Unemployment falls to 8.3%

Scrolling down through this thread, a couple things become obvious:

1. The extreme LibDems seem overly optimistic. Yes, I would agree things are getting better out there. But we have some fundamental problems with our economy that this president neither caused nor can he fix.
2. The extreme ConservaRepubLitarians are so party-before-country on this. They yell and scream that nothing can get better or will get better while Obama is president. That's just foolish. Obama is not all-powerful. He has not stopped companies from hiring in the past. He is not the reason companies are hiring people now. Don't be so hysterical guys. It's okay if the country gets better!

And it is getting better.

I commend balanced observation and conclusion.

The extremists on both sides have to put country before party.

I am a firm believer that you are a liberal hack if you call that fair and balanced.:cuckoo:
bigreb cannot receive PMs but he can send them, one of which came in a bit ago. Note the unbalanced observation and conclusion: "Fuck you and your lie. and no one but you and a few liberals and shit for brains cuntservative have called me a liar. So eat shit cum sucker."

This is why the party is turning each day to Romney. These far right wacks and hacks, with their sick little brains and sick hate for anything they do not like, are losing their grip in the party. Long ago these wacks were told their path would lead them here to their exclusion as important voices in American politics.

bigreb and his buds, like daveman and Dr. House, are neither conservatives nor pro-American. They want power at the expense of the great majority of their fellow citizens. Not going to happen.
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bigreb cannot receive PMs but he can send them, one of which came in a bit ago. Note the unbalanced observation and conclusion: "Fuck you and your lie. and no one but you and a few liberals and shit for brains cuntservative have called me a liar. So eat shit cum sucker."

This is why the party is turning each day to Romney. These far right wacks and hacks, with their sick little brains and sick hate for anything they do not like, are losing their grip in the party. Long ago these wacks were told their path would lead them here to their exclusion as important voices in American politics.

bigreb and his buds, like daveman and Dr. House, are neither conservatives nor pro-American. They want power at the expense of the great majority of their fellow citizens. Not going to happen.

You get me beat. All he said to me was "eat shit stupid son of a bitch" in a negrep.
bigreb cannot receive PMs but he can send them, one of which came in a bit ago. Note the unbalanced observation and conclusion: "Fuck you and your lie. and no one but you and a few liberals and shit for brains cuntservative have called me a liar. So eat shit cum sucker."

This is why the party is turning each day to Romney. These far right wacks and hacks, with their sick little brains and sick hate for anything they do not like, are losing their grip in the party. Long ago these wacks were told their path would lead them here to their exclusion as important voices in American politics.

bigreb and his buds, like daveman and Dr. House, are neither conservatives nor pro-American. They want power at the expense of the great majority of their fellow citizens. Not going to happen.

You get me beat. All he said to me was "eat shit stupid son of a bitch" in a negrep.
I know that posting rep statements is okay by TOS. Posting PMs on the otherhand is bannable.
You keep evading the rest of the page that states what I have been saying?
No it doesn't. To get it to say what you want it to say, YOU leave out critical parts. That is dishonest.

What ever ed knock yourself out. your not going to change the fact how the government does it, But keep telling yourself you're right.
If a person has exhausted their benefits they are dropped from unemployment. If they lie about what they have done to lose their job they lose their unemployment and they are no longer considered unemployed by the government. That's the way it's done. You can have the last word but it's not going to change the way the government does things. IF the government would say Unemployment was down to 6.0% you would no doubt believe it.

Simple way to prove yourself right: email BLS using the link I gave CPS Feedback Form and ask if the government drops people without benefits from the unemployment rate, and post their reply.

My prediction: We will see no email...either you won't do it at all, or you will and when they tell you you're wrong, you won't admit it.
bigreb cannot receive PMs but he can send them, one of which came in a bit ago. Note the unbalanced observation and conclusion: "Fuck you and your lie. and no one but you and a few liberals and shit for brains cuntservative have called me a liar. So eat shit cum sucker."

This is why the party is turning each day to Romney. These far right wacks and hacks, with their sick little brains and sick hate for anything they do not like, are losing their grip in the party. Long ago these wacks were told their path would lead them here to their exclusion as important voices in American politics.

bigreb and his buds, like daveman and Dr. House, are neither conservatives nor pro-American. They want power at the expense of the great majority of their fellow citizens. Not going to happen.

