Trump's tax plan.....You judge!

You are so full of shit. Massive tax cuts, greater spending, higher tax revenue. Liberal tax increases, less spending, higher taxes again, less spending, major deficit follows like 10 fucking trillion(unpatriotically of course). Dumbass , wake the fuck up.

I'll need a Moron-to-English dictionary to decipher what this idiot wrote above.
Everyone in the business community agrees that corporate tax rates must be cut drastically.

Which corporations are actually paying the 35% maximum rate???? Virtually NONE.....and we banter this stupidity that their taxes must be lowered...WHY if none of them are paying that high rate?
Every single analysis of Trump's tax plan has said he will add TRILLIONS to the debt. They only differ on the amount. Five to ten trillion.

Trump is a master at running up debts.

Trump flat out admitted that he wanted to add to the debt back in August (one more actual policy fact about Trump that got lost in all the pussy grabbing and email blather).

'King of debt' Donald Trump: 'Now is the time to borrow'

""This is a time to borrow and borrow long term," he told CNBC during a discussion on how he would finance the many projects he wants to undertake, such as rebuilding airports and bridges and upgrading the military."
This was the secret to Reagans economic recovery as well -- it soon became no secret that he was a Keynesian deficit addict.
Funny how when a republican president is in office an the house and senate are flaming liberals, then all debt is the presidents. But reverse it and Obama is never held accountable for the 10 trillion dollars of debt , but the republican house and senate. There is stupid and then there is really stupid and those are Democrats.
Funny how when a republican president is in office an the house and senate are flaming liberals, then all debt is the presidents. But reverse it and Obama is never held accountable for the 10 trillion dollars of debt , but the republican house and senate. There is stupid and then there is really stupid and those are Democrats.

Continue being an idiot.........

Here are Obama's "mistakes" regarding the debt......

1. Obama extended the tax cuts started by GWB (who gave tax cuts while starting TWO wars)

2. Obama went along with the huge debt incurred by Medicare Advantage (another GWB initiative)

3. Obama borrowed hugely to bail out the auto industry.

If there's a grown up around your household, ask for help.
Apparently there are some the subscribe to the false notion that the second or highest corporate tax rate in developed and emerging market economies and repressive government regulations have nothing to do with the myopic expansion in GDP, private sector job creation, and federal and state tax revenue collection? Go figure?
The pundits will claim tax revenue is up, yet true as a result of the last increase, however, even the top 6% of the income earners can not fund this government alone, and let us never forget whom is it that invests in business start-ups, and whom it is that purchases goods and services.
Yet then again there are those that are addicted to ice creme, candy, and cake without skin in the game that know but one thing, insure the other person pays the tab, and spend more.

Tax RATE is only one component determining actual effective tax rates. When you consider all the loopholes/incentives, United States has competetive corporate taxation by the numbers and throws in it's good name into the deal.

Democrats are not against lowering corporate tax rates - Obama proposed cutting it to 28% while cutting out some sweetheart deals but few in congress wanted to get into that mess.

Obama Offers to Cut Corporate Tax Rate to 28%

I am NOT criticizing Obama for the auto industries bailouts....

No, you're criticizing Bush for them out of one side of your mouth, while praising Obama for them out of the other side of your mouth.

All I am stating is where that additional Obama debt can be attributed....and the auto industries are but ONE of those factors.

One of many off book sources of the MASSIVE debt Obama has added.
One of many off book sources of the MASSIVE debt Obama has added.

The hell with facts, correct??? Just go on trusting what Sean Hannity tells you.
Stay dumb, I really don't give a fuck.....LOL
yet ANOTHER wait for the "trickle down" scam......Let's see,,,,,so, corporations will get lower taxes (as if many of them paid the 35% anyway with all the loop holes) and then hire American workers in their expansion and pay these American workers double or triple what they could pay Vietnamese workers????

I'm just asking here......

