Trump's immorality and his support by Christians

I can see how a non-Christian already pre-disposted to hate any Republican in the WH would be upset that Christians support trump in spite of his multiple marriage, and reputed affairs. I'll see if I can explain it:

Christians of the type that support Trump hate the sin but love the sinner. They believe in forgiveness and renewal. If Trump claims that he has become a Christian and left his formerly sinful life behind, Christians must accept it, because they want their own sins to be forgiven also. If Trump is lying about being a Christian, then he will be judged by the only judge, not by Christians.

Trump moved the Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, some thing promised by never done by several presidents before him. To a Christian, that means more than any past affairs.

You don't have to agree or even understand this Christian attitude. People vote how they vote.

Yeah, Trump's no angel and doesn't give a fuck about our inalienable rights and still clings to the stupid notion that we need negative interest rates. On the other hand, I have nothing good to say about any of the democrat Party leadership
No matter the sex of the people involved.
Deviate sex is deviate sex. I can't wrap my head around that, sorry. I'd pick Stormy or Karen over the others:



My kind of "Karen"
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I can see how a non-Christian already pre-disposted to hate any Republican in the WH would be upset that Christians support trump in spite of his multiple marriage, and reputed affairs. I'll see if I can explain it:

Christians of the type that support Trump hate the sin but love the sinner. They believe in forgiveness and renewal. If Trump claims that he has become a Christian and left his formerly sinful life behind, Christians must accept it, because they want their own sins to be forgiven also. If Trump is lying about being a Christian, then he will be judged by the only judge, not by Christians.

Trump moved the Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, some thing promised by never done by several presidents before him. To a Christian, that means more than any past affairs.

You don't have to agree or even understand this Christian attitude. People vote how they vote.

Trump is done. He has no support of Christians. Only Christianists.

There's a difference.

Since the Christianists love him so much. No doubt they will be holding their deranged vigils outside of the prison where he will be housed.
Trump is done. He has no support of Christians. Only Christianists.

There's a difference.

Since the Christianists love him so much. No doubt they will be holding their deranged vigils outside of the prison where he will be housed.
You must not be keeping up with current events. Alvin Bragg's grand jury is laughing at him and refusing to
I can see how a non-Christian already pre-disposted to hate any Republican in the WH would be upset that Christians support trump in spite of his multiple marriage, and reputed affairs. I'll see if I can explain it:

Christians of the type that support Trump hate the sin but love the sinner. They believe in forgiveness and renewal. If Trump claims that he has become a Christian and left his formerly sinful life behind, Christians must accept it, because they want their own sins to be forgiven also. If Trump is lying about being a Christian, then he will be judged by the only judge, not by Christians.

Trump moved the Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, some thing promised by never done by several presidents before him. To a Christian, that means more than any past affairs.

You don't have to agree or even understand this Christian attitude. People vote how they vote.

The people who vote for Trump are not Christians. They've abandoned Christianity for white nationalism. No real Christian with any level of morality could ever vote for a criminal like Trump.

Jesus said "My Kingdom is not of this earth", and yet these so-called Christians keep trying to create a theocracy. Tend to your spiritual lives and stop trying to inflict your false gods on the rest of us.
The extent non-believers are trying to brand believers as somehow fraudulent because they’re not perfect Christians is hilarious.

But, it’s telling that the non-believers hold such a high standard for us. Subconsciously they know it’s a higher calling to follow Christ than to merely live a “at least im not stealing or killing”, non-charitable kind of life. Their void and disgruntled nature causes lashing out as we see here..
The people who vote for Trump are not Christians. They've abandoned Christianity for white nationalism. No real Christian with any level of morality could ever vote for a criminal like Trump.

So tell us how all Christians SHOULD vote, and why
Jesus said "My Kingdom is not of this earth", and yet these so-called Christians keep trying to create a theocracy.
Tend to your spiritual lives and stop trying to inflict your false gods on the rest of us.
Nobody is..
Damn, you are again saying that oral sex between a man and a woman is deviant sex and now you have added in any couple that uses sex toys as well.

Can't wait to let the wife know that we are deviants, according to the wise kyzr
Go ahead. Nobody is stopping you.

You get some information on something you don’t know and you mock it? Why does it bother you?
Damn, you are again saying that oral sex between a man and a woman is deviant sex and now you have added in any couple that uses sex toys as well. Can't wait to let the wife know that we are deviants, according to the wise kyzr
My conscience is clear. IMHO wiki is wrong about the oral sex thing, as it is used to enhance intercourse.
But God has not. The Bible has not.
But the Law has been completed and we are now under Grace. That doesn't mean God's standards have changed, it means that we're no longer liable for the punishments under the Law. So, yes, God still views homosexuality as an abomination, but we don't stone homosexuals.
Every single depraved thing the New Right has projected onto the Left has been found in their inventory.

Every. Last. Thing.

The New Right amputated their moral legs. They have nothing to stand on when pointing their filthy fingers at their opponents.

And why do you look at the splinter in your brother's eye, but not notice the beam in your own eye?

A plague on both your houses!
IOW, all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God? Now where did I hear that before?
Go ahead. Nobody is stopping you.

You get some information on something you don’t know and you mock it? Why does it bother you?

I am not bothered at all. In fact I pity folks who think anything outside of missionary style sex is of the devil.
My conscience is clear. IMHO wiki is wrong about the oral sex thing, as it is used to enhance intercourse.

Yet you keep using it to prove your point, this is twice now.

In the end you just admitted that your view of deviance is based upon your own personal biases and nothing else.

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