U.S., Russia reach agreement on seizure of Syrian chemical weapons arsenal

Give credit where it's due. To Russia. obama folded like a cheap suit. This is obama's agreement that Assad will remain in power.

What did Republican's do? Stopped obama. Made him know that he wasn't getting any kind of authorization and would be facing some serious trouble here.

The world owes President Putin it's gratitude.

If Obama had ordered a strike, he would have done so reluctantly. An outcome that doesn't involve military action is exactly what he was hoping for.

Putin gets credit for coming to the table; but know that he only did so to look out for himself. I just wanted to let you know that, while you're on your knees sucking Putin cock, he's a self-serving tyrant. He's not a good guy. He's not out to help you. You commie-loving skank.

What happened to "Assad must go"? obama never intended a strike. He was being mocked in every corner of the world for his idiotic red line comment a year ago. He was boxed in. Putin saw an opportunity to get obama to agree to have Assad remain in power. He got it. Now little o obama cannot use force to make Assad leave.

It isn't that I like President Putin, even though I do recognize that as bad as he is, he is still a better human being than the pond scum now stinking up our capitol. President Putin is not out to help me, but I know for damn sure that obama is out to destroy me and every other American. At least, the very rock bottom, President Putin did try to help Americans by telling us about the Tsaranev brothers. It was obama and his evil regime that didn't stop them and allowed Boston to be bombed. That alone makes President Putin better than obama.
At first blush the agreement sounds like bs to me. No cease fire? 8 months to complete? Sanctions back on the table? Back to square one with Russia in charge.
Give credit where it's due. To Russia. obama folded like a cheap suit. This is obama's agreement that Assad will remain in power.

What did Republican's do? Stopped obama. Made him know that he wasn't getting any kind of authorization and would be facing some serious trouble here.

The world owes President Putin it's gratitude.

If Obama had ordered a strike, he would have done so reluctantly. An outcome that doesn't involve military action is exactly what he was hoping for.

Putin gets credit for coming to the table; but know that he only did so to look out for himself. I just wanted to let you know that, while you're on your knees sucking Putin cock, he's a self-serving tyrant. He's not a good guy. He's not out to help you. You commie-loving skank.

Putin didn't come up with this diplomatic solution just to "look good". As he put it quite simply Syria is closer to Russia than it is to Washington.

Putin has said all along that he didn't want any chemical weapons falling into the wrong hands.

Considering that the paid terrorists in Syria or as Kerry and Obama say *the rebels* would use WMD's with no hesitation if Assad is toppled from power, Putin is of course concerned that Chechens for example would have access to the Syrian chemical weapons.

This is not a "look good big man on campus" that Putin is trying to pull over on people.

He is protecting Russians and preventing a regional war.
So are we going to stop arming and training the rebels due to this agreement? We still have an unofficial war against Assad.

Sadly not from what I have read.

One thing I can't seem to find in the media though is who are they arming and training?

All we ever read or hear is the rebels or the opposition.

I think we have a right to know.
So are we going to stop arming and training the rebels due to this agreement? We still have unofficial war against Assad.

I doubt it. I just can't quite see the Islamic militants packing up their AKs and heading for home since they haven't achieved their goals yet. Haven't heard anything regarding the Saudis either. I guess people wanna believe that this was all about poison gas.

In 1997, the United States signed and ratified a Treaty at the Chemical Weapons Convention that bound us to destroy our Chemical Weapons.

United States and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That was 16 years ago. As of this date, we are less than 90% finished. Meaning we still have around 3,000 Metric TONNES of Chemical Weapons.

It's not from lack of trying. We are the most advanced Country on Earth and we STILL can't get the job done on a timely basis.

I'm glad that the Stuttering Clusterfuck isn't going to hit Syria. Knowing him, he would have fucked it up.

But all this does is prove to everybody in the Mid East that the word of America doesn't mean anything anymore.

Countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Iraq, etc are going to start to look to make deals with Countries who DO keep their word to protect their Allies.

It's pretty goddam obvious that American won't. Thanks to obama.

Had the Stuttering Clusterfuck done something two years ago, this was a salvageable situation but Hitlery and their brand of 'Smart Diplomacy' and the 'Russian Reset' got in the way.

They dithered. They voted 'present'.

Sort of. What REALLY got in the way was the election. And that is the main reason I despise dimocraps.

They put their quest for political power above everything. And anything. NOTHING gets in the way of them and their unquenchable thirst for absolute power. Nothing.

