Trump's Present and Future possible indictments

Patience, all of you in despair at the crawling pace of federal and state investigations into the Former and Possibly Future Guy. Justice delayed isn’t always justice denied, even when you’re up against Donald J. Trump.

This is the lesson of E. Jean Carroll’s legal triumph this week, both for her and for the other women who have accused Trump of sexual assault and misconduct (and there have been many, whether the count is 19, 26, or at least 43). It’s also a victory for all women who have been sexually assaulted by anyone, for all those who never spoke up or filed suit or who did and lost, and for anyone, male or female, who wondered if #MeToo accountability would ever come for this particular celebrity who never had to pay for his assertion that “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”

Carroll won her civil case against Trump. The jury found him liable for sexual abuse and defamation, and awarded her $5 million.

Still, there’s no avoiding the tragedy here. Before she was an advice columnist for a women’s magazine, Carroll was “the stuff of journalistic legend,” legal analyst Lisa Rubin wrote on Twitter last month. She was a twice-divorced former beauty queen who owned a gun, lived daringly, and wrote boldly.

For a taste of her exploits, try this single paragraph from the New York Times:

That was Before Trump.

Then came Trump, in the form of a three-minute sexual attack in a dressing room at Bergdorf Goodman. The encounter left Carroll feeling rattled and powerless. Her sex life and romantic life ended abruptly that day, she testified. “I think maybe in that dressing room my desire for desire was killed,” she said in a podcast that was, strangely enough, played as part of Trump’s defense. And since 2019, she’s kept her gun loaded.

It took more than 25 years and the #MeToo movement for Carroll to break her public silence on Trump. Why? From the start, she correctly feared that if she spoke out, he would deny the attack, and could ruin her. Later, also correctly, she feared that going public would only make him more popular with his admirers. “I can’t imagine how ecstatic the poor saps will be to hear their favorite Walking Phallus got it on with an old lady in the world’s most prestigious department store,” she wrote in a book excerpt published in New York magazine in 2019.

This is, we must remember, the man who tried to intimidate Hillary Clinton at an October 2020 debate by inviting four women who had accused her husband of sexual misconduct to sit in the Trump family VIP box close to the stage. Frank Fahrenkopf, co-chair of the Commission on Presidential Debates, not only vetoed the plan but threatened to have security remove the women. The campaign chose not to force the issue, but there’s no doubt a stunt like that would have scored points for Trump among his followers.

Carroll showed incredible courage in publicly exposing her life and losses on the stand. But knowing Trump and his fanboys as we do, here’s what strikes me as particular bravery, given Trump’s obnoxious, sexist, and oblivious habit of going after women for their looks: Carroll put her 79-year-old self on the stand, after Trump had ridiculously attacked her as ugly and not his type. Jessica Leeds testified at 81 that Trump sexually assaulted her on a plane in the late 1970s. He was “grabbing my breasts,” she said, and trying to kiss her and put his hand up her skirt. Natasha Stoynoff told the jury that in late 2005, when she was covering Trump for Peoplemagazine, that he led her to an empty room at Mar-a-Lago, with a pregnant Melania nearby. “Within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat,” and telling her repeatedly that they were going to have an affair, she wrote in People in 2016.

Trump responded to the Carroll verdict with one of his tried and true copouts: “I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHO THIS WOMAN IS. THIS VERDICT IS A DISGRACE—A CONTINUATION OF THE GREATEST WITCH HUNT OF ALL TIME!”

Given the number of investigations, indictments, trials, and witnesses that could be coming, a whole lot of other people—from acquaintances to close friends, relatives, and employees—may soon discover that Trump has absolutely no idea who they are.

It’s a flimsy defense but one Trump repeated at the regrettable CNN town hall Wednesday night. “This woman, I don’t know her, I never met her, I have no idea who she is. . . . I never met this woman, I never saw this woman,” he said. But he also said that he and Carroll were “immediately” attracted to each other and had great chemistry, that she found an open dressing room, that he had met her and her then-husband years ago, she called her black husband a terrible racial slur, and he felt sorry for the guy. And the audience laughed heartily.

She could sue him again, if she wanted to.

Late in 2019, after Carroll had come forward about her experience, Stoynoff pointed out that women were the first Trump whistleblowers—more than a dozen of them, in 2016, on the eve of the presidential election. “We got hate mail, death threats,” she wrote in the Washington Post. “And what did he get? The keys to the office once held by Washington, Lincoln and the Roosevelts.”

(full article online)

But the POINT is she went into a dressing room with a man, in order to model lingerie for him.
That not only is highly suspicious, but makes her testimony very hard to believe.
It is not like there is a bed or even couch in a clothing store dressing room?
In a fitting start to the day, the first news of the morning was that the twice-impeached, indicted former president, recently held responsible by a jury for defamation and civil assault, was at it again.



Last night we looked at the jury instruction on damages that was used in E. Jean Carroll’s first trial against Donald Trump. It informed the jury that they could issue punitive damages in an amount that would punish Trump for his conduct and deter future conduct. Five million dollars, apparently, was not enough, which bodes well for Carroll in her remaining case.

