
Really just wanted to post this to illustrate something..

Amazing! It actually posted a photo without a scrotum in it!
I saw a couple of graphics showing a Marine holding an umbrella for Obama. And then there was Palin's comment.

It's a seriously silly issue. Along with the rest of the silly issues you folks seem to latch on too.

Unless you too think this is silly.

Then grats.

I think arguing about umbrellas is idiotic. I think you're an idiot for jumping into such a trivial debate. What a moron you are Sallow. There is so much more in this universe, you know, like the fate of our republic?


It's you folks that are bringing it up.

You've made it seem that President Obama, yet again, is doing something "different'.

When, in fact, he is not.

Do you see me wasting my time arguing about umbrellas? In fact I think this is overtly trivial! And who exactly are "you folks"? I am not a Republican. (Shocking but true) I am a Conservative Libertarian. Therefore I am not responsible for "bringing it up".

So stfu Sallow. You witless tool.
Who cares about umbrellas?

I saw a couple of graphics showing a Marine holding an umbrella for Obama. And then there was Palin's comment.

It's a seriously silly issue. Along with the rest of the silly issues you folks seem to latch on too.

Unless you too think this is silly.

Then grats.

I think arguing about umbrellas is idiotic. I think you're an idiot for jumping into such a trivial debate. What a moron you are Sallow. There is so much more in this universe, you know, like the fate of our republic?

It's almost as the GOP's war against Obama has caused the government to come to a grinding halt. Nothing is getting done (at least positive) while the GOP constantly (on a daily basis) tries to find reasons to attack Obama. I mean, I don't like the guy much, but I hardly think he is the ONLY person to blame for our shortcomings. The partisan war is seriously crippling this country, and it will be our downfall. We are going to have to put aside our differences, and decide to work together, for the benefit of our entire country. A house divided cannot stand.
Who cares about umbrellas?

I saw a couple of graphics showing a Marine holding an umbrella for Obama. And then there was Palin's comment.

It's a seriously silly issue. Along with the rest of the silly issues you folks seem to latch on too.

Unless you too think this is silly.

Then grats.

I think arguing about umbrellas is idiotic. I think you're an idiot for jumping into such a trivial debate. What a moron you are Sallow. There is so much more in this universe, you know, like the fate of our republic?


Perhaps you could try to communicate that to your fellow rightists who feel otherwise.

Not that they’d listen, of course.
I saw a couple of graphics showing a Marine holding an umbrella for Obama. And then there was Palin's comment.

It's a seriously silly issue. Along with the rest of the silly issues you folks seem to latch on too.

Unless you too think this is silly.

Then grats.

I think arguing about umbrellas is idiotic. I think you're an idiot for jumping into such a trivial debate. What a moron you are Sallow. There is so much more in this universe, you know, like the fate of our republic?


Perhaps you could try to communicate that to your fellow rightists who feel otherwise.

Not that they’d listen, of course.

It would be easier if so many liberals here were not starting threads about it!!

Oh, I’m sorry. Was I not supposed to point out the fact that even though Palin (I believe) started this idiocy; it seems to be the liberals that just cannot shut up about it.
I saw a couple of graphics showing a Marine holding an umbrella for Obama. And then there was Palin's comment.

It's a seriously silly issue. Along with the rest of the silly issues you folks seem to latch on too.

Unless you too think this is silly.

Then grats.

I think arguing about umbrellas is idiotic. I think you're an idiot for jumping into such a trivial debate. What a moron you are Sallow. There is so much more in this universe, you know, like the fate of our republic?


Perhaps you could try to communicate that to your fellow rightists who feel otherwise.

Not that they’d listen, of course.

It is not my place to tell them what to think and not think. They are grownups just as I am. What part of "Libertarian" didn't sink in to that thick skull of yours, Clayton?

"Rightists." I belong to neither party. Do not associate me as Republican nor Democrat.
I saw a couple of graphics showing a Marine holding an umbrella for Obama. And then there was Palin's comment.

It's a seriously silly issue. Along with the rest of the silly issues you folks seem to latch on too.

Unless you too think this is silly.

Then grats.

I think arguing about umbrellas is idiotic. I think you're an idiot for jumping into such a trivial debate. What a moron you are Sallow. There is so much more in this universe, you know, like the fate of our republic?

It's almost as the GOP's war against Obama has caused the government to come to a grinding halt. Nothing is getting done (at least positive) while the GOP constantly (on a daily basis) tries to find reasons to attack Obama. I mean, I don't like the guy much, but I hardly think he is the ONLY person to blame for our shortcomings. The partisan war is seriously crippling this country, and it will be our downfall. We are going to have to put aside our differences, and decide to work together, for the benefit of our entire country. A house divided cannot stand.

No. Obstruction from Democrats has caused such. What meaningful legislation have the Democrats passed in the last 7 years? Other than Obamacare, absolutely zilch. No spending regulations, no budgets up until a month or so ago, no jobs bills, no nothing.

This partisan crap gets old. Real fast. Democrats cannot absolve themselves of any responsibility either.
What was REALLY silly, almost to the point of ravingly stupid, is the fact that the press conference was held outside.

Was/is there no suitable room in the White House?
Small minds focus on small things, folks.

Like this Marine holding an umbrella trivia.
What was REALLY silly, almost to the point of ravingly stupid, is the fact that the press conference was held outside.

Was/is there no suitable room in the White House?

LOL. Good point.

You'd think they'd check a weather report when planning events with a prime minister.
What was REALLY silly, almost to the point of ravingly stupid, is the fact that the press conference was held outside.

Was/is there no suitable room in the White House?

Now that is a valid criticism; 300,000 government employees, one couldn't set up a room and some chairs inside the White House? We had a ribbon cutting for one of our new ACC's the other day; I was part of the team that organized it. We had a plan for alternate weather. The Feds couldn't do it?
Marines DID NOT enlist to hold an umbrella for a fucking man-child.

Well, sounds like your beef is with the Marine Corp.. because they have ALWAYS shielded Presidents from the rain. This is nothing new.. either get over it, or start a petition to change the fact that our military looks out for the Commander-in-Chief..
Only to your mind.


There really is no point.

You folks had no trouble with the Military holding umbrellas for other Presidents.


So all of a sudden you liberals care about the military? I can't help but laugh at you. Umbrellas are for wimps. Obama has his BS shield to protect him.

Since when have we NOT cared about the military? Especially since many of us SERVED in the military?
I think arguing about umbrellas is idiotic. I think you're an idiot for jumping into such a trivial debate. What a moron you are Sallow. There is so much more in this universe, you know, like the fate of our republic?


Perhaps you could try to communicate that to your fellow rightists who feel otherwise.

Not that they’d listen, of course.

It would be easier if so many liberals here were not starting threads about it!!

Oh, I’m sorry. Was I not supposed to point out the fact that even though Palin (I believe) started this idiocy; it seems to be the liberals that just cannot shut up about it.

How many?

There really is no point.

You folks had no trouble with the Military holding umbrellas for other Presidents.


So all of a sudden you liberals care about the military? I can't help but laugh at you. Umbrellas are for wimps. Obama has his BS shield to protect him.

Since when have we NOT cared about the military? Especially since many of us SERVED in the military?

Well, I love how you guys only care about them when they are the pawns of the man you put in office, but then have severe conniptions if you have to obey the orders of/support someone like Bush.

War is only acceptable if a liberal wages it.

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