Trump's war on voter fraud

Trump's war on voter fraud

Ironic thread title is ironic. This is the klown who still babbles incoherently about "three million illegals voted". And then paid out 25 million bucks to make a fraud case go away before the Electrical College could meet.

He's in no way qualified to even pronounce "voter fraud".
How many illegal aliens do you think voted?

I know leftists well enough to understand that they're extremely organized and don't mind breaking the rules to get what they want. In the city where I live, the voting places are always staffed by sassy black women, smug Hispanic ladies or pimple faced white girls with purple hair and facial piercings. Theres zero doubt in my mind that they bus people around to vote multiple times and don't care if they're illegal immigrants.
Actually, you have no proof. At all. Just accusations. If what you say is true, post a link to a sourse proving your assertions. If they are true, it should be no problem. Studies of voting integrity are done all the time, looking for organized fraud that you suggest exists. And, all the time, they tell us the trolls like you are simply making up accusations. Lying, that is, me boy. Constantly pushing a conservative myth.
Debunking the Voter Fraud Myth

I'm just as certain that inner city voter fraud is widespread as I am that the left wing agitators in Charlottesville were the villains of the story. In both cases, the democrat controlled local politics work hard to enable chaos, cover up their wrongdoings and the biased media doesn't ask tough questions.
That is total BS and you know it. Did you even read what they said in response to the investigation or did you mindlessly scroll past all those comments to make a knee jerk reply?
That is precisely why I didn't dignify his remarks with a response. I mean really, his refutation of the legitimacy of the remarks, experiences and observations of independent researchers, Republicans and Democrats at federal and state levels is but a conspiracy theorist's retort. When I see stuff like that, I know the poster is just sadistically/masochistically looking for argy-bargy entertainment. I'm not giving it to them, but others can if they want to.​
Good observation, I’m on this board mostly for stimulating debate and discussions, however I must admit that I do cross the tracks every once in a while to go after the dishonest trolls. They gotta be called out every once in a while, but you’re right not to engage to deeply with their childish games
Oh, I "feel you," truly.

Often enough I compose a response structure in my head, maybe even get to typing the first couple words of a response. Then I catch myself and move on. I have a harder time doing that with some topics, so, yes, I "get" how one sometimes just has to call out the insipidity.​
Trump's war on voter fraud

Ironic thread title is ironic. This is the klown who still babbles incoherently about "three million illegals voted". And then paid out 25 million bucks to make a fraud case go away before the Electrical College could meet.

He's in no way qualified to even pronounce "voter fraud".
How many illegal aliens do you think voted?

