U.S., Russia reach agreement on seizure of Syrian chemical weapons arsenal

At first blush the agreement sounds like bs to me. No cease fire? 8 months to complete? Sanctions back on the table? Back to square one with Russia in charge.

8 months! It's not going to happen. This would be difficult in the best of times, in the middle of the civil war, HAH! There will be delays and extensions.

Of course there wouldn't be a cease fire. obama couldn't agree to a cease fire because he's not in control of the rebels. They aren't under his command. If they were, Assad would have wiped them up by now.

Did obama agree to stop arming the rebels? That was one of Russia's demands. What happened with that?
Weak dick should have demanded a cease fire.
Let's just remember that Putin didn't do this out of the goodness of his black heart.

He saw a weakness, he saw an opportunity, and he jumped all over it. Thanks to us.

He doesn't give one tiny little flying fuck about Syrian civilians. This is about geo-political advantage.


With all due respect, I beg to differ. I find Putin's reasons compelling.

If Obama weakened Assad's military strength to the point that they could not guard and protect the chemical weapons locations and these vicious terrorists got hold of these WMDs, it would pose a very grave threat to Russia.

The Chechens would be in like flint to use these weapons on the Russian populace. They are animals. Remember Beslan? They built that school with bombs in it to kill children.

And many Russians live in Syria. He has to protect them as well.

So I do believe this is very personal to President Putin.

I don't know that we're really in disagreement. Vlad will always act in Russia's best interest with zero concern about whether he is "liked" by the rest of the world, so your point about the Chechens is certainly sound. So, by extension, he has to protect the murderous Assad for the reasons you provide.


Not sure that can be said about Obama and America.
Did the U.S. make known today that it actually promised not to attack Syria, as Putin had demanded?

"Options remain on the table...but there will be bumps in the road...we have made progress but there is still along way to go...we re working with our allies in the region...Assad must go but not now, maybe later.... As I said all options are on the table...."
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Kerry is a FRAUD....the russians will de-ABC Assad because it's in their own interests to do so lest another unauthorized attack will get his ass carpet-bombed. Should that glorious event occur, russians will die, Putin will have to retaliate by sinking a US ship which in turn will get a russian vessel sunk. He will blink....for all his bluster and NYTimes op-eds, Putin will not start WW3
Thank goodness we had the Republicans demanding that Obama and his war hawk actions were reined in. Now more children actually will not die because of American bombing.

U.S., Russia reach agreement on seizure of Syrian chemical weapons arsenal

I am cautiously optimistic, but this is still good news. Thank God a statesman like Putin was involved. If not, Obama would probably already be dropping bombs on innocent Syrians to try to save his tattered reputation. It is always solely about Obama and his ego.
Thank goodness we had the Republicans demanding that Obama and his war hawk actions were reined in. Now more children actually will not die because of American bombing.

U.S., Russia reach agreement on seizure of Syrian chemical weapons arsenal

Yeah, thank goodness for the Republicans :lol: What did Republicans do? Absolutely nothing.

This was an agreement between the Obama administration and Russia. Give credit where it's due.

Yer a fucking genius. Anybody ever tell you that?

The Executive Branch is SOLELY responsible for Foreign Policy. ONLY the Executive Branch can conduct Foreign Policy. I believe it is ILLEGAL for any other Branch to even ATTEMPT to conduct Foreign Policy unless directed to do so by the Executive.

You know, like the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Ambassador to the UN.....

Congress has no power to conduct Foreign Policy. None.


Please don't bore me with the "Advise and Consent Clause" to the Constitution..

THINK then post

RIght. The executive branch -- as in, the Obama administration. Not Congressional Republicans. Like I said. Thanks, champ :thup:
Give credit where it's due. To Russia. obama folded like a cheap suit. This is obama's agreement that Assad will remain in power.

What did Republican's do? Stopped obama. Made him know that he wasn't getting any kind of authorization and would be facing some serious trouble here.

The world owes President Putin it's gratitude.

If Obama had ordered a strike, he would have done so reluctantly. An outcome that doesn't involve military action is exactly what he was hoping for.

Putin gets credit for coming to the table; but know that he only did so to look out for himself. I just wanted to let you know that, while you're on your knees sucking Putin cock, he's a self-serving tyrant. He's not a good guy. He's not out to help you. You commie-loving skank.

Putin didn't come up with this diplomatic solution just to "look good". As he put it quite simply Syria is closer to Russia than it is to Washington.

Putin has said all along that he didn't want any chemical weapons falling into the wrong hands.

Considering that the paid terrorists in Syria or as Kerry and Obama say *the rebels* would use WMD's with no hesitation if Assad is toppled from power, Putin is of course concerned that Chechens for example would have access to the Syrian chemical weapons.

This is not a "look good big man on campus" that Putin is trying to pull over on people.

He is protecting Russians and preventing a regional war.

I didn't say that he would 'look good', I said he's 'looking out for himself', as in Russia.
Thank goodness we had the Republicans demanding that Obama and his war hawk actions were reined in. Now more children actually will not die because of American bombing.

U.S., Russia reach agreement on seizure of Syrian chemical weapons arsenal

Yeah, thank goodness for the Republicans :lol: What did Republicans do? Absolutely nothing.

This was an agreement between the Obama administration and Russia. Give credit where it's due.

Only congress has the right to declare war. Obama and his minions may attend all the tea parties they wish, but they cannot conduct war.

Yer a fucking genius. Anybody ever tell you that?

