Trump's Present and Future possible indictments

Patience, all of you in despair at the crawling pace of federal and state investigations into the Former and Possibly Future Guy. Justice delayed isn’t always justice denied, even when you’re up against Donald J. Trump.

This is the lesson of E. Jean Carroll’s legal triumph this week, both for her and for the other women who have accused Trump of sexual assault and misconduct (and there have been many, whether the count is 19, 26, or at least 43). It’s also a victory for all women who have been sexually assaulted by anyone, for all those who never spoke up or filed suit or who did and lost, and for anyone, male or female, who wondered if #MeToo accountability would ever come for this particular celebrity who never had to pay for his assertion that “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”

Carroll won her civil case against Trump. The jury found him liable for sexual abuse and defamation, and awarded her $5 million.

Still, there’s no avoiding the tragedy here. Before she was an advice columnist for a women’s magazine, Carroll was “the stuff of journalistic legend,” legal analyst Lisa Rubin wrote on Twitter last month. She was a twice-divorced former beauty queen who owned a gun, lived daringly, and wrote boldly.

For a taste of her exploits, try this single paragraph from the New York Times:

When she wanted to profile Hunter S. Thompson, she showed up at his house in Colorado and all but moved in. She later wrote that the two had become intimately involved, and had done acid together. For Esquire, she profiled Dan Rather and Lyle Lovett (she asked him his penis size), and she persuaded the humor writer Fran Lebowitz to go camping with her for an article in Outside. For Playboy, she trekked across Papua New Guinea for a story “in search of primitive man.” In 1995, when Ms. Carroll found a lump in her breast, she brought a film crew to her surgery—and aired it on her television show.
That was Before Trump.

Then came Trump, in the form of a three-minute sexual attack in a dressing room at Bergdorf Goodman. The encounter left Carroll feeling rattled and powerless. Her sex life and romantic life ended abruptly that day, she testified. “I think maybe in that dressing room my desire for desire was killed,” she said in a podcast that was, strangely enough, played as part of Trump’s defense. And since 2019, she’s kept her gun loaded.

It took more than 25 years and the #MeToo movement for Carroll to break her public silence on Trump. Why? From the start, she correctly feared that if she spoke out, he would deny the attack, and could ruin her. Later, also correctly, she feared that going public would only make him more popular with his admirers. “I can’t imagine how ecstatic the poor saps will be to hear their favorite Walking Phallus got it on with an old lady in the world’s most prestigious department store,” she wrote in a book excerpt published in New York magazine in 2019.

This is, we must remember, the man who tried to intimidate Hillary Clinton at an October 2020 debate by inviting four women who had accused her husband of sexual misconduct to sit in the Trump family VIP box close to the stage. Frank Fahrenkopf, co-chair of the Commission on Presidential Debates, not only vetoed the plan but threatened to have security remove the women. The campaign chose not to force the issue, but there’s no doubt a stunt like that would have scored points for Trump among his followers.

Carroll showed incredible courage in publicly exposing her life and losses on the stand. But knowing Trump and his fanboys as we do, here’s what strikes me as particular bravery, given Trump’s obnoxious, sexist, and oblivious habit of going after women for their looks: Carroll put her 79-year-old self on the stand, after Trump had ridiculously attacked her as ugly and not his type. Jessica Leeds testified at 81 that Trump sexually assaulted her on a plane in the late 1970s. He was “grabbing my breasts,” she said, and trying to kiss her and put his hand up her skirt. Natasha Stoynoff told the jury that in late 2005, when she was covering Trump for Peoplemagazine, that he led her to an empty room at Mar-a-Lago, with a pregnant Melania nearby. “Within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat,” and telling her repeatedly that they were going to have an affair, she wrote in People in 2016.

Trump responded to the Carroll verdict with one of his tried and true copouts: “I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHO THIS WOMAN IS. THIS VERDICT IS A DISGRACE—A CONTINUATION OF THE GREATEST WITCH HUNT OF ALL TIME!”

Given the number of investigations, indictments, trials, and witnesses that could be coming, a whole lot of other people—from acquaintances to close friends, relatives, and employees—may soon discover that Trump has absolutely no idea who they are.

