Turned On The Debate Just To Get A Glance -

On what authority do you base your continued belief? The rabid House Haters would have included collusion in the impeachment if there was any possible way to do so, as we all know. So again, on what do you base your belief? What evidence do you have that they did not, and why didn't you get it to them?
You don't think there was enough evidence to fry Obama if that was him in the WH ? Never mind evidence hidden and the help from the slimebag Barr? And the cowards in the Senate 52 scum afraid to rile Trump??

I'm not the one you should be mad at. The House Haters were desperate to impeach Trump and they had the results of a multi year, multi million dollar investigation into whether Trump colluded with Russia. Now, do you for a MOMENT want to pretend that they had evidence that Trump colluded with Russia and decided NOT to include it in the impeachment? Are you really that stupid?

So again I ask, on what authority do you base your continued belief that Trump colluded with Russia, given that the House had the results of the Mueller investigation, complete with testimony from Mueller himself, and decided NOT to include collusion in the impeachment? And if you have such evidence from such an authority, why in the name of all that's democrat did you sit on it and not send it to the Schiffster?
Can I start with ALL the evidence hidden? That those who could prove collusion were forbidden to speak, that documents hidden could have proven that trump the slimebag colluded?? Why else did they hide evidence ,,,because it would show he was innocent????
So, even though the evidence was 'hidden', you know what it is? Dang, you should have worked for the Schiffster, he could have used you. Seriously now, if Mueller couldn't dig it up, how did you? It's quite impressive.

I see a few "could", "could have" statements there.
Hadit Grow up You think he was hiding all the evidence because it proved his innocence ??? You don't know the pos was a con man all his life??? You think he turned the corner ???

I asked what authority you based your belief on and you gave me your opinions, not evidence or authority. Basically, you believe because you want to, in spite of Mueller's report and the House Haters' refusal to accuse.
You don't think there was enough evidence to fry Obama if that was him in the WH ? Never mind evidence hidden and the help from the slimebag Barr? And the cowards in the Senate 52 scum afraid to rile Trump??

I'm not the one you should be mad at. The House Haters were desperate to impeach Trump and they had the results of a multi year, multi million dollar investigation into whether Trump colluded with Russia. Now, do you for a MOMENT want to pretend that they had evidence that Trump colluded with Russia and decided NOT to include it in the impeachment? Are you really that stupid?

So again I ask, on what authority do you base your continued belief that Trump colluded with Russia, given that the House had the results of the Mueller investigation, complete with testimony from Mueller himself, and decided NOT to include collusion in the impeachment? And if you have such evidence from such an authority, why in the name of all that's democrat did you sit on it and not send it to the Schiffster?
Can I start with ALL the evidence hidden? That those who could prove collusion were forbidden to speak, that documents hidden could have proven that trump the slimebag colluded?? Why else did they hide evidence ,,,because it would show he was innocent????
So, even though the evidence was 'hidden', you know what it is? Dang, you should have worked for the Schiffster, he could have used you. Seriously now, if Mueller couldn't dig it up, how did you? It's quite impressive.

I see a few "could", "could have" statements there.
Hadit Grow up You think he was hiding all the evidence because it proved his innocence ??? You don't know the pos was a con man all his life??? You think he turned the corner ???

I asked what authority you based your belief on and you gave me your opinions, not evidence or authority. Basically, you believe because you want to, in spite of Mueller's report and the House Haters' refusal to accuse.
What about the four Trump campaign guys in prison. Conspirator number one is the orange clown. meanwhile Obama had zero scandals in the real world. If they started going after collusion with the Russians they'd never end there's so much crap the mobster is up to....
I'm not the one you should be mad at. The House Haters were desperate to impeach Trump and they had the results of a multi year, multi million dollar investigation into whether Trump colluded with Russia. Now, do you for a MOMENT want to pretend that they had evidence that Trump colluded with Russia and decided NOT to include it in the impeachment? Are you really that stupid?

So again I ask, on what authority do you base your continued belief that Trump colluded with Russia, given that the House had the results of the Mueller investigation, complete with testimony from Mueller himself, and decided NOT to include collusion in the impeachment? And if you have such evidence from such an authority, why in the name of all that's democrat did you sit on it and not send it to the Schiffster?
Can I start with ALL the evidence hidden? That those who could prove collusion were forbidden to speak, that documents hidden could have proven that trump the slimebag colluded?? Why else did they hide evidence ,,,because it would show he was innocent????
So, even though the evidence was 'hidden', you know what it is? Dang, you should have worked for the Schiffster, he could have used you. Seriously now, if Mueller couldn't dig it up, how did you? It's quite impressive.

I see a few "could", "could have" statements there.
Hadit Grow up You think he was hiding all the evidence because it proved his innocence ??? You don't know the pos was a con man all his life??? You think he turned the corner ???

