Trump's wall idea is dead

'my' bitch???????? you sound touchy. oh ya - that bitch is trump's worst nightmare.

checks & balances is a wonderful thing, sweetheart

Nancy and her puppy Chuck are a joke and they'll accomplish nothing legislatively without Republicans and Trump.. Democrats are pathetically shortsighted running on hate rather than legislative accomplishments for all Americans.

the majority of americans don't want that wall, lumps.

Solid Majority Still Opposes New Construction on Border Wall

Most Americans don't want Trump to declare a national emergency to get his border wall

It's not about popularity, sheesh.
It's about being on the proper side of the issue, American
citizens first. It's a foreign concept to you, I know.

spending that money more efficiently, instead on some pseudo monument to your dear leader is a foreign concept to *you*.
What do you or pelosi know about efficiency on the border?
Boots on the ground do, you don' go pound sand, pumpkinbutt.

i know that the intel community aren't saying that there is a crisis at the border... unlike the real threats from russia, china, ISIS, & NK, dippity do duh.
MORE wall is immoral. spending that cash on MORE wall is . i suppose you think pelosi wants 'open borders' & want;s 'human trafficking' too, right? wow wow wow, trump loves you long time, oh faithful basket dweller.

<psssst> btw, i am not a (D)
More wall is immoral? That's it? :auiqs.jpg:
Stevie Wonder could see through that bullshit answer.
Pssst....I'm not an R

when it's inefficient, ya- it's stupid & immoral. making us pay for it when mexico should be is as well. our boy lied & you are bending over & asking him for more lies. :lmao:
you still haven't explained immoral, why not?

wasted money is immoral. i said that already. do try to keep up.
Stop using it to kill babies then

fake news.
defection doesn't work.

try googling the Hyde Amendment, pops.
not answering my question was immoral, cause you can't answer what you posted. shame on you you immoral fk.

i did answer. if you are too poorly educated to figure it out, then that's on you.
no you didn't, you didn't define immoral at all, not spending isn't a moral issue. so try again. what you would have to tell me is where the money is better spent and it would have to be something about morality. so please enlighten the class.

i answered that as well. you need more spinach to power your brain up, pops.
Nope . No answer

yep i did. you missed it. too bad, so sad.
defection doesn't work.

try googling the Hyde Amendment, pops.

Apparently TDSers think 'defection' is useful 'cause they 'defecate' all over this Forum.

that's all you got, 'eh? to spot a typo? that's ok, i understand.

And 'all you got' is a stupid cartoon.

lol... thanx for noticing. however it was just too racy for this crowd & i had to change it.

One stupid cartoon replaced by another....You go girl.

i'll give your opinion the CONsideration it deserves.
What will Trump do? He has three options.

1) The conference committee will give him on Fri a bill that will include limited funds for "border security" and new fencing/barricades. He's already starting erecting fencing on some federal and in the Rio Grande Valley

rio grande valley border wall - Yahoo Image Search Results

Will he declare victory and go home?

2. Will he avoid compromise and opt for an "emergency" which will lead to multiple court fights, and probably freeze any attempts to move money pending an outcome?

3. Will he shut it down again?

I'm guessing door #2. It may actually result in less building than door #1, but Coulter can't tan his fat ass. Door #3 would, imo, actually cause the gop senators to revolt.

Since when can any court override the president in the declaration of a national emergency?

You need to read the National Emergencies act. It states it can ONLY be repealed by an act of congress, literally. And not a single one has been so we are currently under 31 declared emergencies right now.

National Emergencies Act - Wikipedia

the act stipulated that the emergency could be rescinded by a joint resolution of Congress (amended in 1985, in response to concerns about separation of powers, to allow a presidential veto and, by implication, an override by the House and Senate).

Napolitano predicts courts would reject Trump emergency declaration for wall
By Owen Daugherty - 02/04/19 04:06 PM EST

Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano predicted the courts will prevent President Trump from circumventing Congress and declaring a national emergency to build a wall on the Mexican border.

In an appearance Monday on Fox News' "America's Newsroom," Napolitano said he believed the courts would stop Trump because much of the land on the border where the wall would be built is held privately.

As a result, he suggested the courts would not stand for Trump making the decision to use federal funds to acquire private property and build the wall without congressional approval.