It’s a flimsy defense but one Trump repeated at the regrettable CNN town hall Wednesday night. “This woman, I don’t know her, I never met her, I have no idea who she is. . . . I never met this woman, I never saw this woman,” he said. But he also said that he and Carroll were “immediately” attracted to each other and had great chemistry, that she found an open dressing room, that he had met her and her then-husband years ago, she called her black husband a terrible racial slur, and he felt sorry for the guy. And the audience laughed heartily.

She could sue him again, if she wanted to.

Late in 2019, after Carroll had come forward about her experience, Stoynoff pointed out that women were the first Trump whistleblowers—more than a dozen of them, in 2016, on the eve of the presidential election. “We got hate mail, death threats,” she wrote in the Washington Post. “And what did he get? The keys to the office once held by Washington, Lincoln and the Roosevelts.”

(full article online)

Trump is a threat to Agenda 2030 and the AI controlled NWO,,,,this is why they are trying to shut him down.
If there ever was an investigation on Hilary, she would get 500 life sentences.
From promising a general amnesty to Jan 6 rioters, to re-victimizing E. Jean Carroll on CNN’s town hall, and calling a police officer a thug, Trump is sure making it easy for Biden to claim the mantle of law and order. Tim Miller, Ben Wittes, and Roger Parloff join Charlie Sykes for The Trump Trials.

Trump is a threat to Agenda 2030 and the AI controlled NWO,,,,this is why they are trying to shut him down.
If there ever was an investigation on Hilary, she would get 500 life sentences.
There was an investigation on Hilary Clinton. Do you forget what the result was?

Try dealing with the evidence on Trump.
Before a full 24 hours has passed, former President Donald Trump has posted nearly a dozen times on Truth Social about his $5 million defeat in the E. Jean Carroll sex-abuse verdict. Three of those posts are videos. Five are all-caps screeds. They’re filled with spin, lies and pure whoppers.

Using the same platform that sparked his defamation liabilities, Trump raged in the immediate wake of the civil judgment. He raged throughout the evening. He raged three times after midnight. Then, presumably after getting some sleep, Trump woke up in the morning and raged again.


As he fired off these missives, Trump activated his caps-lock button.

“I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHO THIS WOMAN IS,” the former president shouted mere minutes after jury cast its judgment. “THIS VERDICT IS A DISGRACE – A CONTINUATION OF THE GREATEST WITCH HUNT OF ALL TIME!”

That was the first of 11 messages posted on Truth Social about the jury’s findings by press time, and it began with a proposition that’s become increasingly impossible to believe. Trump was photographed with “THIS WOMAN,” Carroll, decades ago, engaged in lively conversation with her and their respective spouses.

Trump and Carroll

This photograph of Donald Trump and E. Jean Carroll at a party was embedded in her complaint.
In the picture, Trump is facing Carroll and her then-husband John Johnson, as his then-wife Ivana Trump looks toward him. That’s the image in which Donald Trump, in a mix-up that may have cost him millions, mistook Carroll with his ex-wife Marla Maples in a video deposition. Caught in the gaffe, Trump claimed that the photograph was “blurry.” It is sharp and clear.

Even assuming, as Trump’s attorney Joe Tacopina argued to a jury, Trump’s encounter with Carroll at the photographed event was fleeting, unremarkable, and not memorable, the former president’s insistence that he doesn’t know Carroll still strains credulity. Certainly, Trump knows her now, and there’s public evidence to suggest he would have recognized her then.

A longtime advice columnist for Elle magazine, Carroll briefly had a program on the short-lived network America’s Talking, whose president was Trump’s friend Roger Ailes. As the jury learned, Ailes chatted with Trump on that network, and if Trump watched his own interview, he likely would have seen the show before it: “Ask E. Jean.” Carroll testified that Trump recognized her when she left the Bergdorf Goodman back in the mid-1990s.

“Hey, you’re that advice lady,” Trump said, according to Carroll.

From the start, Trump’s denials of Carroll’s allegations gave no inch: As Trump told it, he didn’t know Carroll; she wasn’t his type; and he rarely if ever even entered Bergdorf Goodman. The trial made all three of those propositions difficult to swallow. On the last point, Trump apparently had been such a memorable presence at Bergdorf that two of the store’s former executives testified that they saw him there. He lived across the street from the store.

On Truth Social, Trump continues to live in a trial-free vacuum, repeating at least four other times, in videos and in writing, that he doesn’t know Carroll, whom a jury determined was likely his sexual abuse survivor.