I know leftists well enough to understand that they're extremely organized and don't mind breaking the rules to get what they want. In the city where I live, the voting places are always staffed by sassy black women, smug Hispanic ladies or pimple faced white girls with purple hair and facial piercings. Theres zero doubt in my mind that they bus people around to vote multiple times and don't care if they're illegal immigrants.
Actually, you have no proof. At all. Just accusations. If what you say is true, post a link to a sourse proving your assertions. If they are true, it should be no problem. Studies of voting integrity are done all the time, looking for organized fraud that you suggest exists. And, all the time, they tell us the trolls like you are simply making up accusations. Lying, that is, me boy. Constantly pushing a conservative myth.
Debunking the Voter Fraud Myth
I'm just as certain that inner city voter fraud is widespread as I am that the left wing agitators in Charlottesville were the villains of the story. In both cases, the democrat controlled local politics work hard to enable chaos, cover up their wrongdoings and the biased media doesn't ask tough questions.
What do they fear?
I don't think Democrats fear an investigation into voter fraud. I think they see it as largely an asked-and-answered matter, thus a waste of resources that serves no pragmatic election/voting integrity end whatsoever.
  1. Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, a Republican, in response to Trump’s tweet, tweeted: “We conducted a review 4 years ago in Ohio & already have a statewide review of 2016 election underway. Easy to vote, hard to cheat #Ohio
  2. Louisiana Secretary of State Tom Schedler, a Republican, in a statement, said: “Louisiana did not have any widespread irregularities or allegations of fraud during the 2016 Presidential Election Cycle.”
  3. California Secretary of State Alex Padilla, a Democrat, released a series of tweets condemning Trump’s fraud allegations:
    • Jan 23: “Trump continues to falsely allege millions of fraudulent votes. Still no proof. Not an #alternativefact, just a #lie. #DefendDemocracy”
    • Jan 24: “#Trump is dangerously attacking the legitimacy of free and fair elections and taking a jackhammer to the foundation of our democracy.”
    • Jan 25: “@RealDonaldTrump should investigate Russian interference in our elections, not fake claims of voter fraud intended to suppress voting rights”
  4. New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, a Democrat, said that the “allegations are simply not true” and that she was “extremely concerned that President Trump is pushing these voter fraud lies to justify future efforts making it harder to vote.”
  5. Dean Logan, the Los Angeles County voter registrar, when asked about non-citizens trying to vote, said: “I’ve never seen any incident of that… there are severe penalties. It’s a felony.”
  6. Colorado Secretary of State Wayne Williams, a Republican, in a statement, said: “Voter fraud is rare…”
  7. Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann, a Republican, said: “We don’t have [voter fraud]... We think we do it right.”
  8. Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske, a Republican, said: “There is no evidence of voters illegally casting ballots at the most recent election in Nevada...”
  9. Rhode Island Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea, a Democrat, said: “It is outrageous that the President continues to make unsubstantiated claims about alleged widespread voter fraud.”
  10. Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman, a Republican, said: “…as I stated when [Trump] raised this issue last fall, I am confident the election system in Washington state is secure and prevents illegal voting.”
  11. Oregon Secretary of State Dennis Richardson, a Republican, wrote in a letter to Trump: “I'm pleased to report that in Oregon we have reviewed the processes and we are confident that voter fraud in last November's election did not occur in Oregon.” He also encouraged Trump to “return full authority over elections to the states.”
  12. Former West Virginia Secretary of State Natalie Tennant, a Democrat, tweeted: “there has been no evidence of millions of illegal votes.”
  13. Connecticut Secretary of State Denise Merrill, a Democrat, said: “To claim, without a shred of evidence, that millions of ‘illegal votes’ were cast does nothing but undermine people’s confidence in democracy...”
  14. Former Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander, a Democrat, called Trump’s claim “a lie” and said “there is absolutely no reason” to think that fraud occurred in the most recent election.
  15. Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap, a Democrat, described voter fraud as “part of a national script” Republicans use to “make it harder for people to vote.”
  16. Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson, a Republican, said: “I know of no widespread voter fraud...”
  17. Vermont Secretary of State Jim Condos, a Democrat, in a statement: “...unsubstantiated voter fraud claims undermine our democracy and disparage the hundreds of thousands of hard-working election officials across our great nation.”
  18. Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes, a Democrat, said: “President Trump’s assertion that millions of people voted illegally in the 2016 election is completely unsubstantiated...”
  19. Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon, a Democrat, called the claims “false and irresponsible” and expressed concern that the comments “could have the dangerous effect of undermining confidence in the electoral system.”
  20. Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan, a Republican, said her office “can say with… confidence that we didn’t have widespread voter fraud in Arizona.”
  21. Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin, a Democrat, said that the allegations were “outrageous lies.”
  22. Meredith Beatrice, a spokeswoman for Florida’s Secretary of State, said: “[We are] not aware of documented findings of illegal immigrants or non-citizens voting in Florida during the 2016 General Election. We have several safeguards in place to prevent elections fraud.”
  23. Wanda Murren, a spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania Department of State, in an email: “We have no evidence at all of voter fraud. There is no evidence that undocumented immigrants voted in November.”
  24. Nikki Charlson, Maryland State Board of Elections Deputy Administrator, said: “In Maryland we have had no coordinated effort to impact the outcome of the election...”
  25. Erv Switzer, Chairman of the Saint Louis Board of Elections Commissioners, said: “We had absolutely no indication there were any fraudulent votes cast on November 8th and no indication of any fraudulent votes cast in any general election for a number of years.”
  26. David Dove, chief of staff to Georgia’s Secretary of State, said: “We haven’t had illegal votes in Georgia...”