“I think the law is very clear and I think the President has been advised of it that if he signs an executive order declaring a national emergency and directing the military to spend money that has not been expressly appropriated for the wall or that has not been expressly appropriated for eminent domain– since much of the real estate where they want to build the wall is privately owned– I think it’s pretty clear that court will stop him from doing that,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano predicts courts would reject Trump emergency declaration for wall

Did trump do that?

he caved once, perhaps he'll pussy out again. we'll see on the 15th. until then.... nancy has his balls in her purse.
Sorry Trump supporters. Trump's great big beautiful wall (that Mexico was supposed to pay for) isn't going to happen.

Interviews with a dozen GOP senators on Monday revealed broad efforts to wave Trump off from doing an end-run around Congress, part of an effort to avoid a politically perilous floor vote that could place them at odds with the president.

If the House passes a formal resolution of disapproval, the Senate would be forced to take it up with a majority threshold required for passage under procedural rules. That would mean just four GOP defections along with all Democrats would be enough to rebuke the president.

With less than 25% of Americans supporting another government shutdown over a border wall, and dwindling support from Senate Republicans, Trump's wall just isn't going to happen.

Better luck next time! :bye1:

Republicans defy Trump on national emergency

None of the Congressman, from any of the border states, are for it...and I'm talking strictly among the REPUBLICANS!!!

Ted Cruz is, so you’re wrong! Go fkin figure

raphael sold his own wife & papa out for trump's affection.... he's less than dirt.
What will Trump do? He has three options.

1) The conference committee will give him on Fri a bill that will include limited funds for "border security" and new fencing/barricades. He's already starting erecting fencing on some federal and in the Rio Grande Valley

rio grande valley border wall - Yahoo Image Search Results

Will he declare victory and go home?

2. Will he avoid compromise and opt for an "emergency" which will lead to multiple court fights, and probably freeze any attempts to move money pending an outcome?

3. Will he shut it down again?

I'm guessing door #2. It may actually result in less building than door #1, but Coulter can't tan his fat ass. Door #3 would, imo, actually cause the gop senators to revolt.

Since when can any court override the president in the declaration of a national emergency?

You need to read the National Emergencies act. It states it can ONLY be repealed by an act of congress, literally. And not a single one has been so we are currently under 31 declared emergencies right now.

National Emergencies Act - Wikipedia

the act stipulated that the emergency could be rescinded by a joint resolution of Congress (amended in 1985, in response to concerns about separation of powers, to allow a presidential veto and, by implication, an override by the House and Senate).

Napolitano predicts courts would reject Trump emergency declaration for wall
By Owen Daugherty - 02/04/19 04:06 PM EST

Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano predicted the courts will prevent President Trump from circumventing Congress and declaring a national emergency to build a wall on the Mexican border.

In an appearance Monday on Fox News' "America's Newsroom," Napolitano said he believed the courts would stop Trump because much of the land on the border where the wall would be built is held privately.

As a result, he suggested the courts would not stand for Trump making the decision to use federal funds to acquire private property and build the wall without congressional approval.

“I think the law is very clear and I think the President has been advised of it that if he signs an executive order declaring a national emergency and directing the military to spend money that has not been expressly appropriated for the wall or that has not been expressly appropriated for eminent domain– since much of the real estate where they want to build the wall is privately owned– I think it’s pretty clear that court will stop him from doing that,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano predicts courts would reject Trump emergency declaration for wall

Did trump do that?

he caved once, perhaps he'll pussy out again. we'll see on the 15th. until then.... nancy has his balls in her purse.

Polls showed Nancy coming out of that last bit looking more negative than the President.

The American people realized why she dug in like a tick, shutting down the govt over something she voted for twice - partisan politics with the objective of putting the party 1st to hurt the President's re-election chances in 2020.

They also see nothing has changed.
What will Trump do? He has three options.

1) The conference committee will give him on Fri a bill that will include limited funds for "border security" and new fencing/barricades. He's already starting erecting fencing on some federal and in the Rio Grande Valley

rio grande valley border wall - Yahoo Image Search Results

Will he declare victory and go home?

2. Will he avoid compromise and opt for an "emergency" which will lead to multiple court fights, and probably freeze any attempts to move money pending an outcome?

