UN: US inequality reaching a dangerous level due to Trump's 'cruel' measures

UN: US inequality reaching a dangerous level due to Trump's 'cruel' measures
Source: The Guardian

Donald Trump is deliberately forcing millions of Americans into financial ruin, cruelly depriving them of food and other basic protections while lavishing vast riches on the super-wealthy, the United Nations monitor on poverty has warned.

Philip Alston, the UN special rapporteur who acts as a watchdog on extreme poverty around the world, has issued a withering critique of the state of America today. Trump is steering the country towards a “dramatic change of direction” that is rewarding the rich and punishing the poor by blocking access even to the most meager necessities.

“This is a systematic attack on America’s welfare program that is undermining the social safety net for those who can’t cope on their own. Once you start removing any sense of government commitment, you quickly move into cruelty,” Alston told the Guardian.

Millions of Americans already struggling to make ends meet faced “ruination”, he warned. “If food stamps and access to Medicaid are removed, and housing subsidies cut, then the effect on people living on the margins will be drastic.”

Read more: Trump's 'cruel' measures pushing US inequality to dangerous level, UN warns

Anyone that isn't rich should think twice before they ever vote republican again! I am dead serious.
So, I'm a bit curious, exactly what do you Marxists mean by income equality?
Should the high school drop out who flips burgers be making the same income as the person that attended six years of medical school, two years of residency and another two years of a specialty? OR....do you mean that the person that flips burgers at McDonald's should make the same as the person that is preparing tacos in Taco Bell?
I can agree with the latter, after all, neither has any technical skills other than being able to build a sandwich. However, the other is living in fantasy land. In the first scenario, there's "no" incentive for someone to become a general physician or cardiac surgeon, if he/she makes no more than a burger flipper.
On a very simplistic scale, a society consists of:
Farmers (produce and livestock).
Migrant farm produce pickers.
Commercial drivers (produce/product transporters, taxi drivers, etc.).
Shelving stock personnel.
Military (officers and enlisted, which tends to mean different income brackets).
Government employees.
Office workers.
Food service personnel.
Custodial personnel (janitors, etc.)
Law enforcement.
The others require a good deal of college or specialty training:
Emergency service workers (paramedics, fire personnel).
Assorted scientists of differing fields.
The latter batch of people are going to see no benefit to putting in so much training if the pay is no better than say, a migrant produce picker.
As for Marxism, it still remains unsuccessful.
North Korea: Excluding the politburo politicians, everybody is poor, many are hungry and even the military enlisted personnel are poor.
Venezuela: The populace is not only poor but starving. The government likes to blame the US, be we aren't involved in their issues..
Vietnam: Most are living poorly.
Cuba: Most are living poorly.
China: Most are living poorly.
Sweden/Norway/et cetera: These are actually free Capitalist countries with some Socialist programs, however, because of the huge influx of migrants, their economies are tanking under the financial strain of demands on their social programs.
I suggest actually taking the time to read our US Constitution, it's Amendments, Federalist Papers and take some courses on business economics.
This is what is meant by income inequality; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart' It's called Reaganomics. Where 270% of the added wealth in income has gone to the top 1%, while fools like you cheer it on as if this system isn't rigged. The 99% has kept pretty much a flat wage for forty years.

I'd like for someone to explain to me how that is Capitalism, and not Corporatism?
What's amusing, Joey...is that you don't! Time after time...you on the left go after the rich and time and time again they play the game far better than you do and give up nothing. You're like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football...

Actually, we did just fine raising taxes on the rich under Clinton and Obama... we even narrowed the deficit when we did.

The rich aren't nearly as smart as you've been conditioned to think they are.
What's amusing, Joey...is that you don't! Time after time...you on the left go after the rich and time and time again they play the game far better than you do and give up nothing. You're like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football...

Actually, we did just fine raising taxes on the rich under Clinton and Obama... we even narrowed the deficit when we did.

The rich aren't nearly as smart as you've been conditioned to think they are.