You get me beat. All he said to me was "eat shit stupid son of a bitch" in a negrep.

He is such a wimp, really. Not a conservative, wishing for America to fail, bigreb is a contemptible, little sort.
CURL: Obama's made-up jobless numbers - Washington Times

Check this out...

All you have do to get the unemployment rate from 10% to 8.3% WITHOUT CREATING ANY JOBS is to reduce the work force by 19%

Obama is a liar! Obama is a Marxist! Obama sucks as POTUS!
Thanks for the link, asaratis.

Manipulating statistics to say a lie is not a good thing, especially about unemployment.

Obama's refusal to face the music is why the discord of unemployment doesn't go away.

The most likely way a problem will not be solved is by insistent failure to notice it is still there.
bigreb cannot receive PMs but he can send them, one of which came in a bit ago. Note the unbalanced observation and conclusion: "Fuck you and your lie. and no one but you and a few liberals and shit for brains cuntservative have called me a liar. So eat shit cum sucker."

This is why the party is turning each day to Romney. These far right wacks and hacks, with their sick little brains and sick hate for anything they do not like, are losing their grip in the party. Long ago these wacks were told their path would lead them here to their exclusion as important voices in American politics.

bigreb and his buds, like daveman and Dr. House, are neither conservatives nor pro-American. They want power at the expense of the great majority of their fellow citizens. Not going to happen.

I have repeatedly called him a liar. And he's been warned by the mods about the use of the word I bolded above.

BTW... unless his comments above were in a NEG REP, you cannot post them. Got that clarification once from the Mods. Also, After the initial rep comment, those are considered PM's and as such, not post-able without permission of the other party.

In either case, he's a lying little weasel.
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CURL: Obama's made-up jobless numbers - Washington Times

Check this out...

All you have do to get the unemployment rate from 10% to 8.3% WITHOUT CREATING ANY JOBS is to reduce the work force by 19%

Obama is a liar! Obama is a Marxist! Obama sucks as POTUS!
Thanks for the link, asaratis.

Manipulating statistics to say a lie is not a good thing, especially about unemployment.

Obama's refusal to face the music is why the discord of unemployment doesn't go away.

The most likely way a problem will not be solved is by insistent failure to notice it is still there.

The Washington TImes is owned by the Moonies!!!

bigreb cannot receive PMs but he can send them, one of which came in a bit ago. Note the unbalanced observation and conclusion: "Fuck you and your lie. and no one but you and a few liberals and shit for brains cuntservative have called me a liar. So eat shit cum sucker."

This is why the party is turning each day to Romney. These far right wacks and hacks, with their sick little brains and sick hate for anything they do not like, are losing their grip in the party. Long ago these wacks were told their path would lead them here to their exclusion as important voices in American politics.

bigreb and his buds, like daveman and Dr. House, are neither conservatives nor pro-American. They want power at the expense of the great majority of their fellow citizens. Not going to happen.
bigreb cannot receive PMs but he can send them

That is a lie I never sent you a PM I sent you a vistor message dumb ass. which is not a private message.
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bigreb cannot receive PMs but he can send them, one of which came in a bit ago. Note the unbalanced observation and conclusion: "Fuck you and your lie. and no one but you and a few liberals and shit for brains cuntservative have called me a liar. So eat shit cum sucker."

This is why the party is turning each day to Romney. These far right wacks and hacks, with their sick little brains and sick hate for anything they do not like, are losing their grip in the party. Long ago these wacks were told their path would lead them here to their exclusion as important voices in American politics.

bigreb and his buds, like daveman and Dr. House, are neither conservatives nor pro-American. They want power at the expense of the great majority of their fellow citizens. Not going to happen.

You get me beat. All he said to me was "eat shit stupid son of a bitch" in a negrep.
Gee he must like me, all he said in the neg rep he gave me was, "idiot just a stupid fucking idiot." Now I feel slighted! :lol:
CURL: Obama's made-up jobless numbers - Washington Times

Check this out...

All you have do to get the unemployment rate from 10% to 8.3% WITHOUT CREATING ANY JOBS is to reduce the work force by 19%

Obama is a liar! Obama is a Marxist! Obama sucks as POTUS!
Thanks for the link, asaratis.