3. Will he shut it down again?

I'm guessing door #2. It may actually result in less building than door #1, but Coulter can't tan his fat ass. Door #3 would, imo, actually cause the gop senators to revolt.

Since when can any court override the president in the declaration of a national emergency?

You need to read the National Emergencies act. It states it can ONLY be repealed by an act of congress, literally. And not a single one has been so we are currently under 31 declared emergencies right now.

National Emergencies Act - Wikipedia

the act stipulated that the emergency could be rescinded by a joint resolution of Congress (amended in 1985, in response to concerns about separation of powers, to allow a presidential veto and, by implication, an override by the House and Senate).

Napolitano predicts courts would reject Trump emergency declaration for wall
By Owen Daugherty - 02/04/19 04:06 PM EST

Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano predicted the courts will prevent President Trump from circumventing Congress and declaring a national emergency to build a wall on the Mexican border.

In an appearance Monday on Fox News' "America's Newsroom," Napolitano said he believed the courts would stop Trump because much of the land on the border where the wall would be built is held privately.

As a result, he suggested the courts would not stand for Trump making the decision to use federal funds to acquire private property and build the wall without congressional approval.

“I think the law is very clear and I think the President has been advised of it that if he signs an executive order declaring a national emergency and directing the military to spend money that has not been expressly appropriated for the wall or that has not been expressly appropriated for eminent domain– since much of the real estate where they want to build the wall is privately owned– I think it’s pretty clear that court will stop him from doing that,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano predicts courts would reject Trump emergency declaration for wall


why did donny say that mexico will pay for it?

over & over & over again?

& over & over & over AGAIN?
--------------------------- because that was the plan and still may be but building the WALL is much more important than Who pays for it PTime .

actually it's more like he flat out lied to keep his poorly educated basket dwelling deplorables well fed on racist red meat.
But enough about Obama. He isn't president any longer.

obama said mexico will pay for the wall?

LOL................ good one.

'my' bitch???????? you sound touchy. oh ya - that bitch is trump's worst nightmare.

checks & balances is a wonderful thing, sweetheart

Nancy and her puppy Chuck are a joke and they'll accomplish nothing legislatively without Republicans and Trump.. Democrats are pathetically shortsighted running on hate rather than legislative accomplishments for all Americans.

the majority of americans don't want that wall, lumps.

Solid Majority Still Opposes New Construction on Border Wall

Most Americans don't want Trump to declare a national emergency to get his border wall

It's not about popularity, sheesh.
It's about being on the proper side of the issue, American
citizens first. It's a foreign concept to you, I know.

spending that money more efficiently, instead on some pseudo monument to your dear leader is a foreign concept to *you*.

actually it's more like he flat out lied to keep his poorly educated basket dwelling deplorables well fed on racist red meat.
But enough about Obama. He isn't president any longer.

obama said mexico will pay for the wall?

LOL................ good one.
No, but the basement dwelling deplorable is part of the Democrat machinery.

oooOOOOooo..... SNAP! :auiqs.jpg:

'my' bitch???????? you sound touchy. oh ya - that bitch is trump's worst nightmare.

checks & balances is a wonderful thing, sweetheart

Nancy and her puppy Chuck are a joke and they'll accomplish nothing legislatively without Republicans and Trump.. Democrats are pathetically shortsighted running on hate rather than legislative accomplishments for all Americans.

the majority of americans don't want that wall, lumps.

Solid Majority Still Opposes New Construction on Border Wall

Most Americans don't want Trump to declare a national emergency to get his border wall


Are you saying legislation should be decided by iffy poll numbers ..?

they aren't iffy numbers. they are solid & have been.

i think public opinion has a say since the legislatures work for the public & the public are affected by the outcomes.. & if enough people contact their congress critters, they sometimes listen, especially if they are up for re-election. there are a ton of senators up for reelection in 2020 & nancy knows it. this might interest you:

Bitch! When was the last time a crew of 8 illegals stole your job because they slightly underbid you and your 1 Cuban buddy?

Half past never, aye? Well that's reality for a lot of working people in America.

It's happened to me 10x in the past 7 years from the same fat white motherfucker that works illegals.

I refuse to hire illegals, ever, one day this guy I was working for hired one.

He set an aluminum ladder on a power service wire.

My face probably turned purple yelling at him. Nobody died, so there's that.