I haven't been "conditioned" to think that the rich are smart when it comes to preservation of capital...it just happens to be fact. It also happens to be fact that every time you progressives go after taxpayers to pay for the entitlement programs that you all love so much...the people who end up being hurt the most by higher taxes aren't the super wealthy...it's the upper middle class...the people who don't have the means to change where they live or base their business.
You are full of Shit....

The Rich guy pays a tax on his

property and everything he buys.

And he would still contribute nothing to the economy. No goods or services. The rich guy could literally be as worthless as a comatose or paralyzed John Paul Getty III and still "pay taxes." Do you really think something that's more or less dead can contribute goods or services?

Haven’t you ever heard of the death tax?
When he's dead, he still produces no goods or services. He's little more than a lazy king.
Has a poor man ever produced any jobs?
Yes, whenever he buys something, he produces the need for a good or service. A need by someone who works, so that the economy works. When a rich paralyzed retard buys something, it's a one way street. Nobody is ever going to get any goods or services back from him.
You socialist are very confused.

Why hate on the successful?
I hate on the useless. Especially the rich useless.

I bet it sucks to be you...
It's easy to be me. I post a well-thought-out argument and retards like you can do nothing but post ad hominem.

Rave on you idiot...
I haven't been "conditioned" to think that the rich are smart when it comes to preservation of capital...it just happens to be fact

I'm just going to leave that statement for what it is, since anything I would say would just detract from the hilarity.
I haven't been "conditioned" to think that the rich are smart when it comes to preservation of capital...it just happens to be fact

I'm just going to leave that statement for what it is, since anything I would say would just detract from the hilarity.

Tell me the progressive policy that's made the rich poorer, Joey! God knows it didn't happen during Barry's two terms. The rich made a killing over that eight years. It was the Middle Class that took it in the shorts. Hillary Clinton even had a momentary bit of honesty and admitted that she had to raise taxes on the Middle Class.
UN: US inequality reaching a dangerous level due to Trump's 'cruel' measures
Source: The Guardian

Donald Trump is deliberately forcing millions of Americans into financial ruin, cruelly depriving them of food and other basic protections while lavishing vast riches on the super-wealthy, the United Nations monitor on poverty has warned.

Philip Alston, the UN special rapporteur who acts as a watchdog on extreme poverty around the world, has issued a withering critique of the state of America today. Trump is steering the country towards a “dramatic change of direction” that is rewarding the rich and punishing the poor by blocking access even to the most meager necessities.

“This is a systematic attack on America’s welfare program that is undermining the social safety net for those who can’t cope on their own. Once you start removing any sense of government commitment, you quickly move into cruelty,” Alston told the Guardian.

Millions of Americans already struggling to make ends meet faced “ruination”, he warned. “If food stamps and access to Medicaid are removed, and housing subsidies cut, then the effect on people living on the margins will be drastic.”

Read more: Trump's 'cruel' measures pushing US inequality to dangerous level, UN warns

Anyone that isn't rich should think twice before they ever vote republican again! I am dead serious.

You Marxists better take up arms and overthrow the nation, so you can enforce your "equality."

Seriously Comrade, grab a rifle and make a stand.
And he would still contribute nothing to the economy. No goods or services. The rich guy could literally be as worthless as a comatose or paralyzed John Paul Getty III and still "pay taxes." Do you really think something that's more or less dead can contribute goods or services?

Haven’t you ever heard of the death tax?
When he's dead, he still produces no goods or services. He's little more than a lazy king.
Has a poor man ever produced any jobs?
Yes, whenever he buys something, he produces the need for a good or service. A need by someone who works, so that the economy works. When a rich paralyzed retard buys something, it's a one way street. Nobody is ever going to get any goods or services back from him.
You socialist are very confused.

Why hate on the successful?
I hate on the useless. Especially the rich useless.

I bet it sucks to be you...
It's easy to be me. I post a well-thought-out argument and retards like you can do nothing but post ad hominem.

Rave on you idiot...
More zero-content posting from the clueless retard above.
Haven’t you ever heard of the death tax?
When he's dead, he still produces no goods or services. He's little more than a lazy king.
Has a poor man ever produced any jobs?
Yes, whenever he buys something, he produces the need for a good or service. A need by someone who works, so that the economy works. When a rich paralyzed retard buys something, it's a one way street. Nobody is ever going to get any goods or services back from him.
You socialist are very confused.

