Trump's future hangs in the balance: Possible charges as Classified Documents Probe may be announced after Memorial Day

Trump’s in a world of hurt.

Jail or Moscow…

Republicans have won the House. Now, they're promising to investigate the Bidens​

In a press conference on Thursday, Comer accused the Biden family of defrauding the United States, tax evasion, violating several laws and money laundering, among other accusations.

"The president's participation in enriching his family is, in a word, abuse of the highest order," Comer said. "I want to be clear: This is an investigation of Joe Biden, and that's where our focus will be next Congress."

Republicans have won the House. Now, they're promising to investigate the Bidens​

In a press conference on Thursday, Comer accused the Biden family of defrauding the United States, tax evasion, violating several laws and money laundering, among other accusations.

"The president's participation in enriching his family is, in a word, abuse of the highest order," Comer said. "I want to be clear: This is an investigation of Joe Biden, and that's where our focus will be next Congress."

I’m sure Durham is on the case

Republicans have won the House. Now, they're promising to investigate the Bidens​

In a press conference on Thursday, Comer accused the Biden family of defrauding the United States, tax evasion, violating several laws and money laundering, among other accusations.

"The president's participation in enriching his family is, in a word, abuse of the highest order," Comer said. "I want to be clear: This is an investigation of Joe Biden, and that's where our focus will be next Congress."

Republicans have won the House. Now, they're promising to investigate the Bidens​

In a press conference on Thursday, Comer accused the Biden family of defrauding the United States, tax evasion, violating several laws and money laundering, among other accusations.

"The president's participation in enriching his family is, in a word, abuse of the highest order," Comer said. "I want to be clear: This is an investigation of Joe Biden, and that's where our focus will be next Congress."
They must have referred charges no?



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