Maybe your perspective would be different if illegals were taking food directly off your table. They do exactly that for many Americans.

And don't forget the indirect impact of just lowering the over all price for that labor. That hits EVERYONE.
Sorry Trump supporters. Trump's great big beautiful wall (that Mexico was supposed to pay for) isn't going to happen.

Interviews with a dozen GOP senators on Monday revealed broad efforts to wave Trump off from doing an end-run around Congress, part of an effort to avoid a politically perilous floor vote that could place them at odds with the president.

If the House passes a formal resolution of disapproval, the Senate would be forced to take it up with a majority threshold required for passage under procedural rules. That would mean just four GOP defections along with all Democrats would be enough to rebuke the president.

With less than 25% of Americans supporting another government shutdown over a border wall, and dwindling support from Senate Republicans, Trump's wall just isn't going to happen.

Better luck next time! :bye1:

Republicans defy Trump on national emergency
Congress isn't going to stop him.
That's why we elected him.
Ted Cruz is, so you’re wrong! Go fkin figure
1 out of how many?

Name one more hack, just one more Republican Congressman, from a border state, that's for the wall.
dude, you said none. so obviously, you didn't check. perhaps since you are the one that made the claim, you note all of them that didn't per your statement that I just proved was fake. I love it when facts back my ass and you look foolish as the shit out your ....
Sorry Trump supporters. Trump's great big beautiful wall (that Mexico was supposed to pay for) isn't going to happen.

Interviews with a dozen GOP senators on Monday revealed broad efforts to wave Trump off from doing an end-run around Congress, part of an effort to avoid a politically perilous floor vote that could place them at odds with the president.

If the House passes a formal resolution of disapproval, the Senate would be forced to take it up with a majority threshold required for passage under procedural rules. That would mean just four GOP defections along with all Democrats would be enough to rebuke the president.

With less than 25% of Americans supporting another government shutdown over a border wall, and dwindling support from Senate Republicans, Trump's wall just isn't going to happen.

Better luck next time! :bye1:

Republicans defy Trump on national emergency

None of the Congressman, from any of the border states, are for it...and I'm talking strictly among the REPUBLICANS!!!


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) warned at a political gathering in his home state Monday that there “could be a war within the Republican Party” over President Donald Trump’s border wall. “It seems to me that [Trump] is going to have to go it alone,” conceded Graham, who said he “isn’t very optimistic” legislators will work out a funding deal.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is reportedly also concerned about dissension in GOP ranks. He privately warned Trump on Friday that declaring an emergency could trigger a GOP revolt and a congressional resolution against the declaration

War - congressional resolution ... seems to me Goldilocks was looking for unity with the wrong party.
here's hoping both parties suffer. fk em all. go team Trump!!! and God Bless the USA. Citizens over illegals say it loud and say it proud!!!
Republicans don't want the wall. They controlled the house, senate, presidency, state governorships & SCOTUS. They didn't do a dam thing to build or fund the wall or change the 14th amendment to prevent anchor babies & stop drawing them here! Instead they EXPLODED the size of government & debt, causing a record EXPENSIVE shutdown to play politics by wasting tax payer money!!!
Sorry Trump supporters. Trump's great big beautiful wall (that Mexico was supposed to pay for) isn't going to happen.

Interviews with a dozen GOP senators on Monday revealed broad efforts to wave Trump off from doing an end-run around Congress, part of an effort to avoid a politically perilous floor vote that could place them at odds with the president.

If the House passes a formal resolution of disapproval, the Senate would be forced to take it up with a majority threshold required for passage under procedural rules. That would mean just four GOP defections along with all Democrats would be enough to rebuke the president.

With less than 25% of Americans supporting another government shutdown over a border wall, and dwindling support from Senate Republicans, Trump's wall just isn't going to happen.

Better luck next time! :bye1:

Republicans defy Trump on national emergency

None of the Congressman, from any of the border states, are for it...and I'm talking strictly among the REPUBLICANS!!!


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) warned at a political gathering in his home state Monday that there “could be a war within the Republican Party” over President Donald Trump’s border wall. “It seems to me that [Trump] is going to have to go it alone,” conceded Graham, who said he “isn’t very optimistic” legislators will work out a funding deal.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is reportedly also concerned about dissension in GOP ranks. He privately warned Trump on Friday that declaring an emergency could trigger a GOP revolt and a congressional resolution against the declaration

War - congressional resolution ... seems to me Goldilocks was looking for unity with the wrong party.

where was the drama queen last night? i didn't see him last night...
What will Trump do? He has three options.

