Turns Out To Be A Medical Problem

LOL you're doing it again. If you are actually interested in understanding liberals you first have to accept that you may be wrong about some things. What you are doing is not science, you are trying to support a foregone conclusion.

I provided a linked, sourced, documented post eviscerating yours.

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."

Be sure to ask me to provide same......
I've read thousands of books most of them were just a listing of other people's ideas. All of them had something to say but none of them individually were a main basis for my political views except perhaps the bible. Information is all you will ever get from a book but Wisdom comes from experience and the willingness to patently listen. On that point few books are of any assistance.

Yea, comic books don't really count.

He didn't get to the comic books.....

...we're talkin' Bazooka bubble gum comics.
LOL you're doing it again. If you are actually interested in understanding liberals you first have to accept that you may be wrong about some things. What you are doing is not science, you are trying to support a foregone conclusion.

I provided a linked, sourced, documented post eviscerating yours.

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."

Be sure to ask me to provide same......
I've read thousands of books most of them were just a listing of other people's ideas. All of them had something to say but none of them individually were a main basis for my political views except perhaps the bible. Information is all you will ever get from a book but Wisdom comes from experience and the willingness to patently listen. On that point few books are of any assistance.

"I've read thousands of books"

You're lyin'......

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....
All of them have. What does my reading list have to do with anything? I read Steinbeck as a youth and found that useful as well as Hunter S Thomson. The various philosophers from ancient to modern did little to reveal the human condition to me but hey did try to wrestle with the ambiguity of life. The first book I read extensively was the bible but eventually rejected the mysticism and kept the moral imperatives. I read the various communist texts, Mien Kampf, the founders letters, but such political screeds rarely have anything of value to say about humanity. I have read thousands of books but nothing brought me greater understanding than simply listening to my fellow humans.

"Mien Kampf (sic)"

If you had, I bet you'd spell it correctly, you liar.

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....

Still nothin,' huh?
LOL you're doing it again. If you are actually interested in understanding liberals you first have to accept that you may be wrong about some things. What you are doing is not science, you are trying to support a foregone conclusion.

I provided a linked, sourced, documented post eviscerating yours.

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."

Be sure to ask me to provide same......
I've read thousands of books most of them were just a listing of other people's ideas. All of them had something to say but none of them individually were a main basis for my political views except perhaps the bible. Information is all you will ever get from a book but Wisdom comes from experience and the willingness to patently listen. On that point few books are of any assistance.

Yea, comic books don't really count.
People are like books. Some are comic books some are romance novels some are encyclopedias all of them have something to say.
I love it when some of the most anti-science people on the face of the earth try to use the tools of science. If you want to be scientific in your understanding of liberals then take a suitable sample of liberals and ask them questions and accept the answers as useful data, that's what real scientists do.

Yeah, those who don't recognize 57 genders that change at will. Those who don't recognize that a entity with a beating heart, brain waves and human DNA is just a blob. I mean, how "anti-science" can you get?

So fuckwad, "science" then would be unquestioning worship of Gaia?

6. The anhedonia of Leftism has its search for Utopia…albeit of this sphere…and two famous statements encapsulate the search:

"There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?"
Attributed to Robert Kennedy.

The other is from the words of John Lennon’s song, “Imagine.” One is asked to imagine that there is no heaven or hell, that everyone lives for today; that there are no countries, nothing to kill for, and no religion; there are no possessions- therefore no greed nor hunger.

{Lennon stated: "'Imagine', which says: 'Imagine that there was no more religion, no more country, no more politics,' is virtually the Communist manifesto, even though I'm not particularly a Communist and I do not belong to any movement."}
Imagine (song) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

7.Conservatives don’t dream of things that never were nearly so much as Liberals do. We usually dream the same dream that our forefathers did: an America that is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” And, judging by history, we have seen that ‘utopian dreams’ are more likely to end up as nightmares.

But, then, we don’t suffer from anhedonia.
Liberals are not the ones claiming America is not Great
We don’t even have hats

Oh, you have hats, what you lack is integrity.

LOL you're doing it again. If you are actually interested in understanding liberals you first have to accept that you may be wrong about some things. What you are doing is not science, you are trying to support a foregone conclusion.

I provided a linked, sourced, documented post eviscerating yours.

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."

