Trump’s Lie of the Year: Russian Election Interference is a 'made-up story'

So you have evidence that Russia hacked the election now?
The CIA, the FBI and the National Security Agency all have evidence that Russia inteferred with the election.

"Their work was compiled into a report, and a declassified version was released on Jan. 6 by the director of national intelligence. It said that all four agencies had “high confidence” that Russian spies had tried to interfere in the election on the orders of President Vladimir V. Putin."
Trump Misleads on Russian Meddling: Why 17 Intelligence Agencies Don’t Need to Agree
High Confidence is not physical evidence. Comey testified to the House Intelligence Committee there was no evidence of Russian tampering that altered voting machines at any precincts throughout the country.
It is not a made up story, it just isn't exactly as the Democrats like to tell it.

The Clinton Campaign in fact colluded with the Russians, to come up with some lies about Trump (and paying foreigners for oppo research is a crime);

Then turned the bogus info over to the Corrupt Obama Administration to use as an excuse to spy on the opposition party's Presidential Campaign. (Sedition, and likely other crimes).

Patience Grasshoppers....its going to be bigger than Watergate...but it will take time and care, because the New York Media works for the Seditious Guilty.

By the way, its a Democratic/Bolshevik Rule...might even be in Saul Alinsky's Book--Rules for Radicals, a Marxist How-To:

Whatever you are doing that is illegal, be sure to accuse the other side of doing just that.

That's, in part, how the Trump Colludes with Russians Yarn came about....its what the Dumb-Ass Democrats were doing--colluding with Russians who were having a blast handing them Bullshit.

When the dems and their cohorts in the media were telling everyone the election was a slam dunk for Clinton, and despite the media and the federal authorities insisting there was knowledge of the alleged collusion early on in the campaign, there was not so much as a peep reported about any such collusion.
It was only after the dems and the Chris Matthews/Rachel Maddow's of the world were left shocked and dismayed at the reality of the Trump victory, it was only THEN the Russian story was reported.
Ifg anyone remembers, first the narrative was "The Russians hacked the computer systems that counted the votes" ,. When that fell flat on its face. The narrative was changed to "collusion"
To date,. even with a special Counsel, not a shred of evidence against POTUS nor anyone else in the administration has been delivered.
In fact the evidence of wrongdoing is pointing at James Comey, Fmr POTUS Obama and Fmr Sec'y of State Clinton.
So you have evidence that Russia hacked the election now?
The CIA, the FBI and the National Security Agency all have evidence that Russia inteferred with the election.

"Their work was compiled into a report, and a declassified version was released on Jan. 6 by the director of national intelligence. It said that all four agencies had “high confidence” that Russian spies had tried to interfere in the election on the orders of President Vladimir V. Putin."
Trump Misleads on Russian Meddling: Why 17 Intelligence Agencies Don’t Need to Agree
"High confidence" means nothing until the evidence is presented .
You'll now source the claim. From TWO independent identified sources.
And until "high confidence" becomes "we're presenting incontrovertible evidence" the entire Mueller investigation is a waste of taxpayer resources.
BTW, so the Congresswoman who ran screeching with her hair on fire that POTUS was going to fire Mueller before Christmas? Sooooooo Whahappened?
Democrat: Rumor is Trump could fire Mueller before Christmas
These dummies on Capitol Hill think they are smarter than the POTUS.
The truth is, Pres Trump is 5 steps ahead of them every day and twice on Sunday.
He has already thought about their reaction to his reaction after he does something.
One does not amass a multi billion dollar empire if they can be outsmarted by a lowly politician that is so distrusted, they are not permitted by law to keep their job for more than 24 months
The lie of the year is that it's the lie of the year
Ther are no Russians. There never were (except maybe for Hillary)
So you have evidence that Russia hacked the election now?
Yes, we have evidence that Russia interfered in our election. No one but Don the Con and his sycophantic cultists disbelieve our election system was attacked by Russia.
Please state the evidence.

Analysis | Here’s the public evidence that supports the idea that Russia interfered in the 2016 election
Well, I'm not going to give them money to read their article so I guess you'll have to tell me what the evidence is.
So you have evidence that Russia hacked the election now?
The CIA, the FBI and the National Security Agency all have evidence that Russia inteferred with the election.

"Their work was compiled into a report, and a declassified version was released on Jan. 6 by the director of national intelligence. It said that all four agencies had “high confidence” that Russian spies had tried to interfere in the election on the orders of President Vladimir V. Putin."
Trump Misleads on Russian Meddling: Why 17 Intelligence Agencies Don’t Need to Agree
"High confidence" means nothing until the evidence is presented .
You'll now source the claim. From TWO independent identified sources.
And until "high confidence" becomes "we're presenting incontrovertible evidence" the entire Mueller investigation is a waste of taxpayer resources.
BTW, so the Congresswoman who ran screeching with her hair on fire that POTUS was going to fire Mueller before Christmas? Sooooooo Whahappened?
Democrat: Rumor is Trump could fire Mueller before Christmas
These dummies on Capitol Hill think they are smarter than the POTUS.
The truth is, Pres Trump is 5 steps ahead of them every day and twice on Sunday.
He has already thought about their reaction to his reaction after he does something.
One does not amass a multi billion dollar empire if they can be outsmarted by a lowly politician that is so distrusted, they are not permitted by law to keep their job for more than 24 months
He's crafty. He's not intelligent. Big difference.
["'High confidence" means nothing until the evidence is presented .
You'll now source the claim. From TWO independent identified sources.' <SNIP> . . . .
You are not in charge of anything, so pontificate all you want, and knowing people will just smile at you. If the FBI, CIA, and intel agencies have "have confidence", you can be sure the WH has low confidence in the President.
And? Even if Russia did meddle in the elections, what do you think you can do about it? Gripe on some discussion board for the next 3-7 years?

Even if they did meddle, I'm ok with the outcome.

The above, a "poster boy" for the Trump CULT membership drive.......LOL
Wait until strong criminal libel and deliberate fake analysis penalty laws are passed and enforced.

It will happen. The Alt Right will pay. The screaming will be wonderful.
LOL, the perfect representative of the New American Right. Allied with the Red Menace.

JGalt must have a picture of Ayn Rand on the ceiling over his bed....... Yuck

“A mountain of evidence points to a single fact: Russia meddled in the U.S. presidential election of 2016.”

2017 Lie of the Year: Russian election action is a hoax

And Trump of course is the liar of the year.

He's going to be the liar of next year, too, until Mueller puts a stop to him. Jared Kushner's up next for an indictment. You'll know it's about to happen when Trump's tweets are even more freakish and crazy than usual. Could be sooner than later since he's attacking FBI Deputy McCabe and McCabe's wife so viciously.
“A mountain of evidence points to a single fact: Russia meddled in the U.S. presidential election of 2016.”

2017 Lie of the Year: Russian election action is a hoax

And Trump of course is the liar of the year.

You know what would have really made that op?

Posting the single best piece of "evidence" from that mountain.

Man, it is really strange you didn't think of that. YOu seem so smart.

Is it too late to edit the OP?
The story of the year is the democrat inability to accept that they lost and Trump really is the president.

In an way, I don't blame them. They had convinced themselves that not only was Hillary going to win, but it would be a landslide. The very night of the election, the media was joking on why there would even bother to be an election. Hillary had a 98.8 chance of winning. No wonder they can't believe that what was already theirs was taken away.

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