1) The conference committee will give him on Fri a bill that will include limited funds for "border security" and new fencing/barricades. He's already starting erecting fencing on some federal and in the Rio Grande Valley

rio grande valley border wall - Yahoo Image Search Results

Will he declare victory and go home?

2. Will he avoid compromise and opt for an "emergency" which will lead to multiple court fights, and probably freeze any attempts to move money pending an outcome?

3. Will he shut it down again?

I'm guessing door #2. It may actually result in less building than door #1, but Coulter can't tan his fat ass. Door #3 would, imo, actually cause the gop senators to revolt.

Since when can any court override the president in the declaration of a national emergency?

You need to read the National Emergencies act. It states it can ONLY be repealed by an act of congress, literally. And not a single one has been so we are currently under 31 declared emergencies right now.

National Emergencies Act - Wikipedia

the act stipulated that the emergency could be rescinded by a joint resolution of Congress (amended in 1985, in response to concerns about separation of powers, to allow a presidential veto and, by implication, an override by the House and Senate).

Napolitano predicts courts would reject Trump emergency declaration for wall
By Owen Daugherty - 02/04/19 04:06 PM EST

Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano predicted the courts will prevent President Trump from circumventing Congress and declaring a national emergency to build a wall on the Mexican border.

In an appearance Monday on Fox News' "America's Newsroom," Napolitano said he believed the courts would stop Trump because much of the land on the border where the wall would be built is held privately.

As a result, he suggested the courts would not stand for Trump making the decision to use federal funds to acquire private property and build the wall without congressional approval.

“I think the law is very clear and I think the President has been advised of it that if he signs an executive order declaring a national emergency and directing the military to spend money that has not been expressly appropriated for the wall or that has not been expressly appropriated for eminent domain– since much of the real estate where they want to build the wall is privately owned– I think it’s pretty clear that court will stop him from doing that,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano predicts courts would reject Trump emergency declaration for wall

Did trump do that?

he caved once, perhaps he'll pussy out again. we'll see on the 15th. until then.... nancy has his balls in her purse.

Polls showed Nancy coming out of that last bit looking more negative than the President.

The American people realized why she dug in like a tick, shutting down the govt over something she voted for twice - partisan politics with the objective of putting the party 1st to hurt the President's re-election chances in 2020.

They also see nothing has changed.

which polls might those be?
What will Trump do? He has three options.

1) The conference committee will give him on Fri a bill that will include limited funds for "border security" and new fencing/barricades. He's already starting erecting fencing on some federal and in the Rio Grande Valley

rio grande valley border wall - Yahoo Image Search Results

Will he declare victory and go home?

2. Will he avoid compromise and opt for an "emergency" which will lead to multiple court fights, and probably freeze any attempts to move money pending an outcome?

3. Will he shut it down again?

I'm guessing door #2. It may actually result in less building than door #1, but Coulter can't tan his fat ass. Door #3 would, imo, actually cause the gop senators to revolt.

Since when can any court override the president in the declaration of a national emergency?

You need to read the National Emergencies act. It states it can ONLY be repealed by an act of congress, literally. And not a single one has been so we are currently under 31 declared emergencies right now.

National Emergencies Act - Wikipedia

the act stipulated that the emergency could be rescinded by a joint resolution of Congress (amended in 1985, in response to concerns about separation of powers, to allow a presidential veto and, by implication, an override by the House and Senate).

Napolitano predicts courts would reject Trump emergency declaration for wall
By Owen Daugherty - 02/04/19 04:06 PM EST

Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano predicted the courts will prevent President Trump from circumventing Congress and declaring a national emergency to build a wall on the Mexican border.

In an appearance Monday on Fox News' "America's Newsroom," Napolitano said he believed the courts would stop Trump because much of the land on the border where the wall would be built is held privately.

As a result, he suggested the courts would not stand for Trump making the decision to use federal funds to acquire private property and build the wall without congressional approval.