Manipulating statistics to say a lie is not a good thing, especially about unemployment.

Obama's refusal to face the music is why the discord of unemployment doesn't go away.

The most likely way a problem will not be solved is by insistent failure to notice it is still there.

The Washington TImes is owned by the Moonies!!!


I sure hope obama is paying his puppet's well. Because when the shit hit's the fan nothing will protect you. obama will throw you away like a used condom without the fun.
bigreb cannot receive PMs but he can send them, one of which came in a bit ago. Note the unbalanced observation and conclusion: "Fuck you and your lie. and no one but you and a few liberals and shit for brains cuntservative have called me a liar. So eat shit cum sucker."

This is why the party is turning each day to Romney. These far right wacks and hacks, with their sick little brains and sick hate for anything they do not like, are losing their grip in the party. Long ago these wacks were told their path would lead them here to their exclusion as important voices in American politics.

bigreb and his buds, like daveman and Dr. House, are neither conservatives nor pro-American. They want power at the expense of the great majority of their fellow citizens. Not going to happen.

You get me beat. All he said to me was "eat shit stupid son of a bitch" in a negrep.
I know that posting rep statements is okay by TOS. Posting PMs on the otherhand is bannable.
Jakes lying of course I never sent him any PM's.
Shouldn't be real hard to verify new rules exist for the calculations right?

Interesting paragraph in the rate release statement:

Before discussing the data from our survey of households, I
would note that, as is our annual practice, we have incorporated
new population controls into the January estimates. Data
beginning in January 2012 reflect population controls based on
Census 2010, updated information on net international migration,
and some methodological adjustments in the estimation process.
Official estimates for December 2011 and earlier months will not
be revised to incorporate the Census 2010-based controls. The
impact of the new controls on the unemployment rate is
You get me beat. All he said to me was "eat shit stupid son of a bitch" in a negrep.
I know that posting rep statements is okay by TOS. Posting PMs on the otherhand is bannable.
Jakes lying of course I never sent him any PM's.

Why are you running away, bigreb? Yeah, you sent me a message that you thought would not be repeated here. That is why you used the language you did (language you been told you can't use), and that is why you are caught out again.

You are not a conservative. You are working for America's failure. You are a disgrace to the values that made this country great. Keep on screaming, son.
I know that posting rep statements is okay by TOS. Posting PMs on the otherhand is bannable.
Jakes lying of course I never sent him any PM's.

Why are you running away, bigreb? Yeah, you sent me a message that you thought would not be repeated here. That is why you used the language you did (language you been told you can't use), and that is why you are caught out again.

You are not a conservative. You are working for America's failure. You are a disgrace to the values that made this country great. Keep on screaming, son.

Why are you running away, bigreb? Yeah, you sent me a message that you thought would not be repeated here.

You lied when you said it was a private message fuck face. It wasn't it was a visitor message.
bigreb cannot receive PMs but he can send them, one of which came in a bit ago. Note the unbalanced observation and conclusion: "Fuck you and your lie. and no one but you and a few liberals and shit for brains cuntservative have called me a liar. So eat shit cum sucker."

This is why the party is turning each day to Romney. These far right wacks and hacks, with their sick little brains and sick hate for anything they do not like, are losing their grip in the party. Long ago these wacks were told their path would lead them here to their exclusion as important voices in American politics.

bigreb and his buds, like daveman and Dr. House, are neither conservatives nor pro-American. They want power at the expense of the great majority of their fellow citizens. Not going to happen.

You get me beat. All he said to me was "eat shit stupid son of a bitch" in a negrep.
Gee he must like me, all he said in the neg rep he gave me was, "idiot just a stupid fucking idiot." Now I feel slighted! :lol:
OK, the lying :asshole: just negged me again! I feel better now. :lol:
But the comment. "dumb son of a bitch," was still too tame, I must be slipping.
Well, if the result of the 2010 Census means 1.2 million people fell out of the unemployed count in January, we got an issue.
bigreb is simply far wack scum so badly wanting to be considered mainstream American Values Guy.

He is anything but, and I lured him out to demonstrate how he embraces anti-American values.

What I find interesting is that the last four months the influence of the far right is waning daily. Thank heavens.

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