Trump's wall is working!!

Of course it's why they do it.

No, it's not why they do it. They do it to make illegals as comfortable as they can. That's why they have sanctuary cities, and since Trump's election, sanctuary states. It's why some of their leaders warn illegals when ICE is going to conduct raids. It's why they shutdown the government for the longest time in our history over this wall. They want them here, and want even more to come.

The test is given in Spanish. So what? If they've got a CDL, they've jumped through enough hoops.

I've seen Hispanics, Middle-easterners, and yes, even people from Russia driving these trucks. They do not pass our test for that CDL. They get them from Cracker Jack boxes in their countries, and our country gives them reciprocity. I can tell you from my experience on how awful and dangerous these people drive, that they have never taken an American CDL test. There is no possible way they could pass driving like that.
Look at the 2020 red line and see how the illegal crossings have dropped.
Trump was right, the democrats and their "open borders" and elimination of ICE are wrong.
One more thing that should happen is the addition of a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall and ICE.

View attachment 334832
Yeah, but remember, despite whether it is working or not, the left's agenda of the "New World Order" and no borders is no doubt, unchanged. They are George Soros' puppets, dancing to the financial strings he and China are pulling.

You believe "The New World Order" is a real thing. You know that's nuts, don't you?
Bush (the shrub) publicly stated in front of the camera and newscasters at the end of his term, that, "a New World Order was coming and it would be great."
It isn't just the left that want this B.S. globalist, New World Order, freedom of movement, no borders concept in place; there are republicans who want it as well.
Establishment Republicrats, those were the 15 up on the stage that Candidate Trump beat. No more Bush's , Clinton's and definately not , no more brown turds...
That's not why they are doing it.
Of course it's why they do it.
We have foreigners in our country driving 75,000 lbs tractor-trailers on our roads, and some of them can't speak or read English.
The test is given in Spanish. So what? If they've got a CDL, they've jumped through enough hoops.

Being a truck driver I can definitely answer this question.

And that's because they can't read street signs. For example in many states construction zones have a sign that says "trucks use left lane" so you've got 99% of trucks in the left lane and one foreign fuckhead that can't read in the right lane blocking everyone trying to pass the line of trucks. This can cause 4 wheeler drivers to do erratic and dangerous maneuvers to try to get around said foreign fuckhead.

I could go on but you get the idea.
...So much for the future Demoncrap Voters. Now that they cant come across the southern border illegally, and the Demoncraps killing off their babies born and unborn, either more dead people, and pets are going to have to vote, for the liberals to ever see power again...
The arrogance of the Incumbent. :D

Untouchable, right?

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
Untouchable, are you talking about the sick bitch Hitlery and the Racist Eric Holder, both have allowed thousands of people to die throughout the world by their actions, yet still walk free. Maybe you can have a drunken illegal T-bone your car some day with you in it.....
They come here for more than just jobs. From what I understand, they can pack 12 people in a two family home, and only a few of them have to go to work. So locking up American employers will only hurt our economy, and not do much else.
You've heard wrong. I've known a few of those families packing 'em in an old trailer or a one bedroom apartment. Every family member works if they are old enough to be out of school. I knew one Dad who was terribly disgusted when we told him his 15 year old daughter couldn't continue living with her 22 year old boyfriend up the road. His first question, since she was still attending school was, who is going to feed her?
You work, you eat. It's that simple for them.
Try living on welfare, Ray, for a year. It's not the glorious situation you think. These people are dirt poor. They work like the devil. That is their mission.

I never suggested they were on welfare. Legal immigrants are on welfare at a much higher percentage than US citizens.
Look at the 2020 red line and see how the illegal crossings have dropped.
Trump was right, the democrats and their "open borders" and elimination of ICE are wrong.
One more thing that should happen is the addition of a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall and ICE.

