US Meat Workers Quit As Virus Ridden Plants Reopen

This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

We just had an outbreak at a Tyson Foods plant in Portland. 37 confirmed cases so far, many from the immigrant community. These are the precautions Tyson has been using. It does not sound "virus laden" to me. Yet we have a cluster there, the first outside a nursing home. Because so many employees are immigrants living in the same communities at home, often in crowded conditions, it is certainly possible that they picked up the Virus at home, not in the plant. I don't know that for a fact, but it seems like a possibility to me. Full article attached.

To keep our essential team members safe, Tyson has instituted new measures that go beyond our longstanding sanitation processes and are aimed at keeping our team members healthy and safe. Team member temperatures are checked daily and protective facial coverings are required. Plants have been modified for social distancing, including workstation dividers and barriers in break rooms. Sanitation has been increased for frequently touched surfaces, such as doors and tables. Increased hand washing frequency has been encouraged. We also encourage team members to follow CDC guidelines at home as well as at work.

In March, Tyson relaxed its attendance policy to encourage people to stay home if they are sick. Team members already have health care coverage, but we waived co-pays, co-insurance and deductibles for doctor visits for COVID-19 testing and eliminated pre-approval or preauthorization steps. Co-pays for the use of telemedicine are also waived, and refill limits for 30-day prescriptions of maintenance medication have been relaxed. In addition, changes were made to our short-term disability program so that ill employees can receive 90 percent of their pay if out for more than the available sick leave days, preserving Maine’s unemployment benefits for those working at companies unable to offer short-term disability.

If they have it...they exposed their families.

Let's see how that works out. I suspect this has happend time and time again already.
obese people all around the USA are afraid of the nothingburger. lol

This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

That is their right.

Let them quit.

No unemployment for them.
wonder where they're going to get their meat for their families? hmmm they are going to starve their own families. interesting.
Liberals dont give a rats ass about their families. It is all about themselves. I went to Saudi Arabia for 5 1/2 years so i could give my family very nice lifestyle.
Nice, I traveled around the globe as well for my company.
I understand the point you're making. It's a difficult situation we are in, so my question to you is, what do we do about food?
why are they different from the staff's at grocery stores?

There would appear to be quite a bit of difference as we have not seen these rates of infections spread through grocery store staff as we have several of these meat processing plants.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

I understand the point you're making. It's a difficult situation we are in, so my question to you is, what do we do about food?
If they do not put the correct safety precautions in the food they are sending you will be contaminated.. We just spent how many rillion dollars? Maybe some of it should go to buying our workers masks and other things needed to do it right instead of gving it all to the banks. Not gunna be just meat if it is not corrected the canning process can be infected also. Seems to me the food issue is more important than the banks. We had better get it right or people will starve.
If they do not put the correct safety precautions in the food they are sending you will be contaminated.. We just spent how many rillion dollars? Maybe some of it should go to buying our workers masks and other things needed to do it right instead of gving it all to the banks. Not gunna be just meat if it is not corrected the canning process can be infected also. Seems to me the food issue is more important than the banks. We had better get it right or people will starve.

These infections at food plants have been around for a few weeks now. There is not a single documented case anywhere in this country I am aware of indicating someone got COVID-19 from their chicken thighs or canned beans.
I understand the point you're making. It's a difficult situation we are in, so my question to you is, what do we do about food?
why are they different from the staff's at grocery stores?

There would appear to be quite a bit of difference as we have not seen these rates of infections spread through grocery store staff as we have several of these meat processing plants.
that industry has the highest quality practices precisely for this work. It's called the HCCA

It's the only way they stay open. every employee must follow those practices set forth in the plant they work in. It's ten times the procedures the CDC's discussing with us. That implies the employees weren't following the plans set forth in their HCCA. Dude, I still believe that the info is inaccurate. very inaccurate. greatly inaccurate.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