Not even the Country.

obama has stabbed another "ally" in the back and the world will not soon forget it.
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Give credit where it's due. To Russia. obama folded like a cheap suit. This is obama's agreement that Assad will remain in power.

What did Republican's do? Stopped obama. Made him know that he wasn't getting any kind of authorization and would be facing some serious trouble here.

The world owes President Putin it's gratitude.

If Obama had ordered a strike, he would have done so reluctantly. An outcome that doesn't involve military action is exactly what he was hoping for.

Putin gets credit for coming to the table; but know that he only did so to look out for himself. I just wanted to let you know that, while you're on your knees sucking Putin cock, he's a self-serving tyrant. He's not a good guy. He's not out to help you. You commie-loving skank.

Putin didn't come up with this diplomatic solution just to "look good". As he put it quite simply Syria is closer to Russia than it is to Washington.

Putin has said all along that he didn't want any chemical weapons falling into the wrong hands.

Considering that the paid terrorists in Syria or as Kerry and Obama say *the rebels* would use WMD's with no hesitation if Assad is toppled from power, Putin is of course concerned that Chechens for example would have access to the Syrian chemical weapons.

This is not a "look good big man on campus" that Putin is trying to pull over on people.

He is protecting Russians and preventing a regional war.

It's amazing what common sense will do. ;)
At first blush the agreement sounds like bs to me. No cease fire? 8 months to complete? Sanctions back on the table? Back to square one with Russia in charge.

8 months! It's not going to happen. This would be difficult in the best of times, in the middle of the civil war, HAH! There will be delays and extensions.

Of course there wouldn't be a cease fire. obama couldn't agree to a cease fire because he's not in control of the rebels. They aren't under his command. If they were, Assad would have wiped them up by now.

Did obama agree to stop arming the rebels? That was one of Russia's demands. What happened with that?
Thank goodness we had the Republicans demanding that Obama and his war hawk actions were reined in. Now more children actually will not die because of American bombing.

U.S., Russia reach agreement on seizure of Syrian chemical weapons arsenal

Yeah, thank goodness for the Republicans :lol: What did Republicans do? Absolutely nothing.

This was an agreement between the Obama administration and Russia. Give credit where it's due.

Yes. Thank you President Putin for finding a diplomatic solution to save the lives of innocent Syrian civilians.

Let's just remember that Putin didn't do this out of the goodness of his black heart.

He saw a weakness, he saw an opportunity, and he jumped all over it. Thanks to us.

He doesn't give one tiny little flying fuck about Syrian civilians. This is about geo-political advantage.

So are we going to stop arming and training the rebels due to this agreement? We still have an unofficial war against Assad.

Sadly not from what I have read.

One thing I can't seem to find in the media though is who are they arming and training?

All we ever read or hear is the rebels or the opposition.

I think we have a right to know.

I suspect they are just feeding us pap.
[rubs crystal ball]....I see....I see...delays...I see token weapons turned over...I see UN Inspectors shuffled around all over the place....I see Assad refusing this and that....I see 1 year from now...Assad still in power...100,000's more dead...Iran further controls Iraq and Syria...wait...[rubs more]...I see Putin laughing his ass off...
Yeah, thank goodness for the Republicans :lol: What did Republicans do? Absolutely nothing.

This was an agreement between the Obama administration and Russia. Give credit where it's due.

Yes. Thank you President Putin for finding a diplomatic solution to save the lives of innocent Syrian civilians.

Let's just remember that Putin didn't do this out of the goodness of his black heart.

He saw a weakness, he saw an opportunity, and he jumped all over it. Thanks to us.

He doesn't give one tiny little flying fuck about Syrian civilians. This is about geo-political advantage.


Since we have shown no concern for human life in the Middle East, it should be, at least, considered that Putin had genuine humanitarian motives. Since no one is going anywhere there, Putin can always fall back to his normal mode, and Obama can resume his policy also.
Yes. Thank you President Putin for finding a diplomatic solution to save the lives of innocent Syrian civilians.

Let's just remember that Putin didn't do this out of the goodness of his black heart.

He saw a weakness, he saw an opportunity, and he jumped all over it. Thanks to us.

He doesn't give one tiny little flying fuck about Syrian civilians. This is about geo-political advantage.


Since we have shown no concern for human life in the Middle East, it should be, at least, considered that Putin had genuine humanitarian motives. Since no one is going anywhere there, Putin can always fall back to his normal mode, and Obama can resume his policy also.