“I think the law is very clear and I think the President has been advised of it that if he signs an executive order declaring a national emergency and directing the military to spend money that has not been expressly appropriated for the wall or that has not been expressly appropriated for eminent domain– since much of the real estate where they want to build the wall is privately owned– I think it’s pretty clear that court will stop him from doing that,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano predicts courts would reject Trump emergency declaration for wall


--------------------------- because that was the plan and still may be but building the WALL is much more important than Who pays for it PTime .

actually it's more like he flat out lied to keep his poorly educated basket dwelling deplorables well fed on racist red meat.
But enough about Obama. He isn't president any longer.

obama said mexico will pay for the wall?

LOL................ good one.

Nancy and her puppy Chuck are a joke and they'll accomplish nothing legislatively without Republicans and Trump.. Democrats are pathetically shortsighted running on hate rather than legislative accomplishments for all Americans.

the majority of americans don't want that wall, lumps.

Solid Majority Still Opposes New Construction on Border Wall

Most Americans don't want Trump to declare a national emergency to get his border wall

It's not about popularity, sheesh.
It's about being on the proper side of the issue, American
citizens first. It's a foreign concept to you, I know.

spending that money more efficiently, instead on some pseudo monument to your dear leader is a foreign concept to *you*.

But enough about Obama. He isn't president any longer.

obama said mexico will pay for the wall?

LOL................ good one.
No, but the basement dwelling deplorable is part of the Democrat machinery.

oooOOOOooo..... SNAP! :auiqs.jpg:

Nancy and her puppy Chuck are a joke and they'll accomplish nothing legislatively without Republicans and Trump.. Democrats are pathetically shortsighted running on hate rather than legislative accomplishments for all Americans.

the majority of americans don't want that wall, lumps.

Solid Majority Still Opposes New Construction on Border Wall

Most Americans don't want Trump to declare a national emergency to get his border wall


Are you saying legislation should be decided by iffy poll numbers ..?

they aren't iffy numbers. they are solid & have been.

i think public opinion has a say since the legislatures work for the public & the public are affected by the outcomes.. & if enough people contact their congress critters, they sometimes listen, especially if they are up for re-election. there are a ton of senators up for reelection in 2020 & nancy knows it. this might interest you:

Bitch! When was the last time a crew of 8 illegals stole your job because they slightly underbid you and your 1 Cuban buddy?

Half past never, aye? Well that's reality for a lot of working people in America.

It's happened to me 10x in the past 7 years from the same fat white motherfucker that works illegals.

I refuse to hire illegals, ever, one day this guy I was working for hired one.

He set an aluminum ladder on a power service wire.

My face probably turned purple yelling at him. Nobody died, so there's that.

Maybe your perspective would be different if illegals were taking food directly off your table. They do exactly that for many Americans.

And don't forget the indirect impact of just lowering the over all price for that labor. That hits EVERYONE.

like your trump/thor has, cartoon boy?
Republicans don't want the wall. They controlled the house, senate, presidency, state governorships & SCOTUS. They didn't do a dam thing to build or fund the wall or change the 14th amendment to prevent anchor babies & stop drawing them here! Instead they EXPLODED the size of government & debt, causing a record EXPENSIVE shutdown to play politics by wasting tax payer money!!!

60 votes in the Senate required.... puppy Chuck at SOTU

download (34).jpg
...mmm .. looks like a epic case of TDS to me.. :lol:

Screw DACA recipients, NO DEAL (Nancy told me so)
Last edited:
Sorry Trump supporters. Trump's great big beautiful wall (that Mexico was supposed to pay for) isn't going to happen.

Interviews with a dozen GOP senators on Monday revealed broad efforts to wave Trump off from doing an end-run around Congress, part of an effort to avoid a politically perilous floor vote that could place them at odds with the president.

If the House passes a formal resolution of disapproval, the Senate would be forced to take it up with a majority threshold required for passage under procedural rules. That would mean just four GOP defections along with all Democrats would be enough to rebuke the president.

With less than 25% of Americans supporting another government shutdown over a border wall, and dwindling support from Senate Republicans, Trump's wall just isn't going to happen.

Better luck next time! :bye1:

Republicans defy Trump on national emergency

None of the Congressman, from any of the border states, are for it...and I'm talking strictly among the REPUBLICANS!!!