The Executive Branch is SOLELY responsible for Foreign Policy. ONLY the Executive Branch can conduct Foreign Policy. I believe it is ILLEGAL for any other Branch to even ATTEMPT to conduct Foreign Policy unless directed to do so by the Executive.

You know, like the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Ambassador to the UN.....

Congress has no power to conduct Foreign Policy. None.


Please don't bore me with the "Advise and Consent Clause" to the Constitution..

THINK then post

Only congress has the right to declare war. Obama and his minions may attend all the tea parties they wish, but they cannot conduct war. The President may order our troops into action in a limited way if we are attacked , but otherwise he is bound by law to get permission from congress before going to war.

He should be impeached if he does otherwise. The military is not compelled to obey unlawful orders.

Pres. Obama took a strong stand against the Syrians' use of chemical weapons.


Syria is surrendering it's chemical weapons and signing the Chemical Weapons Convention.

That's all there is to it!

Pres. Obama took a strong stand against the Syrians' use of chemical weapons.


Syria is surrendering it's chemical weapons and signing the Chemical Weapons Convention.

That's all there is to it!

Then what in God's name are we doing arming and training Islamic militants ?
There is a lot more to it...

Pres. Obama took a strong stand against the Syrians' use of chemical weapons.


Syria is surrendering it's chemical weapons and signing the Chemical Weapons Convention.

That's all there is to it!

So Putin had nothing to do with it.

Just an innocent bystander.

Wow. Just, wow.

More proof that partisan ideology warps reality.


Pres. Obama took a strong stand against the Syrians' use of chemical weapons.


Syria is surrendering it's chemical weapons and signing the Chemical Weapons Convention.

That's all there is to it!

So Putin had nothing to do with it.

Just an innocent bystander.

Wow. Just, wow.

More proof that partisan ideology warps reality.


Putin could have stood up to Obama in defense of Russia's old pal Assad. Putin didn't.

That's why Obama won. By device or accident, Obama won.

Pres. Obama took a strong stand against the Syrians' use of chemical weapons.


Syria is surrendering it's chemical weapons and signing the Chemical Weapons Convention.

That's all there is to it!

So Putin had nothing to do with it.

Just an innocent bystander.

Wow. Just, wow.

More proof that partisan ideology warps reality.


Putin could have stood up to Obama in defense of Russia's old pal Assad. Putin didn't.

That's why Obama won. By device or accident, Obama won.

Repeat that a hundred more times and you might believe it.
Assad is still there and Russia is still helping him defend himself.
So Putin had nothing to do with it.

Just an innocent bystander.

Wow. Just, wow.

More proof that partisan ideology warps reality.


Putin could have stood up to Obama in defense of Russia's old pal Assad. Putin didn't.

That's why Obama won. By device or accident, Obama won.

Repeat that a hundred more times and you might believe it.
Assad is still there and Russia is still helping him defend himself.

There is no human being on Earth as ignorant and stupid and blind as an American dimocrap defending their blow-up-doll, pretend, Made-For-TV, Hollywood Affirmative Action president..

Obama's Blundering Lets Putin Humiliate America, In Word And In Deed - Investors.com

MAX HASTINGS: The humiliation of Obama as Putin swaggers on his Moscow dunghill | Mail Online

Putin schools Obama | Power Line

Putin slaps down Obama, again

Hundreds more like it.

Just Google, "obama combined with, stupid, idiotic, humiliated, moronic, butt-fucked by Putin, made a fool of by Putin"

Or any other insulting and derogatory words and adjectives defining the Stuttering Clusterfuck and you'll find HUNDREDS of articles on that subject.... That Putin took obama's pants down and spanked him in front of the World.

And now, obama has to sit on his sore ass and cry like the little bitch he is because.... Well, because that's all he knows how to do when confronted by a REAL Man.

Just like dimocraps everywhere. They're tough as nails until they're confronted by Real Men.

Of course, you can always count on them to fight to the last Conservative, however.

I hate dimocraps.

You guys can't do anything right.
Well this is certainly something. Obama wanted war so badly, then it turns out there was a nonviolent solution after all. Who woulda thunk it? Obama is a rank embarrassment to this country, being outplayed and outmaneuvered by a Russian president.
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Pres. Obama took a strong stand against the Syrians' use of chemical weapons.


Syria is surrendering it's chemical weapons and signing the Chemical Weapons Convention.

That's all there is to it!

So Putin had nothing to do with it.

Just an innocent bystander.

Wow. Just, wow.

More proof that partisan ideology warps reality.


Putin could have stood up to Obama in defense of Russia's old pal Assad. Putin didn't.

That's why Obama won. By device or accident, Obama won.

He didn't win anything. Assad only reacted after Putin proposed this deal they are now agreeing to. Or did you forget that? Funny how Assad only responded to Putin and not Obama.
Congressman recalls drunken arm-wrestling match with Putin

More at the Link:

But here's the end result,

“We were having a little bit too much to drink, I guess. But anyways, we started arguing about who won the Cold War, etc. And so we decided to settle it like men do when they’ve had too much to drink in the pub. And so we got down to these arm wrestling matches. And I ended up being paired up with Putin. And he’s a little guy, but boy I tell you, he put me down in a millisecond. He is tough. … His muscles are just unbelievable.”

“He’s a tough guy, and he’s supposed to be a tough guy. That’s what the Russian people want. But that’s not a reason we shouldn’t try to work with him.”

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