Turkey is attacking the Kurds, who were risking their lives for the US just last week..

Trump the draft Dodger has no respect for the lives lost and the act of a consistent ally.
Thousands of Kurds lost their lives while fighting by US forces in the fight against ISIS.. And this how Trump rewards them.
Trump the draft dodger has the blood of the Kurds on his hands.
Trump: ‘I will totally destroy the economy’
Grab a gun and go help them, brave boy.

Why do you want the US military to manipulate and conquer indigenous peoples in a Third World country?

You just goose-step to anything Trumps says and does, no matter how immoral and you do it consistently.
Those who fought with the Kurds, have a totally different opinion than Little Trumpster goose-steppers.
I can’t even look at the atrocities’: U.S. troops say Trump’s Syria withdrawal betrayed an ally
US troops express anger at Trump's Syria policy: 'We betrayed' the Kurds
Trump's Syria policy: US troops express anger at refusal to support Kurds - CNNPolitics
Pullback Leaves Green Berets Feeling ‘Ashamed,’ and Kurdish Allies Describing ‘Betrayal’
Pullback Leaves Green Berets Feeling ‘Ashamed,’ and Kurdish Allies Describing ‘Betrayal’
'ISIS 2.0': GOP Congressman, Former Green Beret, Blasts Trump's US Troop Withdrawal from Syria
GOP Congressman, former Green Beret, blasts Trump's US toop withdrawal from Syria, says it will create "ISIS 2.0"
US soldier on front lines in Syria tells Fox reporter, ‘I am ashamed for the first time in my career'
US soldier on front lines in Syria tells Fox reporter, ‘I am ashamed for the first time in my career'
You prefer to blindly follow a man when given the opportunity to fight for his country, but decided instead to away, over those who stepped up for the United States. That says a lot about your devotion to Trump over country and you do it every single time.
Really pisses you freaks off that Trump is getting us out of Obama’s endless wars.

At least Obama has a balls. Trump is cowardly impotent.
Obama was and is a pussy who barely can lift girl weights.
Trump the draft Dodger has no respect for the lives lost and the act of a consistent ally.
Thousands of Kurds lost their lives while fighting by US forces in the fight against ISIS.. And this how Trump rewards them.
Trump the draft dodger has the blood of the Kurds on his hands.
Trump: ‘I will totally destroy the economy’

A promise is a promise. I don't care about the Kurds. They are just another terrorist group. My thing is that it was under 50 troops pulled out. If Trump meant what he said then he would pull all the troops out of Afghanistan.

Promise is a promise. But you have to make sure if that promise make sense or just plain stupid.
Right now your dude mouth is foaming trying to defend himself of his garbage foreign policy. Today at his press conference with Italian president he blamed and gave excuses just about every one and everything except his wife.

Last week he blamed the Kurds did not help us in Normandy.
No. Trump can just leave as it is with only 50 US troops in there..And you would not be defending Trump ineptness.

In other words you wanted President Trump to use those 50 soldiers as human shields after he got wind that Turkey is going to attack the Kurds.

Then you would had just blamed the President for leaving our troops in harm’s way and letting them die.

You’re so transparent.

These 50 US soldiers are playing soccer with the Kurds. So what is in harms way are you talking about?

These soldiers are not going home. They are stationed somewhere else in Syria.

Right this second VP and Pompeo just arrived in Turkey to beg Endrogan for cease fire to stop the attacks.
Does this make sense to you?

At the same time he just had a news conference with Italian president. In that press conference. Undermining and trash the effort of VP and Pompeo.
Does that make sense to you?

Meaning Trump doesn’t know what he is talking about.
Suddenly America becomes the world police again!

Then who are you to say NK Kim cannot have nuclear toy?

Then who are you to say Iran cannot have nuclear toy?

Then why did you sent couple of thousands soldiers to Saudi Arabia?

Then why are you going against China in China sea?
Tell us why you want to invade those nations.
Where’s your precious UN? Drafting a sternly worded letter to Turkey?

I never said I like to invade those countries.

Your post..... Suddenly America becomes the world police again.

So I gave you an example yes we are the leader of fighting freedom and democracy around world. With US interest on the side.

We were the leader till your inept POTUS came in.
Trump the draft Dodger has no respect for the lives lost and the act of a consistent ally.
Thousands of Kurds lost their lives while fighting by US forces in the fight against ISIS.. And this how Trump rewards them.
Trump the draft dodger has the blood of the Kurds on his hands.
Trump: ‘I will totally destroy the economy’

A promise is a promise. I don't care about the Kurds. They are just another terrorist group. My thing is that it was under 50 troops pulled out. If Trump meant what he said then he would pull all the troops out of Afghanistan.

Promise is a promise. But you have to make sure if that promise make sense or just plain stupid.
Right now your dude mouth is foaming trying to defend himself of his garbage foreign policy. Today at his press conference with Italian president he blamed and gave excuses just about every one and everything except his wife.

Last week he blamed the Kurds did not help us in Normandy.

