Trump's war on voter fraud

The Nazis are marching down the streets with torches chanting for Jews to get out of our country and you decide to point at the Left as the agitators? Serious question, what’s wrong with you?

The nazi party ended in the 1940s. The protestors in Charlottesville had a legal permit and just because they said some words you don't like doesn't justify the actions of the counter protestors which included throwing feces.

I understand some of them also blocked a Dodge Challenger with their bodies, preventing the car from enjoying a full non-humanly-cushioned crash into a Mustang. I also understand one of them had the temerity to bleed when beaten with blunt instruments by four of your 'fine people', forcing somebody to do some clean-up work.

Clearly a band of deviant vandals.

There would have been no violent confrontations IF the local authorities had done their jobs and kept the groups separate but no. Instead, the democrat Governor declared a state of emergency BEFORE any violence and the mayor ordered the police to disperse the attendees of the LEGAL rally into the streets full of angry commies and anarchists who were armed with more than just bags of shit.
The Nazis are marching down the streets with torches chanting for Jews to get out of our country and you decide to point at the Left as the agitators? Serious question, what’s wrong with you?

The nazi party ended in the 1940s. The protestors in Charlottesville had a legal permit and just because they said some words you don't like doesn't justify the actions of the counter protestors which included throwing feces.

I understand some of them also blocked a Dodge Challenger with their bodies, preventing the car from enjoying a full non-humanly-cushioned crash into a Mustang. I also understand one of them had the temerity to bleed when beaten with blunt instruments by four of your 'fine people', forcing somebody to do some clean-up work.

Clearly a band of deviant vandals.

There would have been no violent confrontations IF the local authorities had done their jobs and kept the groups separate but no. Instead, the democrat Governor declared a state of emergency BEFORE any violence and the mayor ordered the police to disperse the attendees of the LEGAL rally into the streets full of angry commies and anarchists who were armed with more than just bags of shit.

Dood, you are weapons-grade stoopid if you think that crapola is gonna sell. Maybe you should order a nice borscht and call it день.
The Nazis are marching down the streets with torches chanting for Jews to get out of our country and you decide to point at the Left as the agitators? Serious question, what’s wrong with you?

The nazi party ended in the 1940s. The protestors in Charlottesville had a legal permit and just because they said some words you don't like doesn't justify the actions of the counter protestors which included throwing feces.

I understand some of them also blocked a Dodge Challenger with their bodies, preventing the car from enjoying a full non-humanly-cushioned crash into a Mustang. I also understand one of them had the temerity to bleed when beaten with blunt instruments by four of your 'fine people', forcing somebody to do some clean-up work.

Clearly a band of deviant vandals.

There would have been no violent confrontations IF the local authorities had done their jobs and kept the groups separate but no. Instead, the democrat Governor declared a state of emergency BEFORE any violence and the mayor ordered the police to disperse the attendees of the LEGAL rally into the streets full of angry commies and anarchists who were armed with more than just bags of shit.

Dood, you are weapons-grade stoopid if you think that crapola is gonna sell.

Nothing I said is untrue.
Here in California, a person only has to promise on the voter application form that she or he is a citizen.

Common sense tells us that some undocumented immigrants are stating on those forms that they are citizens.


I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.


Many Democrats keep saying that Secretary Clinton won 3,000,000 more popular votes than Candidate Trump.

I agree that she probably did win the popular vote, but every fair-minded person knows in his/her heart that some of those 3,000,000 votes came from people who were ineligible to vote.


It is impossible to stop voter fraud because more and more American citizens silently support it.

They "dislike" President Trump so much that they actually believe it is moral to stoop to election fraud in order to win.
Last edited:
I agree that she probably did win the popular vote, but every fair-minded person knows in his/her heart that some of those 3,000,000 votes came from people who were ineligible to vote.

Oboy! It's the old Everybody Knows Fallacy, in lieu of any actual evidence whatsoever, right on time zipping down the Wishful Thinking track. Every two minutes, like clockwork.
Here in California, a person only has to promise on the voter application form that she or he is a citizen.

Common sense tells us that some undocumented immigrants are stating on those forms that they are citizens.


I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.


Many Democrats keep saying that Secretary Clinton won 3,000,000 more popular votes than Candidate Trump.

I agree that she probably did win the popular vote, but every fair-minded person knows in his/her heart that some of those 3,000,000 votes came from people who were ineligible to vote.


It is impossible to stop voter fraud because more and more American citizens silently support it.

