UN: US inequality reaching a dangerous level due to Trump's 'cruel' measures

Tell me the progressive policy that's made the rich poorer, Joey! God knows it didn't happen during Barry's two terms. The rich made a killing over that eight years.

Yes, Obama did a very good job undoing Bush's damage.

Overseeing the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression is doing a "very good job"?

Gee, grade on the curve much?
It's not easy when the whole World got screwed by the GOP... We had the best economy in the world the whole time, that's all, super duper.

What's amazing, Franco is that you can't seem to see that right now OUR economy is the best in the world and it's because of the economic savvy of Donald Trump! Barack Obama had no experience with economic planning. He was totally out of his element the entire time he was in office. After Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship and ran back to their tenured jobs in academia...Barry didn't even TRY and stimulate the economy!
Of course he did... he was blocked in every possible way by the GOP who were ridiculous. He wanted another stimulus and tax cuts on the non-rich and more taxes on the rich to pay for all kinds of reform like cheap training for technical jobs... People who watch Fox are told nothing.
Trump is actually forcing me to consider Bosley's as an alternative to the Dr. Phibe's hair restoration operations Tump has had...
Tell me the progressive policy that's made the rich poorer, Joey! God knows it didn't happen during Barry's two terms. The rich made a killing over that eight years.

Yes, Obama did a very good job undoing Bush's damage.

Overseeing the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression is doing a "very good job"?

Gee, grade on the curve much?
It's not easy when the whole World got screwed by the GOP... We had the best economy in the world the whole time, that's all, super duper.

What's amazing, Franco is that you can't seem to see that right now OUR economy is the best in the world and it's because of the economic savvy of Donald Trump! Barack Obama had no experience with economic planning. He was totally out of his element the entire time he was in office. After Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship and ran back to their tenured jobs in academia...Barry didn't even TRY and stimulate the economy!
Of course he did... he was blocked in every possible way by the GOP who were ridiculous. He wanted another stimulus and tax cuts on the non-rich and more taxes on the rich to pay for all kinds of reform like cheap training for technical jobs... People who watch Fox are told nothing.
I believe Germany has the best economy now. They invest in training and and education and infrastructure which we can't afford without taxing the rich More. Our economy continues to rise at the same rate, it is so powerful it does well without stimulation. And no corrupt GOP Bubbles as usual, thank you very much.
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Tell me the progressive policy that's made the rich poorer, Joey! God knows it didn't happen during Barry's two terms. The rich made a killing over that eight years.

Yes, Obama did a very good job undoing Bush's damage.

Overseeing the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression is doing a "very good job"?

Gee, grade on the curve much?
It's not easy when the whole World got screwed by the GOP... We had the best economy in the world the whole time, that's all, super duper.

What's amazing, Franco is that you can't seem to see that right now OUR economy is the best in the world and it's because of the economic savvy of Donald Trump! Barack Obama had no experience with economic planning. He was totally out of his element the entire time he was in office. After Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship and ran back to their tenured jobs in academia...Barry didn't even TRY and stimulate the economy!
Of course he did... he was blocked in every possible way by the GOP who were ridiculous. He wanted another stimulus and tax cuts on the non-rich and more taxes on the rich to pay for all kinds of reform like cheap training for technical jobs... People who watch Fox are told nothing.


He wanted another stimulus that would have basically been the same as his first stimulus...the one that failed to create jobs so badly that they had to start using "Jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was!
Yes, Obama did a very good job undoing Bush's damage.

Overseeing the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression is doing a "very good job"?

Gee, grade on the curve much?
It's not easy when the whole World got screwed by the GOP... We had the best economy in the world the whole time, that's all, super duper.

What's amazing, Franco is that you can't seem to see that right now OUR economy is the best in the world and it's because of the economic savvy of Donald Trump! Barack Obama had no experience with economic planning. He was totally out of his element the entire time he was in office. After Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship and ran back to their tenured jobs in academia...Barry didn't even TRY and stimulate the economy!
Of course he did... he was blocked in every possible way by the GOP who were ridiculous. He wanted another stimulus and tax cuts on the non-rich and more taxes on the rich to pay for all kinds of reform like cheap training for technical jobs... People who watch Fox are told nothing.