  27. New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman wrote in a letter to Congress: “We did not receive a single substantiated claim of voter fraud… The lack of such complaints made directly to my office, as well as the absence of referrals from other agencies, leads me to conclude that voter fraud — the act of an ineligible individual casting a vote in an election—is a non-issue, at least in New York State.”
  28. The National Association of Secretaries of State, in a press release, stated: “We are not aware of any evidence that supports the voter fraud claims made by President Trump… In the lead up to the November 2016 election, secretaries of state expressed their confidence in the systemic integrity of our election process as a bipartisan group, and they stand behind that statement today.”
  29. Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), in response to Trump’s claims that millions of individuals illegally voted, said: “I’ve seen no evidence to that effect. I’ve made that very, very clear...
  30. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said: “… I am begging the president, share with us the information you have about this or please stop saying it… As a matter of fact, I’d like you do more than stop saying it, I’d like you to come forward and say, ‘Having looked at it, I am confident the election was fair and accurate and people who voted voted legally.’ Cause if he doesn’t do that, this is going to undermine his ability to govern this country.” He added: “I would urge the president to knock this off; this is the greatest democracy on earth, we’re the leader of the free world, and people are going to start doubting you as a person if you keep making accusations against our electoral system without justification...”
  31. Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ), in response to Trump’s claims, said: “That doesn't do anybody any good. That doesn't help him. That doesn't help any of us...”
  32. Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) said: “I don't see the evidence [of election fraud].”
  33. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) said: “There's no evidence of [voter fraud] and I think that those who allege that have to come up with some substantiation of the claim...”
  34. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, a Republican, said: “I have no evidence whatsoever, and I don't know that anyone does, that there were that many illegal people who voted…”
  35. Senator John Thune (R-SD), on the topic of voter fraud, said: “I haven't seen evidence to that effect.”
  36. Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) said Trump’s claim of mass voter fraud “undermines the idea of an election.”
  37. President of the New Hampshire Senate Chuck Morse, a Republican, said: “I have been assured by the secretary of state that our elections are good and clean.”
  38. Deputy House Majority Whip Tom Cole (R-OK), former Oklahoma Secretary of State, said: “[Voter fraud] doesn't occur on a scale vast enough to change the outcome of the presidential election. So this system broadly renders the opinion of the American people. It's done so consistently for literally hundreds of years — I think it will do it again in three weeks...”
  39. Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA), in a debate, said: “Our elections may not always be completely perfect, but they are legitimate, they have integrity and everyone needs to respect the outcome.”
  40. Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE), in a statement after the third presidential debate, said: “Talking about rigged elections with zero evidence is dangerous because it erodes trust without justification and kindles cynicism that undermines self-government.”
  41. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) office released a statement in October saying he is “confident” the election will be carried out fairly.
  42. Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, a Republican, said the election system is “actually more secure than it’s ever been in our nation’s history.”
What do they fear?
I don't think Democrats fear an investigation into voter fraud. I think they see it as largely an asked-and-answered matter, thus a waste of resources that serves no pragmatic election/voting integrity end whatsoever.
  1. Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, a Republican, in response to Trump’s tweet, tweeted: “We conducted a review 4 years ago in Ohio & already have a statewide review of 2016 election underway. Easy to vote, hard to cheat #Ohio
  2. Louisiana Secretary of State Tom Schedler, a Republican, in a statement, said: “Louisiana did not have any widespread irregularities or allegations of fraud during the 2016 Presidential Election Cycle.”
  3. California Secretary of State Alex Padilla, a Democrat, released a series of tweets condemning Trump’s fraud allegations:
    • Jan 23: “Trump continues to falsely allege millions of fraudulent votes. Still no proof. Not an #alternativefact, just a #lie. #DefendDemocracy”
    • Jan 24: “#Trump is dangerously attacking the legitimacy of free and fair elections and taking a jackhammer to the foundation of our democracy.”
    • Jan 25: “@RealDonaldTrump should investigate Russian interference in our elections, not fake claims of voter fraud intended to suppress voting rights”
  4. New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, a Democrat, said that the “allegations are simply not true” and that she was “extremely concerned that President Trump is pushing these voter fraud lies to justify future efforts making it harder to vote.”
  5. Dean Logan, the Los Angeles County voter registrar, when asked about non-citizens trying to vote, said: “I’ve never seen any incident of that… there are severe penalties. It’s a felony.”
  6. Colorado Secretary of State Wayne Williams, a Republican, in a statement, said: “Voter fraud is rare…”
  7. Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann, a Republican, said: “We don’t have [voter fraud]... We think we do it right.”
  8. Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske, a Republican, said: “There is no evidence of voters illegally casting ballots at the most recent election in Nevada...”
  9. Rhode Island Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea, a Democrat, said: “It is outrageous that the President continues to make unsubstantiated claims about alleged widespread voter fraud.”
  10. Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman, a Republican, said: “…as I stated when [Trump] raised this issue last fall, I am confident the election system in Washington state is secure and prevents illegal voting.”
  11. Oregon Secretary of State Dennis Richardson, a Republican, wrote in a letter to Trump: “I'm pleased to report that in Oregon we have reviewed the processes and we are confident that voter fraud in last November's election did not occur in Oregon.” He also encouraged Trump to “return full authority over elections to the states.”
  12. Former West Virginia Secretary of State Natalie Tennant, a Democrat, tweeted: “there has been no evidence of millions of illegal votes.”
