Tucker Carlson on Trump Prosecutions: ‘You’re Going to Get Violence if You Keep This Sh-t Up’

Why can't African-Americans self identify as just Americans? I mean they were born here, they went to school and got an education here in America and said the pledge of allegiance to the United States of America, not Africa-America, in school.
Why? Because they chose to. And they have every right to be called what they want to be called. It is funny that you idiots are always going on and on about "FREEDUMB" and yet will deny it to others who are not the same color as you.
Tucker is right. We patriotic American Trump supporters should be ready on a whims notice if they try to steal the election again OR convict Trump in one of these sham lawfare trials preventing him becoming president again.

Excerpt from Tucker earlier today:

“If you leave people no alternative, then what do you think is going to happen? I mean, the whole point of electoral democracy is that it’s a pressure relief valve that takes people who are very frustrated with the way things are going and gives them a way to express themselves, have their desires heard and ultimately their will done, to be represented in a peaceful way.”

Carlson added, “You’re rigging the election. And they did that. So, if you keep doing that, and people are like, ‘Wait, I have no economic power. You’ve devalued my currency so it’s like, $11 for a dozen eggs. And my vote doesn’t matter anymore, well then, what do I have? Like, what power do I have?’ And you’re going to get violence if you keep this shit up. That’s just the truth. And I’m very upset about that. I don’t want that to happen. I think the counter-violence will be much more extreme than the violence, but any rational person can see what’s coming. So, they have to stop this. The charges against Trump are not real. They’re not even for serious crimes.”

Tucker Carlson on Trump Prosecutions: 'You’re Going to Get Violence if You Keep This Sh-t Up'
Fuck that makeup wearing faggot.
I think the counter-violence will be much more extreme than the violence, but any rational person can see what’s coming.

see that ^^ right there.....this is exactly what the bribem regime wants and many bribem supporters right here want this too. Let that sink in. This isn't even talking about the violence that WILL come in the event of a Trump presidency..and that will be coming from the democrats and their supporters..as usual.
Trump supporters crave violence. That much is a given.
Tucker is right. We patriotic American Trump supporters should be ready on a whims notice if they try to steal the election again OR convict Trump in one of these sham lawfare trials preventing him becoming president again.

Excerpt from Tucker earlier today:

“If you leave people no alternative, then what do you think is going to happen? I mean, the whole point of electoral democracy is that it’s a pressure relief valve that takes people who are very frustrated with the way things are going and gives them a way to express themselves, have their desires heard and ultimately their will done, to be represented in a peaceful way.”

Carlson added, “You’re rigging the election. And they did that. So, if you keep doing that, and people are like, ‘Wait, I have no economic power. You’ve devalued my currency so it’s like, $11 for a dozen eggs. And my vote doesn’t matter anymore, well then, what do I have? Like, what power do I have?’ And you’re going to get violence if you keep this shit up. That’s just the truth. And I’m very upset about that. I don’t want that to happen. I think the counter-violence will be much more extreme than the violence, but any rational person can see what’s coming. So, they have to stop this. The charges against Trump are not real. They’re not even for serious crimes.”

Tucker Carlson on Trump Prosecutions: 'You’re Going to Get Violence if You Keep This Sh-t Up'
bring it on pussy
Well, to be honest, MMMan, you sentiments above don't really seem to support our American ideal, ethic, and tradition of 'the rule of law'.
After all, if convicted in our courts after vigorous and skilled defense...the best a billionaire can buy.... and a judgement by a jury of his peers after they have heard and examined all testimony and evidence presented by the prosecution and by the defense......well, are you hinting that you should then kill someone because the jury decides there is guilt?
If so...well, who are you gonna kill?

Ummm, no. I don't remember that.
Do you have credible authoritative reportage that details that hundreds of innocent Trump supporter were beaten as you allege?

And done so by Black Lives Matter supporters?

Actually, Frank, I suppose one could suspect that it is YOUR personal economy that is horrendous, because the rest of America is doing pretty darn good.

Employment at record highs, unemployment at record lows, 'Hiring' signs plentiful as employers look to add staff to fill bulging order files. Restaurants packed. People buying abundantly, prolifically and often (witness the Holiday merchant metrics).

Residential real estate equity has increased very satisfactorily. So have agricultural land values. And inflation and interest rates are still relatively low....and lower than nearly every industrialized nation in the world. Our equity and commodity markets are vibrant, active, and increasing in values. Farm commodity prices are strong--(thank you, Vlad Putin).

America has weathered the disruptions of the worldwide pandemic much better than most all others in the world.

And as testament that America's economy is strong.... look at the thousands and thousands that are yearning, striving, and walking to get to America and its vibrant economy. To those strivers America is a land of opportunity.

So if your own personal economy is horrendous....that is regrettable. Perhaps once could work harder, smarter, faster. The same as all those yearners and strivers are willing to do.

Good luck and we hope your life can turn around.
Trust America, Frank.
America is great.

Pitch in and do your part to continue keeping it great.
Now that Israel is kicking total ass in the Middle East and he was beaten down for supporting HAMAS, he’s back to blaming blacks for all of the misery in his world...and there is plenty of it in his world
Some day soon you will find just how gutless, whiny, and prepared the right is and good luck finding that special rock to crawl under.

This one tries to show that the right isn't gutless by being too gutless to be direct with his threats.

Yeah, that'll show everyone!
Thing is about the current administration, if there was violence they would gladly and happily use it as an excuse to censor, punish, condemn and attack their opponents.
But there is on ongoing wave of right-wing violence, and nobody is oppressing the right, so your kook propaganda is clearly kook propaganda.

We understand. Fascist tactics over the years stay the same.

The old fascists claimed that Jews/liberals were violent, as an excuse to violently attack Jews/liberals.

The new fascists claim that Jews/liberals are violent, as an excuse to violently attack Jews/liberals.

What, you thought your motivation wasn't obvious?
Any blood that is spilled would be on the hands of those who have enabled and pushed this disaster for their own gain.

Tucker, for example.
"American citizens attacked their own government. They used terrorism to try to stop a specific piece of democratic business they did not like.
Fellow Americans beat and bloodied our own police. They stormed the Senate floor. They tried to hunt down the Speaker of the House. They built a gallows and chanted about murdering the vice president.
They did this because they had been fed wild falsehoods by the most powerful man on Earth – because he was angry he'd lost an election.
Former President Trump's actions preceding the riot were a disgraceful dereliction of duty."
-Mitch McConnell after acquitting Benedict Donald for his role in the Jan 6th attack on Congress.

Tucker is urging the same Americans to continue to use terrorism against their own Government based on the same type of insidious lies as Benedict Donald did. Eggs are like $1.59 a dozen btw, not 11. As long as Neo-GOP sycophant's are willing to believe these lies they are a danger and a threat to American Democracy.
Don't you think that is part of the plan? Another setup just like J6. Soon as a group of Trump supporters do something stupid, they will try to declare all Trump supporters, the MAGA movement and Trump himself the ringleader of a band of dangerous, extremist domestic terrorists trying to overthrow democracy.
So now it was a “set up”.

The capitol attack was wrong. It never should have happened. It never should have gone that way. I personally never would have broken doors and windows or damaged or stolen property there. Maybe they should have stood outside demanding officials come out and debate with them

And democrats never lost a wink of sleep over any of it until Trump inspired a few hundred angry voters to storm the Capitol
A brief moment of sanity there...

And then...
Trump never told anyone to go to the Capitol, break in and tear the place apart

You forget the 2020 election which was what CAUSED the capitol riot!

And you say you’ve been an “expert witness”?
More truth than you can handle?

Well let’s hear it then. Make an arguement

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