U.S. intel concludes China reported fake numbers to conceal true size of coronavirus outbreak

Ok. How, tough guy?
LMAO! Dumb ass here wants to know “how”. :lmao:

Ohhh, I don’t know, the same way Adolf Hitler was removed from power. The same way Benito Mussolini was removed from power. The same way Saddam Hussein was removed from power. The same way Muammar Gaddafi was removed from power.The same way Pol Pot was removed from power.
So, you want to go to war against China because of this virus? That seems to you like the wisest course of action at this time?
Lead the way, tough guy
Don’t worry, pussy. I will.
No, you won’t.
Sensei Snwoflake continues to get lazier and lazier. From five-word argumentative posts to three-word argumentative posts. How long until this tool just starts grunting because typing full sentences is just too much effort for him? :laugh:
How exactly do you imagine yourself "leading the way" in this war, hero?
The left-wing ideology has imposed more mass murder and misery on mankind than everything else combined. It's intolerable that we sit by while the entire planet pays the ultimate price for the communist regime in China. It's time they are removed from power.

The Chinese may be concealing their numbers. Well no shit, Sherlock. That has nothing to do with the fact that the greatest nation in the world never waits for any other country to act before we do. Or the fact that the totally unqualified hack we have sitting in the Oval Office did next to nothing up until March 13th. In case you've been living under a rock, it is the Republican party and the right hand side of the aisle that has been intent on dismantling and gutting government..the very government that could have aided in responding to this crisis..if we didn't have Trump at the top and Mitch running the Senate.

Sorry, this one belongs to the right wing, no matter how much you cry and stamp your feet. Own it.
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What caused corona ? LACK OF HEALTH REGULATIONS.
Incorrect. According to articles they were SUPPOSED to be following level 4 precautions and only utilized level 2 standards.
This virus started IN THE LAB not on a street corner market.
Stop buying the Communist propaganda
What caused corona ? LACK OF HEALTH REGULATIONS.
Incorrect. According to articles they were SUPPOSED to be following level 4 precautions and only utilized level 2 standards.
This virus started IN THE LAB not on a street corner market.
Stop buying the Communist propaganda

No it didn't. Stop spreading unfounded conspiracy theories.
Why You Shouldn't Fall for the COVID-19 'Bioweapon' Conspiracy Theory
No, COVID-19 Coronavirus Was Not Bioengineered. Here’s The Research That Debunks That Idea
In a different era, the US would form an alliance of nations and proceed to blow the shit out of China. Unfortunately that era has passed. The best thing coming out of this global disaster is that China has been unmasked for anyone who cares to see their evil. What we all do about it is anyone's guess. Probably nothing.

Better give all of those American corporations a heads up before you go in guns blazing. They have assets to protect there you know. Then all of those jobs will have to come back here, and God forbid, they will have to be paid.
You seem to have a reading comprehension problem.

In a different era, the US would form an alliance of nations and proceed to blow the shit out of China

My reading comprehension is just fine
In a different era, the US would form an alliance of nations and proceed to blow the shit out of China. Unfortunately that era has passed. The best thing coming out of this global disaster is that China has been unmasked for anyone who cares to see their evil. What we all do about it is anyone's guess. Probably nothing.

Better give all of those American corporations a heads up before you go in guns blazing. They have assets to protect there you know. Then all of those jobs will have to come back here, and God forbid, they will have to be paid.
You seem to have a reading comprehension problem.

In a different era, the US would form an alliance of nations and proceed to blow the shit out of China

My reading comprehension is just fine
What era was that? In what era did we go to war over a virus?
My theory is the OP typed this safely from the confines of his mom’s suburban basement. But with a name like patriot and such an aggressive avatar he may be posting from Afghanistan on his patrol break. Thank you for your service. ;)
The left-wing ideology has imposed more mass murder and misery on mankind than everything else combined. It's intolerable that we sit by while the entire planet pays the ultimate price for the communist regime in China. It's time they are removed from power.

The Chinese may be concealing their numbers. Well no shit, Sherlock. That has nothing to do with the fact that the greatest nation in the world never waits for any other country to act before we do. Or the fact that the totally unqualified hack we have sitting in the Oval Office did next to nothing up until March 13th. In case you've been living under a rock, it is the Republican party and the right hand side of the aisle that has been intent on dismantling and gutting government..the very government that could have aided in responding to this crisis..if we didn't have Trump at the top and Mitch running the Senate.

Sorry, this one belongs to the right wing, no matter how much you cry and stamp your feet. Own it.

Why don't you own the FACT it's our bureaucracies responsible for the delay in action. I posted the links several times in these discussions. Don't worry about Republicans. If you want to straighten out this problem, support eliminating bureaucracies.
What caused corona ? LACK OF HEALTH REGULATIONS. Who’s against regulations? CONSERVATIVES! You guys brag about it . It’s conservative thinking that’s killing us.

HTF did lack of regulations do this? What regulations are you talking about, or are you just making up BS as you go along?
The left-wing ideology has imposed more mass murder and misery on mankind than everything else combined. It's intolerable that we sit by while the entire planet pays the ultimate price for the communist regime in China. It's time they are removed from power.

The Chinese may be concealing their numbers. Well no shit, Sherlock. That has nothing to do with the fact that the greatest nation in the world never waits for any other country to act before we do. Or the fact that the totally unqualified hack we have sitting in the Oval Office did next to nothing up until March 13th. In case you've been living under a rock, it is the Republican party and the right hand side of the aisle that has been intent on dismantling and gutting government..the very government that could have aided in responding to this crisis..if we didn't have Trump at the top and Mitch running the Senate.

Sorry, this one belongs to the right wing, no matter how much you cry and stamp your feet. Own it.

Why don't you own the FACT it's our bureaucracies responsible for the delay in action. I posted the links several times in these discussions. Don't worry about Republicans. If you want to straighten out this problem, support eliminating bureaucracies.

I'm sorry. Again, who's been in charge of those bureaucracies since 2017?
Who has led the almost four decade charge to dismantle and gut these bureaucracies in the name of smaller government?
How's that working out for us right now?

Sounds to me like we need reasonable and educated people manning these bureaucracies making informed decisions based on policy instead of political appointees or zealots making decisions based on their party affiliation.
I can get behind that.

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