U.S. Will Lose 'All Credibility' If Congress Rejects Nuclear Deal, Kerry Says


Gold Member
May 28, 2012
President Obama appears to be miles ahead of republicans.

U.S. Will Lose All Credibility If Congress Rejects Nuclear Deal Kerry Says The Two-Way NPR

Just after hosting Cuba's foreign minister at the State Department, Secretary of State John Kerry sat down with NPR Morning Edition host Steve Inskeep to discuss the restoration of diplomatic relations with that country, as well as the status of a nuclear deal with Iran.

Kerry defended the Obama administration's stance on both countries, and said if diplomatic relations with Cuba or a nuclear deal with Iran were scuttled — either by a future president or Congress — it would hurt the U.S.
America will lose all credibility if Congress does NOT reject the cash windfall/trade deal for Russia and China - yuo call a "nuclear deal".
As much as I hate to admit it, the US already lost it's credibility. We can't even be honest, respectful, or fair with our /own/ people. Foreigners are looking at us and shaking their heads.
As much as I hate to admit it, the US already lost it's credibility. We can't even be honest, respectful, or fair with our /own/ people. Foreigners are looking at us and shaking their heads.

On the contrary - Putin and JinPing have big smiles on their face.
...and the rest are tight lipped to hold back laughter so as not to be rude >.<

Sadly, just when I think we've hit rock bottom, someone finds something else and we're gloved up for another round. I've almost come to believe that the majority of American's are not happy unless they have someone to hate. Perhaps it is the "wronging of another" that makes /their/ lives somehow seem better?
If Congress rejects the deal and the Useless Nitwits object, Congress should cut off their funding...

Being reduced to renting offices in the hood will help Obozo's diversity program.
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  • First off, like most Americans I'm inclined to want to go along with President Obama's "nuke deal" with Iran. Second, I believe it's long past time for these here united states to quit on filtering our entire middle east policy through Israel. We are in fact a sovereign state.

Polls show most Americans are leery of the deal. Are you making an intentional effort to lie, or is it just inherent in a Liberal's DNA??????
As much as I hate to admit it, the US already lost it's credibility. We can't even be honest, respectful, or fair with our /own/ people. Foreigners are looking at us and shaking their heads.
Let's put the blame where it belongs. The Obama Regime lost credibility, not the U.S. Not America. Going to the UN in an end run around our Constitution is a dirty trick. There hadn't be anything our Congress can do to undue the shit. We do not bow to international law. Not when we are the leaders of the free world doing all the heavy lifting.
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As much as I hate to admit it, the US already lost it's credibility. We can't even be honest, respectful, or fair with our /own/ people. Foreigners are looking at us and shaking their heads.
Let's put the blame where it belongs. The Obama Regime lost credibility, not the U.S. Not America. Going to the UN in an end run around our Constitution is a dirty trick. There hadn't be anything our Congress cant do to undue the shit. We do not bow to international law. Not when we are the leaders of the free world doing all the heavy lifting.
Kick the UN out of New York and cut off their funding.

All they are is a Muslim support group anyway.
Unfortunately, I was not speaking of merely this deal. Our entire presentation as a national culture is, quite frankly, disgusting on nearly every level. Even when we do something that might gain us a global nod of respect, it is seriously downplayed heavily by the loud, obsessive, and petty in-fighting that exhibits to the entire world that we can't even agree to share our own bed with each other, much less could we be a reasonable, reliable, and stable voice for the entire world. Of course they're losing respect for us, we don't respect American's, why the hell should they?

And yea, iamwhatiseem, that is the universal solution of the US - "throw money at it." If only it worked.

Though agreeably, helping others /is/ good, so I suppose that is at least one thing. I merely find myself disheartened, again, by the hatred and hostility of America. {edit: plus I'm tired... heh ~g'night~}
Maybe it's the endless wars we pimp out on to the world that hurts our reputation so much.
This deal, according to Iran itself, has ruined our credibility:


A senior Iranian cleric delivered Friday prayers in Tehran while standing behind a podium that declared, “We Will Trample Upon America,” according to photos released by Iran’s state-controlled media.