Be sure to ask me to provide same......
I've read thousands of books most of them were just a listing of other people's ideas. All of them had something to say but none of them individually were a main basis for my political views except perhaps the bible. Information is all you will ever get from a book but Wisdom comes from experience and the willingness to patently listen. On that point few books are of any assistance.

"I've read thousands of books"

You're lyin'......

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....
All of them have. What does my reading list have to do with anything? I read Steinbeck as a youth and found that useful as well as Hunter S Thomson. The various philosophers from ancient to modern did little to reveal the human condition to me but hey did try to wrestle with the ambiguity of life. The first book I read extensively was the bible but eventually rejected the mysticism and kept the moral imperatives. I read the various communist texts, Mien Kampf, the founders letters, but such political screeds rarely have anything of value to say about humanity. I have read thousands of books but nothing brought me greater understanding than simply listening to my fellow humans.

"Mien Kampf (sic)"

If you had, I bet you'd spell it correctly, you liar.

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....

Still nothin,' huh?
I told you the books that shaped my politics. Steinbeck, Thomson, the Bible, the Philosophers, the standard political texts of the world and you did not accept that as an answer. Last time I will ever take you seriously.
LOL you're doing it again. If you are actually interested in understanding liberals you first have to accept that you may be wrong about some things. What you are doing is not science, you are trying to support a foregone conclusion.

I provided a linked, sourced, documented post eviscerating yours.

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."

Be sure to ask me to provide same......
I've read thousands of books most of them were just a listing of other people's ideas. All of them had something to say but none of them individually were a main basis for my political views except perhaps the bible. Information is all you will ever get from a book but Wisdom comes from experience and the willingness to patently listen. On that point few books are of any assistance.

Yea, comic books don't really count.
People are like books. Some are comic books some are romance novels some are encyclopedias all of them have something to say.

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....

Why don't you ask for two or three that I'd recommend, ......

...then....if you ever get around to reading, you'd have a head start.
I provided a linked, sourced, documented post eviscerating yours.

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."

Be sure to ask me to provide same......
I've read thousands of books most of them were just a listing of other people's ideas. All of them had something to say but none of them individually were a main basis for my political views except perhaps the bible. Information is all you will ever get from a book but Wisdom comes from experience and the willingness to patently listen. On that point few books are of any assistance.

"I've read thousands of books"

You're lyin'......

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....
All of them have. What does my reading list have to do with anything? I read Steinbeck as a youth and found that useful as well as Hunter S Thomson. The various philosophers from ancient to modern did little to reveal the human condition to me but hey did try to wrestle with the ambiguity of life. The first book I read extensively was the bible but eventually rejected the mysticism and kept the moral imperatives. I read the various communist texts, Mien Kampf, the founders letters, but such political screeds rarely have anything of value to say about humanity. I have read thousands of books but nothing brought me greater understanding than simply listening to my fellow humans.

"Mien Kampf (sic)"

If you had, I bet you'd spell it correctly, you liar.

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....

Still nothin,' huh?
I told you the books that shaped my politics. Steinbeck, Thomson, the Bible, the Philosophers, the standard political texts of the world and you did not accept that as an answer. Last time I will ever take you seriously.

Because you weren't honest.

Your views are based on Marx, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, and Hugo Chavez.
I provided a linked, sourced, documented post eviscerating yours.

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."

Be sure to ask me to provide same......
I've read thousands of books most of them were just a listing of other people's ideas. All of them had something to say but none of them individually were a main basis for my political views except perhaps the bible. Information is all you will ever get from a book but Wisdom comes from experience and the willingness to patently listen. On that point few books are of any assistance.

"I've read thousands of books"

You're lyin'......

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....
All of them have. What does my reading list have to do with anything? I read Steinbeck as a youth and found that useful as well as Hunter S Thomson. The various philosophers from ancient to modern did little to reveal the human condition to me but hey did try to wrestle with the ambiguity of life. The first book I read extensively was the bible but eventually rejected the mysticism and kept the moral imperatives. I read the various communist texts, Mien Kampf, the founders letters, but such political screeds rarely have anything of value to say about humanity. I have read thousands of books but nothing brought me greater understanding than simply listening to my fellow humans.

"Mien Kampf (sic)"

If you had, I bet you'd spell it correctly, you liar.