Yet another leftist who fails to grasp that the American investor IS middle class America. This isn't "trickle" anything, cutting the massive double taxation levied against C Corporations has a DIRECT and immediate impact on any American with a 401K or a ROTH. Your class warfare rhetoric is ignorant and has a lot to do with why America rejected your message.
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Every single analysis of Trump's tax plan has said he will add TRILLIONS to the debt. They only differ on the amount. Five to ten trillion.

Trump is a master at running up debts.

Trump flat out admitted that he wanted to add to the debt back in August (one more actual policy fact about Trump that got lost in all the pussy grabbing and email blather).

'King of debt' Donald Trump: 'Now is the time to borrow'

""This is a time to borrow and borrow long term," he told CNBC during a discussion on how he would finance the many projects he wants to undertake, such as rebuilding airports and bridges and upgrading the military."
This was the secret to Reagans economic recovery as well -- it soon became no secret that he was a Keynesian deficit addict.
Funny how when a republican president is in office an the house and senate are flaming liberals, then all debt is the presidents. But reverse it and Obama is never held accountable for the 10 trillion dollars of debt , but the republican house and senate. There is stupid and then there is really stupid and those are Democrats.
Its funny how right wing tards blame all the debt on Democrats, and vice versa, and none of them ever catch on it is both parties doing.

When Republicans owned both houses of Congress, and the White House, and the Supreme Court, they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse.

And now Trump and his GOP Congress are going to add another ten trillion to the debt, give or take.
The hell with facts, correct??? Just go on trusting what Sean Hannity tells you.
Stay dumb, I really don't give a fuck.....LOL

What "facts?"

  1. Obama doubled the national debt
  2. TARP was an Obama plan
  3. All disbursements of cash under the "private profits, public liability" plan for GM were made by Obama
  4. Bailouts of GM and Chrysler under TARP added up to $80 billion, a tiny drop in the $10 TRILLION of new debt added by Obama
  • Obama doubled the national debt
  • TARP was an Obama plan
  • All disbursements of cash under the "private profits, public liability" plan for GM were made by Obama
  • Bailouts of GM and Chrysler under TARP added up to $80 billion, a tiny drop in the $10 TRILLION of new debt added by Obama

Here ARE some facts that contributed and STILL are contributing to our debt......

Did GWB offer massive tax cuts while involving us in TWO costly wars?
Yes or No?

Did GWB initiate Medicare Advantage without a clue of how and who was going to pay for it?
Yes or No?

While the tax cuts were implemented, did we lose at an average of 700,000 jobs per month under GWB?
Yes or No?
Its funny how right wing tards blame all the debt on Democrats, and vice versa, and none of them ever catch on it is both parties doing.

When Republicans owned both houses of Congress, and the White House, and the Supreme Court, they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse.

And now Trump and his GOP Congress are going to add another ten trillion to the debt, give or take.

Dubya was a creature controlled by the international bankers. His internationalist views served the interests of Morgan Stanley, Chase, Goldman Sachs, et al. Bush was more than willing to spend every dime the middle class has or ever will have to enrich those who put and kept him in power.

What you and the other leftists here cannot grasp Guno, is that bad acts by Bush do not excuse bad acts by your beloved Obama.

Here ARE some facts that contributed and STILL are contributing to our debt......

Did GWB offer massive tax cuts while involving us in TWO costly wars?
Yes or No?

George Bush is not president, George Bush has not been president for 8 years.

Grow up and take responsibility for your own actions.

Did GWB initiate Medicare Advantage without a clue of how and who was going to pay for it?
Yes or No?

George Bush is not president, George Bush has not been president for 8 years.

Grow up and take responsibility for your own actions.

While the tax cuts were implemented, did we lose at an average of 700,000 jobs per month under GWB?
Yes or No?

George Bush is not president, George Bush has not been president for 8 years.

Grow up and take responsibility for your own actions.
Its funny how right wing tards blame all the debt on Democrats, and vice versa, and none of them ever catch on it is both parties doing.

When Republicans owned both houses of Congress, and the White House, and the Supreme Court, they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse.