Next up was the hearing in the criminal case where Trump stands indicted by the Manhattan DA, which he attended by video. First up, setting a trial date. Trial will commence on March 24, 2024. Folks in the courtroom said it sounded like a firm date, with the judge saying he expected the trial to go out then. Ten months is ample time to address discovery and other pre-trial issues the former president may wish to litigate in advance, which is sure to include a motion arguing the case should be dismissed because of abuse of prosecutorial discretion (the “it’s a witch hunt” argument).

The Judge also confirmed what he said in his order: that Trump is free to talk about the lawsuit and that his First Amendment rights are not being restrained. The judge entered a limited order restricting anyone from circulating information about witnesses or other evidence the prosecution provides to Trump in discovery. Trump acknowledged he had received and reviewed the protective order barring him from disclosing certain evidence. But there is no gag order. The Judge specifically assured Trump, so there could be no mistake, that he has a right to speak about the case as he campaigns and otherwise.

Easy peasy, right?

Wrong. It didn’t take Trump long to hit social media again.

Judges are notoriously patient with criminal defendants. They want to assure them a fair trial. They don’t want to do anything that could lead to a conviction being reversed on appeal. There are good reasons, for the most part, to let it go unless a defendant is threatening witnesses, trying to influence jurors, etc. But Trump is unique in the sense that he has a large megaphone strapped to his mouth, whether he’s posting on social media or speaking to the country on cable news. And there’s a real risk of jury taint when one thing happens in court and a defendant blatantly lies about it just hours later. Trump is not an ordinary defendant, and no one, least of all the judges he’s encountering this year, are surprised.

(full article online)

Sorry I was reading up on all of Biden's criminal activities with China. What? With Democrats being corrupt lawless thugs they should think twice about running their sewer holes about Trump.
How many indictments have you got?

Let me help... None...

You have back a crook and you are trying to spread shit on everyone..
So... I see no charges that are even vaguely close to Treason against the US. Since a conviction for that single crime is the only way to stop him from running or holding the office of president, all of these are essentially attempts to damage his support or to set the stage for something more nefarious.
I pretty happy if he goes to jail...

I don't think the Trumpets get it... Trump can't beat Biden...
Biden is running a pretty good economy which is only getting better...
Trump's admin was a mess for four years...

Democrats want to take on Trump, he is a known loser... Lost every popular vote...

So these investigation are of a known loser...

GOP are too dumb to put in play a real candidate..
But the POINT is she went into a dressing room with a man, in order to model lingerie for him.
That not only is highly suspicious, but makes her testimony very hard to believe.
It is not like there is a bed or even couch in a clothing store dressing room?
Trump didn't use that as a defence...

Trump said he never met her before and that she wasn't his type...

This is the problem with what you are saying... This is the typical Trump defence, say something , if it doesn't work say something else...

Why not try the truth like everyone else?

Trump and Co think they live in legal groundhog day...
Your entire party of corrupt lying Dem filth is indicted fool. :eusa_hand:

So that is a big fat none...

The only person looking foolish is you...

At which point will the light bulb go off in your head...
Why don't they want to accuse these people in a court?
Prosecutors in former President Donald Trump's Manhattan criminal case have released to his attorneys a recording of Trump and a witness, whose identity was not disclosed, according to a document the office made public Friday.

The document, called an automatic discovery form, describes the nature of the charges against a defendant and a broad overview of the evidence that prosecutors will present at Trump's preliminary hearing or at trial. Trump's attorneys and media organizations, including CBS News, had repeatedly requested that such a form be made public in the weeks since Trump's arrest on April 4.

(full article online )


The automatic discovery form refers to 1 tape; seems to relate back to Para 14 of the statement of facts used at arraignment, which mentions a recording between defendant & one of his lawyers, so it's likely the Michael Cohen tape. Juries love hearing it from a defendant's mouth
[The Federal Cases]

If all the criminal investigations into former President Donald Trump end in conviction, then Trump will be a true renaissance man of crime.

Do you realize Hillary, Obama, Biden, Rice, Brennan, Comey, Pelosi, Schiff, Swalqell and orhers are already OFFICIALLY down in the history books as TRAITORS, thanks to Durham's report?

Do you realize the criminal and treasonous acts perpetrated by the Democrats and the partisanly weaponized agencies of the federal govt are already set in stone in this nation's history?

Do you realize nearly a decade of crime and treason perpetrated by Democrats in their criminal political crusade against Trump is recorded in history?

Do you realize the overwhelming evidence of crimes committed by the Bidens and the DOJ's & FBI's cover-up is revorded in our history?

Hillary, Obama, Biden, Comey....they make Trump look like an amateur at corruption, crime, and treason.

Democrats will go down as the most corrupt, criminal, treasonous, socialist authoritarian, 3rd world banana republic party / threat in US history.

The fact that Kirby was left speechless by a reporter informing him that THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS BELIEVE BIDEN IS A CORRUPT, COMPROMISED, TREASONOUS CRIMINAL just proves the majority of Americans don't believe / buy the left's / the Democrats' bullshit & lies anymore!
Donald J. Trump and his organizations have been under investigation
for some years now.

This thread means to put into prospective all of these cases and follow them to wherever they may lead.

Let us start with an over view of all of those cases, and then deal with the most recent information.

Feel free to discuss anything one reads, whether one agrees with it or not, but in a civil way.

Democrats are going after their political enemies and have turned us into a third world dictatorship. This is what third world despots do, make up crimes to charge their opposition with

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