UN: Israel committed "Complete Massacre" and "the worst ever" in Gaza


BREAKING | Director of Kamal Adwan Hospital: The hospital is besieged, and we have no electricity, water, or food. We have 65 injuries, including 12 children in intensive care, 6 children with serious injuries, 3,000 displaced people, and 100 medical staff members.
Journalist Anas al-Sharif, reporting from Jabalia refugee camp:

"A new crime was just perpetrated by the Israeli occupation forces: Men were forcibly taken out of a UN school housing displaced people west of Jabalia refugee camp, and are now being used as human shields in front of the invading Israeli tanks."

After exposing their crimes:

Israel’s military bombards the house of Al Jazeera journalist Anas Shareef in Jabalia, killing his father.
Israel is engaging in massive population transfers and attempting to depopulate Gaza, and everything it does must be understood through this lens. The Israeli government has explicitly said this from the beginning, starting with an evacuation order for North Gaza on October 13. No exceptions.

The Israeli military has shelled and attacked a number of hospitals, most of which it didn’t even bother to claim were Hamas military bases. This is because the “hunt for Hamas” framework—continually adopted by US media—is the wrong framework.

A Palestinian man in Gaza collects the remaining wheat on the ground to make bread for his family amidst the ongoing Israeli siege on humanitarian aids and non-stop bombardment.


Occupation soldiers blow up an UNRWA school in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza Strip, and applaud to celebrate the devastation and victory over the stones.
War crimes such as using civilian refugees as human shields are considered egregious violations of international law because they directly target vulnerable populations, undermine humanitarian efforts, and disregard the fundamental principles of humanity and protection during armed conflicts.

The international community must condemn such actions and seeks to hold those responsible accountable for their crimes.

Bombing civilian homes and causing the murder and injury of children constitutes a war crime due to its devastating impact on innocent civilians and the violation of several fundamental principles of international humanitarian law.

This action directly targets and deliberately causes harm to non-combatant individuals, including children, who are entitled to special protection under international law. It violates the principle of distinction by intentionally attacking civilian objects and fails to take necessary precautions to minimize harm to civilians. Additionally, such acts undermine the principle of proportionality, as the expected harm to civilians far outweighs any potential military advantage gained. This war crime reflects a complete disregard for human life, exacerbates the suffering of besieged Palestinians , and merits condemnation and accountability under international law.

The war against children continues:

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Terrible and horrible to see such photos - and this applies towards civilian victims/casualties of any religion or ethnicity.

That the Zionist "retribution scheme" is always based on at least "ten-fold" makes it even worse.
Hamas&Co, know this very well - as such they are just as guilty as the IDF, aka the Zionist government of Israel.

The only question that remains is: why is the IDF and the Netanhayu cabinet not labeled as terrorist organizations? and treated accordingly?
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Hamas' leadership is long gone from Gaza and simply enjoying the unparalleled, global resistance to Zionist genocide that Israel is creating.

Does anyone really believe that the Netanyahu regime will ever stop with excuses for committing genocide and stealing Arab land?
Terrible and horrible to see such photos - and this applies towards civilian victims/casualties of any religion or ethnicity.

That the Zionist "retribution scheme" is always based on at least "ten-fold" makes it even worse.
Hamas&Co, know this very well - as such they are just as guilty as the IDF, aka the Zionist government of Israel.

The only question that remains is: why is the IDF and the Netanhayu cabinet not labeled as terrorist organizations? and treated accordingly?

You're right. There's no excuse for Zionist genocide especially from the same people who so crassly exploit the Holocaust.

The answer to your question below is quite simple.
why is the IDF and the Netanhayu cabinet not labeled as terrorist organizations? and treated accordingly?

AIPAC & etc control US Government to the extent that sending young American G.I.s to die for Israel is simply regarded as one of their "quiet successes":

AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003

Actually, under the Symington - Glenn Amendment (1), any aid to Israel is illegal because they refused to sign the NPT and remain a dangerous, rogue nuclear power(2) but, of course, AIPAC and the innumerable Israeli - Zionist lobbies that control our Middle East Policy found a way around that law.


(1). "Lawsuit Claims Aid to Nuclear Israel Illegal Under Symington Glenn Amendments"
Lawsuit Claims Aid to Nuclear Israel Illegal Under Symington Glenn Amendments - Corporate Crime Reporter

EXCERPT "A lawsuit filed in federal court in Washington, D.C. claims that United States aid to Israel is illegal under a law passed in the 1970s that prohibits aid to nuclear powers that don’t sign the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Such aid violates longstanding bans on foreign aid to non-signatories to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) with nuclear weapons programs, the lawsuit alleges."CONTINUED

(2). “The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal And American Foreign Policy"

EXCERPT "Hersh argues that it is virtually certain that Israel received accelerated aid from the United States during the 1973 Yom Kippuf War by "nuclear blackmail," i.e., threatening to use nuclear weapons against the Arab foes" CONTINUED
Starvation is a war crime

Intentionally depriving civilians of essential food, water, and other basic necessities required for their survival is a 60 day IOF-adopted brutal strategy. Such deliberate starvation tactics are prohibited under international law, as they inflict immense suffering, cause widespread hunger, malnutrition, and potentially lead to starvation-related deaths.


'This is starvation'​

Aid agencies say hunger is worsening among Gazans, with the UN World Food Program saying half of Gaza's population is starving.
"At night we can't sleep because of the bombing, and in the morning we tour the streets looking for food for the children, there is no food," said Abu Khalil, a 40-year-old father of six who spoke to Reuters by phone from Rafah in southern Gaza.
"I couldn't find bread, and the prices of rice, salt or beans have doubled several times over. This is starvation. Israel kills us twice: Once by bombs and once by hunger."

The Palestinian foreign minister says Israel has been using starvation as a weapon of war against the population of Gaza as its brutal war on the besieged enclave enters its third month.

Addressing a UN meeting in Geneva on Tuesday, Foreign Minister Riyad Al Maliki said “As we speak, at least 1 million Palestinians in Gaza, half of them children, are starving, not because of a natural disaster or because of lack of generous assistance waiting at the border."

"They are starving because of Israel's deliberate use of starvation as a weapon of war against the people it occupied,” Maliki added.

After seven weeks of relentless bombardment that left 80 percent of Gaza's population – 1.8 million people – displaced, trapped and acutely hungry, a week-long humanitarian pause came into effect offering a temporary respite and allowing some aid into the small, decimated and fully-deprived enclave where food, water, medicine and any of life's necessities are dangerously low.
You're right. There's no excuse for Zionist genocide especially from the same people who so crassly exploit the Holocaust.

The answer to your question below is quite simple.
Well, as you fully know - the reasons for Israel having "special privileges" lies entirely with the USA.

It is the USA's VETO privilege - that has continuously prevented a peaceful solution to the Israel-Palestinian issue since 1948. That would force Israel to accept, that it isn't free to resurrect a former David and Solomon Kingdom.

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