  13. Connecticut Secretary of State Denise Merrill, a Democrat, said: “To claim, without a shred of evidence, that millions of ‘illegal votes’ were cast does nothing but undermine people’s confidence in democracy...”
  14. Former Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander, a Democrat, called Trump’s claim “a lie” and said “there is absolutely no reason” to think that fraud occurred in the most recent election.
  15. Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap, a Democrat, described voter fraud as “part of a national script” Republicans use to “make it harder for people to vote.”
  16. Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson, a Republican, said: “I know of no widespread voter fraud...”
  17. Vermont Secretary of State Jim Condos, a Democrat, in a statement: “...unsubstantiated voter fraud claims undermine our democracy and disparage the hundreds of thousands of hard-working election officials across our great nation.”
  18. Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes, a Democrat, said: “President Trump’s assertion that millions of people voted illegally in the 2016 election is completely unsubstantiated...”
  19. Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon, a Democrat, called the claims “false and irresponsible” and expressed concern that the comments “could have the dangerous effect of undermining confidence in the electoral system.”
  20. Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan, a Republican, said her office “can say with… confidence that we didn’t have widespread voter fraud in Arizona.”
  21. Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin, a Democrat, said that the allegations were “outrageous lies.”
  22. Meredith Beatrice, a spokeswoman for Florida’s Secretary of State, said: “[We are] not aware of documented findings of illegal immigrants or non-citizens voting in Florida during the 2016 General Election. We have several safeguards in place to prevent elections fraud.”
  23. Wanda Murren, a spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania Department of State, in an email: “We have no evidence at all of voter fraud. There is no evidence that undocumented immigrants voted in November.”
  24. Nikki Charlson, Maryland State Board of Elections Deputy Administrator, said: “In Maryland we have had no coordinated effort to impact the outcome of the election...”
  25. Erv Switzer, Chairman of the Saint Louis Board of Elections Commissioners, said: “We had absolutely no indication there were any fraudulent votes cast on November 8th and no indication of any fraudulent votes cast in any general election for a number of years.”
  26. David Dove, chief of staff to Georgia’s Secretary of State, said: “We haven’t had illegal votes in Georgia...”
  27. New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman wrote in a letter to Congress: “We did not receive a single substantiated claim of voter fraud… The lack of such complaints made directly to my office, as well as the absence of referrals from other agencies, leads me to conclude that voter fraud — the act of an ineligible individual casting a vote in an election—is a non-issue, at least in New York State.”
  28. The National Association of Secretaries of State, in a press release, stated: “We are not aware of any evidence that supports the voter fraud claims made by President Trump… In the lead up to the November 2016 election, secretaries of state expressed their confidence in the systemic integrity of our election process as a bipartisan group, and they stand behind that statement today.”
  29. Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), in response to Trump’s claims that millions of individuals illegally voted, said: “I’ve seen no evidence to that effect. I’ve made that very, very clear...
  30. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said: “… I am begging the president, share with us the information you have about this or please stop saying it… As a matter of fact, I’d like you do more than stop saying it, I’d like you to come forward and say, ‘Having looked at it, I am confident the election was fair and accurate and people who voted voted legally.’ Cause if he doesn’t do that, this is going to undermine his ability to govern this country.” He added: “I would urge the president to knock this off; this is the greatest democracy on earth, we’re the leader of the free world, and people are going to start doubting you as a person if you keep making accusations against our electoral system without justification...”
  31. Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ), in response to Trump’s claims, said: “That doesn't do anybody any good. That doesn't help him. That doesn't help any of us...”
  32. Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) said: “I don't see the evidence [of election fraud].”
  33. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) said: “There's no evidence of [voter fraud] and I think that those who allege that have to come up with some substantiation of the claim...”
  34. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, a Republican, said: “I have no evidence whatsoever, and I don't know that anyone does, that there were that many illegal people who voted…”
  35. Senator John Thune (R-SD), on the topic of voter fraud, said: “I haven't seen evidence to that effect.”
  36. Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) said Trump’s claim of mass voter fraud “undermines the idea of an election.”
  37. President of the New Hampshire Senate Chuck Morse, a Republican, said: “I have been assured by the secretary of state that our elections are good and clean.”
  38. Deputy House Majority Whip Tom Cole (R-OK), former Oklahoma Secretary of State, said: “[Voter fraud] doesn't occur on a scale vast enough to change the outcome of the presidential election. So this system broadly renders the opinion of the American people. It's done so consistently for literally hundreds of years — I think it will do it again in three weeks...”
  39. Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA), in a debate, said: “Our elections may not always be completely perfect, but they are legitimate, they have integrity and everyone needs to respect the outcome.”
  40. Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE), in a statement after the third presidential debate, said: “Talking about rigged elections with zero evidence is dangerous because it erodes trust without justification and kindles cynicism that undermines self-government.”
  41. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) office released a statement in October saying he is “confident” the election will be carried out fairly.
  42. Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, a Republican, said the election system is “actually more secure than it’s ever been in our nation’s history.”
All of those people are elected officials. It is not surprising that they wouldn't want to challenge the veracity of the elections that put them in office. Before Trump, it is unheard of for an elected official to do that.