(full article online)


The political vendetta and show trials will never stop. This is the foundation of tyranny.
Right. This is exactly what Trump was doing and you never cared. You probably even cheered it while Trump went after those who opposed his ideas, and even fired them.

Except, that what Trump did is not being done by the Biden administration no matter how much you think you can lie about it.

TIranny is what happened under Trump, and what he promises to happen again if he is elected.

Right. This is exactly what Trump was doing and you never cared. You probably even cheered it while Trump went after those who opposed his ideas, and even fired them.

Except, that what Trump did is not being done by the Biden administration no matter how much you think you can lie about it.

TIranny is what happened under Trump, and what he promises to happen again if he is elected.

Trump was the best president we've had since Reagan.
You missed one.
Democrats are the enemy of the American people,.
Democrats are the enemies of extreme religious fanatics who show up in MAGA, QANON and other extremist groups galvanized by Trump since 2016.

Those groups, and Trump, are anti the Constitution, the Rule of law, and anything which has gone against what the US is all about. Even Reagan would agree with that, as did Bush Sr. and Jr. as neither one voted for Trump.


Keep lying to yourself as more indictments are coming up.
Political party's need to censure there own candidate's, When winning becomes more important than doing what is right, we all lose.
Democrats are the enemies of extreme religious fanatics who show up in MAGA, QANON and other extremist groups galvanized by Trump since 2016.

Those groups, and Trump, are anti the Constitution, the Rule of law, and anything which has gone against what the US is all about. Even Reagan would agree with that, as did Bush Sr. and Jr. as neither one voted for Trump.


Keep lying to yourself as more indictments are coming up.
You are such a democrat!
Of COURSE more indictments are coming up. Political vendettas and show trials are part of the Stalinization of the legal process. Everyone knows that.
You are such a democrat!
Of COURSE more indictments are coming up. Political vendettas and show trials are part of the Stalinization of the legal process. Everyone knows that.
You know nothing. You are for a dictatorship under Trump.

Let us see if he does get nominated for President, either way.
[The Federal Cases]

If all the criminal investigations into former President Donald Trump end in conviction, then Trump will be a true renaissance man of crime.

The FBI searched Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s Florida residence because, as federal prosecutors said in a fiery court filing in August, they believed not only did the former president possess “dozens” of boxes “likely to contain classified information” but also that “efforts were likely taken to obstruct the government’s investigation.” In that search, the FBI said it did remove over 100 classified documents, some of which reportedly contained information about nuclear weapons. That’s all part of just one investigation into possible violations of the Espionage Act, the improper handling of federal records, and obstruction of a federal investigation.

Meanwhile, a second federal investigation is looking into the January 6 attack on the Capitol and broader efforts to overturn the 2020 election, an issue that obviously could implicate the man who spent most of the 2020 lame-duck period trying to erase his loss to President Joe Biden.

In November, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Jack Smith, a veteran prosecutor who previously oversaw war crimes prosecutions from an office in The Hague, as a special counsel in charge of these two Justice Department investigations into Trump.

In Georgia, a number of Trump allies were subpoenaed as part of a state criminal investigation into interference with the 2020 election in their state specifically. Trump consigliere Rudy Giuliani is a target of the investigation. Trump could also be implicated, and even criminally charged, before this Georgia investigation concludes. In a post-election call with Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Trump told the state’s top election official that he wants “to find 11,780 votes.” Biden defeated Trump in Georgia by 11,779 votes.

(On February 16, a Georgia judge released extremely limited excerptsfrom a report laying out this investigation’s conclusions. These brief excerpts, however, give very little insight into whether anyone will be charged with a crime, beyond a vague assertion that a majority of the grand jury overseeing the investigation “believes that perjury may have been committed by one or more witnesses testifying before it.”)

The classified docs the FBI took from Mar-a-lago are required to be returned to Trump, by law.
The classified docs laws are clear that presidents are above and the total arbiter of all classified doc laws.
And when president, they can give themselves, or anyone, any copies they want, permanently.

A president asking for an investigation of an election, in the hope of finding irregularities, is clearly NOT criminal, and instead is exactly what elected officials are supposed to do, investigate possible crime.
You know nothing. You are for a dictatorship under Trump.

Let us see if he does get nominated for President, either way.

I am more of a leftist than Bernie Sanders even, and all these attacks on Trump were totally illegal, going back to the 2 impeachments and the Mar-a-lago raid.

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