Trump’s Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year

Anyone who claims walls don't work is a traitorous open-borders douche bag. There is simply no valid reason for opposing the wall. Anyone who does it wants to open the flood gates to illegal immigration.
Allow me to complete that sentence for you. Anyone who claims walls don’t work is an immature, pathological liar. Even U.S. Special Forces were unable to breach the prototypes.
U.S. military special forces and the Customs and Border Protection agency recently finished testing border wall prototypes — and the results couldn’t be more conclusive.

Commandos and agents attempted “to breach and scale the eight models in San Diego, using jackhammers, saws, torches and other tools and climbing devices” but were unable to breach the walls each time, a U.S. official anonymously told the AP.

If the most elite military forces in the world can’t breach them, there won’t be a single illegal alien that will be able to pull it off. This should have been done decades ago.

US special forces spent three weeks testing border wall prototypes — the results couldn’t be better

LOL, did they try to use an anti tank weapon?

So said an anonymous U.S. official

Where would some poor Mexican peasant get an anti-tank weapon? The ones I'm familiar with cost over $200,000 a pop.

Mea culpa, I forgot concrete thinkers like you wouldn't understand sarcasm. Then again, consider:

Oklahoma City bombing - Facts & Summary -

or this,

Building implosion - Wikipedia
Anyone who claims walls don't work is a traitorous open-borders douche bag. There is simply no valid reason for opposing the wall. Anyone who does it wants to open the flood gates to illegal immigration.
Allow me to complete that sentence for you. Anyone who claims walls don’t work is an immature, pathological liar. Even U.S. Special Forces were unable to breach the prototypes.
U.S. military special forces and the Customs and Border Protection agency recently finished testing border wall prototypes — and the results couldn’t be more conclusive.

Commandos and agents attempted “to breach and scale the eight models in San Diego, using jackhammers, saws, torches and other tools and climbing devices” but were unable to breach the walls each time, a U.S. official anonymously told the AP.

If the most elite military forces in the world can’t breach them, there won’t be a single illegal alien that will be able to pull it off. This should have been done decades ago.

US special forces spent three weeks testing border wall prototypes — the results couldn’t be better

LOL, did they try to use an anti tank weapon?

So said an anonymous U.S. official

Where would some poor Mexican peasant get an anti-tank weapon? The ones I'm familiar with cost over $200,000 a pop.

A few hundred bucks for a Chicom hand thrown anti tank grenade. Iraq & Iran used a sh!tload against US.
Then there are the Hafthohlladung H3.5 & Panzerwurfmine
The commandos were only allowed to attempt by following the wall manufacturers guidelines. I'm sure Mexicans will will play by those rules :-D
The commandos were only allowed to attempt by following the wall manufacturers guidelines. I'm sure Mexicans will will play by those rules :-D

I'm sure commandos are no match for 5' tall 110lb malnourished beaners.

Oh please, isn't Mexico even fatter than America?
Yeah, they're beating the U.S.A in something, and it's not even a good thing.
Anyone who claims walls don't work is a traitorous open-borders douche bag. There is simply no valid reason for opposing the wall. Anyone who does it wants to open the flood gates to illegal immigration.
Allow me to complete that sentence for you. Anyone who claims walls don’t work is an immature, pathological liar. Even U.S. Special Forces were unable to breach the prototypes.
U.S. military special forces and the Customs and Border Protection agency recently finished testing border wall prototypes — and the results couldn’t be more conclusive.

Commandos and agents attempted “to breach and scale the eight models in San Diego, using jackhammers, saws, torches and other tools and climbing devices” but were unable to breach the walls each time, a U.S. official anonymously told the AP.
If the most elite military forces in the world can’t breach them, there won’t be a single illegal alien that will be able to pull it off. This should have been done decades ago.

US special forces spent three weeks testing border wall prototypes — the results couldn’t be better
Yeah...a man with a balloon big enough to lifi his weight could be over that wall in seconds could a man using a hand glider. Did the Special Forces try either of those ?

Hot air balloons cost $15,000. The wind also has to be blowing in the right direction. Then there's also the problem that you can be seen for miles. How much do you want to bet that the border patrol will be waiting for you when you land?

A hang glider needs a spot higher than the wall to be launched from. There are no such places, moron. It also costs about $1,500, and it takes some training to fly.

Your ideas may sound good for a movie plot, but they don't work out in the real world, especially when you're talking about millions of people.
You don't have much of an imagination do you. I never mentioned a hot air ballon. A ballon can be made by some enterprising coyote( hopefully you know what a coyote is)
Who can make a tidy sum by floating individuals over the wall with a ballon and a long rope tethered to the mexican side so the height of the rise can be controlled and the ballon can be retrieved and usd over and over again. And working at night would lessen the chance of detection. Now you incompetent moron do you understand?

A hang glider might be impractical for your average illegal fruitpicker but using one or several launched from a plane or mountain top near the border could facilitate the drug cartels....
Thinking outside the box. Has keopt me ahead of idiots like you for years....looks like it still does.
Anyone who claims walls don't work is a traitorous open-borders douche bag. There is simply no valid reason for opposing the wall. Anyone who does it wants to open the flood gates to illegal immigration.
Allow me to complete that sentence for you. Anyone who claims walls don’t work is an immature, pathological liar. Even U.S. Special Forces were unable to breach the prototypes.
U.S. military special forces and the Customs and Border Protection agency recently finished testing border wall prototypes — and the results couldn’t be more conclusive.