This proves that Trump puts America's interests first, even before his own interests.

Nope. It proves your fallacy preferences lean to Circular Reasoning and Poisoning the Well.

None of those officials quoted were talking about their own elections. They refer to the same thing Rump referred to, his eggshell-ego butthurt about being a LOSER in the popular vote, hence the need to fabricate a gaggle of "illegal voters" the number of which just by strange coincidence happens to equal the margin he LOST by ------- and for this he has no evidence whatsoever. Zero. Squat. The same number as the number of Rump Shuttle flights scheduled to take off today. Bupkis. The Void. Nil. The empty set. Goose egg.
Trump's war on voter fraud

Ironic thread title is ironic. This is the klown who still babbles incoherently about "three million illegals voted". And then paid out 25 million bucks to make a fraud case go away before the Electrical College could meet.

He's in no way qualified to even pronounce "voter fraud".
How many illegal aliens do you think voted?

I know leftists well enough to understand that they're extremely organized and don't mind breaking the rules to get what they want. In the city where I live, the voting places are always staffed by sassy black women, smug Hispanic ladies or pimple faced white girls with purple hair and facial piercings. Theres zero doubt in my mind that they bus people around to vote multiple times and don't care if they're illegal immigrants.
Actually, you have no proof. At all. Just accusations. If what you say is true, post a link to a sourse proving your assertions. If they are true, it should be no problem. Studies of voting integrity are done all the time, looking for organized fraud that you suggest exists. And, all the time, they tell us the trolls like you are simply making up accusations. Lying, that is, me boy. Constantly pushing a conservative myth.
Debunking the Voter Fraud Myth