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....

Still nothin,' huh?
I told you the books that shaped my politics. Steinbeck, Thomson, the Bible, the Philosophers, the standard political texts of the world and you did not accept that as an answer. Last time I will ever take you seriously.

They are neither political nor history texts.

Clearly, you simply listen to propaganda and vote accordingly.
That was my point.....and you verified same.
I've read thousands of books most of them were just a listing of other people's ideas. All of them had something to say but none of them individually were a main basis for my political views except perhaps the bible. Information is all you will ever get from a book but Wisdom comes from experience and the willingness to patently listen. On that point few books are of any assistance.

"I've read thousands of books"

You're lyin'......

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....
All of them have. What does my reading list have to do with anything? I read Steinbeck as a youth and found that useful as well as Hunter S Thomson. The various philosophers from ancient to modern did little to reveal the human condition to me but hey did try to wrestle with the ambiguity of life. The first book I read extensively was the bible but eventually rejected the mysticism and kept the moral imperatives. I read the various communist texts, Mien Kampf, the founders letters, but such political screeds rarely have anything of value to say about humanity. I have read thousands of books but nothing brought me greater understanding than simply listening to my fellow humans.

"Mien Kampf (sic)"

If you had, I bet you'd spell it correctly, you liar.

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....

Still nothin,' huh?
I told you the books that shaped my politics. Steinbeck, Thomson, the Bible, the Philosophers, the standard political texts of the world and you did not accept that as an answer. Last time I will ever take you seriously.

They are neither political nor history texts.

Clearly, you simply listen to propaganda and vote accordingly.
That was my point.....and you verified same.
OK then, tell what are acceptable texts to you if the books that form the basis of modern western political thought are neither political or history? Ball's in your court, edumacate me.
"I've read thousands of books"

You're lyin'......

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....
All of them have. What does my reading list have to do with anything? I read Steinbeck as a youth and found that useful as well as Hunter S Thomson. The various philosophers from ancient to modern did little to reveal the human condition to me but hey did try to wrestle with the ambiguity of life. The first book I read extensively was the bible but eventually rejected the mysticism and kept the moral imperatives. I read the various communist texts, Mien Kampf, the founders letters, but such political screeds rarely have anything of value to say about humanity. I have read thousands of books but nothing brought me greater understanding than simply listening to my fellow humans.

"Mien Kampf (sic)"

If you had, I bet you'd spell it correctly, you liar.

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....

Still nothin,' huh?
I told you the books that shaped my politics. Steinbeck, Thomson, the Bible, the Philosophers, the standard political texts of the world and you did not accept that as an answer. Last time I will ever take you seriously.

They are neither political nor history texts.

Clearly, you simply listen to propaganda and vote accordingly.
That was my point.....and you verified same.
OK then, tell what are acceptable texts to you if the books that form the basis of modern western political thought are neither political or history? Ball's in your court, edumacate me.

Jeeeezzzzz......I thought you'd never get around to asking.

. …. those who accept the collectivist agenda don’t read, don’t think, don’t learn. See what happens when you ask a Progressive/Liberal what books have informed their political outlook…just a puzzled look.

I've had enough 'shooting fish in a barrel!!'

As one eventually becomes weary of having the dull, the uneducated, the ignorant, offer what they consider rebuff to intelligent and informed posts, and in the interests of better debate milieu.....I strongly suggest that no Leftists.....e.g., Democrat, Liberal, Socialist, Communist, Nazi, Progressive, or Fascist.....
....nor any combination or permutation of same, embarrass themselves by offering any post until such time that they complete a study of these three works:

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline,"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change,"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character,"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world you live in.

And, please do study the vast and scholarly documentation provided in each tome.

Without having digested the three above, and carefully decided whether they are correct or not, your posts reek of stupidity and a lack of understanding.

I mean that in only the kindest way.

Having completed the above assignment, you will find that your experience.....and mine....here on the board will be greatly enhanced.

Begin immediately!!!


4. Extra Credit: this is by an actual Liberal....

All of them have. What does my reading list have to do with anything? I read Steinbeck as a youth and found that useful as well as Hunter S Thomson. The various philosophers from ancient to modern did little to reveal the human condition to me but hey did try to wrestle with the ambiguity of life. The first book I read extensively was the bible but eventually rejected the mysticism and kept the moral imperatives. I read the various communist texts, Mien Kampf, the founders letters, but such political screeds rarely have anything of value to say about humanity. I have read thousands of books but nothing brought me greater understanding than simply listening to my fellow humans.

