U.S. intel concludes China reported fake numbers to conceal true size of coronavirus outbreak

But of course this report will be ignored by the left, since they don't want to upset their new heroes.

"China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, U.S. Intelligence Says"

"China has concealed the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in its country, under-reporting both total cases and deaths it’s suffered from the disease, the U.S. intelligence community concluded in a classified report to the White House, according to three U.S. officials.

The officials asked not to be identified because the report is secret and declined to detail its contents. But the thrust, they said, is that China’s public reporting on cases and deaths is intentionally incomplete. Two of the officials said the report concludes that China’s numbers are fake."

Which US Intelligence agency said that??

The Deep State one or the other one who is only right when they confirm what you already want to believe anyway??

Yeah, the report is a hoax, your comrades in China would never try to hide information.

Of course not and let remember Boys, Girls and those that are confused that Donald Trump rode a magical pink unicorn to China and when he shot a bolt of lightning from his buttock it unleashed the end of the World Trumpster Plague that we all suffer with now!

( As you are thinking that I am losing my sanity can I kindly remind everyone I am as sane as those that believe China would never lie, genocide or do anything dirty )

And anyone that believes China has had fewer cases of their virus, than we have had are frankly fucking idiots.
Another empty propaganda thread based on articles about a "secret report" by security agencies given to Trump, which we are now supposed to believe.

Here is my own earlier thread on the very same subject:

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The first step in reshaping red China should be to cut their ties to Hong Kong.....make HK an independent nation.....and then get tougher on China and their military development and expansion...
We need to put China back in the bottle...if they won't go we need to make them go by any means necessary...China will only become more dangerous to us if we don't....we need to get the free world on our side as soon as this virus is under control....

Why is it that the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left cannot recognize the fact that China is an enemy of America, while Russia is the lesser evil. Their Russia, Russia, cries are ridiculous.
Seems that since the Clinton's gave China the means to advance in leaps and bounds in missile Technology PMS/DSA Democrats have fawned over the Chinese Communists. Even Obama's close friend Anita Dunn claims to continuously refer to Mao's "Little Red Book" for solace and wisdom.
Another empty propaganda thread based on articles about a "secret report" by security agencies given to Trump, which we are now supposed to believe, sight unseen.

The first highlighted article is from the Falun Gong sect owned pro-Trump newspaper Epoch Times. Here is my own earlier thread on the very same subject:

Your short term memory shows each time you post as a contrarian.

Another empty propaganda thread based on articles about a "secret report" by security agencies given to Trump, which we are now supposed to believe.

Here is my own earlier thread on the very same subject:

Who is worse Tom?

trump or Xi?
Chinese Regime Concealing True Number of COVID-19 Cases, Evidence Shows

While we in the USA don’t have a clue what our true numbers are.
go figure :)-
The answer is: Everyone

sooner or later we will all be exposed to the commie virus

and those with weak immune systems will die
If lying means no nations should trade with the lying nation, who will the US trade with?

Hmm...., It's just a coincidence that the Wuhan Covid-19 virus was released prior to the U.S. -- China Trade deal? Eh?
So if coincidences lead you to the perpetrator, then what about this?
China Diplomat : United States Military Have Brought The Novel Coronavirus To China – US Military Were In Wuhan For The
China Diplomat : United States Military Have Brought The Novel Coronavirus To China - US Military Were In Wuhan For The Military World Games in October 2019 - The Coverage
Would China lie to protect their image and go back to business as usual to take advantage of a market advantage they have while the West scrambles to protect lives over economic interests, even if it meant killing their own people.

yep, IMO, they sure would. In a heartbeat. And that would have been my opinion before all of this, that they would do literally anything to create market advantage. I think they view this as a golden opportunity.....
The central authorities (by January 9 having worked out and published to the world the DNA sequence) also early issued public orders that any hiding of information about the virus (by local authorities to central medical investigators) would be considered treasonous. After hesitating and remaining mostly silent, XiJinping finally decided on the eve of the Lunar New Year celebrations to mobilize the whole country and lock down entire cities. This was a difficult but in my opinion correct decision. Xi and his team of experts had finally understood that Coronavirus2 was not just different but ultimately a more serious threat than H1N1 Swine Flu and other epidemic challenges they had faced without taking such measures.