No one is stopping you. You can still fly via Ankara.
Trump the draft Dodger has no respect for the lives lost and the act of a consistent ally.
Thousands of Kurds lost their lives while fighting by US forces in the fight against ISIS.. And this how Trump rewards them.
Trump the draft dodger has the blood of the Kurds on his hands.
Trump: ‘I will totally destroy the economy’
Grab a gun and go help them, brave boy.

Why do you want the US military to manipulate and conquer indigenous peoples in a Third World country?

You just goose-step to anything Trumps says and does, no matter how immoral and you do it consistently.
Those who fought with the Kurds, have a totally different opinion than Little Trumpster goose-steppers.
I can’t even look at the atrocities’: U.S. troops say Trump’s Syria withdrawal betrayed an ally
US troops express anger at Trump's Syria policy: 'We betrayed' the Kurds
Trump's Syria policy: US troops express anger at refusal to support Kurds - CNNPolitics
Pullback Leaves Green Berets Feeling ‘Ashamed,’ and Kurdish Allies Describing ‘Betrayal’
Pullback Leaves Green Berets Feeling ‘Ashamed,’ and Kurdish Allies Describing ‘Betrayal’
'ISIS 2.0': GOP Congressman, Former Green Beret, Blasts Trump's US Troop Withdrawal from Syria
GOP Congressman, former Green Beret, blasts Trump's US toop withdrawal from Syria, says it will create "ISIS 2.0"
US soldier on front lines in Syria tells Fox reporter, ‘I am ashamed for the first time in my career'
US soldier on front lines in Syria tells Fox reporter, ‘I am ashamed for the first time in my career'
You prefer to blindly follow a man when given the opportunity to fight for his country, but decided instead to away, over those who stepped up for the United States. That says a lot about your devotion to Trump over country and you do it every single time.
Really pisses you freaks off that Trump is getting us out of Obama’s endless wars.

At least Obama has a balls. Trump is cowardly impotent.
Obama was and is a pussy who barely can lift girl weights.

You are not making sense.
And you try to make your self bigger by getting someone to speak for you.

I will not even click or listen to that garbage.

No, I am making fun of your rambling incoherent response.

It's also one of the best clips from Billy Madison, I suggest you watch it.

Making fun? I’m kicking your silly ass trying to defend a dumb POTUS.

Then you got nothing left. Sending me a clip which is just a waste of bandwidth. I will not waste any of time watching it.

The only thing you are kicking are your own teeth in your own fool mouth that is right below your vacant eyes and empty head.

Run away little girl, run away.

Why would I ran away? I enjoy being here blasting poorly informed trump supporters.
Oh, how will Trump ever win with Democrats demanding we invade Turkey!

No one is saying that...... except you.
Trump the draft Dodger has no respect for the lives lost and the act of a consistent ally.
Thousands of Kurds lost their lives while fighting by US forces in the fight against ISIS.. And this how Trump rewards them.
Trump the draft dodger has the blood of the Kurds on his hands.
Trump: ‘I will totally destroy the economy’
Grab a gun and go help them, brave boy.

Why do you want the US military to manipulate and conquer indigenous peoples in a Third World country?

We’ve been doing that for decades asshole. Till your inept POTUS made is impotent.

Since you don’t have a clue. The Kurds helped us fight the ISIS that Trump claimed victory.
---------------------------------------- seems to me that the 'kurds' also fought 'isis' because of Self Interest didn't they Charwin ??
Trump the draft Dodger has no respect for the lives lost and the act of a consistent ally.
Thousands of Kurds lost their lives while fighting by US forces in the fight against ISIS.. And this how Trump rewards them.
Trump the draft dodger has the blood of the Kurds on his hands.
Trump: ‘I will totally destroy the economy’
Grab a gun and go help them, brave boy.

Why do you want the US military to manipulate and conquer indigenous peoples in a Third World country?

We’ve been doing that for decades asshole. Till your inept POTUS made is impotent.

Since you don’t have a clue. The Kurds helped us fight the ISIS that Trump claimed victory.
---------------------------------------- seems to me that the 'kurds' also fought 'isis' because of Self Interest didn't they Charwin ??

The US asked the Kurds for help. FACT.
The death ratio in defeating ISIS was over 10,000 Kurds to 8 Americans. While Trump goes around patting himself on the back saying he defeated ISIS (like he did again today), he puts the Kurds in an ethic cleansing danger.
The Americans fighters who fought ISIS with the Kurds basically agree, Trump stabbed the Kurds in the back.
But go ahead, support a draft dodger instead of those who gave their lives, so fewer American fighters would die.
Little Trumpsters are so blind to reality, they just say and do what their hero wants. What's it like not having a mind of your own and no backbone?
Interesting to note: Dems prior administration argued to trust Iran a sworn enemy who was never trustworthy during it's deal, but now blasts this administration for trusting a Nato allyTurkey who was reliable before now. DEMS NEED TO STOP FLIP FLOPPING TO WHATEVER FITS THEIR POLITICAL TACTICAL NARRATIVE, THIS is why the avg citizen hates politicians, they notice the double standard and phoney positions.
Erdogan is not and has not been trustworthy or a beacon of democracy... Turkey should have been kicked out of NATO a while back when he was murdering his citizens, or when he was here on a visit and he sent his thugs out to brutally beat up the Turkish Americans in a peaceful protest against him....