They "dislike" President Trump so much that they actually believe it is moral to stoop to election fraud in order to win.
And this:

I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.

is just confirmation of the fraud.
I. Because of the massive amount of money at stake, all reasonably intelligent Americans know that voter fraud occurs in our elections, however,

LOL I love your combining 'all reasonably intelligent' with 'know that voter fraud occurs'

Yes- of course there must be some voter fraud out of over 100,000,000 votes cast each election.

But what all reasonably intelligent and informed Americans know is that there is no evidence of any of significant amount of voter fraud.

Even the Republican Secretary of State- given extraordinary powers to root out voter fraud in Kansas- found less than a dozen cases to prosecute- most of them older Republicans.
‘Kris Kobach Came After Me for an Honest Mistake’

Trump's 'war on voter fraud' is a fraud.

Trump has declared that there was massive voter fraud in 2016- and hasn't been able to find any evidence of massive voter fraud.

So he wanted a commission to find that evidence- not to find out whether there was massive voter fraud- but to find evidence of the voter fraud he told voters existed.

The fraud is President Trump.
Because his fragile ego couldn't stomach the fact he lost the popular vote?
That doesn't explain why the Democrats wouldn't sharpen up their axe and take a swing when Trump stretched out his neck and laid it on the chopping block for them.

They had a chance to fully cooperate and prove that there was more fraudulent votes for Trump than Clinton. Who do you think received more fraudulent votes, and why?

How many fraudulent votes do you think there were- and why?
I agree that she probably did win the popular vote, but every fair-minded person knows in his/her heart that some of those 3,000,000 votes came from people who were ineligible to vote.

Oboy! It's the old Everybody Knows Fallacy, in lieu of any actual evidence whatsoever, right on time zipping down the Wishful Thinking track. Every two minutes, like clockwork.
well again, we do know that millions of illegals received state IDs and we know that there is no law to provide proof of citizenship when signing up to vote. None, just a check box from the question are you a US citizen. Now, if you think we are so stupid to believe that no one would illegally fill that in after they illegally crossed the border to get in here.

here is your proof btw,

I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.
Here in California, a person only has to promise on the voter application form that she or he is a citizen.

Common sense tells us that some undocumented immigrants are stating on those forms that they are citizens.


I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.


Many Democrats keep saying that Secretary Clinton won 3,000,000 more popular votes than Candidate Trump.

I agree that she probably did win the popular vote, but every fair-minded person knows in his/her heart that some of those 3,000,000 votes came from people who were ineligible to vote.


It is impossible to stop voter fraud because more and more American citizens silently support it.

They "dislike" President Trump so much that they actually believe it is moral to stoop to election fraud in order to win.
And this:

I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.

is just confirmation of the fraud. proof of any kind is required upon registering to vote in most states.

...illegals are encouraged to vote by the Democrats, and they have become bolder and bolder in their efforts.

Tucker Carlson showed
a. illegals do not need proof of citizenship to register to vote in Illinois...
b. Now the Democrats who run Chicago are authorizing pretend proof of citizenship to illegals.

The first 5-10 minutes of the show is enlightening....

At 03:55
"there are only four states where you are required to provide proof of citizenship when you register to vote:
Kansas, Arizona, Alabama and Georgia......and only Kansas and Arizona have fully implemented the law."

"In the other 46 states, you don't need to provide proof of citizenship....all you need do is check a box.""

"....a Democrat electoral strategy..."
I. Because of the massive amount of money at stake, all reasonably intelligent Americans know that voter fraud occurs in our elections, however,

LOL I love your combining 'all reasonably intelligent' with 'know that voter fraud occurs'

Yes- of course there must be some voter fraud out of over 100,000,000 votes cast each election.

But what all reasonably intelligent and informed Americans know is that there is no evidence of any of significant amount of voter fraud.

Even the Republican Secretary of State- given extraordinary powers to root out voter fraud in Kansas- found less than a dozen cases to prosecute- most of them older Republicans.
‘Kris Kobach Came After Me for an Honest Mistake’

Trump's 'war on voter fraud' is a fraud.

Trump has declared that there was massive voter fraud in 2016- and hasn't been able to find any evidence of massive voter fraud.

So he wanted a commission to find that evidence- not to find out whether there was massive voter fraud- but to find evidence of the voter fraud he told voters existed.