He wanted another stimulus that would have basically been the same as his first stimulus...the one that failed to create jobs so badly that they had to start using "Jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was!
Super duper, he had about 45 days in session with 60 votes so he only passed two things, the stimulus with those nice GOP ladies from Maine and ACA. The GOP blocked everything else, but you silly dupes believe Obama had total control for 2 years. Absolute idiocy, dupe.
Yes, Obama did a very good job undoing Bush's damage.

Overseeing the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression is doing a "very good job"?

Gee, grade on the curve much?
It's not easy when the whole World got screwed by the GOP... We had the best economy in the world the whole time, that's all, super duper.

What's amazing, Franco is that you can't seem to see that right now OUR economy is the best in the world and it's because of the economic savvy of Donald Trump! Barack Obama had no experience with economic planning. He was totally out of his element the entire time he was in office. After Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship and ran back to their tenured jobs in academia...Barry didn't even TRY and stimulate the economy!
Of course he did... he was blocked in every possible way by the GOP who were ridiculous. He wanted another stimulus and tax cuts on the non-rich and more taxes on the rich to pay for all kinds of reform like cheap training for technical jobs... People who watch Fox are told nothing.


He wanted another stimulus that would have basically been the same as his first stimulus...the one that failed to create jobs so badly that they had to start using "Jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was!
The stimulus worked great, dumbass, but was too small...

but given our destructive national debt, every newly elected potus will assume a failed economy from day one

UN: US inequality reaching a dangerous level due to Trump's 'cruel' measures
Source: The Guardian

Donald Trump is deliberately forcing millions of Americans into financial ruin, cruelly depriving them of food and other basic protections while lavishing vast riches on the super-wealthy, the United Nations monitor on poverty has warned.

Philip Alston, the UN special rapporteur who acts as a watchdog on extreme poverty around the world, has issued a withering critique of the state of America today. Trump is steering the country towards a “dramatic change of direction” that is rewarding the rich and punishing the poor by blocking access even to the most meager necessities.

“This is a systematic attack on America’s welfare program that is undermining the social safety net for those who can’t cope on their own. Once you start removing any sense of government commitment, you quickly move into cruelty,” Alston told the Guardian.

Millions of Americans already struggling to make ends meet faced “ruination”, he warned. “If food stamps and access to Medicaid are removed, and housing subsidies cut, then the effect on people living on the margins will be drastic.”

Read more: Trump's 'cruel' measures pushing US inequality to dangerous level, UN warns

Anyone that isn't rich should think twice before they ever vote republican again! I am dead serious.
Hey United Nations we spend a shit load of $$$ on you..so...:finger3:

Maybe Germany and the rest of them kick us out. Its coming wait and see. Most countries are sick of us, thanks to Trump and his cronies.


I wouldn't be surprised if the elites are setting the US and Israel up as the bad guys for WWIII. We will be the ones to initiate it, the rest of the world will be the ones finishing it.

what a laugh. if the US starts ww3, there wont BE any rest of the world left, an hour later.

Do you really think that the high command would unleash it's arsenal of ICBM's over a regional war in the middle east?

No, I think it would escalate slowly, and at the point where an American city gets hit by a suit case nuke by rogue actor, or a smaller player, it will be unforeseen.

On top of that, it will be due to disintegration politically here at home over the regional conflict overseas. Once the bodies start piling up, support for the two decades long war will start to erode precipitously.
I am waiting for a staged Iranian attack, got to keep the "War on Terror" moving, we have Greater Israel to think about.
This is the road to ruins for the vast majority of Americans...

This is the model of Africa and central America. Is that what you wish for? All the wealth in the hands of 5-10% of the population and most everyone else being nothing more then serfs.

India is a good example of this also.

Rome destroyed itself in a similar manner. History isn't there to teach us what not to do, it's there for intelligent people to watch painfully in the know as it happens.
The UN doesn't like what Israel is doing, but the US is ok with them.
No wonder so many Americans hate the UN.
Umm. What?

