U.S. Southern Command announced the beginning of Air Exercises in Guyana’s Airspace today


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021

Looks like Commies are back on the menu, boys!

Can’t get Congress to fund Lil’ Z so it’s on to the next “crisis” as world police.

Tater is going to Monroe Doctrine the shit out of them. ;)

Tater is going to Monroe Doctrine the shit out of them. ;)

You're using it wrong.

"The Monroe Doctrine is a United States foreign policy position that opposes European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere.. . "

It has nothing to do with bullying our local neighbors and manipulating or forcing our wishes on Latin American local politics.

It has to do with keeping Old World powers out of the New World.

. . . an appropriate use of the Monroe Doctrine would be to invade Great Britain since they continually use their spy agencies in conjunction with Canada, to try to influence our international politics and foreign policy. And b/c they are tied at the hip with Canada.

. . I mean hell, look at this, this is Canada's currency, they don't even try to hide this bullshit. They put the British queen right on that shit. They are begging us to invoke the Monroe Doctrine and invade! :rock:

You're using it wrong.

"The Monroe Doctrine is a United States foreign policy position that opposes European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere.. . "

It has nothing to do with bullying our local neighbors and manipulating or forcing our wishes on Latin American local politics.

It has to do with keeping Old World powers out of the New World.

. . . an appropriate use of the Monroe Doctrine would be to invade Great Britain since they continually use their spy agencies in conjunction with Canada, to try to influence our international politics and foreign policy. And b/c they are tied at the hip with Canada.

. . I mean hell, look at this, this is Canada's currency, they don't even try to hide this bullshit. They put the British queen right on that shit. They are begging us to invoke the Monroe Doctrine and invade! :rock:

They have a imported ideology. Russia, China, Nork, take your pick.....Or at least that is what the warmonger dems and their gop neocon butt-buddies will say. ;)
Ah, so if Biden backs Guyana, you are against Guyana, right?
When was the last time you gave Guyana anything but a passing thought?.....Perhaps just when you wanted some more dem Kool-Aid? :laughing0301:

When was the last time you gave Guyana anything but a passing thought?.....Perhaps just when you wanted some more dem Kool-Aid?

I don't care one way or the other, but you guys are always looking for problems to blame on Biden.

Yes, Biden is personally responsible for this dispute that has been going on since 1899.
I am against us getting involved.

As am I.

But what are our alternatives?

1) Do nothing, let Venezuela annex about 2/3rd of Guyana, and set a precedent that it's okay to violate the sovereignty of other nations.

2) Wait until after the invasion starts, try to put together an international coalition, and hope to drive them back. (In the process, we make Maderos a national hero, like we did with Saddam.

3) Before the invasion starts, put enough force in theater to make Maderos think twice about invading.

Sorry, Option 3 actually sounds the best.
Here's the thing. The disputed area has a population density of less than 1 person per square kilometer. There's no roads, no infrastructure, if you want to move goods from Venezuela to Guyana, you have to take a road going through Brazil.

Venezuela isn't even interested in the territory, they are interested in the off-shore oil rights.
When was the last time you gave Guyana anything but a passing thought?.....Perhaps just when you wanted some more dem Kool-Aid? :laughing0301:


Curious coincidence here. I’m sure it is just a coincidence. However. You oppose assisting Ukraine. Ukraine which has been invaded by Putin and the Russians. You oppose assisting Guyana which is facing an invasion by Venezuela. Venezuela which is supported and assisted by Putin and the Russians.

I say it is a coincidence because I can’t imagine any American being that obviously in favor of the opposition that way.

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