I'm just as certain that inner city voter fraud is widespread as I am that the left wing agitators in Charlottesville were the villains of the story. In both cases, the democrat controlled local politics work hard to enable chaos, cover up their wrongdoings and the biased media doesn't ask tough questions.
The Nazis are marching down the streets with torches chanting for Jews to get out of our country and you decide to point at the Left as the agitators? Serious question, what’s wrong with you?
Trump's war on voter fraud

Ironic thread title is ironic. This is the klown who still babbles incoherently about "three million illegals voted". And then paid out 25 million bucks to make a fraud case go away before the Electrical College could meet.

He's in no way qualified to even pronounce "voter fraud".
How many illegal aliens do you think voted?

I know leftists well enough to understand that they're extremely organized and don't mind breaking the rules to get what they want. In the city where I live, the voting places are always staffed by sassy black women, smug Hispanic ladies or pimple faced white girls with purple hair and facial piercings. Theres zero doubt in my mind that they bus people around to vote multiple times and don't care if they're illegal immigrants.
Nothing is stopping you from being a poll-worker, douchebag.

Maybe, but the cost of his flight here from Vladivostok is a deterrent.
The Nazis are marching down the streets with torches chanting for Jews to get out of our country and you decide to point at the Left as the agitators? Serious question, what’s wrong with you?

The nazi party ended in the 1940s. The protestors in Charlottesville had a legal permit and just because they said some words you don't like doesn't justify the actions of the counter protestors which included throwing feces.
The Nazis are marching down the streets with torches chanting for Jews to get out of our country and you decide to point at the Left as the agitators? Serious question, what’s wrong with you?

The nazi party ended in the 1940s. The protestors in Charlottesville had a legal permit and just because they said some words you don't like doesn't justify the actions of the counter protestors which included throwing feces.
And there you go defending them again. So again I’ll ask... what’s wrong with you?
The Nazis are marching down the streets with torches chanting for Jews to get out of our country and you decide to point at the Left as the agitators? Serious question, what’s wrong with you?

The nazi party ended in the 1940s. The protestors in Charlottesville had a legal permit and just because they said some words you don't like doesn't justify the actions of the counter protestors which included throwing feces.
And there you go defending them again. So again I’ll ask... what’s wrong with you?
I'll defend any persons first amendment rights. i see you don't.
The Nazis are marching down the streets with torches chanting for Jews to get out of our country and you decide to point at the Left as the agitators? Serious question, what’s wrong with you?

The nazi party ended in the 1940s. The protestors in Charlottesville had a legal permit and just because they said some words you don't like doesn't justify the actions of the counter protestors which included throwing feces.
And there you go defending them again. So again I’ll ask... what’s wrong with you?

I thought you were on this board for "stimulating debate and discussions" not "childish games" of "dishonest trolls". Looks to me like you're a hypocrite.
The Nazis are marching down the streets with torches chanting for Jews to get out of our country and you decide to point at the Left as the agitators? Serious question, what’s wrong with you?

The nazi party ended in the 1940s. The protestors in Charlottesville had a legal permit and just because they said some words you don't like doesn't justify the actions of the counter protestors which included throwing feces.
And there you go defending them again. So again I’ll ask... what’s wrong with you?

I thought you were on this board for "stimulating debate and discussions" not "childish games" of "dishonest trolls". Looks to me like you're a hypocrite.
Not a hypocrite, I just don’t find debating the virtues of Nazi sympathizers very stimulating. I’ll engage if you really want to go there
The Nazis are marching down the streets with torches chanting for Jews to get out of our country and you decide to point at the Left as the agitators? Serious question, what’s wrong with you?

The nazi party ended in the 1940s. The protestors in Charlottesville had a legal permit and just because they said some words you don't like doesn't justify the actions of the counter protestors which included throwing feces.
And there you go defending them again. So again I’ll ask... what’s wrong with you?

