US Communist Leader: ‘Progressive Change Is Closer than We Think’

The right has crawled very far out the fascist limb and they are not done yet.

Yeah, they merged well connected corporations like Kaiser and Blue Cross with the federal government and mandated that All Americans MUST buy their goods as a matter of obedience to the state, or face the IRS.

Oh wait, that was you fucking moron leftists...

I would like to think that people are smart enough not to follow them as they gradually and openly become the American white people's party but alas, their unreasonable fear of the future is just too strong.

The Left = not too bright.
oh there are no more communist..there are dear and they have infiltrated the Democrat party and to some degree the Republican party..

Good grief. :rolleyes:

Of course there are still a few Communists around, but the hold no power and present no threat. Not that they ever really presented a threat to the U.S., but when the "other superpower" was Communist that at least held a surface plausibility. Now, it has none.

Communist Republicans? Who the hell are you talking about? For that matter, I can't think of any Communist Democrats. I guess Bernie Sanders might come the closest, except that he's neither a Communist NOR a Democrat.

A FEW..convince yourself dear. because you aren't convincing anyone else..
you all still haven't explained how it is the communist platform is the same like the Democrats?

just deny deny deny.
except the nazis are likewise supporting the Democrats.


Of course. The economic policies of Barack Obama are straight out of Benito Mussolini's book.

Fascism is a command economy with the state controlling the means of production, exactly as the left seeks.
A FEW..convince yourself dear. because you aren't convincing anyone else..

Hey, I used to be one of them. I think I have a damned good idea of how many Communists there are -- or ever were -- in the U.S. Let's see how much knowledge you have on the subject. Can you tell us when Communist Party membership peaked in this country, i.e., when there were more Communists than at any time before or since?

you all still haven't explained how it is the communist platform is the same like the Democrats?

Is it really? Let's take a look, shall we?

I couldn't find a "platform" as such for the Communists, but here is the party "program" as they call it from the CPUSA web site:

CPUSA Program » cpusa

I had to scroll down through a LOT of Marxist theory and other verbiage (heh -- some things never change; commies can be so friggin' BORING) to find a list of to-dos, but here it is:

" The building of a mass peoples party capable of contending for governmental power, a party free of domination by any monopoly interests;
Removal from the electoral system of the financial contributions of monopolies, to be replaced by public funding and guarantees of honest elections where each vote counts and all votes are counted;
Replacing the foreign policy of preemptive strikes and dictating to the world in the interests of U.S.-based transnationals with a policy of international cooperation to solve problems of war and aggression, poverty, education, environment, health, and development;
Full restoration and expansion of the Bill of Rights and all democratic rights; the complete separation of church and state;
Full legal protection from hate crimes and racial profiling, and the outlawing of oral and written racist propaganda;
Implementation of affirmative action and compensatory programs to achieve actual equality for the racially and nationally oppressed and women;
Prevention of the freedom of monopolies to move assets in ways that harm workers and communities without full compensation; the guaranteed right to a job at living wages or full income through public works and public service jobs; the growth of public ownership of industries;
Elimination of management prerogatives coupled with the expansion of workers and union rights to prevent socially harmful management decisions;
Full funding for education, affordable housing programs, day care, Social Security, a universal health care program, youth job training and recreation programs, and cultural programs;
Creation of a social fund starting at $200 billion to make up for past and continuing wrongs and to help achieve equality in facilities and infrastructure for communities of the racially and nationally oppressed;
No taxes for workers and low and middle income people; progressive taxation of the wealthy and private corporations;
Military budget slashed to a fraction of current spending; and,
All media to be free of monopoly ownership."

Very little of that is supported by the Democrats. (Some of it isn't even supported by me, let alone the Dems.) And of course, the Communists also advocate a full-fledged socialist economy with public ownership of the means of production, in the long run. They'd hardly be Commies if they didn't. But the Democrats do not. They are much more moderate.

Here is the Democratic Party platform. As with the Commies, this is from the party web site. It's the 2008 version; presumably the Dems will come out with a new one for next year.

Party Platform |

I'll let people do their own scrolling here; it's easier than with what the Communists presented.

So where is the similarity between the two, Steph? Are you saying that because both of these are to the left of you, they're identical? They sure don't look identical to me!

And while you're thinking about that, care to tell us who those Commie Republicans are? Come on, we want NAMES! :D
A FEW..convince yourself dear. because you aren't convincing anyone else..

Hey, I used to be one of them. I think I have a damned good idea of how many Communists there are -- or ever were -- in the U.S. Let's see how much knowledge you have on the subject. Can you tell us when Communist Party membership peaked in this country, i.e., when there were more Communists than at any time before or since?

you all still haven't explained how it is the communist platform is the same like the Democrats?

Is it really? Let's take a look, shall we?

I couldn't find a "platform" as such for the Communists, but here is the party "program" as they call it from the CPUSA web site:

CPUSA Program » cpusa

sorry dear, you didn't USED to be one. you still are..
you can see in your postings
sorry dear, you didn't USED to be one. you still are..
you can see in your postings

Only if you're completely ignorant of Marxist ideology. Anyone who understands what Communism is would make no such mistake. Believe me, I don't take "you're a Commie" to be an insult, and I don't deny being a socialist or a radical leftist. If you want to regard me as "the enemy" of everything you stand for, that's pretty much true.

I point out that I'm not a Communist purely as a matter of clarity and precision, so that those who DO know what Communism is won't make the up-front mistake of supposing that I believe certain things, like the labor theory of value, or the inevitability of a workers' revolution and dictatorship of the proletariat, or the ultimate triumph of a stateless, classless utopia in which everyone shares (sort of like from John Lennon's song "Imagine"), that I don't.

But it couldn't be more obvious that you don't have a clue.

Got any names for those Communist Republicans yet? We're still waiting.
I hope no one gets a bad can of progresso soup. The righties will be trying to put that on progressives too.

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