Unemployment Rate Lowest Since 2000

We said they were accurate, people like you and Trump said it was a lie.

I still don't buy it because it does not take into account the number of people who simply gave up trying to find a job. Even if you do take that into account, compared to Obama's Unemployment rate using the same formula, Trump's economy is STILL better.

No matter how you slice it, take both unemployment records using the exact same formula - no matter what that formula is, and Trump has the better economy.

Lower Unemployment Rate.
Fewer People On Food Stamps.
Fewer People on Welfare.
Stock Market Up Higher.
Snowflake Butt-Hurt Higher.
/—-/ Libs new motto: DemocRATS make America worse again.
So what, Americans are getting employed. Trump is making America great again. I also remember when the polls gave Hillary the election. So why do you hate good news for America?
He doesn't hate good news and Trump said the number was a lie so now it is treated as such. For the next seven years no matter what Trump says a rate is it's a lie. Trump himself told us so.
Like I said keep thinking that and stay miserable hating on Trump. While the rest of us work, and living life to the fullest. Trump is the man!
Trump is a man-child as you will see in real results in short order. You should have seen that long ago but your kind never sees a train until it's underneath it.
Nope, all I see is prosperity. Thanks president T's this rump! After eight years of failure, with Obama. Also Trump kept Hillary out of the white house! He is the man!
What's this magical thing that Trump did to make things all better? Did you not have a job a year ago? The same job as you have now?

Maybe it's support for people who carry tiki-torches? Or was it arresting brown grandmothers and deporting them those nasty terror threats?
He got rid of Obama regulations, he is going to lower their taxes. To start with.
No matter what the Trump Administration says about numbers we no longer have to care or believe them. You made up the rules and now we get to enforce them, on you. Big bold red letters equals big bold red lies.
You keep denying it, but the rest of America is going back to work!
No, that's a lie (according to Trump).
Lol, building around here is like it was in the nineties, I don't care who says it. The economy is booming again! Thanks Trump!
This is still the Obama economy, and you're welcome.
No, Obama's economy never had a GDP over 3%. He did turn full time jobs into part time jobs. I do give him credit for that. Oh and he did tell all of American business owners. You didn't build that. Lol, you're a fool.
They didn't build the roads and bridges. They were busy trying to make a business go. And the fool is the one who gives credit for an economy that's been in recovery for eight years to the guy not even a year in office after the last GOP guy fucked it into the ground.
He doesn't hate good news and Trump said the number was a lie so now it is treated as such. For the next seven years no matter what Trump says a rate is it's a lie. Trump himself told us so.
Like I said keep thinking that and stay miserable hating on Trump. While the rest of us work, and living life to the fullest. Trump is the man!
Trump is a man-child as you will see in real results in short order. You should have seen that long ago but your kind never sees a train until it's underneath it.
Nope, all I see is prosperity. Thanks president T's this rump! After eight years of failure, with Obama. Also Trump kept Hillary out of the white house! He is the man!
What's this magical thing that Trump did to make things all better? Did you not have a job a year ago? The same job as you have now?

Maybe it's support for people who carry tiki-torches? Or was it arresting brown grandmothers and deporting them those nasty terror threats?
He got rid of Obama regulations, he is going to lower their taxes. To start with.
Lower taxes? Not for you he isn't. And the Obama regulations he's getting rid of are things that protect farmers and consumers but I doubt you care about them, you don't get paid to.
This is still the Obama economy, and you're welcome.
Dude, Barry's economy was sucking teat when Trump inherited the economy. The economy has responded to Trump 'rescuing' this country - erasing Barry's 'legacy' by eliminating economy-choking over-regulation, bad policy, etc....

Funny how Barry's economy was not 'Barrry's' because it was 'Bush's' for 8 years under Barry when it sucked....and now - when the economy is good under someone else - snowflakes want to claim it is BARRY's economy.

/—-/ Libs get their debate training working at the pretzel factory.
700,000 Americans left the workforce last month

The Trump economy is a trainwreck
'W * I * N * N * I * N * G'

Sad Day for Libs and Snowflakes, who just HATE making America great again... :p

Hiring Rebounded in October, Unemployment Rate Fell to 4.1%

"U.S. employers hired at a strong pace in October, and revisions showed the labor market weathered hurricane damage better than previously estimated.

Nonfarm payrolls
rose a seasonally adjusted 261,000 in October, a pickup from the prior month, the Labor Department said Friday.

The unemployment rate ticked down to 4.1%, its lowest level since December 2000."