They don't.

Yeah we do.

Favorable views of the UN prevail in Europe, Asia and U.S.


I often wonder where all the cuts to every program is going? Is Trump using the Potus office as an ATM.
Overseeing the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression is doing a "very good job"?

Gee, grade on the curve much?
It's not easy when the whole World got screwed by the GOP... We had the best economy in the world the whole time, that's all, super duper.

What's amazing, Franco is that you can't seem to see that right now OUR economy is the best in the world and it's because of the economic savvy of Donald Trump! Barack Obama had no experience with economic planning. He was totally out of his element the entire time he was in office. After Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship and ran back to their tenured jobs in academia...Barry didn't even TRY and stimulate the economy!
Of course he did... he was blocked in every possible way by the GOP who were ridiculous. He wanted another stimulus and tax cuts on the non-rich and more taxes on the rich to pay for all kinds of reform like cheap training for technical jobs... People who watch Fox are told nothing.


He wanted another stimulus that would have basically been the same as his first stimulus...the one that failed to create jobs so badly that they had to start using "Jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was!
Super duper, he had about 45 days in session with 60 votes so he only passed two things, the stimulus with those nice GOP ladies from Maine and ACA. The GOP blocked everything else, but you silly dupes believe Obama had total control for 2 years. Absolute idiocy, dupe.

So when he had control and the nation was begging for policies to address the economy and create jobs...Barry ignored the economy and worked to pass the Affordable Care Act...legislation that the voters disliked so much that they voted out those in the Congress who supported it? Why would anyone do that, Franco?

Oh wait...I remember now...his administration was run by people like this...

"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." Rahm Emanuel

The same people that were working on Cap & Trade legislation that would have put MORE people out of work at a time when the Private Sector was SUFFERING! At a time when the country desperately needed jobs...you progressives were taking advantage of the power you'd been granted not to create jobs but to pass parts of a liberal agenda that COST jobs!
It's not easy when the whole World got screwed by the GOP... We had the best economy in the world the whole time, that's all, super duper.

What's amazing, Franco is that you can't seem to see that right now OUR economy is the best in the world and it's because of the economic savvy of Donald Trump! Barack Obama had no experience with economic planning. He was totally out of his element the entire time he was in office. After Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship and ran back to their tenured jobs in academia...Barry didn't even TRY and stimulate the economy!
Of course he did... he was blocked in every possible way by the GOP who were ridiculous. He wanted another stimulus and tax cuts on the non-rich and more taxes on the rich to pay for all kinds of reform like cheap training for technical jobs... People who watch Fox are told nothing.


He wanted another stimulus that would have basically been the same as his first stimulus...the one that failed to create jobs so badly that they had to start using "Jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was!
Super duper, he had about 45 days in session with 60 votes so he only passed two things, the stimulus with those nice GOP ladies from Maine and ACA. The GOP blocked everything else, but you silly dupes believe Obama had total control for 2 years. Absolute idiocy, dupe.

So when he had control and the nation was begging for policies to address the economy and create jobs...Barry ignored the economy and worked to pass the Affordable Care Act...legislation that the voters disliked so much that they voted out those in the Congress who supported it? Why would anyone do that, Franco?

Oh wait...I remember now...his administration was run by people like this...

"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." Rahm Emanuel

The same people that were working on Cap & Trade legislation that would have put MORE people out of work at a time when the Private Sector was SUFFERING! At a time when the country desperately needed jobs...you progressives were taking advantage of the power you'd been granted not to create jobs but to pass parts of a liberal agenda that COST jobs!

Unemployment kept going down after Obama took office and the Stock market slowing climbed. Trump is going to triple the debt and cutting all funding, where is the money going, to him and his dept heads like Pruitt.

Where is that good health ins Trump promised the US, gone. Trump is destructive. As he bankrupted time and time again, he is going to bankrupt the US. Instead of the elites paying taxes, which they mainly don't and get away with it, he is going to live off the working class.

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