I understand the point you're making. It's a difficult situation we are in, so my question to you is, what do we do about food?
If they do not put the correct safety precautions in the food they are sending you will be contaminated.. We just spent how many rillion dollars? Maybe some of it should go to buying our workers masks and other things needed to do it right instead of gving it all to the banks. Not gunna be just meat if it is not corrected the canning process can be infected also. Seems to me the food issue is more important than the banks. We had better get it right or people will starve.
you don't know shit about shitola. look up HCCA
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

We just had an outbreak at a Tyson Foods plant in Portland. 37 confirmed cases so far, many from the immigrant community. These are the precautions Tyson has been using. It does not sound "virus laden" to me. Yet we have a cluster there, the first outside a nursing home. Because so many employees are immigrants living in the same communities at home, often in crowded conditions, it is certainly possible that they picked up the Virus at home, not in the plant. I don't know that for a fact, but it seems like a possibility to me. Full article attached.

To keep our essential team members safe, Tyson has instituted new measures that go beyond our longstanding sanitation processes and are aimed at keeping our team members healthy and safe. Team member temperatures are checked daily and protective facial coverings are required. Plants have been modified for social distancing, including workstation dividers and barriers in break rooms. Sanitation has been increased for frequently touched surfaces, such as doors and tables. Increased hand washing frequency has been encouraged. We also encourage team members to follow CDC guidelines at home as well as at work.

In March, Tyson relaxed its attendance policy to encourage people to stay home if they are sick. Team members already have health care coverage, but we waived co-pays, co-insurance and deductibles for doctor visits for COVID-19 testing and eliminated pre-approval or preauthorization steps. Co-pays for the use of telemedicine are also waived, and refill limits for 30-day prescriptions of maintenance medication have been relaxed. In addition, changes were made to our short-term disability program so that ill employees can receive 90 percent of their pay if out for more than the available sick leave days, preserving Maine’s unemployment benefits for those working at companies unable to offer short-term disability.

If they have it...they exposed their families.

Let's see how that works out. I suspect this has happend time and time again already.
Yes, those with contact in the community have also caught it, according to the article.
The workers are earning more while on unemployment than they earn on the job due to the extra $600 bucks a week they are getting on top of their unemployment compensation....they do not care if they get fired.....stop the $600 dollar infusion and watch them run back into the plant....
When this is over we will see the fastest surge of employed than we have ever seen....
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

I understand the point you're making. It's a difficult situation we are in, so my question to you is, what do we do about food?
If they do not put the correct safety precautions in the food they are sending you will be contaminated.. We just spent how many rillion dollars? Maybe some of it should go to buying our workers masks and other things needed to do it right instead of gving it all to the banks. Not gunna be just meat if it is not corrected the canning process can be infected also. Seems to me the food issue is more important than the banks. We had better get it right or people will starve.
I don't know about canned goods, evenflow. The Virus is susceptible to heat. All canned goods are superheated, aren't they?
And we cook our meat. Same thing. Just wear disposable gloves when handling it raw and clean up like you do when handling chicken. If you're worried about it.
If they do not put the correct safety precautions in the food they are sending you will be contaminated.. We just spent how many rillion dollars? Maybe some of it should go to buying our workers masks and other things needed to do it right instead of gving it all to the banks. Not gunna be just meat if it is not corrected the canning process can be infected also. Seems to me the food issue is more important than the banks. We had better get it right or people will starve.

These infections at food plants have been around for a few weeks now. There is not a single documented case anywhere in this country I am aware of indicating someone got COVID-19 from their chicken thighs or canned beans.
obvious you did not grow up on a farm. Ever do any canning? if you had we would not be having this conversation. Look into canning proceedures and why they are as they are and you will answer your own questions. I highly advise this as if the food supply becomes bad canning is a skill you will need. I am going to get seeds and mason jars today Look into what bacteria and viruses like as far as a place to live and you will understand. I am also checking my fishing equipment and looking for my old traps. I have not gone trapping since the seventies when fur prices collapsed. I may be doing it to eat soon.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

