showed that Barack Obama was the worst economic president since World War II and the first president in US history to never reach a single year of 3.0% annual economic growth. When we reached 2% under Obama he told us “that was the new norm

So says the conservative daily news.

Obama had incredible job growth in his 8 years. He inherited a country losing 800k jobs a month and turned that into a country creating 200k a month for many many years. 15 Million jobs were created under Obama. Obama created many more jobs than Trump anyway you slice it.

Sheer fake news bullshit. The few jobs Obama created were part time crap jobs that did nobody any good. Trump has brought back real jobs and a booming economy. You're an idiot.

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