Iranian cleric Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Movahedi Kermani, who was handpicked by the Islamic Republic’s supreme leader to deliver the prayers, delivered a message of hostility toward the United States in the first official remarks since a final nuclear deal was signed between Iran and world powers in Vienna last week.

A Persian-language message on the podium declared, “We will trample upon America” while the English phrase “We Defeat the United States” can be seen underneath.

“The slogans of the Iranian nation on Al-Quds Day show what [Iran's] position is,” said the Middle East Media Research Institute. “The slogans ‘Death to Israel’ and ‘Death to America’ have resounded throughout the country, and are not limited to Tehran and the other large cities. The entire country is under the umbrella of this great movement [of 'Death to America'].”

“The U.S. officials make boastful remarks and imagine that they can impose anything on the Iranian nation because they lack a proper knowledge of the Iranian nation,” he was quoted as saying.

Dehqan went on to claim that Americans must “realize that they are not the world’s super power and no one recognizes them as such any longer.”

Michael Rubin, a former Pentagon adviser and expert on rogue regimes, said that the official remarks by Iranian officials and clerics are meant to mock the Obama administration.

Supreme Leader Ali “Khamenei is toying with Obama right now, humiliating him, but Obama is too self-absorbed to realize it,” Rubin said. “The best analogy to this would be if Roosevelt made peace with Hirohito who gave a speech under the banner ‘We will bomb Pearl Harbor anyway.’”

“There’s a reason why Obama doesn’t want Congress to see the agreement,” Rubin added. “That is because to examine the agreement is to recognize that it’s more an unconditional surrender than an arms control agreement.”

Iran We Will Trample Upon America Washington Free Beacon

Obama's mission as president was to destroy America's credibility in the world.......Mission Accomplished.

Now you know why Rush said "I hope he fails."

Polls show most Americans are leery of the deal. Are you making an intentional effort to lie, or is it just inherent in a Liberal's DNA??????

You're full of shit as usual. Do you have anymore off topic questions?
President Obama appears to be miles ahead of republicans.

U.S. Will Lose All Credibility If Congress Rejects Nuclear Deal Kerry Says The Two-Way NPR

Just after hosting Cuba's foreign minister at the State Department, Secretary of State John Kerry sat down with NPR Morning Edition host Steve Inskeep to discuss the restoration of diplomatic relations with that country, as well as the status of a nuclear deal with Iran.

Kerry defended the Obama administration's stance on both countries, and said if diplomatic relations with Cuba or a nuclear deal with Iran were scuttled — either by a future president or Congress — it would hurt the U.S.

Since when does Obama give a damn about Congress? Did he want their input before he made this deal? No.

So why should Congress give a damn about him and what he thinks?

Obama good, Congress bad? Give me a freaking break!

Congress should just look into the camera with an evil grin and say, "Iran, if you like your nuke deal you can keep your nuke deal." LOL

Yea, the US government has a good track record when it comes to keeping deals. Just ask the American Indians.
President Obama appears to be miles ahead of republicans.

U.S. Will Lose All Credibility If Congress Rejects Nuclear Deal Kerry Says The Two-Way NPR

Just after hosting Cuba's foreign minister at the State Department, Secretary of State John Kerry sat down with NPR Morning Edition host Steve Inskeep to discuss the restoration of diplomatic relations with that country, as well as the status of a nuclear deal with Iran.

Kerry defended the Obama administration's stance on both countries, and said if diplomatic relations with Cuba or a nuclear deal with Iran were scuttled — either by a future president or Congress — it would hurt the U.S.

Since when does Obama give a damn about Congress? Did he want their input before he made this deal? No.

So why should Congress give a damn about him and what he thinks?

Obama good, Congress bad? Give me a freaking break!

Congress should just look into the camera with an evil grin and say, "Iran, if you like your nuke deal you can keep your nuke deal." LOL

How's that for credibility?

There's enough American support for this nuke deal that congress will have no choice but to go along with it

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