Trump’s Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year

Actually only the state or federal court can bring civil charges. Private citizens have no jurisdiction over other citizens, except for parental rights.

ANY person with standing can file civil action against any person or entity EXCEPT SOME governments and their agents in any court that has jurisdiction armchair lawyers prove they are lost in space daily..

That suit is in the name of the court, not in the name of the person. Defendants are summoned to appear before the court, not before the plaintiff. It is up to the opinion of the court whether a suit can even proceed. So a person can file a lawsuit, but unless the court agrees to hear the case, there is no lawsuit.
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ANY person with standing can file civil action against any person or entity..... .

Similarly any person can file a criminal complaint against any person or persons. But as with civil cases, they are brought in the name of the state or federal court.
Right wing whining about socialism is annoying, if you can't even proclaim a subscription to capitaism.
Not nearly as annoying as the mind-numbing drivel you post day after day. It's just a simple fact that's the law requires the state to address criminal activity.
Yes, the law is a form of socialism. Y"all keep resorting to the socialism of the "coercive use of force of the State" to accomplish most of y'alls objectives, not capitalism.
Laws against murder are socialism? Wrong. The law is socialism when it is used to interfere in voluntary transactions between citizens. Laws preventing crimes against citizens are not socialism. A law preventing me from buying or selling whatever health insurance I choose is socialism.
You are admitting this cannot be solved by Capitalism.
How can I "admit" to something which I never claimed? :uhh: said capitalism would "solve" the problem because your ego mislead you into believing that you could appeal to our faith in that system and dupe us into your idiotic support of criminal activity.

Conservatives are well aware that capitalism cannot solve criminal activity simply because it is not permitted to. If a person is murdered, the family cannot bring criminal charges against someone. They can bring civil charges - but not criminal charges. Only the state can bring criminal charges.

You need to go back to the drawing board Daniel. Your desperate attempts at throwing shit at the wall and hoping something sticks is just not working.
Right wing whining about socialism is annoying, if you can't even proclaim a subscription to capitaism.
You realize that you're a nutburger, don't you?
The part about the militia was the Prefatory Clause. It was the why. The Operative Clause (the what) is that the people have a right to keep and bear arms and it will not be infringed.

Please stop trying to play legal scholar. You are embarrassing yourself. And not for nothing - but there shouldn't be a comma between "also" and "outlines" in your post.

Scalia managed to define "the people" as having at least two different meanings. That "the people" can refer to singular right, or to a collective right, depending on where it's used.

And of course, Scalia completely ignored the prefatory clause, as if it didn't even exist.
Either way - it doesn't change the result. Whether the people means an individual (such as myself) or the people means the collective (such as each U.S. citizen), we still have the right to keep and bear arms.
The part about the militia was the Prefatory Clause. It was the why. The Operative Clause (the what) is that the people have a right to keep and bear arms and it will not be infringed.

Please stop trying to play legal scholar. You are embarrassing yourself. And not for nothing - but there shouldn't be a comma between "also" and "outlines" in your post.

Scalia managed to define "the people" as having at least two different meanings. That "the people" can refer to singular right, or to a collective right, depending on where it's used.

And of course, Scalia completely ignored the prefatory clause, as if it didn't even exist.
Either way - it doesn't change the result. Whether the people means an individual (such as myself) or the people means the collective (such as each U.S. citizen), we still have the right to keep and bear arms.
The notion that the 2nd Amendment protects the right of the government to bear arms is too absurd for words to describe.
That suit is in the name of the court, not in the name of the person.
Why is it the left never knows what they are talking about? I don't understand why they insist on just making shit up and posting it as if it was reality. We need to build a fiction website for lefties where they can just fabricate their little stories until their tiny little hearts are content.
Actually only the state or federal court can bring civil charges. Private citizens have no jurisdiction over other citizens, except for parental rights.