The fraud is President Trump.
here is my proof:

I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.
How am I being intellectually dishonest? Just look at your last statement, talk about a hypocrite. Yes, a large group of protesters and opposers to racists came out and stood up to the torch crew and there was chaos and oh yeah one of the Nazi scum drove his car into a crowd of people and killed a girl, remember that? It is disgusting that you feel the need to point the spotlight on the Left in a situation like this. Of course their presence provoked violence, it takes two to tango.

As for your liberal media lie. Did you miss the multiple anchors on Fox, or multiple Republican leaders that were either brought to tears or plain outraged at Trumps reaction to this, the same reaction that you are expressing? It’s disgusting and is the REAL definition of the “deplorable” statement. It shouldn’t even be a partisan matter.

You're being intellectually dishonest because you refuse to hold the "anti-racist" mob who showed up armed and ready to fight to any sort of standard of behavior. Decency, schmecencey. All bets are off if some white guys gather in a group and say mean words. Throw poop, spray them in the face with bear mace, threaten them with improvised flame throwers, stalk and harass them as they try to make their way back to their vehicles. And definitely, never, ever hold the local authorities to account for instigating a riot.
Here in California, a person only has to promise on the voter application form that she or he is a citizen.

Common sense tells us that some undocumented immigrants are stating on those forms that they are citizens.


I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.


Many Democrats keep saying that Secretary Clinton won 3,000,000 more popular votes than Candidate Trump.

I agree that she probably did win the popular vote, but every fair-minded person knows in his/her heart that some of those 3,000,000 votes came from people who were ineligible to vote.


It is impossible to stop voter fraud because more and more American citizens silently support it.

They "dislike" President Trump so much that they actually believe it is moral to stoop to election fraud in order to win.
And this:

I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.

is just confirmation of the fraud.

Great example- since Kansas denied American citizens their right to vote in the last election- and the ACLU is fighting to ensure Americans get their vote.

Kobach's action is just confirmation that the GOP wants to deny Americans their vote

The outcome will affect people like Charles Stricker, a manager at the Ambassador Hotel in Wichita who was the first witness. Stricker thought he had registered to vote in 2014 when he signed up at a DMV, but it turns out he wasn’t. He hadn’t provided proof of citizenship as required by a 2013 Kansas law.

Stricker testified that he found out that he wasn’t registered when he showed up at a polling station to vote.

Read more here: Kobach, ACLU fight at trial with thousands of votes on the line

Read more here: Kobach, ACLU fight at trial with thousands of votes on the line

Kobach, ACLU fight at trial with thousands of votes on the line

Here in California, a person only has to promise on the voter application form that she or he is a citizen.

Common sense tells us that some undocumented immigrants are stating on those forms that they are citizens.


I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.


Many Democrats keep saying that Secretary Clinton won 3,000,000 more popular votes than Candidate Trump.

I agree that she probably did win the popular vote, but every fair-minded person knows in his/her heart that some of those 3,000,000 votes came from people who were ineligible to vote.


It is impossible to stop voter fraud because more and more American citizens silently support it.

They "dislike" President Trump so much that they actually believe it is moral to stoop to election fraud in order to win.
And this:

I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.

is just confirmation of the fraud.

Great example- since Kansas denied American citizens their right to vote in the last election- and the ACLU is fighting to ensure Americans get their vote.

Kobach's action is just confirmation that the GOP wants to deny Americans their vote

The outcome will affect people like Charles Stricker, a manager at the Ambassador Hotel in Wichita who was the first witness. Stricker thought he had registered to vote in 2014 when he signed up at a DMV, but it turns out he wasn’t. He hadn’t provided proof of citizenship as required by a 2013 Kansas law.

Stricker testified that he found out that he wasn’t registered when he showed up at a polling station to vote.

Read more here: Kobach, ACLU fight at trial with thousands of votes on the line

Read more here: Kobach, ACLU fight at trial with thousands of votes on the line

Kobach, ACLU fight at trial with thousands of votes on the line

I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.
It is impossible to stop voter fraud because more and more American citizens silently support it.

They "dislike" President Trump so much that they actually believe it is moral to stoop to election fraud in order to win.

A the old 'silent majority'- meaning the people you have no evidence of actually doing or thinking the way you think that they do.

I am against voter fraud- which is why I am relieved that the evidence shows that voter fraud is extremely rare.

But I am for Americans being able to legally vote- and the evidence shows that the voter ID laws the GOP pushes discourages legal Americans from voting.
Here in California, a person only has to promise on the voter application form that she or he is a citizen.

Common sense tells us that some undocumented immigrants are stating on those forms that they are citizens.


I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.