I thought you were on this board for "stimulating debate and discussions" not "childish games" of "dishonest trolls". Looks to me like you're a hypocrite.
Not a hypocrite, I just don’t find debating the virtues of Nazi sympathizers very stimulating. I’ll engage if you really want to go there
and yet you talk about them all the time in here.
The Nazis are marching down the streets with torches chanting for Jews to get out of our country and you decide to point at the Left as the agitators? Serious question, what’s wrong with you?

The nazi party ended in the 1940s. The protestors in Charlottesville had a legal permit and just because they said some words you don't like doesn't justify the actions of the counter protestors which included throwing feces.
And there you go defending them again. So again I’ll ask... what’s wrong with you?

I thought you were on this board for "stimulating debate and discussions" not "childish games" of "dishonest trolls". Looks to me like you're a hypocrite.
Not a hypocrite, I just don’t find debating the virtues of Nazi sympathizers very stimulating. I’ll engage if you really want to go there

I don't want to derail the topic especially arguing with someone as intellectually dishonest as yourself. My point is, people who think for themselves can look at the mountains of evidence and come to the same conclusion as I have: Charlottesville's democrat leadership conspired to create chaos and the liberal media has zero interest in presenting an unbiased narrative of the events that day. Same story with voting in democrat controlled urban areas.
The Nazis are marching down the streets with torches chanting for Jews to get out of our country and you decide to point at the Left as the agitators? Serious question, what’s wrong with you?

The nazi party ended in the 1940s. The protestors in Charlottesville had a legal permit and just because they said some words you don't like doesn't justify the actions of the counter protestors which included throwing feces.

I understand some of them also blocked a Dodge Challenger with their bodies, preventing the car from enjoying a full non-humanly-cushioned crash into a Mustang. I also understand one of them had the temerity to bleed when beaten with blunt instruments by four of your 'fine people', forcing somebody to do some clean-up work.

Clearly a band of deviant vandals.
The Nazis are marching down the streets with torches chanting for Jews to get out of our country and you decide to point at the Left as the agitators? Serious question, what’s wrong with you?

The nazi party ended in the 1940s. The protestors in Charlottesville had a legal permit and just because they said some words you don't like doesn't justify the actions of the counter protestors which included throwing feces.

I understand some of them also blocked a Dodge Challenger with their bodies, preventing the car from enjoying a full non-humanly-cushioned crash into a Mustang. I also understand one of them had the temerity to bleed when beaten with blunt instruments by four of your 'fine people', forcing somebody to do some clean-up work.

Clearly a band of deviant vandals.
then you heard wrong.
The Nazis are marching down the streets with torches chanting for Jews to get out of our country and you decide to point at the Left as the agitators? Serious question, what’s wrong with you?

The nazi party ended in the 1940s. The protestors in Charlottesville had a legal permit and just because they said some words you don't like doesn't justify the actions of the counter protestors which included throwing feces.
And there you go defending them again. So again I’ll ask... what’s wrong with you?

I thought you were on this board for "stimulating debate and discussions" not "childish games" of "dishonest trolls". Looks to me like you're a hypocrite.
Not a hypocrite, I just don’t find debating the virtues of Nazi sympathizers very stimulating. I’ll engage if you really want to go there

I don't want to derail the topic especially arguing with someone as intellectually dishonest as yourself. My point is, people who think for themselves can look at the mountains of evidence and come to the same conclusion as I have: Charlottesville's democrat leadership conspired to create chaos and the liberal media has zero interest in presenting an unbiased narrative of the events that day. Same story with voting in democrat controlled urban areas.
How am I being intellectually dishonest? Just look at your last statement, talk about a hypocrite. Yes, a large group of protesters and opposers to racists came out and stood up to the torch crew and there was chaos and oh yeah one of the Nazi scum drove his car into a crowd of people and killed a girl, remember that? It is disgusting that you feel the need to point the spotlight on the Left in a situation like this. Of course their presence provoked violence, it takes two to tango.

As for your liberal media lie. Did you miss the multiple anchors on Fox, or multiple Republican leaders that were either brought to tears or plain outraged at Trumps reaction to this, the same reaction that you are expressing? It’s disgusting and is the REAL definition of the “deplorable” statement. It shouldn’t even be a partisan matter.

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