View attachment 334832
Tell me how this wall works? The Links tell of some captures, nothing on volume.
I would think they got over/under the wall. Are we going to Mexico to gets these folks?
So we capture them in/on U.S. lands, right? So the wall not done, and they got over is what I see.
And knowing the Great Douche is the BIGGEST LAIR EVER. I would think the numbers are padded.
The only and best way to fix this is to jail American Home, Bussines Employers. Take 1000 of each.
Take 60% of their income for life, pay 15% to illegal in yearly/monthly checks to go home.
Run stings at the illegal owned stores, jail any buyers. Tax them 45% income per year.
pay 12% to illegals in yearly/monthly checks to go home. Open the walls and
see how long they come. When no one will hire them. Or shop at stores owned by them.
We can pay funds to pay off the Nation Debt.
Problem over. And shit load of American are paying for what they have done.

Plus, offer illegals rewards. turn in 5 American employers.
Can go home with 25% their yearly earning in bank direct deposit. , and the USA will

Most illegals I know want to earn here are go home with money to buy a place, a farm and live cheaper.

That might work if the only problem was employers. But remember who instituted illegals getting drivers licenses in their state so these people can go to these jobs illegally.

They come here for more than just jobs. From what I understand, they can pack 12 people in a two family home, and only a few of them have to go to work. So locking up American employers will only hurt our economy, and not do much else.

What would work for sure is make being here illegally a felony, with a minimum of five years in prison. When I say minimum, the judge can sentence them to ten or even fifteen years. Much of our problem are Visa overstays. A wall won't stop those people, but a harsh enough prison sentence would.

Another problem is Birther Tourism, a system where governments or radical religious groups send pregnant women here, and after they give birth, return home with an American baby. When they radicalize the kid throughout his life, he can come back to this country as an American to do us God knows what harm. They don't need jobs because they are being funded by the people sending them here.

Border barriers have worked in every single place they've been tried. Will they stop everybody? No they won't, but it does solve well over 95% of the problem.

Bad idea, bad bad bad, then we're just feeding them on the backs of taxpayers. Do not like that idea.

Executing them is not an option, either. That leaves have them naturalize or be deported. :dunno:
Doesn’t matter

Once Biden takes over next year, we will tear that sucker down

Mexico will pay for it

We hope you do. All this time we've been saying the left are for open borders, and they have denied it each and every time. Tear that wall down and prove us right, so nobody will ever listen to your lies in the future.
I say if they start to tear down the wall, that is an attack on US property and we should be there to defend it from attack.
That's not why they are doing it.
Of course it's why they do it.
We have foreigners in our country driving 75,000 lbs tractor-trailers on our roads, and some of them can't speak or read English.
The test is given in Spanish. So what? If they've got a CDL, they've jumped through enough hoops.

Being a truck driver I can definitely answer this question.

And that's because they can't read street signs. For example in many states construction zones have a sign that says "trucks use left lane" so you've got 99% of trucks in the left lane and one foreign fuckhead that can't read in the right lane blocking everyone trying to pass the line of trucks. This can cause 4 wheeler drivers to do erratic and dangerous maneuvers to try to get around said foreign fuckhead.

I could go on but you get the idea.

You and I both know it. Several times a year, some foreigner would come up to me and ask "Please, please, Mister! Back in trailer please. I no know how!"

These are not tough docks by any stretch of the imagination. They have a three truck distance in front of them; a straight shot. But they are scared to death, especially backing into an inside dock.

Granted it's been over 25 years since I took my T/T test, but when we needed more drivers, my employer would promote from within. He would take our straight truck drivers, have one of our guys train them, and then go out to get their Class A. Based on what they told me about the test today, it's not that much less strict than when I took it.
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Doesn’t matter

Once Biden takes over next year, we will tear that sucker down

Mexico will pay for it

We hope you do. All this time we've been saying the left are for open borders, and they have denied it each and every time. Tear that wall down and prove us right, so nobody will ever listen to your lies in the future.
I say if they start to tear down the wall, that is an attack on US property and we should be there to defend it from attack.