Many Democrats keep saying that Secretary Clinton won 3,000,000 more popular votes than Candidate Trump.

I agree that she probably did win the popular vote, but every fair-minded person knows in his/her heart that some of those 3,000,000 votes came from people who were ineligible to vote.


It is impossible to stop voter fraud because more and more American citizens silently support it.

They "dislike" President Trump so much that they actually believe it is moral to stoop to election fraud in order to win.
And this:

I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.

is just confirmation of the fraud.

Great example- since Kansas denied American citizens their right to vote in the last election- and the ACLU is fighting to ensure Americans get their vote.

Kobach's action is just confirmation that the GOP wants to deny Americans their vote

The outcome will affect people like Charles Stricker, a manager at the Ambassador Hotel in Wichita who was the first witness. Stricker thought he had registered to vote in 2014 when he signed up at a DMV, but it turns out he wasn’t. He hadn’t provided proof of citizenship as required by a 2013 Kansas law.

Stricker testified that he found out that he wasn’t registered when he showed up at a polling station to vote.

Read more here: Kobach, ACLU fight at trial with thousands of votes on the line

Read more here: Kobach, ACLU fight at trial with thousands of votes on the line

Kobach, ACLU fight at trial with thousands of votes on the line

I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.

Again I have just heard that Kansas wants to discourage Kansans from voting.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting to protect the rights of Kansans to vote- in court.
Here in California, a person only has to promise on the voter application form that she or he is a citizen.

Common sense tells us that some undocumented immigrants are stating on those forms that they are citizens.


I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.


Many Democrats keep saying that Secretary Clinton won 3,000,000 more popular votes than Candidate Trump.

I agree that she probably did win the popular vote, but every fair-minded person knows in his/her heart that some of those 3,000,000 votes came from people who were ineligible to vote.


It is impossible to stop voter fraud because more and more American citizens silently support it.

They "dislike" President Trump so much that they actually believe it is moral to stoop to election fraud in order to win.
And this:

I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.

is just confirmation of the fraud.

Great example- since Kansas denied American citizens their right to vote in the last election- and the ACLU is fighting to ensure Americans get their vote.

Kobach's action is just confirmation that the GOP wants to deny Americans their vote

The outcome will affect people like Charles Stricker, a manager at the Ambassador Hotel in Wichita who was the first witness. Stricker thought he had registered to vote in 2014 when he signed up at a DMV, but it turns out he wasn’t. He hadn’t provided proof of citizenship as required by a 2013 Kansas law.

Stricker testified that he found out that he wasn’t registered when he showed up at a polling station to vote.

Read more here: Kobach, ACLU fight at trial with thousands of votes on the line

Read more here: Kobach, ACLU fight at trial with thousands of votes on the line

Kobach, ACLU fight at trial with thousands of votes on the line

I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.

Again I have just heard that Kansas wants to discourage Kansans from voting.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting to protect the rights of Kansans to vote- in court.
illegal ones yep.

Perhaps explain to me why a citizen would have an issue with this? I'll wait.

At 03:55
"there are only four states where you are required to provide proof of citizenship when you register to vote:
Kansas, Arizona, Alabama and Georgia......and only Kansas and Arizona have fully implemented the law."

"In the other 46 states, you don't need to provide proof of citizenship....all you need do is check a box.""

"....a Democrat electoral strategy..."

And in none of the states is there any evidence of any significant voter fraud- even Kansas with Kobach can't find any.

But these efforts are serving to discourage Americans who are poor or minorities from voting.

A Republican electoral strategy.
Here in California, a person only has to promise on the voter application form that she or he is a citizen.

Common sense tells us that some undocumented immigrants are stating on those forms that they are citizens.


I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.


Many Democrats keep saying that Secretary Clinton won 3,000,000 more popular votes than Candidate Trump.

I agree that she probably did win the popular vote, but every fair-minded person knows in his/her heart that some of those 3,000,000 votes came from people who were ineligible to vote.


It is impossible to stop voter fraud because more and more American citizens silently support it.

They "dislike" President Trump so much that they actually believe it is moral to stoop to election fraud in order to win.
And this:

I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.

is just confirmation of the fraud.

Great example- since Kansas denied American citizens their right to vote in the last election- and the ACLU is fighting to ensure Americans get their vote.

Kobach's action is just confirmation that the GOP wants to deny Americans their vote

The outcome will affect people like Charles Stricker, a manager at the Ambassador Hotel in Wichita who was the first witness. Stricker thought he had registered to vote in 2014 when he signed up at a DMV, but it turns out he wasn’t. He hadn’t provided proof of citizenship as required by a 2013 Kansas law.

