Tucker Carlson on Trump Prosecutions: ‘You’re Going to Get Violence if You Keep This Sh-t Up’

The very sorts looking to take Trump down are going to jail if he gets in....~S~
From several sources, I've read that the average a nation lasts is 250 years.

1776 + 250 = 2026
Tucker is right. We patriotic American Trump supporters should be ready on a whims notice if they try to steal the election again OR convict Trump in one of these sham lawfare trials preventing him becoming president again.

Excerpt from Tucker earlier today:

“If you leave people no alternative, then what do you think is going to happen? I mean, the whole point of electoral democracy is that it’s a pressure relief valve that takes people who are very frustrated with the way things are going and gives them a way to express themselves, have their desires heard and ultimately their will done, to be represented in a peaceful way.”

Carlson added, “You’re rigging the election. And they did that. So, if you keep doing that, and people are like, ‘Wait, I have no economic power. You’ve devalued my currency so it’s like, $11 for a dozen eggs. And my vote doesn’t matter anymore, well then, what do I have? Like, what power do I have?’ And you’re going to get violence if you keep this shit up. That’s just the truth. And I’m very upset about that. I don’t want that to happen. I think the counter-violence will be much more extreme than the violence, but any rational person can see what’s coming. So, they have to stop this. The charges against Trump are not real. They’re not even for serious crimes.”

Tucker Carlson on Trump Prosecutions: 'You’re Going to Get Violence if You Keep This Sh-t Up'
Sorry Tucker, knuckling under to fascists is out of style.
BLM people protested Police brutality, remember?
I remember well what BLM was doing!

Mostly, BLM collected millions of dollars to buy luxurious homes and fund their leaders' lavish lifestyles. That and destroy their communities.

You'll never get around to organizing anything violent. Law enforcement will scoop you up long before you can do anything. A "lone wolf" yahoos might take a few people down but anything coordinated, organized isn't gonna happen.
exactly...but they don't touch the violence encouraged by democrat politicians and media and committed by democrat supporters...... This is the problem. tyranny, double standards, violence against your political opposition your FELLOW AMERICANS. with NO consequences for anyone of the democrat side.
You are most likely already under surveillance by Biden's new domestic terrorism taskforce.
well that is a fact of tyranny isn't it.

It turns out that the American people know a scam when they see one — even Democrats. A new I&I/TIPP poll shows indisputably that the lawsuits against Trump are beginning to boomerang in the minds of Democrats. Indeed, they're not buying the BS that Donald Trump is a "THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!!!!!!"
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I'm sure violence isn't number on their wishlist. But I'm betting if there was violence they would appreciate it.

Thing is about the current administration, if there was violence they would gladly and happily use it as an excuse to censor, punish, condemn and attack their opponents. If there was violence they would crush their enemies and do everything in their power to destroy them and to force anyone who associates with them into submission, that includes every day Americans.

It's kind of like the sibling that taunts the other one until they lose control, then run and tells Mom so they get in trouble. Well they want to taunt people into losing control so they can slap them down and stand on their necks.

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