You know how Right-winger is. He just likes to rattle our cage. But still, I wouldn't put it past the Democrats to suggest it or even try.
Look at the 2020 red line and see how the illegal crossings have dropped.
Trump was right, the democrats and their "open borders" and elimination of ICE are wrong.
One more thing that should happen is the addition of a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall and ICE.

View attachment 334832
Tell me how this wall works? The Links tell of some captures, nothing on volume.
I would think they got over/under the wall. Are we going to Mexico to gets these folks?
So we capture them in/on U.S. lands, right? So the wall not done, and they got over is what I see.
And knowing the Great Douche is the BIGGEST LAIR EVER. I would think the numbers are padded.
The only and best way to fix this is to jail American Home, Bussines Employers. Take 1000 of each.
Take 60% of their income for life, pay 15% to illegal in yearly/monthly checks to go home.
Run stings at the illegal owned stores, jail any buyers. Tax them 45% income per year.
pay 12% to illegals in yearly/monthly checks to go home. Open the walls and
see how long they come. When no one will hire them. Or shop at stores owned by them.
We can pay funds to pay off the Nation Debt.
Problem over. And shit load of American are paying for what they have done.

Plus, offer illegals rewards. turn in 5 American employers.
Can go home with 25% their yearly earning in bank direct deposit. , and the USA will

Most illegals I know want to earn here are go home with money to buy a place, a farm and live cheaper.

That might work if the only problem was employers. But remember who instituted illegals getting drivers licenses in their state so these people can go to these jobs illegally.

They come here for more than just jobs. From what I understand, they can pack 12 people in a two family home, and only a few of them have to go to work. So locking up American employers will only hurt our economy, and not do much else.

What would work for sure is make being here illegally a felony, with a minimum of five years in prison. When I say minimum, the judge can sentence them to ten or even fifteen years. Much of our problem are Visa overstays. A wall won't stop those people, but a harsh enough prison sentence would.

Another problem is Birther Tourism, a system where governments or radical religious groups send pregnant women here, and after they give birth, return home with an American baby. When they radicalize the kid throughout his life, he can come back to this country as an American to do us God knows what harm. They don't need jobs because they are being funded by the people sending them here.

Border barriers have worked in every single place they've been tried. Will they stop everybody? No they won't, but it does solve well over 95% of the problem.

Bad idea, bad bad bad, then we're just feeding them on the backs of taxpayers. Do not like that idea.

Executing them is not an option, either. That leaves have them naturalize or be deported. :dunno:

The only way to solve a problem is to provide a strong enough deterrent. I think it would work on a lot of people. We would have to incarcerate very few. Regardless how bad it is in your country, it's much worse inside a free country you can't enjoy because you are looking at it from behind bars.
None of them could afford the fine for destroying gov't property. Liberals are shitheads, all talk and no action.
None of them could afford the fine for destroying gov't property. Liberals are shitheads, all talk and no action.

If they can get away with using our FBI and FISA court to try and defeat an opponent, using our IRS to attack conservative groups, use their power to impeach an opposing President with no impeachable articles, they can tear down a wall with nobody touching them if they are in charge.
Look at the 2020 red line and see how the illegal crossings have dropped.
Trump was right, the democrats and their "open borders" and elimination of ICE are wrong.
One more thing that should happen is the addition of a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall and ICE.

View attachment 334832
Rather than a wall made out of electrified flesh piercing steel, Trump built a wall out of incompetent pandemic management. Do you think anyone would opt to come to a place where 2,000 people die of disease everyday?
2,000 die of disease everyday? Please, oh please let them be liberals.......Karma is a bitch...

View attachment 334932
And you think a virus cares about your politics? Do you think being a Trumpian also makes you bullet proof?

