Trump's Uplifting Easter Message

The message of hate is

Yeah, he did rebuke the pharisees but he also told the sinner ie transgender, thief, effeminates, adulterers to repent and turn away sin.

The Bishop of my diocese spoke an inspiring homily on Saturday, Easter Vigil, about this, how we must love the sinner but loudly hate the sin! Very much aimed at the trannies who want to sexually mutilate the lucky children who escape the abortionist.

So this makes Biden's tranny day of visibility on Easter Sunday okay?

I can see why he's so upset.

This is a war against communism.......and at least Trump can see that.
You morons just cant admit the most basic criticisms of Trump. Would it really affect your tender snowflake sensibility to just say “yeah it would have been better for him not to whine like a toddler in a Christian holiday greeting.”

The Bishop of my diocese spoke an inspiring homily on Saturday, Easter Vigil, about this, how we must love the sinner but loudly hate the sin! Very much aimed at the trannies who want to sexually mutilate the lucky children who escape the abortionist.

That's certainly an uplifiting messg echoing that of Jesus. LOL

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