I understand the point you're making. It's a difficult situation we are in, so my question to you is, what do we do about food?
If they do not put the correct safety precautions in the food they are sending you will be contaminated.. We just spent how many rillion dollars? Maybe some of it should go to buying our workers masks and other things needed to do it right instead of gving it all to the banks. Not gunna be just meat if it is not corrected the canning process can be infected also. Seems to me the food issue is more important than the banks. We had better get it right or people will starve.
you don't know shit about shitola. look up HCCA
you know what dumb fuck. I tre of your idiocy. You have jut hit the not important enough to take to zone. Peae go can ome thing and not foow the proceedure required and then eat the hit a month later. Then no one will have to listen.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

I understand the point you're making. It's a difficult situation we are in, so my question to you is, what do we do about food?
If they do not put the correct safety precautions in the food they are sending you will be contaminated.. We just spent how many rillion dollars? Maybe some of it should go to buying our workers masks and other things needed to do it right instead of gving it all to the banks. Not gunna be just meat if it is not corrected the canning process can be infected also. Seems to me the food issue is more important than the banks. We had better get it right or people will starve.
you don't know shit about shitola. look up HCCA
you know what dumb fuck. I tre of your idiocy. You have jut hit the not important enough to take to zone. Peae go can ome thing and not foow the proceedure required and then eat the hit a month later. Then no one will have to listen.

Nice rant. you lost control of yourself dude. sad.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

I understand the point you're making. It's a difficult situation we are in, so my question to you is, what do we do about food?
If they do not put the correct safety precautions in the food they are sending you will be contaminated.. We just spent how many rillion dollars? Maybe some of it should go to buying our workers masks and other things needed to do it right instead of gving it all to the banks. Not gunna be just meat if it is not corrected the canning process can be infected also. Seems to me the food issue is more important than the banks. We had better get it right or people will starve.
I don't know about canned goods, evenflow. The Virus is susceptible to heat. All canned goods are superheated, aren't they?
And we cook our meat. Same thing. Just wear disposable gloves when handling it raw and clean up like you do when handling chicken. If you're worried about it.
Yes if done right. There safety proceedures that must be in place in order to ensure that is the case. Hence the want to invest in the right proceedure. Also please note that the cans are typically handeled after they have been sealed and there is evidence this is airborne. If you note I said we need to invest in the right equipment to do the job right which is what these workers are asking for. If they do not have the equipment to keep them selves safe they do not have the equipment to keep you safe. Both emperature and pressure are used to can salely. This requires the right equipment and proceedures and if you have done the canning process you are aware that a tiny mistake ends up with botulism.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

I understand the point you're making. It's a difficult situation we are in, so my question to you is, what do we do about food?
If they do not put the correct safety precautions in the food they are sending you will be contaminated.. We just spent how many rillion dollars? Maybe some of it should go to buying our workers masks and other things needed to do it right instead of gving it all to the banks. Not gunna be just meat if it is not corrected the canning process can be infected also. Seems to me the food issue is more important than the banks. We had better get it right or people will starve.
I don't know about canned goods, evenflow. The Virus is susceptible to heat. All canned goods are superheated, aren't they?
And we cook our meat. Same thing. Just wear disposable gloves when handling it raw and clean up like you do when handling chicken. If you're worried about it.
Yes if done right. There safety proceedures that must be in place in order to ensure that is the case. Hence the want to invest in the right proceedure. Also please note that the cans are typically handeled after they have been sealed and there is evidence this is airborne. If you note I said we need to invest in the right equipment to do the job right which is what these workers are asking for. If they do not have the equipment to keep them selves safe they do not have the equipment to keep you safe. Both emperature and pressure are used to can salely. This requires the right equipment and proceedures and if you have done the canning process you are aware that a tiny mistake ends up with botulism.
they can't be open without an HCCA. so son, learn something.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

A few weeks, and 99.9% of those workers will be recovered and free of the virus. This is a temporary problem.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

Doctors, nurses, grocery store employees, transit workers, pot store workers, liquor stores workers, many essential workers out there work under the same conditions. Unless your doctor considers you high risk you need to go to work in the state of Washington or they will deny you unemployment benefits.

You have a right to sue anyone, never meant you’d automatically win.

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