"Mien Kampf (sic)"

If you had, I bet you'd spell it correctly, you liar.

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....

Still nothin,' huh?
I told you the books that shaped my politics. Steinbeck, Thomson, the Bible, the Philosophers, the standard political texts of the world and you did not accept that as an answer. Last time I will ever take you seriously.

They are neither political nor history texts.

Clearly, you simply listen to propaganda and vote accordingly.
That was my point.....and you verified same.
OK then, tell what are acceptable texts to you if the books that form the basis of modern western political thought are neither political or history? Ball's in your court, edumacate me.

Jeeeezzzzz......I thought you'd never get around to asking.

. …. those who accept the collectivist agenda don’t read, don’t think, don’t learn. See what happens when you ask a Progressive/Liberal what books have informed their political outlook…just a puzzled look.

I've had enough 'shooting fish in a barrel!!'

As one eventually becomes weary of having the dull, the uneducated, the ignorant, offer what they consider rebuff to intelligent and informed posts, and in the interests of better debate milieu.....I strongly suggest that no Leftists.....e.g., Democrat, Liberal, Socialist, Communist, Nazi, Progressive, or Fascist.....
....nor any combination or permutation of same, embarrass themselves by offering any post until such time that they complete a study of these three works:

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline,"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change,"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character,"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world you live in.

And, please do study the vast and scholarly documentation provided in each tome.

Without having digested the three above, and carefully decided whether they are correct or not, your posts reek of stupidity and a lack of understanding.

I mean that in only the kindest way.

Having completed the above assignment, you will find that your experience.....and mine....here on the board will be greatly enhanced.

Begin immediately!!!


4. Extra Credit: this is by an actual Liberal....

I already knew the kind of things you read. It is clear you seek confirmation of your biases rather than understanding. If the title is a foregone conclusion it is rarely necessary to actually read the thing.
I love it when some of the most anti-science people on the face of the earth try to use the tools of science. If you want to be scientific in your understanding of liberals then take a suitable sample of liberals and ask them questions and accept the answers as useful data, that's what real scientists do.
Your liberals...your people.
"Mien Kampf (sic)"

If you had, I bet you'd spell it correctly, you liar.

Now.....would you mind providing two or three of the books that have infused your political outlook?
I just said that for giggles....we know Liberals don't read books.....

Still nothin,' huh?
I told you the books that shaped my politics. Steinbeck, Thomson, the Bible, the Philosophers, the standard political texts of the world and you did not accept that as an answer. Last time I will ever take you seriously.

They are neither political nor history texts.

Clearly, you simply listen to propaganda and vote accordingly.
That was my point.....and you verified same.
OK then, tell what are acceptable texts to you if the books that form the basis of modern western political thought are neither political or history? Ball's in your court, edumacate me.

Jeeeezzzzz......I thought you'd never get around to asking.

. …. those who accept the collectivist agenda don’t read, don’t think, don’t learn. See what happens when you ask a Progressive/Liberal what books have informed their political outlook…just a puzzled look.

I've had enough 'shooting fish in a barrel!!'

As one eventually becomes weary of having the dull, the uneducated, the ignorant, offer what they consider rebuff to intelligent and informed posts, and in the interests of better debate milieu.....I strongly suggest that no Leftists.....e.g., Democrat, Liberal, Socialist, Communist, Nazi, Progressive, or Fascist.....
....nor any combination or permutation of same, embarrass themselves by offering any post until such time that they complete a study of these three works:

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline,"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change,"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character,"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world you live in.

And, please do study the vast and scholarly documentation provided in each tome.

Without having digested the three above, and carefully decided whether they are correct or not, your posts reek of stupidity and a lack of understanding.

I mean that in only the kindest way.

Having completed the above assignment, you will find that your experience.....and mine....here on the board will be greatly enhanced.

Begin immediately!!!


4. Extra Credit: this is by an actual Liberal....

I already knew the kind of things you read. It is clear you seek confirmation of your biases rather than understanding. If the title is a foregone conclusion it is rarely necessary to actually read the thing.