ANY person with standing can file civil action against any person or entity EXCEPT SOME governments and their agents in any court that has jurisdiction armchair lawyers prove they are lost in space daily..

That suit is in the name of the court, not in the name of the person. Defendants are summoned to appear before the court, not before the plaintiff. It is up to the opinion of the court whether a suit can even proceed. So a person can file a lawsuit, but unless the court agrees to hear the case, there is no lawsuit.
You are so full of shit it's beyond human comprehension.
Defendants are summoned to appear before the court, not before the plaintiff.
No shit, "genius". That's how our legal system is designed. It doesn't change the fact that the civil suit which generated the summons was brought by the citizen.
Actually only the state or federal court can bring civil charges. Private citizens have no jurisdiction over other citizens, except for parental rights.

ANY person with standing can file civil action against any person or entity EXCEPT SOME governments and their agents in any court that has jurisdiction armchair lawyers prove they are lost in space daily..

That suit is in the name of the court, not in the name of the person. Defendants are summoned to appear before the court, not before the plaintiff. It is up to the opinion of the court whether a suit can even proceed. So a person can file a lawsuit, but unless the court agrees to hear the case, there is no lawsuit.
You are so full of shit it's beyond human comprehension.
It's scary. He's just posting absurd shit. The Goldman's brought a civil suit against OJ Simpson. The state of California did not (they brought the criminal case against OJ).
Defendants are summoned to appear before the court, not before the plaintiff.
No shit, "genius". That's how our legal system is designed. It doesn't change the fact that the civil suit which generated the summons was brought by the citizen.
Postal seems to think people should be able to run their own courts and hand down judgments in their favor. The guy also claims to have a law degree!
Defendants are summoned to appear before the court, not before the plaintiff.
No shit, "genius". That's how our legal system is designed. It doesn't change the fact that the civil suit which generated the summons was brought by the citizen.
Postal seems to think people should be able to run their own courts and hand down judgments in their favor. The guy also claims to have a law degree!
If he has a law degree, then I am literally Steve Jobs, founder of Apple. :doubt:
Actually only the state or federal court can bring civil charges. Private citizens have no jurisdiction over other citizens, except for parental rights.

ANY person with standing can file civil action against any person or entity EXCEPT SOME governments and their agents in any court that has jurisdiction armchair lawyers prove they are lost in space daily..

That suit is in the name of the court, not in the name of the person. Defendants are summoned to appear before the court, not before the plaintiff. It is up to the opinion of the court whether a suit can even proceed. So a person can file a lawsuit, but unless the court agrees to hear the case, there is no lawsuit.
You are so full of shit it's beyond human comprehension.
Conservatives and Trump voters are not HUMAN!!!!!
Actually only the state or federal court can bring civil charges. Private citizens have no jurisdiction over other citizens, except for parental rights.

ANY person with standing can file civil action against any person or entity EXCEPT SOME governments and their agents in any court that has jurisdiction armchair lawyers prove they are lost in space daily..

That suit is in the name of the court, not in the name of the person. Defendants are summoned to appear before the court, not before the plaintiff. It is up to the opinion of the court whether a suit can even proceed. So a person can file a lawsuit, but unless the court agrees to hear the case, there is no lawsuit.
You are so full of shit it's beyond human comprehension.
Conservatives and Trump voters are not HUMAN!!!!!


Say wha now?
We are paying 21,000 Border Patrol. That's 11 agents per mile. Yet I can't find any looking at google satellite images & images from google's roving car on hwy 20 around known illegal crossing hotspots like Acala Texas. Tax payers are being scammed by these high paid con-artist drawing salary, pensions & benefits.
We are paying 21,000 Border Patrol. That's 11 agents per mile. Yet I can't find any looking at google satellite images & images from google's roving car on hwy 20 around known illegal crossing hotspots like Acala Texas. Tax payers are being scammed by these high paid con-artist drawing salary, pensions & benefits.
Kidding, right??

You need to do your research.

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