Thanks for a reasonable assessment throughout.

It confirms pretty much my impression, namely, early missteps by local authorities citing the doctors - who were then publicly honored and awarded for their work - and a decisive change of action once the central government stepped in.

Of course, the rightarded blabbosphere ramped up the volume to the tune of "whistleblowers murdered!!!", and the denizens of Rightardia wolfed it down, diligently and eagerly.

You will also note that South Korea reacted early, well organized and focused, and, though with a far shorter time between the Chinese warning the world and the onset of the infection on their territory, managed to keep the beast in check. That alone should demonstrate that the accusations against the Chinese are but a threadbare plot to distract from Trump's callousness, belligerent ignorance, and his many blunders. While they tested 20,000 a day, in the U.S. test count was in the hundreds, overall. That's the ballgame concerning keeping a contagious disease in check.

Just for the fun of it, also notice how your righty friends are suddenly endeared to whistleblowers - when that term was a four letter word just a short while ago. Without double standards, they'd have no standards at all.
The U.S. mainstream media are everywhere reporting that U.S. security agencies have concluded China is hiding the real numbers of those infected and killed by Covid-19, and sent a secret report to Trump. But what is the reality? What does the report actually say about how many cases were hidden? When? Where? How was the information gathered? Why does everybody suddenly believe our security agencies?

I don’t know the answers to these questions and many others. The reports of tens of thousands more deaths could be — but I believe are probably not — true. I have always known and said that the XiJinping administration’s censorship and repression policies contributed to early bureaucratic bungling and delays, but I also praised its effective response once key decisions were made. Similarly, I agreed with the Trump administration’s restrictions on Chinese tourist flights effective early in January, but denounced its subsequent complacency, wrongheaded denials, and general failure to prepare seriously.

Here is an interesting (leftwing) article criticizing the U.S. media’s gullibility and supposed “anti-China bias,” which exposes many of the dubious and untrustworthy sources for U.S. media reporting on this subject. In my opinion it is worth reading:

One must remember that in nations in which Marxism/Leninism rules, there is the following:
1. No such thing as "freedom of the press."
2. Individuals who report situations counter to what the government supports, disappear.
3. Citizens across the nation are heavily monitored on their views and any dissenters, squashed.
4. The governments, having disarmed the public, have no concerns about armed rebellion to stop their rule.
One should keep these things in mind, what with the growing Marxists/Leninists that are being churned out of our educational system.
The GOP is incompetent and corrupt so this should not surprise anyone.
The Dem party is incompetent and corrupt so this should not surprise anyone.
Just a bit incompetent thanks. But thanks for the multiple corrupt bubbles and busts 1929 1989 2008 2023 if.... And allowing 911 through sheer incompetence and the stupidest wars ever.... And of course the ridiculous GOP propaganda machine that makes all this possible....
that is BABBLING
you are just babbling
I did personally notice a questionable sudden decrease in China COVID19 fatalities while watching the daily charts. My first thought was wow they really got a handle on this.

Question is what reason would China have to hide the real numbers? Are they embarrassed that social distancing is so non-existent in their communist state that a disease can ripple through their populations so fast its not funny?

Or perhaps they really did contain it.

What reason they got to tweak the numbers?
Cite sources. Highly suspect isn't incontrovertible proof.