"I already knew the kind of things you read..."

Gee.....a Liberal who's afraid to learn.

Who'd a thunk it?
9. Liberals, in my experience, are fearful folks who need the bodyguard of big government because they are vulnerable, battered emotional hypochondriacs who cannot recognize the many things that they should be thankful for....they need to insure themselves against every societal misadventure that could occur.

They may call that 'empathy,' but it's actually neurosis, anhedonia. They have some sort of metaphorical bullet lodged near their heart, just waiting for a slight move which will end it all! Thus, the overwhelming feeling of incipient failure, and apprehension. And, recognizing their own weakness, they lash out at those willing to depend on themselves.

Consider how absurd it is to allow those with mental problems…such as anhedonia…to make decisions for the rest of us.

Yet….voting Democrat does exactly that.
I told you the books that shaped my politics. Steinbeck, Thomson, the Bible, the Philosophers, the standard political texts of the world and you did not accept that as an answer. Last time I will ever take you seriously.

They are neither political nor history texts.

Clearly, you simply listen to propaganda and vote accordingly.
That was my point.....and you verified same.
OK then, tell what are acceptable texts to you if the books that form the basis of modern western political thought are neither political or history? Ball's in your court, edumacate me.

Jeeeezzzzz......I thought you'd never get around to asking.

. …. those who accept the collectivist agenda don’t read, don’t think, don’t learn. See what happens when you ask a Progressive/Liberal what books have informed their political outlook…just a puzzled look.

I've had enough 'shooting fish in a barrel!!'

As one eventually becomes weary of having the dull, the uneducated, the ignorant, offer what they consider rebuff to intelligent and informed posts, and in the interests of better debate milieu.....I strongly suggest that no Leftists.....e.g., Democrat, Liberal, Socialist, Communist, Nazi, Progressive, or Fascist.....
....nor any combination or permutation of same, embarrass themselves by offering any post until such time that they complete a study of these three works:

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline,"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change,"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character,"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world you live in.

And, please do study the vast and scholarly documentation provided in each tome.

Without having digested the three above, and carefully decided whether they are correct or not, your posts reek of stupidity and a lack of understanding.

I mean that in only the kindest way.

Having completed the above assignment, you will find that your experience.....and mine....here on the board will be greatly enhanced.

Begin immediately!!!


4. Extra Credit: this is by an actual Liberal....

I already knew the kind of things you read. It is clear you seek confirmation of your biases rather than understanding. If the title is a foregone conclusion it is rarely necessary to actually read the thing.

"I already knew the kind of things you read..."

Gee.....a Liberal who's afraid to learn.

Who'd a thunk it?
It's not that I'm afraid to learn I just know trash when I see it. Whoever said you can't judge a book by it's cover never encountered the "scholarly" political screeds of the American right.
They are neither political nor history texts.

Clearly, you simply listen to propaganda and vote accordingly.
That was my point.....and you verified same.
OK then, tell what are acceptable texts to you if the books that form the basis of modern western political thought are neither political or history? Ball's in your court, edumacate me.

Jeeeezzzzz......I thought you'd never get around to asking.

. …. those who accept the collectivist agenda don’t read, don’t think, don’t learn. See what happens when you ask a Progressive/Liberal what books have informed their political outlook…just a puzzled look.

I've had enough 'shooting fish in a barrel!!'

As one eventually becomes weary of having the dull, the uneducated, the ignorant, offer what they consider rebuff to intelligent and informed posts, and in the interests of better debate milieu.....I strongly suggest that no Leftists.....e.g., Democrat, Liberal, Socialist, Communist, Nazi, Progressive, or Fascist.....
....nor any combination or permutation of same, embarrass themselves by offering any post until such time that they complete a study of these three works:

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline,"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change,"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character,"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world you live in.

And, please do study the vast and scholarly documentation provided in each tome.

Without having digested the three above, and carefully decided whether they are correct or not, your posts reek of stupidity and a lack of understanding.

I mean that in only the kindest way.

Having completed the above assignment, you will find that your experience.....and mine....here on the board will be greatly enhanced.

Begin immediately!!!


4. Extra Credit: this is by an actual Liberal....

I already knew the kind of things you read. It is clear you seek confirmation of your biases rather than understanding. If the title is a foregone conclusion it is rarely necessary to actually read the thing.