And now Trump and his GOP Congress are going to add another ten trillion to the debt, give or take.

Dubya was a creature controlled by the international bankers. His internationalist views served the interests of Morgan Stanley, Chase, Goldman Sachs, et al. Bush was more than willing to spend every dime the middle class has or ever will have to enrich those who put and kept him in power.

What you and the other leftists here cannot grasp Guno, is that bad acts by Bush do not excuse bad acts by your beloved Obama.
No matter how many times you repeat a lie, it does not become true, retard. I have never supported Obama.

And Bush was a Republican. Simple fact. And so was the Congress which helped him run up the debt.

You cannot find any combination of Democrats and Republicans in the White House and Congress which did not add to the debt. Another simple fact.

To pretend it is all on the Democrats is to be as deluded as it gets.

Our debt was a bi-partisan effort, and the sooner you tards figure that out, the better off you'll be.

Here ARE some facts that contributed and STILL are contributing to our debt......

Did GWB offer massive tax cuts while involving us in TWO costly wars?
Yes or No?

George Bush is not president, George Bush has not been president for 8 years.

Grow up and take responsibility for your own actions.

Did GWB initiate Medicare Advantage without a clue of how and who was going to pay for it?
Yes or No?

George Bush is not president, George Bush has not been president for 8 years.

Grow up and take responsibility for your own actions.

While the tax cuts were implemented, did we lose at an average of 700,000 jobs per month under GWB?
Yes or No?

George Bush is not president, George Bush has not been president for 8 years.

Grow up and take responsibility for your own actions.

You could have saved a lot of cyber space by simply stating....I DON'T have answers for the GWB's fuck ups................. LOL
No matter how many times you repeat a lie, it does not become true, retard. I have never supported Obama.

And Bush was a Republican. Simple fact. And so was the Congress which helped him run up the debt.

You cannot find any combination of Democrats and Republicans in the White House and Congress which did not add to the debt. Another simple fact.

To pretend it is all on the Democrats is to be as deluded as it gets.

Our debt was a bi-partisan effort, and the sooner you tards figure that out, the better off you'll be.

Your straw man collapsed long ago. No one is defending Bush, despite your desperation to make the subject the Republicans whom you hate, rather than the last 8 years of reckless spending.
You could have saved a lot of cyber space by simply stating....I DON'T have answers for the GWB's fuck ups................. LOL

I understand that a straw man fallacy is indeed the best you can do, but it fails to exonerate Obama and the $10 trillion in debt that he added.

"BUT BOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSHHHHHH" might work over at KOS, here is merely identifies you as a petulant fool.
No matter how many times you repeat a lie, it does not become true, retard. I have never supported Obama.

And Bush was a Republican. Simple fact. And so was the Congress which helped him run up the debt.

You cannot find any combination of Democrats and Republicans in the White House and Congress which did not add to the debt. Another simple fact.

To pretend it is all on the Democrats is to be as deluded as it gets.

Our debt was a bi-partisan effort, and the sooner you tards figure that out, the better off you'll be.

Your straw man collapsed long ago. No one is defending Bush, despite your desperation to make the subject the Republicans whom you hate, rather than the last 8 years of reckless spending.
I don't hate Republicans. I am one. I hate pseudocons like you who have infected my party.

You are a complete waste of time. The tard is just too deep and too embedded in you.
I understand that a straw man fallacy is indeed the best you can do, but it fails to exonerate Obama and the $10 trillion in debt that he added.

"BUT BOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSHHHHHH" might work over at KOS, here is merely identifies you as a petulant fool.

Like I previously stated...STAY DUMB....I don't give a flying fuck......LOL
"BUT BOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSHHHHHH" might work over at KOS, here is merely identifies you as a petulant fool.

Says the tard who a moment ago said:

Dubya was a creature controlled by the international bankers. His internationalist views served the interests of Morgan Stanley, Chase, Goldman Sachs, et al. Bush was more than willing to spend every dime the middle class has or ever will have to enrich those who put and kept him in power.

Positively schizo. :lol:

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