Iran, before Trump blew up the agreement with Iran, and with ALL OF OUR ALLIES, was contained... that does not mean they were trusted...or admired, they can never be trusted, (nor will Trump's lover boy Kim Jung Un, or Putin etc.... be trusted).
Trump the draft Dodger has no respect for the lives lost and the act of a consistent ally.
Thousands of Kurds lost their lives while fighting by US forces in the fight against ISIS.. And this how Trump rewards them.
Trump the draft dodger has the blood of the Kurds on his hands.
Trump: ‘I will totally destroy the economy’
Grab a gun and go help them, brave boy.

Why do you want the US military to manipulate and conquer indigenous peoples in a Third World country?

We’ve been doing that for decades asshole. Till your inept POTUS made is impotent.

Since you don’t have a clue. The Kurds helped us fight the ISIS that Trump claimed victory.
---------------------------------------- seems to me that the 'kurds' also fought 'isis' because of Self Interest didn't they Charwin ??

The US asked the Kurds for help. FACT.
The death ratio in defeating ISIS was over 10,000 Kurds to 8 Americans. While Trump goes around patting himself on the back saying he defeated ISIS (like he did again today), he puts the Kurds in an ethic cleansing danger.
The Americans fighters who fought ISIS with the Kurds basically agree, Trump stabbed the Kurds in the back.
But go ahead, support a draft dodger instead of those who gave their lives, so fewer American fighters would die.
Little Trumpsters are so blind to reality, they just say and do what their hero wants. What's it like not having a mind of your own and no backbone?
How will Trump ever win an election with Democrats pointing out that Trump is not invading Turkey.
Interesting to note: Dems prior administration argued to trust Iran a sworn enemy who was never trustworthy during it's deal, but now blasts this administration for trusting a Nato allyTurkey who was reliable before now. DEMS NEED TO STOP FLIP FLOPPING TO WHATEVER FITS THEIR POLITICAL TACTICAL NARRATIVE, THIS is why the avg citizen hates politicians, they notice the double standard and phoney positions.
Erdogan is not and has not been trustworthy or a beacon of democracy... Turkey should have been kicked out of NATO a while back when he was murdering his citizens, or when he was here on a visit and he sent his thugs out to brutally beat up the Turkish Americans in a peaceful protest against him....

Iran, before Trump blew up the agreement with Iran, and with ALL OF OUR ALLIES, was contained... that does not mean they were trusted...or admired, they can never be trusted, (nor will Trump's lover boy Kim Jung Un, or Putin etc.... be trusted).
Turkey was a good ally, then they went full Islamofascist and no longer an ally of the West.
They have been getting killed for decades now, in three different countries.

Should we force Turkey, Iraq and Syria to give them their own country like they want?

No. Trump can just leave as it is with only 50 US troops in there..And you would not be defending Trump ineptness.

So you wanted Trump to risk US Troops against the forces of a NATO ally.

If he did that you would have bitched about THAT.

TDS in full effect.
Did the NATO ally go to NATO and tell them what he planned to do? And why in the heck would going in to Syria to set up this buffer zone be okay? Should he have used his own land to set up a buffer zone instead of another's country?

WHY are you defending this...?

Because it's their fight not ours.
We were not doing the fighting, we had the Kurds do the fighting towards ISIS, they lost over 10,000 men, we were simply training them and arming them in their fight of ISIS.

We can do that without US troops there. Other NATO countries can go there and help train and arm them. But to what end do we do that? What's the end goal? At what point do they take that training and those weapons and apply them to their cause? This all could have been avoided if polititions were honest. When Obama sent guys there he would have explained why, as well as why they would have to stay there for longer then 10 years. That place is a mess and we need to get out of it.
Turkey was a good ally, then they went full Islamofascist and no longer an ally of the West.

Russia is using Turkish airspace and Bosphorus straits to cement their presence in Syria.
Iran is doing what it wants in the Middle-East despite sanctions.
How you're going to meaningfully sanction Iran when the region's biggest economy (Turkey) is still doing business with them ?
The USA alligning with Israel, Saudi-Arabia, PKK didn't prevent any of that.

Everything the USA did in the last 16 years in the Middle-East was against Turkish interests.
Turkey borders Iran, Iraq, Syria.
All fucked up either by US war or US sanctions.
As a result: no significant trade, refugees etc.

What the gravest mistake was the USA allying with the PKK, training PKK, sending shitloads of weapons to PKK.
As a result Turkey began to work with Iran and Russia.
Now you pay a price.
All this sanction talk is bullshit, once the dust settles (and the PKK is destroyed in Syria) USA will work with Turkey.
If you don't Iran and Russia will increase their ifluence at the expense of USA, just like it is happening now in Syria.

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