Commandos and agents attempted “to breach and scale the eight models in San Diego, using jackhammers, saws, torches and other tools and climbing devices” but were unable to breach the walls each time, a U.S. official anonymously told the AP.
If the most elite military forces in the world can’t breach them, there won’t be a single illegal alien that will be able to pull it off. This should have been done decades ago.

US special forces spent three weeks testing border wall prototypes — the results couldn’t be better
Yeah...a man with a balloon big enough to lifi his weight could be over that wall in seconds could a man using a hand glider. Did the Special Forces try either of those ?
Ahhh .... naivete' .... it is sooooo comforting.
Keep reading and discover how it can be done.
Build a 1000 mile wall and there will be a 1000 tunnels underneath it.
Oh of course! Because the average destitute Mexican can’t afford a $4 million tunnel. :lmao:
Make it 40 feet high, and they'll bring a 41' ladder.
Yeah...because 41 feet high ladders are actually manufactured. :lmao:

Tell me something slick - how are all of these desperate and destitute Mexicans going to transport these imaginary 41 ft. high ladders to the wall? could a man using a hand glider
1. It’s not a “hand glider” it’s a hang glider. :laugh:

2. A lot of hang gliders down there in Mexico, are there?

3. Hang gliders are not airplanes. They can only be used by launching off of a cliff and using the wind to GLIDE for a very short period. There are no cliffs by the border, sweetie.

4. How are Mexicans going to hang glide their infants and small children across?

:lmao: :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2: :lmao:

Oh look....a random picture of a cliff (having absolutely nothing to do with Mexico or the U.S. border).
The commandos were only allowed to attempt by following the wall manufacturers guidelines. I'm sure Mexicans will will play by those rules :-D
And I’m suuuuuuuure you can back up that outrageous lie. Oh wait - that’s right. You didn’t put a link in your idiotic claim for a reason.
Thinking outside the box.
Thinking outside the box? You’re not thinking at all snowflake. That was one of the most idiotic posts ever. Nobody is taking a “balloon” ( :lmao: ) over the border wall. And nobody is “hand” gliding over either, nitwit. :laugh: could a man using a hand glider
1. It’s not a “hand glider” it’s a hang glider. :laugh:

2. A lot of hang gliders down there in Mexico, are there?

3. Hang gliders are not airplanes. They can only be used by launching off of a cliff and using the wind to GLIDE for a very short period. There are no cliffs by the border, sweetie.

4. How are Mexicans going to hang glide their infants and small children across?

:lmao: :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2: :lmao:

A hang glider could be used to smuggle drugs or other contraband across the border . Drug cartels could use them. But today drones might be a better option since they are powered and can be remotely controlled could a man using a hand glider
1. It’s not a “hand glider” it’s a hang glider. :laugh:

2. A lot of hang gliders down there in Mexico, are there?

3. Hang gliders are not airplanes. They can only be used by launching off of a cliff and using the wind to GLIDE for a very short period. There are no cliffs by the border, sweetie.

4. How are Mexicans going to hang glide their infants and small children across?

:lmao: :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2: :lmao:

Oh look....a random picture of a cliff (having absolutely nothing to do with Mexico or the U.S. border).

If thats the Rio Grande it does.
Build a 1000 mile wall and there will be a 1000 tunnels underneath it.
Oh of course! Because the average destitute Mexican can’t afford a $4 million tunnel. :lmao:
Make it 40 feet high, and they'll bring a 41' ladder.
Yeah...because 41 feet high ladders are actually manufactured. :lmao:

Tell me something slick - how are all of these desperate and destitute Mexicans going to transport these imaginary 41 ft. high ladders to the wall?

The human traffickers known as coyotes will take care of that.
Thinking outside the box.
Thinking outside the box? You’re not thinking at all snowflake. That was one of the most idiotic posts ever. Nobody is taking a “balloon” ( :lmao: ) over the border wall. And nobody is “hand” gliding over either, nitwit. :laugh:

Do you remember the Berlin wall. Aseveral people got over that wall with a home made hot air balloon .

"6. In a Hot Air Balloon
The escape orchestrated by Hans Strelczyk and Gunter Wetzel in 1979 sounds like it came straight out of a comic book. Strelczyk, a mechanic, and Wetzel, a mason, used their mechanical know-how to build a hot air balloon engine out of old propane cylinders. Their wives then pieced together a makeshift balloon from scraps of canvas and old bed sheets, and on September 16, 1979, the two couples, along with their four children, floated up to 8,000 feet and drifted over the wall to freedom."
8 Creative Ways People Went Over the Berlin Wall
You don't have much of an imagination do you. I never mentioned a hot air ballon. A ballon can be made by some enterprising coyote
Will said coyote achieve said breach using an acme rocket? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

The only thing looney tunes are your posts. In the real world, nobody is breaching that wall. Nobody. The people who break into our country now do so on foot with no materials available.

The best you’ll get are some drug cartels tunneling under it. And we already have that problem. So we reduce illegals from several million to a few dozen.

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