Stricker testified that he found out that he wasn’t registered when he showed up at a polling station to vote.

Read more here: Kobach, ACLU fight at trial with thousands of votes on the line

Read more here: Kobach, ACLU fight at trial with thousands of votes on the line

Kobach, ACLU fight at trial with thousands of votes on the line

I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.

Again I have just heard that Kansas wants to discourage Kansans from voting.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting to protect the rights of Kansans to vote- in court.
illegal ones yep.

Perhaps explain to me why a citizen would have an issue with this? I'll wait.


Sure- I will offer two examples:
like Charles Stricker, a manager at the Ambassador Hotel in Wichita who was the first witness. Stricker thought he had registered to vote in 2014 when he signed up at a DMV, but it turns out he wasn’t. He hadn’t provided proof of citizenship as required by a 2013 Kansas law.

Read more here: Kobach, ACLU fight at trial with thousands of votes on the line

And the other- the link doesn't work but you can search and find the article by his name

HOUSTON — In his wallet, Anthony Settles carries an expired Texas identification card, his Social Security card and an old student ID from the University of Houston, where he studied math and physics decades ago. What he does not have is the one thing that he needs to vote this presidential election: a current Texas photo ID.

For Settles to get one of those, his name has to match his birth certificate — and it doesn’t. In 1964, when he was 14, his mother married and changed his last name. After Texas passed a new voter-ID law, officials told Settles he had to show them his name-change certificate from 1964 to qualify for a new identification card to vote.

So with the help of several lawyers, Settles tried to find it, searching records in courthouses in the D.C. area, where he grew up. But they could not find it. To obtain a new document changing his name to the one he has used for 51 years, Settles has to go to court, a process that would cost him more than $250 — more than he is willing to pay.
Here in California, a person only has to promise on the voter application form that she or he is a citizen.

Common sense tells us that some undocumented immigrants are stating on those forms that they are citizens.


I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.


Many Democrats keep saying that Secretary Clinton won 3,000,000 more popular votes than Candidate Trump.

I agree that she probably did win the popular vote, but every fair-minded person knows in his/her heart that some of those 3,000,000 votes came from people who were ineligible to vote.


It is impossible to stop voter fraud because more and more American citizens silently support it.

They "dislike" President Trump so much that they actually believe it is moral to stoop to election fraud in order to win.
And this:

I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.

is just confirmation of the fraud.

Great example- since Kansas denied American citizens their right to vote in the last election- and the ACLU is fighting to ensure Americans get their vote.

Kobach's action is just confirmation that the GOP wants to deny Americans their vote

The outcome will affect people like Charles Stricker, a manager at the Ambassador Hotel in Wichita who was the first witness. Stricker thought he had registered to vote in 2014 when he signed up at a DMV, but it turns out he wasn’t. He hadn’t provided proof of citizenship as required by a 2013 Kansas law.

Stricker testified that he found out that he wasn’t registered when he showed up at a polling station to vote.

Read more here: Kobach, ACLU fight at trial with thousands of votes on the line

Read more here: Kobach, ACLU fight at trial with thousands of votes on the line

Kobach, ACLU fight at trial with thousands of votes on the line

I have just heard that Kansas, I believe,. wants voters to prove that they are citizens.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting against that law in court.

Again I have just heard that Kansas wants to discourage Kansans from voting.

The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting to protect the rights of Kansans to vote- in court.
illegal ones yep.

Perhaps explain to me why a citizen would have an issue with this? I'll wait.

ACLU Sues Kansas Over Dual Voter Registration System

The dual system prevents qualified Kansas voters from voting in state and local elections due solely to their method of registration. Secretary of State Kris Kobach received administrative approval last week of a temporary regulation aimed at formalizing this system, which a court has already declared violates state law.

Shawnee County District Judge Franklin Theis last month reiterated that Kobach cannot stop Kansans from voting in state and local elections simply because they registered to vote using federal forms that don’t require the same onerous documentation that Kobach prefers.

The dual system would allow some Kansans to vote for federal offices, like U.S. senator and U.S. representative, but not for their state representative, state senator, or other state and local offices.

Thousands of voters are impacted, among them 90-year-old Army Air Corps veteran Marvin Brown, who registered to vote by submitting a complete federal form. He was later told that while he could vote in federal elections, he was prohibited from voting in state and local elections unless he showed additional documentary proof of citizenship.

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