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) warned at a political gathering in his home state Monday that there “could be a war within the Republican Party” over President Donald Trump’s border wall. “It seems to me that [Trump] is going to have to go it alone,” conceded Graham, who said he “isn’t very optimistic” legislators will work out a funding deal.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is reportedly also concerned about dissension in GOP ranks. He privately warned Trump on Friday that declaring an emergency could trigger a GOP revolt and a congressional resolution against the declaration

War - congressional resolution ... seems to me Goldilocks was looking for unity with the wrong party.

where was the drama queen last night? i didn't see him last night...

home gettin' ready for WAR !
What will Trump do? He has three options.

1) The conference committee will give him on Fri a bill that will include limited funds for "border security" and new fencing/barricades. He's already starting erecting fencing on some federal and in the Rio Grande Valley

rio grande valley border wall - Yahoo Image Search Results

Will he declare victory and go home?

2. Will he avoid compromise and opt for an "emergency" which will lead to multiple court fights, and probably freeze any attempts to move money pending an outcome?

3. Will he shut it down again?

I'm guessing door #2. It may actually result in less building than door #1, but Coulter can't tan his fat ass. Door #3 would, imo, actually cause the gop senators to revolt.

Since when can any court override the president in the declaration of a national emergency?

You need to read the National Emergencies act. It states it can ONLY be repealed by an act of congress, literally. And not a single one has been so we are currently under 31 declared emergencies right now.

National Emergencies Act - Wikipedia

the act stipulated that the emergency could be rescinded by a joint resolution of Congress (amended in 1985, in response to concerns about separation of powers, to allow a presidential veto and, by implication, an override by the House and Senate).

Napolitano predicts courts would reject Trump emergency declaration for wall
By Owen Daugherty - 02/04/19 04:06 PM EST

Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano predicted the courts will prevent President Trump from circumventing Congress and declaring a national emergency to build a wall on the Mexican border.

In an appearance Monday on Fox News' "America's Newsroom," Napolitano said he believed the courts would stop Trump because much of the land on the border where the wall would be built is held privately.

As a result, he suggested the courts would not stand for Trump making the decision to use federal funds to acquire private property and build the wall without congressional approval.

“I think the law is very clear and I think the President has been advised of it that if he signs an executive order declaring a national emergency and directing the military to spend money that has not been expressly appropriated for the wall or that has not been expressly appropriated for eminent domain– since much of the real estate where they want to build the wall is privately owned– I think it’s pretty clear that court will stop him from doing that,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano predicts courts would reject Trump emergency declaration for wall


actually it's more like he flat out lied to keep his poorly educated basket dwelling deplorables well fed on racist red meat.
But enough about Obama. He isn't president any longer.

obama said mexico will pay for the wall?

LOL................ good one.

It's not about popularity, sheesh.
It's about being on the proper side of the issue, American
citizens first. It's a foreign concept to you, I know.

spending that money more efficiently, instead on some pseudo monument to your dear leader is a foreign concept to *you*.

obama said mexico will pay for the wall?

LOL................ good one.
No, but the basement dwelling deplorable is part of the Democrat machinery.

oooOOOOooo..... SNAP! :auiqs.jpg:

Are you saying legislation should be decided by iffy poll numbers ..?

they aren't iffy numbers. they are solid & have been.

i think public opinion has a say since the legislatures work for the public & the public are affected by the outcomes.. & if enough people contact their congress critters, they sometimes listen, especially if they are up for re-election. there are a ton of senators up for reelection in 2020 & nancy knows it. this might interest you:

Bitch! When was the last time a crew of 8 illegals stole your job because they slightly underbid you and your 1 Cuban buddy?

Half past never, aye? Well that's reality for a lot of working people in America.

It's happened to me 10x in the past 7 years from the same fat white motherfucker that works illegals.

I refuse to hire illegals, ever, one day this guy I was working for hired one.

He set an aluminum ladder on a power service wire.

My face probably turned purple yelling at him. Nobody died, so there's that.

Maybe your perspective would be different if illegals were taking food directly off your table. They do exactly that for many Americans.

And don't forget the indirect impact of just lowering the over all price for that labor. That hits EVERYONE.

like your trump/thor has, cartoon boy?

Well, to be fair, he has been pretty serious about deportations, and I have heard that even legal immigration, has been limited somewhat.

But yes, Trump has dropped the ball on not moving on this in his first year.

And for you. Because you deserve it.


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