Trump's Uplifting Easter Message

Well, up and @ 'em!
I did read all of this thread. Tho, there are some cringe-worthy posts, ideas, language in it. There are also some quite perceptive insights.
I pulled some quotes in order to bang-board a bit with.


".... use religious holidays to take hateful political jabs at his opponent. You support Trump doing this. And you wonder why Christianity is declining?"
Though it is a rhetorical answer really required, or expected; nonetheless, it is a perceptive insight, by poster XC.

Easter Sunday. A day of hopefulness in the Christianists' canon of beliefs.
And a man who wishes to be an inspiring leader offers this hateful angry grievance-filled screed?
NOT a good sign.
Not a good sign of his character, his abilities, or his goals for America. Not a good sign of the nature of the folks who applaud such a screed.

If the Christianists embrace such messaging on this day of hope and renewal.......and their religion is criticized, and continues to decline, well.....that is on them. Nobody else. Nothing else. It is on them.

You're blaming liberals for your lack of morals. And then you wonder why Christianity is declining.
Again, some who shout their faith-dogmas but blame others for their own faults and transgressions.......shoot themselves in the foot.

And there it is! Taz's Saturday TDS/Tequila fueled bait/flame thread in politics on a Saturday!

Actually, poster Duke, it is an appropriate and fitting subject for discussion. Most especially as a juxtaposition of the Christianist's 'Day of Hope & Renewal' angry screed of resentment from an individual who claims he is an inspiring leader for America's future.

That dichotomy is well worth adult discussion.


Maybe that's why so many cults contain a psuedo-religious component. It gives them some kind of ecclesiastical excuse or license for ignoring rules, laws, norms, decency, reality.
You know, M'58......that is one of the most insightful of observances that I've seen applied to the blind-faith adherents of not only cults but also to these uber-dogmatic faith expressions like some of the Evangelical movement.
And I am thinking too of Westboro Baptist Church, the "Gospel of Prosperity' charade. And also the fringiest of QAnon and MAGA and TeaParty.

Yes, indeed, they incorporate some sort of "This is what God wants" rubric to their screeds, and to their scams.


International Transgender Day of Visibility is an annual event occurring every March 31 since 2009

The shrilling over that Day of Visibility observance is just another manufactured grievance that some fringie elements of our politics......and I'm thinking specifically of MAGA, of QAnon, of many so-called up the flag-pole in order to falsely energize their adherents.
They cannot "Own-the-Libs" unless they find a way to make their believers hate something, be mad at something, to fear something. Easier to do that than craft messages of positive goals and policies. It is all negative and "against"-something. Point at somebody or something.. ......and gin up hate towards it.

Recall the long list of manufactured outrages over Target Stores, over Bud Light, over MS-13, over BLM, over Ashli Babbitt, over Migrant Caravans, 'shithole' cities, protective masks, inoculations, yadda, yadda, yadda.
"I am proud that my Administration has stood for justice from the start, working to ensure that the LGBTQI+ community can live openly, in safety, with dignity and respect. "


They lied about Jesus when they crucified him too.

Benedict "Pilate" Donald and his followers just can't help it can they?

Why did you edit the proclamation? You didn't want to include the opening?

"On Transgender Day of Visibility, we honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender Americans and reaffirm our Nation’s commitment to forming a more perfect Union — where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives."

Why do you think the trannies who earlier went topless on the White House lawn weren't visible on "Tranny Apprecistion Day"?

That seems pretty racist. What about their "extraordinary courage and contributions..."?
Biden just issued a routine proclamation like all other Presidents

It was Conservatives who made a big deal out of it or nobody else would have noticed

How many threads did USMB Conservatives start on this topic?
The problem is not that those on the right are upset about this. The problem is that there are people who are not upset by this.
No one PUT the holiday on any given day. It is the date. March 31st is the holiday. Easter is what moves around.
And it could have just floated by with no attention, per usual, rather than Biden putting it in the spotlight, especially when it falls on EASTER.

Honestly, I do not get why this is so hard for you Dem trash to understand.
Why did you edit the proclamation? You didn't want to include the opening?

"On Transgender Day of Visibility, we honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender Americans and reaffirm our Nation’s commitment to forming a more perfect Union — where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives."

Why do you think the trannies who earlier went topless on the White House lawn weren't visible on "Tranny Apprecistion Day"?

That seems pretty racist. What about their "extraordinary courage and contributions..."?
Why did you lie and say somebody else made the proclamation?
Because it’s gross. He intentionally pissed off s huge portion of the electorate to pander to a few weirdos. What sense does that make?

That celebration is held every year on March 31
Nobody knew about it until Conservatives threw a fit
If you spout against the Islamic people, they will kill you. And then you will beg for the ones you hate to save you.
I don't believe in the supernatural beings of the Islamic faith either. I'm sure some of the radical ones would want to kill me for that too. But I live in America home of the free and of the brave so I don't feel threatened by Religionist of any stripe.
And you think Biden celebrating trannies is a better Easter message? Ok doofy

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President and Jill Biden went to church on Sunday.

Trump hid in his bunker tweeting out nasty and unhinged rants. No doubt alone.

That's the difference between happily married, practicing Christian, and confident President, and a mentally unstable con man that hides in a hole trying to project himself that something that hes not.

And here was President Bidens Easter message;

Jill and I send our warmest wishes to Christians around the world celebrating Easter Sunday. Easter reminds us of the power of hope and the promise of Christ’s Resurrection.

As we gather with loved ones, we remember Jesus’ sacrifice. We pray for one another and cherish the blessing of the dawn of new possibilities. And with wars and conflict taking a toll on innocent lives around the world, we renew our commitment to work for peace, security, and dignity for all people.

From our family to yours, happy Easter and may God bless you.

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