That's a fair point. Considering our history there, it's probably not right for me to point out the lack of concern for human life demonstrated by ol' Vlad.


Yes. Thank you President Putin for finding a diplomatic solution to save the lives of innocent Syrian civilians.

Let's just remember that Putin didn't do this out of the goodness of his black heart.

He saw a weakness, he saw an opportunity, and he jumped all over it. Thanks to us.

He doesn't give one tiny little flying fuck about Syrian civilians. This is about geo-political advantage.


Since we have shown no concern for human life in the Middle East, it should be, at least, considered that Putin had genuine humanitarian motives. Since no one is going anywhere there, Putin can always fall back to his normal mode, and Obama can resume his policy also.

obama's policy is tormenting Americans.
It does not matter who is in the White House, what matters is the outcome. There were many many lives spared by the actions of both the US and Russia. To me this is what counts. Still the US is holding a hammer over the head of the Syrian government should they not comply.

"Kerry, at a press conference with Lavrov, said that under the agreement, U.N. weapons inspectors must be on the ground in Syria no later than November. The goal, he said, is the complete destruction of Syria's chemical weapons by the middle of 2014.

Kerry and Lavrov said that if Syria does not comply with the agreement, which must be finalized by the Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons, it would face consequences under Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter, the part that covers sanctions and military action.

Kerry said there was no agreement on what those measures would be. U.S. President Barack Obama, he said, reserves the right to use military force in Syria."

U.S., Russia agree to deal on Syria chemical weapons | Reuters
Neither Obama nor any future U.S. President has a right to use military force in Syria or any other country unless there is an imminent threat to the United States. I would agree that use (even the known possession) of chemical weapons constitutes a threat to all nations and should be dealt with...but a civil war where both sides use conventional weapons is not in itself a threat worthy of military intervention. Providing humanitarian aid or supplying either side with arms, munitions or intelligence are not the same as using our own forces to do the fighting.
Yeah, thank goodness for the Republicans :lol: What did Republicans do? Absolutely nothing.

This was an agreement between the Obama administration and Russia. Give credit where it's due.

Yes. Thank you President Putin for finding a diplomatic solution to save the lives of innocent Syrian civilians.

Let's just remember that Putin didn't do this out of the goodness of his black heart.

He saw a weakness, he saw an opportunity, and he jumped all over it. Thanks to us.

He doesn't give one tiny little flying fuck about Syrian civilians. This is about geo-political advantage.


With all due respect, I beg to differ. I find Putin's reasons compelling.

If Obama weakened Assad's military strength to the point that they could not guard and protect the chemical weapons locations and these vicious terrorists got hold of these WMDs, it would pose a very grave threat to Russia.

The Chechens would be in like flint to use these weapons on the Russian populace. They are animals. Remember Beslan? They built that school with bombs in it to kill children.

And many Russians live in Syria. He has to protect them as well.

So I do believe this is very personal to President Putin.
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Not since Jimmy Carter has a rogue nation sat at the head of the table in negotiations.
The Obama administrations is leading by following. We are not the ones in control here.
"Assad must comply or America will seek a UN resolution to use military force"...in no time in American history has such an empty threat been issued. You might as well have said "If he doesn't comply...nothing will happen". On second thought, there was a weaker statement made in American History..."it will be an unbelievably small attack"....folks...who is the fool here who will defend such embarrassing nonsense?
America has taken a backseat.
Yes. Thank you President Putin for finding a diplomatic solution to save the lives of innocent Syrian civilians.

Let's just remember that Putin didn't do this out of the goodness of his black heart.

He saw a weakness, he saw an opportunity, and he jumped all over it. Thanks to us.

He doesn't give one tiny little flying fuck about Syrian civilians. This is about geo-political advantage.


With all due respect, I beg to differ. I find Putin's reasons compelling.

If Obama weakened Assad's military strength to the point that they could not guard and protect the chemical weapons locations and these vicious terrorists got hold of these WMDs, it would pose a very grave threat to Russia.

The Chechens would be in like flint to use these weapons on the Russian populace. They are animals. Remember Beslan? They built that school with bombs in it to kill children.

And many Russians live in Syria. He has to protect them as well.

So I do believe this is very personal to President Putin.

I don't know that we're really in disagreement. Vlad will always act in Russia's best interest with zero concern about whether he is "liked" by the rest of the world, so your point about the Chechens is certainly sound. So, by extension, he has to protect the murderous Assad for the reasons you provide.

He sure as hell has to protect the administration, but do you think he cares if some Syrian citizens are gassed?


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