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I thought the numbers were faked by the Obama admin. Hmm...I guess not so much.
As the last of eight FY Obama administration budgets closed out on Sept 30th, the economy is now on a sound proper footing, after the near depression level economic collapse at the very end of the NeoCon administration of the Bush 43 debacle. It's up to the Orange Clown's administration to keep the Obama legacy going if that POS can! We've been running on the first Clown budget for just 34 days now so it's clear that there hasn't been enough time to properly gauge how a tRump economy will do with such an advantageous beginning left for a new administration, but time will tell.
This is still the Obama economy, and you're welcome.
Dude, Barry's economy was sucking teat when Trump inherited the economy. The economy has responded to Trump 'rescuing' this country - erasing Barry's 'legacy' by eliminating economy-choking over-regulation, bad policy, etc....

Funny how Barry's economy was not 'Barrry's' because it was 'Bush's' for 8 years under Barry when it sucked....and now - when the economy is good under someone else - snowflakes want to claim it is BARRY's economy.

It can't be easy being you. Reality keeps spanking you.
You keep denying it, but the rest of America is going back to work!
No, that's a lie (according to Trump).
Lol, building around here is like it was in the nineties, I don't care who says it. The economy is booming again! Thanks Trump!
This is still the Obama economy, and you're welcome.
No, Obama's economy never had a GDP over 3%. He did turn full time jobs into part time jobs. I do give him credit for that. Oh and he did tell all of American business owners. You didn't build that. Lol, you're a fool.
They didn't build the roads and bridges. They were busy trying to make a business go. And the fool is the one who gives credit for an economy that's been in recovery for eight years to the guy not even a year in office after the last GOP guy fucked it into the ground.
They paid the taxes that paid to build everything. The fool is the one who thinks Obama wanted a good economy. Also educate yourself on the reason the economy went sour. Then maybe you can keep and up, and quit looking ignorant.
The unemployment numbers only appear to be "doctored" when it's inconvenient to Easy's narrative. Too funny.
Like I said keep thinking that and stay miserable hating on Trump. While the rest of us work, and living life to the fullest. Trump is the man!
Trump is a man-child as you will see in real results in short order. You should have seen that long ago but your kind never sees a train until it's underneath it.
Nope, all I see is prosperity. Thanks president T's this rump! After eight years of failure, with Obama. Also Trump kept Hillary out of the white house! He is the man!
What's this magical thing that Trump did to make things all better? Did you not have a job a year ago? The same job as you have now?

Maybe it's support for people who carry tiki-torches? Or was it arresting brown grandmothers and deporting them those nasty terror threats?
He got rid of Obama regulations, he is going to lower their taxes. To start with.
Lower taxes? Not for you he isn't. And the Obama regulations he's getting rid of are things that protect farmers and consumers but I doubt you care about them, you don't get paid to.
So Obama put 800 regulations on farmers? Is this Timmy?
700,000 Americans left the workforce in October

The Labor Participation rate is a disaster..........Trump economy is a disgrace

U.S. unemployment drops to lowest in 17 years
From the same link:

Still, the overall picture is very good -- although getting to this point after the financial crisis has been a crawl, economists point out.

"You can look it at as a marathon or a sprint. Other expansions were more like a sprint. This is a marathon," says Robert Frick, chief economist at the Navy Federal Credit Union. Another way to put it: "The party can go on for a lot longer. It's just not a wild party."

Thank you President Trump! After years of a sluggish Obama economy, things are finally moving!
The unemployment rate dropped 4.6 percent under the Great Obama

Fat Donnie is doing backflips over a measly 0.5% drop
No, that's a lie (according to Trump).
Lol, building around here is like it was in the nineties, I don't care who says it. The economy is booming again! Thanks Trump!
This is still the Obama economy, and you're welcome.
No, Obama's economy never had a GDP over 3%. He did turn full time jobs into part time jobs. I do give him credit for that. Oh and he did tell all of American business owners. You didn't build that. Lol, you're a fool.
They didn't build the roads and bridges. They were busy trying to make a business go. And the fool is the one who gives credit for an economy that's been in recovery for eight years to the guy not even a year in office after the last GOP guy fucked it into the ground.
They paid the taxes that paid to build everything. The fool is the one who thinks Obama wanted a good economy. Also educate yourself on the reason the economy went sour. Then maybe you can keep and up, and quit looking ignorant.
Lies won't help you.

700,000 Americans left the workforce in October

The Labor Participation rate is a disaster..........Trump economy is a disgrace

U.S. unemployment drops to lowest in 17 years
From the same link:

Still, the overall picture is very good -- although getting to this point after the financial crisis has been a crawl, economists point out.

"You can look it at as a marathon or a sprint. Other expansions were more like a sprint. This is a marathon," says Robert Frick, chief economist at the Navy Federal Credit Union. Another way to put it: "The party can go on for a lot longer. It's just not a wild party."

Thank you President Trump! After years of a sluggish Obama economy, things are finally moving!

700,000 left the workforce and Trump only added 261,000

You do the math

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