"I already knew the kind of things you read..."

Gee.....a Liberal who's afraid to learn.

Who'd a thunk it?
It's not that I'm afraid to learn I just know trash when I see it. Whoever said you can't judge a book by it's cover never encountered the "scholarly" political screeds of the American right.


Three brilliant, well documented, scholarly tomes.

Please.....just slither away.
OK then, tell what are acceptable texts to you if the books that form the basis of modern western political thought are neither political or history? Ball's in your court, edumacate me.

Jeeeezzzzz......I thought you'd never get around to asking.

. …. those who accept the collectivist agenda don’t read, don’t think, don’t learn. See what happens when you ask a Progressive/Liberal what books have informed their political outlook…just a puzzled look.

I've had enough 'shooting fish in a barrel!!'

As one eventually becomes weary of having the dull, the uneducated, the ignorant, offer what they consider rebuff to intelligent and informed posts, and in the interests of better debate milieu.....I strongly suggest that no Leftists.....e.g., Democrat, Liberal, Socialist, Communist, Nazi, Progressive, or Fascist.....
....nor any combination or permutation of same, embarrass themselves by offering any post until such time that they complete a study of these three works:

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline,"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change,"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character,"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world you live in.

And, please do study the vast and scholarly documentation provided in each tome.

Without having digested the three above, and carefully decided whether they are correct or not, your posts reek of stupidity and a lack of understanding.

I mean that in only the kindest way.

Having completed the above assignment, you will find that your experience.....and mine....here on the board will be greatly enhanced.

Begin immediately!!!


4. Extra Credit: this is by an actual Liberal....

I already knew the kind of things you read. It is clear you seek confirmation of your biases rather than understanding. If the title is a foregone conclusion it is rarely necessary to actually read the thing.

"I already knew the kind of things you read..."

Gee.....a Liberal who's afraid to learn.

Who'd a thunk it?
It's not that I'm afraid to learn I just know trash when I see it. Whoever said you can't judge a book by it's cover never encountered the "scholarly" political screeds of the American right.


Three brilliant, well documented, scholarly tomes.

Please.....just slither away.
You rejected the basis for western political thought for some shit that was formulated especially to change your mind about nothing. The left has no shortage of stuff like that and I don't read it either. If a political work does not challenge your beliefs it is not worth the paper it is printed on.
Jeeeezzzzz......I thought you'd never get around to asking.

. …. those who accept the collectivist agenda don’t read, don’t think, don’t learn. See what happens when you ask a Progressive/Liberal what books have informed their political outlook…just a puzzled look.

I've had enough 'shooting fish in a barrel!!'

As one eventually becomes weary of having the dull, the uneducated, the ignorant, offer what they consider rebuff to intelligent and informed posts, and in the interests of better debate milieu.....I strongly suggest that no Leftists.....e.g., Democrat, Liberal, Socialist, Communist, Nazi, Progressive, or Fascist.....
....nor any combination or permutation of same, embarrass themselves by offering any post until such time that they complete a study of these three works:

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline,"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change,"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character,"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world you live in.

And, please do study the vast and scholarly documentation provided in each tome.

Without having digested the three above, and carefully decided whether they are correct or not, your posts reek of stupidity and a lack of understanding.

I mean that in only the kindest way.

Having completed the above assignment, you will find that your experience.....and mine....here on the board will be greatly enhanced.

Begin immediately!!!


4. Extra Credit: this is by an actual Liberal....

I already knew the kind of things you read. It is clear you seek confirmation of your biases rather than understanding. If the title is a foregone conclusion it is rarely necessary to actually read the thing.

"I already knew the kind of things you read..."

Gee.....a Liberal who's afraid to learn.

Who'd a thunk it?
It's not that I'm afraid to learn I just know trash when I see it. Whoever said you can't judge a book by it's cover never encountered the "scholarly" political screeds of the American right.


Three brilliant, well documented, scholarly tomes.

Please.....just slither away.
You rejected the basis for western political thought for some shit that was formulated especially to change your mind about nothing. The left has no shortage of stuff like that and I don't read it either. If a political work does not challenge your beliefs it is not worth the paper it is printed on.

We've agreed that your indoctrination is indelible.
Please just do what snakes are meant to do....slither away on your belly.

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