I asked what authority you based your belief on and you gave me your opinions, not evidence or authority. Basically, you believe because you want to, in spite of Mueller's report and the House Haters' refusal to accuse.
What about the four Trump campaign guys in prison. Conspirator number one is the orange clown. meanwhile Obama had zero scandals in the real world. If they started going after collusion with the Russians they'd never end there's so much crap the mobster is up to....

What about the guys in prison? Were any of them out there because of collusion? If not, how are they enough to override the House Haters' lack of accusation? Remember, these were rabid partisans, out for blood. If there was any way they could prove collusion after years of telling us it was a slam dunk, it would have been in the impeachment.

Now, this is interesting. You say, "If they started going after collusion with the Russians". What do you think Mueller was doing all that time? The suspension of disbelief is incredible. You're so convinced that Trump colluded with Russia that you're willing to totally ignore the entire Muller investigation and the impeachment, pretending they never even looked into it.

Man, you're barely functioning.
Can I start with ALL the evidence hidden? That those who could prove collusion were forbidden to speak, that documents hidden could have proven that trump the slimebag colluded?? Why else did they hide evidence ,,,because it would show he was innocent????
So, even though the evidence was 'hidden', you know what it is? Dang, you should have worked for the Schiffster, he could have used you. Seriously now, if Mueller couldn't dig it up, how did you? It's quite impressive.

I see a few "could", "could have" statements there.
Hadit Grow up You think he was hiding all the evidence because it proved his innocence ??? You don't know the pos was a con man all his life??? You think he turned the corner ???

I asked what authority you based your belief on and you gave me your opinions, not evidence or authority. Basically, you believe because you want to, in spite of Mueller's report and the House Haters' refusal to accuse.
What about the four Trump campaign guys in prison. Conspirator number one is the orange clown. meanwhile Obama had zero scandals in the real world. If they started going after collusion with the Russians they'd never end there's so much crap the mobster is up to....

What about the guys in prison? Were any of them out there because of collusion? If not, how are they enough to override the House Haters' lack of accusation? Remember, these were rabid partisans, out for blood. If there was any way they could prove collusion after years of telling us it was a slam dunk, it would have been in the impeachment.

Now, this is interesting. You say, "If they started going after collusion with the Russians". What do you think Mueller was doing all that time? The suspension of disbelief is incredible. You're so convinced that Trump colluded with Russia that you're willing to totally ignore the entire Muller investigation and the impeachment, pretending they never even looked into it.

Man, you're barely functioning.
Actually that would be the Republican voter in general. read something Google it learn something for a change, brainwashed functional moron. Trump at least approved the Russians going after Democrats and said so. Donald jr. And the campaign staff met with Russians many times lied about it. the point is you people don't even know that the Russians hacked the DNC and that's what everybody talked about. 60% of political coverage was about emails
So, even though the evidence was 'hidden', you know what it is? Dang, you should have worked for the Schiffster, he could have used you. Seriously now, if Mueller couldn't dig it up, how did you? It's quite impressive.

I see a few "could", "could have" statements there.
Hadit Grow up You think he was hiding all the evidence because it proved his innocence ??? You don't know the pos was a con man all his life??? You think he turned the corner ???

I asked what authority you based your belief on and you gave me your opinions, not evidence or authority. Basically, you believe because you want to, in spite of Mueller's report and the House Haters' refusal to accuse.
What about the four Trump campaign guys in prison. Conspirator number one is the orange clown. meanwhile Obama had zero scandals in the real world. If they started going after collusion with the Russians they'd never end there's so much crap the mobster is up to....

What about the guys in prison? Were any of them out there because of collusion? If not, how are they enough to override the House Haters' lack of accusation? Remember, these were rabid partisans, out for blood. If there was any way they could prove collusion after years of telling us it was a slam dunk, it would have been in the impeachment.

Now, this is interesting. You say, "If they started going after collusion with the Russians". What do you think Mueller was doing all that time? The suspension of disbelief is incredible. You're so convinced that Trump colluded with Russia that you're willing to totally ignore the entire Muller investigation and the impeachment, pretending they never even looked into it.

Man, you're barely functioning.
Actually that would be the Republican voter in general. read something Google it learn something for a change, brainwashed functional moron. Trump at least approved the Russians going after Democrats and said so. Donald jr. And the campaign staff met with Russians many times lied about it. the point is you people don't even know that the Russians hacked the DNC and that's what everybody talked about. 60% of political coverage was about emails

Are you saying that you have evidence the House Haters did not have? If so, why didn't you give it to Schiffler? I mean, obviously you believe this stuff religiously. Why didn't they?

IOW, I've asked you to provide the authority by which you believe Trump to be guilty of collusion since the House Haters didn't mention it in the impeachment and Mueller didn't uncover anything and you've given me nothing but, "I'm sure he's guilty. It has to be here somewhere. Here's an article that says so". Yet the House Haters didn't think so.

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