Why hate on the successful?
I hate on the useless. Especially the rich useless.

I bet it sucks to be you...
It's easy to be me. I post a well-thought-out argument and retards like you can do nothing but post ad hominem.

Rave on you idiot...
More zero-content posting from the clueless retard above.

If you think that the poor people are the job creators in this nation, then you are the clueless retard. What in the hell? If a person was truly poor, then they could barely afford to contribute to the economy in any meaningful way! BUSINESSES create jobs. Sure, businesses need consumers to have a business, but that is a fucking stupid argument to say that the poor create jobs. Get the hell out of town!
When he's dead, he still produces no goods or services. He's little more than a lazy king.Yes, whenever he buys something, he produces the need for a good or service. A need by someone who works, so that the economy works. When a rich paralyzed retard buys something, it's a one way street. Nobody is ever going to get any goods or services back from him.I hate on the useless. Especially the rich useless.

I bet it sucks to be you...
It's easy to be me. I post a well-thought-out argument and retards like you can do nothing but post ad hominem.

Rave on you idiot...
More zero-content posting from the clueless retard above.

If you think that the poor people are the job creators in this nation, then you are the clueless retard. What in the hell? If a person was truly poor, then they could barely afford to contribute to the economy in any meaningful way! BUSINESSES create jobs. Sure, businesses need consumers to have a business, but that is a fucking stupid argument to say that the poor create jobs. Get the hell out of town!
OK, so you think an economy can work with a million rich people like this?


Better than with a million poor people that can actually work?
I bet it sucks to be you...
It's easy to be me. I post a well-thought-out argument and retards like you can do nothing but post ad hominem.

Rave on you idiot...
More zero-content posting from the clueless retard above.

If you think that the poor people are the job creators in this nation, then you are the clueless retard. What in the hell? If a person was truly poor, then they could barely afford to contribute to the economy in any meaningful way! BUSINESSES create jobs. Sure, businesses need consumers to have a business, but that is a fucking stupid argument to say that the poor create jobs. Get the hell out of town!
OK, so you think an economy can work with a million rich people like this?


Better than with a million poor people that can actually work?

I'm talking about business owners, some of whom are rich. You are using an example of ONE obviously crippled man to make a point? Good grief. You must be a leftist, right? :D
It's easy to be me. I post a well-thought-out argument and retards like you can do nothing but post ad hominem.

Rave on you idiot...
More zero-content posting from the clueless retard above.

If you think that the poor people are the job creators in this nation, then you are the clueless retard. What in the hell? If a person was truly poor, then they could barely afford to contribute to the economy in any meaningful way! BUSINESSES create jobs. Sure, businesses need consumers to have a business, but that is a fucking stupid argument to say that the poor create jobs. Get the hell out of town!
OK, so you think an economy can work with a million rich people like this?


Better than with a million poor people that can actually work?

I'm talking about business owners, some of whom are rich. You are using an example of ONE obviously crippled man to make a point? Good grief. You must be a leftist, right? :D
Could you explain how being crippled prevents a person from being a business owner?
Rave on you idiot...
More zero-content posting from the clueless retard above.

If you think that the poor people are the job creators in this nation, then you are the clueless retard. What in the hell? If a person was truly poor, then they could barely afford to contribute to the economy in any meaningful way! BUSINESSES create jobs. Sure, businesses need consumers to have a business, but that is a fucking stupid argument to say that the poor create jobs. Get the hell out of town!
OK, so you think an economy can work with a million rich people like this?


Better than with a million poor people that can actually work?

I'm talking about business owners, some of whom are rich. You are using an example of ONE obviously crippled man to make a point? Good grief. You must be a leftist, right? :D
Could you explain how being crippled prevents a person from being a business owner?

How does this one guy represent rich people or business owners in general? Are you just crazy? I'm not really sure.
The last thing they heard after "let them eat cake" was "off with their heads".
I mean, in my defense, there are a lot of crazy people posting here.

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