That being said, I also believe they are lying now.
China Is Preparing to Start a War with America

2 Apr 2020 ~~ By William L. Gensert
I believe that China's actions today may be telegraphing an intent we are choosing to ignore. They show all the signs of a nation preparing to attack America. China seeks a bespoke world run by China with "Chinese characteristics" — a dream that under Trump was drifting away.
China appears to be laying the groundwork for a "justified" attack on the United States, perhaps in the South China Sea or perhaps elsewhere. It will be a military attack, not an act of terrorism, and the excuse will be America's deliberate transmission of COVID-19 in Wuhan.
When the Chinese became accusatory, it's telling that they didn't blame the CIA, always the usual suspect. No, they blamed it on American soldiers.
American military deliberately infecting China is an act of war worthy of a military response.
In October, the 2019 World Military Games were held in Wuhan. Chinese media triumphantly trumpeted the Americans winning just eight medals, while China won 239. It was then that we supposedly infected Wuhan citizens with the "American virus."
China is now defenestrating foreign media, sending home reporters from the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and Washington Post at just the opportune moment. No nation wants journalists around when it is planning a sneak attack.
And with its economy ravaged by Trump's trade war and the virus shutdown, and now back at full production, while America's economy is in total shutdown and in the grip of an active pandemic, there will never be a better time to attack.
Here in America, the Democrats along with corporate media eagerly buy China's lies surrounding the nascence of the worldwide pandemic, the propaganda blaming America, the stories of Chinese benevolence, and the efficiency of Chinese methods in getting control of the virus at home. They are actively supporting China's version of the truth. China has every reason to believe they will continue to do so.
When or if China attacks, the left (the Dems, Antifa, and BLM) will flood the streets with anti-war protesters designed to stop America from responding to China's attacks. After all, don't we deserve it? We elected Trump, didn't we?
China claims there are no new infections when there is ample evidence that that claim is a lie. But the Chinese know that by the time people understand, it will be too late. They will have struck, and any new cases will be used to bolster their casus belli. Those Chinese who perish in the interim of silence will have died for the fatherland.
Conservative media have been neither as naïve nor as malicious as their mainstream brethren, often writing that China's behavior, with the denials and accusations, is merely a clumsy and foolish attempt to convince the world.
I don't see it this way. I think China is doing this to convince its own citizens more than anyone else. The Chinese communists can survive the world's condemnations, especially if they defeat America, but they live and die by controlling their own population. When they attack an American naval ship in the South China Sea, they won't need to worry about the support of their own nation because they will have convinced the people that America started the war and a peaceful and beneficent China was reluctantly, and only as a last resort, defending itself.
What does China have to lose?
Time is not on China's side. Unless the Chinese destroy us on the field of battle soon, the clock will run out, and the dream of the coming "Chinese century" will be just that: a dream.
Everything they are doing points to them preparing to do so.
For China, there will never be a better time to start a war with America.

I see a repeat of instances of occurrences after WWI and Japan vs the USA. Where Japan sought to become the Asiatic Power to answer too.

China is a toxic, rogue state - in the same way that the USSR once was.

  • China make deals they have no intention of keeping.
  • China exploits any arrangement that their adversary is not willing to support with FORCE.
  • China was saved from poverty by their willingness to partner with foreign capitalists to exploit their mass, low-skill, low-wage population.
  • China wanted into the club of developed nations - and promised to play by the rules then in force - which they long since abandoned (dumping, competitive currency devaluation, etc.)
  • China represents an existential threat to the global law and rules-based system that generations of Americans have spent blood and treasure building and defending since 1917.
  • Ultimately, China believes power comes from the barrel of a gun and act accordingly as they demonstrated the protesters and the world at Tienanmen Square.
Whatever our faults may be - this administration has come to realize that status quo with China is not acceptable. That is why Donald Trump is president and not Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton. The hard job of repatriating capital out of China and back to America is already underway. The way for China to "make the pain go away" is to accept reality, sign deals with Trump, and make the appropriate accommodation to legitimate American interests, while inflicting devastation by Bio-warfare.
Then there's the following consideration... Perhaps Napoleon was correct, "an army marches on it's stomach. To be effective, an army relies on good and plentiful food". A military complex like China's must feed it's people. China and it's military. At this time and for the immediate future China must import food and the population forced to eat exotic animals, meanwhile their health and sanitation systems are not adequate. America has surpluses of food.
At the same time, if China was developing Covid-19 as a bio-weapon and it got away from them, This pandemic may have been an Achilles heel for them. For all appearances the country is now on lock down and their loses may by far greater than they have reported and in the end greater in magnitude than any country it has spread to.
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