Selfish, short-sighted idiots have learned how to use computers!
That's not why they are doing it.
Of course it's why they do it.
We have foreigners in our country driving 75,000 lbs tractor-trailers on our roads, and some of them can't speak or read English.
The test is given in Spanish. So what? If they've got a CDL, they've jumped through enough hoops.
Is road signs across the USA in Spanish yet?
When working with ESL students, the first thing they learn is road signs. Shape color and memorizing one or two words is not all that hard.
But remember who instituted illegals getting drivers licenses in their state so these people can go to these jobs illegally.
No, it's because in rural farm areas they are going to drive any way, so make sure they know the rules of the road and can pass the test. It's for safety for the rest of us on the road.
Does a drivers license also open the door to voting? Air travel, etc?
Look at the 2020 red line and see how the illegal crossings have dropped.
Trump was right, the democrats and their "open borders" and elimination of ICE are wrong.
One more thing that should happen is the addition of a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall and ICE.

View attachment 334832
So much for the future Demoncrap Voters. Now that they cant come across the southern border illegally, and the Demoncraps killing off their babies born and unborn, either more dead people, and pets are going to have to vote, for the liberals to ever see power again...

How many miles of new wall have been built? I'm not aware of any. link please.
1. At today's presser Trump said that there is 180 miles of new wall built and that should be about 400 miles by January 2021.
2. Do not even think of saying that "replacing an old wall with a new design is not a "new" wall", it is. Look at the OP and see that the "old wall" was totally ineffective, the new wall is effective.
3. Here are the links you're too fucking lazy to google for:

replacement fence is not new wall. Trump lies about everything anyway.

That is the dumbest argument I ever heard, and the idiots keep repeating it like its true, its NOT TRUE.

Example-1, you have an old clunker, and you trade it in and buy a new Mercedes or a new Audi. You're saying that you did NOT buy a "new" car because you already had a car.??? WTF??

Example-2, look at the graph in the OP. The old "wall" was ineffective, the new wall is very effective. Replacing an old ineffective wall with a new very effective wall is in-fact a "new wall".
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They do it to make illegals as comfortable as they can. That's why they have sanctuary cities, and since Trump's election, sanctuary states
HORSESHIT!!! Sanctuary cities have large Hispanic populations and they know damned well there are illegals in the mix. Yet law enforcement NEEDS to be able to talk to this community; there are gangs, crimes, the usual. So they don't ask for their papers. It is that simple and any law enforcement agency will tell you that.

I want illegal immigration stopped. But it's not because I have anything against foreign speaking people or Hispanics or anything else. It just seems to me that in a country as "advanced" as ours, this problem could be handled a lot more efficiently. If Trump's ideas have helped, I'm glad for it. I hate his attitude toward immigration though. He stereotypes Hispanics and illegals as all being criminals and rapists and drug dealers and it is not true. But his bigot base loves it.
Look at the 2020 red line and see how the illegal crossings have dropped.
Trump was right, the democrats and their "open borders" and elimination of ICE are wrong.
One more thing that should happen is the addition of a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall and ICE.

View attachment 334832
Wow that wall sure is working. Almost as low as Obama was in 2015 without Trump's spending billions of American tax dollars on the wall he told you Mexico would fund.
But sure a big improvement over 2019- what almost twice as many illegals in 2019 as Obama had in 2015?

That is what Trump calls HUUUUUUUUUGE!
Look at the 2020 red line and see how the illegal crossings have dropped.
Trump was right, the democrats and their "open borders" and elimination of ICE are wrong.
One more thing that should happen is the addition of a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall and ICE.

View attachment 334832
Wow that wall sure is working. Almost as low as Obama was in 2015 without Trump's spending billions of American tax dollars on the wall he told you Mexico would fund.
But sure a big improvement over 2019- what almost twice as many illegals in 2019 as Obama had in 2015?

That is what Trump calls HUUUUUUUUUGE!
The drug cartels wanted "caravans" of migrants to head north in 2019 to cover their drug and human trafficking.
The wall and the new agreement with Mexico are working just fine, thank you.
p.s. Who built those cages to keep kids in? (Ans. that's right Mr. Obama)

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